Why don't we get vidya with a focus on comb at anymore?
Why don't we get vidya with a focus on comb at anymore?
them some wobbley ass swords
i'm no history major, but weren't most fights formations of soldiers fighting other formations of soldiers? if so, what's the point of training for 1 v 1 combat?
>focus on comb at anymore
thank god comedy has evolved since then. what a patently unfunny movie
people will spend thousands of hours on some piece of shit casual game but drop anything 'too hard' to play.
Combs aren't interesting enough to be the focus of a game.
I got you, senpai.
Man, we ain’t found SHIT.
Yeah bro XXD
Quiet nigger.
Sekiro is right here, moron.
How to lose your hands in 2 easy steps
>having a sharp sword
fuckin weweboo
>he thinks holding sword is bad
noblmen, swerve
what the fuck is the guy in armour doing, that sword is barely a thread to him, he should march in there and flatten that guy.
half swording and murder stroking is also deeply unnecessary against an unarmoured enemy.
My dude. Holding a blade like that and with friction alone is enough to cut your own hands. Even more when slamming that shit on a armored person
there's a particular way to grip a blade so that it can't cut you.
>Half swording.
Even when swinging that shit like a hammer? I that hard to believe
you don't slide the edge against your skin when holding it by the blade, you grip it tightly by the flat sides between your fingertips and your palm. there are youtube videos of guys holding razor sharp swords by the blade and beating car tyres with the crossguard if you want to go educate yourself.
I seem to recall seeing a video of a guy disproving that
What part of this shitshow looks like good gameplay to you?
If this was a real fight the armored guy would literally just run straight into the other guy, parry his sword and tackle him to the ground where he would crush the other guy to death
These fucking sword play bullshit MEAN NOTHING because no one is trying to hurt the other let alone fucking kill them and no one is scared of dying. Go look at anything on liveleak of warzones, even the most trained professionals lose their shit all the time in combat and either break down or act like complete morons. You put two guys with swords fighting against each other and all these 'duel' shit goes right out the window.
Now imagine a Samurai there. He'd cut right through the blades and the armour. Both in a single strike probably.
what is this gif from?
basically if you do it right it won't cut you, at the end of the day it's an emergency way to use a sword against a guy in full armour, when ideally you'd have your main pole weapon or a suit of armour of your own.
Fights between two fully armoured men would often devolve into wrestling with the sword becoming little more than a crowbar to try and toss the other bastard to the ground with, which is why wrestling was considered an important martial art for a knight to know in ye olde tiems.
Dude look at the little HEMAtards you made seethe. Keyboard warriors who watch two youtube videos and try to be experts. Saying that armor was heavy or the mordhau/halfswording is awful(both true) brings them out immediately.
Welt der Wunder was so based
>muh HEMA
the fuck you think they made a sword for?
OP just likes posting this stupid webm.
Why would they spend month designing that armor then use a long sword like a retard that wants to cut himself? They could easily use a warhammer or pike instead. They're also easier to make.
>armored guy would literally just run straight into the other guy
then trip over the rock he couldn't see
Swords are supposed to be somewhat flexible so they don't just shatter when you strike with them.
sometimes on the battlefield shit happens. If you find yourself with just a sidearm on the battlefield, and some mother fucker walks up to you in plate armor, it's literally your only choice to beat him.
If the blade doesn't slide you don't get cut, I don't know what more to tell you you stupid ass.
>steps out of the way
>guy in armor trips
>suddenly clubbed in the fucking head on the floor, fight over
Life isnt a video game, people arent so willing to risk fucking up and dying.
>armor was heavy
Is your maximum carry weight like 3 lbs? I carried more weight on my back than a full tin suit in the military.
Duels and self defense situations. There's plenty of manuals for 1 on 1 combat from back in the day
armor is heavy
Most "warfare" in this time period wasnt really done by massive armies, but groups of say, 100-5000 men. Chances are you could easily end up in a one on one situation on the battlefield.
Weighed UP TO, key words.
Most suits probably weighed around 50-70 pounds.
why the fuck is there a blade on a sword
think about it
I can tell you're both complete fuckwits who have never been in good armor before, that guy is not wearing some dingy fucking set, its high quality and is going to be light and mobile.
Armor is NOT CLUNKY. That is one of the KEY FUCKING REASONS WHY IT WAS SO EFFECTIVE. Literally fucking modern soldiers carry more on them into a fight than the AVERAGE SUIT OF ARMOR.
You got all the protection of being impenetrable by bladed weapons and all the mobility of not being in armor. If that was a real fight the guy not in armor dies 99.99999% of the time.
