What is it about this game that you all think its so good?
What is it about this game that you all think its so good?
It's the only worthwile Sony game in 14 years & Snoygaf obviously circlejerks it into oblivion simply to spite Nintendo & PC Gamers
Its fun and all, but the praise this game gets looks waaay to much overrated
Sonyfans meme the hell out of it because they want to feel superior. Then other people buy into it, and feel the need to defend it to death so they don't feel dumb for spending 300+ dollars to play one (1) game.
it is reasonably fun to kill stuff with a giant serrated straight razor, in a way that is more engaging than usual casualized action faggotry, while trying to figure out what in the fuck they meant by this entire setting where apparently people are werewolves but also turning into lovecraft monsters
I like it because its probably the closest we'll ever get to a proper 3d Castlevania type of game. The core gameplay loop is satisfying and challenging.
snoyboys need at least one game
Never played it, dont have a brick
I like the atmosphere of it all.
It perfected the souls formula
it's better than anything nintendo has put out over the past 20 years you obese neckbeard
one day you'll get over playing the exact same mario, zelda and pokemon games every year
>it cant be good because its not on Nintendo or PC
>What is it about this game that you all think its so good?
Atmosphere, story, gameplay, sound design, art style, size, exploration, creativity of weapons
Im not going to mention names or games but if this thread wasn't about bloodborne, what you just wrote could have been written for another certain pver hyped title shilled on Yea Forums
everything about it, I can't think of anything better released in the past decade aside from Dark Souls 1
Fucking hell, some of the responses itt aren't even hiding the salt. Holy shit such venom.
Then you aren't thinking that hard user and i say that as a soulsborne fag.
one of the best things about souls is its variety, in everything from builds to weapons to aesthetics, bloodborne is cool but it's relatively samey and that is why souls will always be better
name some
Resident Evil 2
overrate af man...
dark souls 3>
Combat is fun and satisfying, cool story, art style, setting, lore, music, enemies, bosses, fun for multiplayer, high replay value. It's definitely not the best game of all time or whatever and I've got plenty of gripes with it but I can definitely see why it's so highly praised
It scratched my Castlavania itch and it was the only closest thing to Castlevania in the last couple of years.
> when you stagger somebody on pvp and visceral one shot him
Fuck, such a amazing feel that only the enlightened can truly know
>a remake of an older game compared to two new IPs
What kind of good game design is this supposed to be? I mean, the game kills you in some deus ex ways, just so you can go back to the previous checkpoint with that little extra knowledge not to die again to that same thing. How is that a satisfatory loop?
Imagine a naturally really good player and make him run the game. Would he be able to go through all of it without dying? Probably not, right? Again, that is assuming that if the game was really well designed he would
That is not challenging, that is unfair. And killing you out of nowhere just so "hah, now you know about that trap and can get go through it because its no longer a surprise attack" isnt any good
>Takes souls combat and makes it fun
>Almost every boss is satisfying to beat
>Setting and lore is creative and intriguing
>Level design is consistently excellent
>Works with themes that really get the noodle going and make you contemplate our place in the universe
Gee, I dunno user.
>ust so you can go back to the previous checkpoint with that little extra knowledge not to die again to that same thing.
thats literally how souls games work but not bloodborne.
bb encourages active and aggresive playing with its blood vial mechanic and visceral attacks.
if you really do what you described there, then you are really not good enough a player for this game.
I've gotten through 1/3 of the whole game without dying once.
git gud
I got it when it was free on PS Plus and ended up uninstalling the next day. Don't believe the memes.
Played this through on PS Plus. Game was pretty good, game dropped in quality after the forest and only got back with nightmare of mensis, but by then the game was over. Did go through all optional areas, worst area in the game by far is upper cathedral ward, shit enemies, shit bosses, a complete waste of time especially dealing with the fucking brainsucker. Also did some chalice dungeons which I enjoyed.
Is the DLC really that good? I enjoyed the game but wouldn’t call it a masterpiece.
just gonna leave this here.
>Is the DLC really that good?
Yes, definitely propels the game ahead by several points. Great bosses and the new weapons are awesome.
How do I beat him?
He just said it's worthwhile you cunt.
The lore is great and when you dig into it you realize the whole game is actually a documentary of the real world -
Clawmark runes and parry.
I was worried about fighting him when I went for the Platinum because I'd seen clips of him fucking people up and I just got him with parries on my first try. Wildest gameplay moment other than my win against Logarius after hours of my palms bleeding.