Also what a fucking joke you are
>>suddenly clubbed in the fucking head on the floor, fight over
Absolutely no fucking sword pummel on earth that isnt spiked is going to do shit against a helmet of that quality, a single blow will do absolute fucking nothing and I have literally taken a sword pummel to the head before and barely felt it.
Halfswording is one of those little factoids stupid people bring up to sound as if they're well informed.
The kind of thing that a lot of people know but still feel special for knowing.
>Metal armor
>Invented to be light, mobile and able to withstand blows
>"Armor must be heavy and immobile, the average peasant could defeat knights!"
>The whole history of plate male is knights being so utterly OP that the only thing that ever stopped them was marshes or crossbows since going toe to toe with any knight was guaranteed death
Fucking armchair warriors.
You're retarded if you think someone that his his helmet visor down has good visibility. No one you responded to claimed armor was heavy.
I always love these retarded ass realismfags try to emulate real combat. They have no idea what the fuck real combat would be like and it just looks retarded and makes no sense. Why is he thrusting with the handle for example. I get that striking people with the handle was a real thing, but not as a thrusting attack, that ain't gonna have enough force to fucking to anything.
Wait for Dragons Dogma 2 to save combat in modern RPGs
>a weapon designed to cut at the opponent in leather armor and skin doesn't work against a sword that was literally meant to bludgeon people to death
Yeah I get you HEMA retards literally can't compete properly and have some of the worst sword technique of all time but you gotta try a LITTLE bit harder when disproving Japanese swords.
Have you even seen kendo? They just stare at eachother for 10 minutes and then bonk the other guy on the head, parrying isn't even a thing.
Actually stabbing while half swording is definitely a thing. Generally its to get better aim with a more powerful thrust at the gaps in the armor.
That seems pretty dangerous why doesn't the other guy have any armor
Katanas, but with European steel and smithing techniques.
There's nothing special about the design of the katana.
he aint a pussy
but its folded 1000 times
Pretty sure a scimitar is used like a saber.
>Dissing Kendo
HEMA brainlets every time.
why aint this shit in the olympics but gay ass fencing is?
It's pretty. Even in Europe, they were prized for their beauty. Not so much for application in battle, but they were valuable collectors' items. Particularly the hilts and handguards were highly praised.
That's badass. Where do I start following this sport?
Half-swording is a medieval meme. Medieval people were retards who believed a lot of wrong things. They depicted these wrong things in scrolls and books and tapestries. That didn't make them true. Monks and artists reproduces all these wrong things without thinking because it wasn't their job to think. It's not because something is in a medieval scroll or manual or tapestry that it isn't complete horseshit. Medieval people thought diseases were spread by smell so wearing a bird mask would make you immune to the plague. They were wrong. They drew this bad advice in pretty pictures and manuals and yet it was wrong. Everyone agrees that medieval people were just plain wrong about many things but for some reason people assume that this particular bit of shit knowledge, holding a sword upside down, must have a deeper meaning and must be secretly super efficient on the battlefield. It didn't. These people were wrong, just like they were about so many things. If there was any merit to holding a sword by the blade, even if only in rare circumstances, then why it wouldn't just be europeans who did it. The japanese would do it with japanese swords, the indians would do it with indian swords, the arabs would do it with arab swords, the chinese would do it with chinese swords, even africans would do it with cheap knives of sharpened woods. Everybody had sharp weapons. Nobody did this. Nobody thought it was smart to hold a weapon in the most dangerous way possible. This knowledge was confined to a very specific region and time period because it's a fucking meme and you're a fucking retard if you think otherwise.
I wish someone near me did saber, its all longsword around here and its too god damn fast
Because Fencing is an art form and highly skill based compared to retards fucking swinging at each other. Jesus christ you niggers are dense.
>Medieval people were retards who believed a lot of wrong things
but they knew islam was evil
Mordhau is releasing in 1 month
Does it not occur to you how understanding microscopic germs is not the same as knowing how to beat a guy's head in?
Following? Idk.
But if you find a local club they'll most likely be extremely welcoming.
>poking each other with bendy noodle swords is art
looks like a shitty chivalry mod
Armoring your legs was also pointless off horseback, which most knights would have known.
this is the only wisdom that came out of the medieval period and we forgot it
Western swords were generally only as sharp as butter knives
They probably just pretend to advocate this style of combat because it looks so silly.
til a peasant boy pokes your legs with a sharp stick
did knights actually fight like that?
Nah that dudes right, armor is heavy
But properly fitted armor means that weight will be distributed across your body and easier to move around in
Weapony, armour and warfare were different all across the world, this is specifically meant as an "oh shit" technique against someone wearing full plate, which is almost exclusively a European thing.
Swords like this aren't even weapons of war, they're dueling or self defense weapons, sidearms at the best.
Knights didn't go to war wielding longswords.