Luck. Thats a horrific boss
I don't remember but probably parry and/or charged attack from behind
but people who like it are "circlejerking just to spite". Thats like saying people only say they like BOTW to spite Sony.
Ok so I’m at upper cathedral what do now.
>being this pissed about people not liking your game that isn't as amazing as everyone acts like it is
>Says the guy who probably made the thread because he's angry people like something he doesn't
Break the window
Stand just far enough away that he'll whiff his first HMPH, then parry the second
I really love the pretty unique setting and trick weapons
Some of the bosses are really good
>accusing people of same fagging cause they have a different opinion than you
i dont even hate the game m8, the game is fine. it's just not as revolutionary as you think it is.
>ywn discover all the trick weapons and hunter tools for the first time
I'm hyped for Sekiro but nothing will ever replace the trick weapon system in my heart
99 arcane and you can 100-0 stunlock him with Blacksky Eye. No seriously.
>it cant be good because its not on PC
This is true.
BB is literally 900p 30fps and it makes it unplayable.
meant to post this
Atmosphere and unique art style : Something between anime/horror/historical setting. Like any RPG, it's the most important element.
That's why TW1 with its garbage gameplay was so good for ex.
Great twist on the already fantastic Souls gameplay, tone perfect on the Eldritch/Lovecraftian horror, oozes style.
I have my doubts it will be as good as BB but I'm also hyped
>Pthumerian Elder in an Isz Chalice
>Has a firestick that turns into a crossbow and a scythe
How the fuck do I keep finding out more shit in game that I've never seen before?
parry the shit out of him. he's a glorified Lugarious
BB's still got a lot of hidden shit lying around if you're willing to fuck around with false depths.
I see, like Dark Arisen was to Dragon’s Dogma. Maybe one day I’ll get a PS4 extremely cheap along with the GOTY
I don’t know. I only startered playing.
It’s annoying but has incredible atmosphere.
I platinum'd it and I love it to death but I don't want to ruin that one save by pushing it into higher NGs. I wish I could duplicate the actual save instead of just backing it up on a USB. I really want to do weird and unique runs but I just don't want to use my NG+3 save. I made a couple new characters so maybe I'll try to do a 100% run with one of them, get all the unlocks, and then start doing the unique runs I wanted. Such a grind though, I wish they'd just let me duplicate my damn save so I could experiment all I wanted with all my shit unlocked already and no need for grinding levels to equip everything.
Saving it to a USB then moving it to hard disk pretty much doubles as a save duplicate. Why not just do that?
>24 fps
I dunno man, I still think half of the souls hype comes from people with a hard on for PvP invasions. The games are all fine, but I do not understand the intense love they all seem to receive.
I can't really agree because it removed all of my favorite parts of the souls gameplay, and fucked up a handful of the systems that it kept.
Combat is absolutely superb, especially in NG+. It feels like a fighting game RPG.
World and level design is among the best in gaming history, Artistic and aesthetic design is the most unique and cool looking too.
>dude why doesn't this game have 10 variations of the same longsword instead of fewer but unique weapons
I think what happens is if I have a save file copied to my USB, it'll save all the characters I have on that file, and if I then start a duplicate second save, I'll have to keep track of the first one and any time I try to move them around I'll run the risk of overwriting/deleting one of the iterations.
>Multiple saw weapons that are suspiciously samey
>Multiple weapons with the same one handed sword mode
It's not like BB isn't without repeats.
>Multiple saw weapons that are suspiciously samey
There's a total amount 2 saw weapons and they different movesets
>Multiple weapons with the same one handed sword mode
What weapons are you talking about?
>Be me
>New game comes out
>Check out the game play
>Gameplay looks like boring dog shit
>Check out the commercials
>Shitty voice acting
>Cringe music
>See its another sequel to a game series I loved
>Stay wary and decided to wait for reviews
>be rest of Yea Forums
>new game is released
What the fuck is wrong with you people
Honestly that's barely anything. You have Kirkhammer and Ludwig's blade using the same short sword, and then you have saw spear and saw cleaver. That's where the copypaste movesets end. Souls is the worse offender undoubtly when it comes to this, with each respective class of weapons having the same or extremely similar weapon arts and movesets. Not that it is a bad thing, it's just for the majority of people, they'll never get to use all of them because what's the point? Why not just use the best one out of the class? That said, DaS2's powerstancing and BB transformations were the best thing to happen soulsborne combat.