>sword is a sidearm
Kendo is a sport with rules and isn't supposed to represent real combat
Shit, you can lose points in kendo even if you hit the guy of the judges decide you didn't have enough spirit behind the blow and don't think you yelled loud enough
They're not using swords like that.
Nice try, manlytears.
Kendo didn't spring from thin air, Katana's were really not meant to clash like euro swords.
>instinctively know it's a lindy video from the video title
kingdom come deliverance
I wish I could be as retarded as you but you probably post on this tourist board more than me so what can I expect?
Its fun until you have to fight more than one person.
>resorts to ad hominem when defending gay ass fencing
>Fencing is an art form and highly skill based
>First one to poke the other in any area of the body with a half pound bendy stick that you hold with 3 fingers gets a point
HEMA has more real life implications than fencing.
>first guy to poke wins
Half swording looks retarded. It will never be a thing.
Yea I know, I use swords daily
>armouring your legs is pointless
Probably one of the most fucking retarded things I've ever read on Yea Forums, and I've been here for 15 fucking years.
Where did you see it was getting released so soon? Steam says q2 2019
Good on you. I mean, what else would you use?
ehehe a pen? eheh heh
>thank god comedy has evolved since then
Comedy is on its last legs, bro.
God historians are retarded.
The Labo would win.
Which one? For me, it's the Rapier only.
>Knights sitting around in heaven laughing at what men in 2019 think fighting with a sword looked like
How the fuck were greatswords even used? I've seen old pictures of them supposedly cutting the heads of pikes but there's literally no way in hell that's possible.
It would be hard even if the pike was in a vice, but its not, its in some guy's hands, they'll give way and all you're going to do is push his pike down for a moment.
get that gay waifu shit out of here
smarter than you
I know what side of a sword to hold, so no.
Literally getting into formation and just spinning that shit while walking forward into spears.
>spinning during combat
i still don't get whats going on here
>No Messer
thats why you'd get half sworded to the fuckin dirt
thats either a novelty sized giant sword or a very small man
and swords werent used to cut the heads off pikes
formations only exist at the start of the battle, once formations collide it turns into a giant mess
Not as painful as your spelling.
Might as well hold guns like a retard while you're at it and claim it makes you better
>once formations collide it turns into a giant mess
unless you phalanx
*throws firepot into your phalanx*
*activates turtle mode*
Itt: arm chair historians debate the usage and practicality of battle field weapons but only in the context of 1 v 1s that never existed.
*formation breaks walking backwards up a hill*
*charge TRVE ROMANS inbetween the ranks*
nothin personnel
>1 v 1 combat never existed
That's the sword that supposedly belonged to this guy en.wikipedia.org
but how will you get any force behind the blow? as soon as you mske contact any surface, your palm/fingertips are going to slip off and you'll probably cut the fuck out of your palm. right?
>the same thread
>the same posts
>the same b8
>the same retardation
>anons who dont even know that john clements (the red guy) is the McDojo of HEMA
And yet, i cant stop reading these threads. Kill me.
Look at that full plated armor. Do you think swords are gonna cut through that? You're thinking of Japanese katanas, not broadswords.
Literally all swords are like that user. Well, real ones at least. If they don't flex they'll snap in half the moment you strike something with them
If you hold the blade tight enough, there is minimal movement. Also, at a minimum knights wore thick leather gloves, if not chainmail gloves. Those would protect your hands from any minor shifting the blade would do.
imagine a medieval fantasy where superhumans would go in this formation and once the frontline impaled people they would lift them up and retreat into the formation and dump the corpses behind while the next tier moves up to the frontline to do the same
and they do this fast and unrelenting while marching forward through a horde like they're a living mower tractor.
>no mace
What the fuck is this audio.
clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank clank
mace aint a sword
What he means is swinging the greatsword in a constant figure eight to smack away pikes to try and break into the formation and once you get inside the formation you were supposed to grab the hilt in the center of the greatsword and use it kind of like a spear.
uhhh couldn't peasants literally just mob a knight and club him to death?
are there actually swords forged from molds?
Sword and buckler.
>Mordhau is releasing in 1 month
oh yeha you have none youre a retard nigger
>are there actually swords forged from molds?
Possibly some extremely rare ones from the bronze age or earlier. In Neolithic times they cast axe heads.
>uhhh couldn't peasants literally just mob a knight and club him to death?
Knights roll with other men-at-arms and they ride horses, which means they can escape from mobs and then charge to break up the enemy.
generally base of swords duller, you don't sharpen the entire thing. Also you can't cut yourself if you grip it rigid tight.
And a poleaxe is?
its got a blade so yea
I prefer the sword and buckler. It's a big brain weapon
you can't say anything without social justice faggots ramming their politically correct cock down your mouth over every little thing
comedy is fucking dead lmao
Nice legs, don't mind me I'll just flank you with a few buddies and lick your ankles off with my edge.
ill just call in my horsey boys
Sword and medium-sized shield.
They were wrong about that too
ahmed get out
>half-swording pleb gets wrecked
Realism 11/10
>muh boogeyman
>Thinking medieval people used bladed weapons purely as clubs
>When they could have just made maces anyway
Brainlet power hour
a sword is just a slightly sharp metal plank with a point
My real life experience tells me sword and shield.
t. resetera bubblegirl
Well how the fuck ARE you supposed to fight multiple people at once with a fucking sword? Sounds like a good way to die. The only reason you can survive that in KCD is because the AI is nice enough not to completely fuck you
The closest we've got to trying to emulate real combat is probably Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's still missing lots of aspects to medieval combat and the overall experience is still closer to fictional combat instead of actual combat, but it's still manages to emulate it fairly well.
Not him but I'm imagining you've never been in any fight, with or without melee weapons of reach and therefore know nothing concerning this.
and neither have you faggot
>My pussy smells like fish and cum!
*laugh track*
its funny because it is true
Pretty sure the Great Sword one is the only one that would force me to interact with them and would be the man in the relationship.
For honor had decent combat. Other than that and KCD, what modern games have actual good combat?
>resorts to ad hominem as well
nope, not surprised.
its not ad hominem if it's true
too much shitposting kills the brain I see
I'll take the sword and viking shield, and the crown.
Some retard gun historian and LARPer in the distant future will belive people actual used guns like this, so please don't post things like these learns from the past don't make the future worse we already have half-swording
Half-swording is historical though.
And if people were to actually research about our present era, they could just find actual footage up on the internet.
Was it really or did retards mistake 1000 layers for 1000 folds?
it's because japan has shitty iron
>antiHEMAfags think that a 15-25 kg weight evenly distributed on your body is heavy when shit like running and jumping have been shown possible
Cope more samurai
no he wouldn't you fucking fagnarok ahahahah lmao
is this game worth buying? I just got a new PC, so I can actually run it
Same reason an axe beard is sharpened, same reason the tip of a spear or arrow isn't just a point.
To make the action of fucking piercing and stabbing things actually feasible. Stabbing is the easiest way fights are won.
What, are you going to whittle down your enemy's resolve with a thousand glancing blows and hope you have the stamina of a god to keep it up?
You going to harvest peasants with the edge of your blade like a loony farmer?
I bet you fancy scythes are as good for combat as shitty games and films indicate on the regular. Piss off.
Katana clashed all the time in older sword schools, heck they clash all the time in kendo, what do you think ai men is based on?
>Made by people who got sick of Chivarly's ballerinas and attack animation exploits the devs and tryhard community call "dragging."
>Major selling point / advertisement is that Mordhau will not have those things.
>Gameplay videos from beta testers come out
>Mordhau has ballerina / dragging mechanics exactly the same as Chivalry
>Devs defend it as a working mechanic despite promising they wouldn't have it in their game
Don't give a shit if it releases tomorrow or years from now. The only thing that was going to set it apart from Chivalry is in it as well. May as well just play Chivalry.
If you like open world RPGs and having to actually learn how to fight with various weapons then you'll enjoy it.
For the last time, that halfswording shit isn't a legit tactic. I don't care if you saw someone post an image of a combat scroll that had this meme technique.
Its not just one combat scroll, it was multiple from several parts of Europe.
It's pretty fun and unique desu. Peasant phase is the best
It reminded me of stalker a bit in terms of the difficulty curve and the jankiness but it has soul. Hope your new PC has a good cpu
2600 @ 3.9. as long as I can get 60fps I'll be happy
Yes, yes they can.
Only bronze.
>what are flanged mace?
older sword schools didn't use Katanas.
And the overwhelming majority teaches dodges and counter strikes.
yeah, nu-comedy is totally "evolved"
This is something Plato has two Athenian generals debate in Laches when they're debating the merits of hoplomachia, or weapon training. Basically one of the Athenian generals advocating hoplomachia is the fact that it can be useful during the rout where you're more likely to be on your own as everyone is trying to save their own hide.
Didn't the Greeks view that kind of training as some real douchebag tryhard behaviour?
In a way, yes. Or at least in Athens. In the same dialogue between the two Athenian generals the one against hoplomachia mentions that those practicing would be seen as try-hards by the other men. Plato also mentions ways that a city-state could improve their militia by conducting mock combat in which he mentions that people would find it unusual and strange. According to Xenophon men who trained their bodies for war were the subject of mockery in Athens. Another telling sign is the speech Thukydides puts in Perikles mouth during the funeral oration in which Perikles praises just how unprepared they are for war against Sparta.