Why does Halo Reach make people so mad?
Why does Halo Reach make people so mad?
Well it is pretty different from the main trilogy. I liked it personally and still play through it every now and again.
>Well it is pretty different from the main trilogy
Some shitposters hate fun
Plebs hated the SP because not muh chief. Patricians still aren't fans of the grain and blur. Multiplayer was amazing for customs, but weapon recoil and unbalanced starts were a massive mistake, and sprint absolutely destroyed map design. It's divisive.
Also RIP my favorite helmet ever.
It put in skills and classes and shit from COD that hurt the game.
It wasn't bad itself, but it introduced some things that ended up fucking up the series later on
Because in 2010 it was basically what 343 Halo is to "us" today. It looks better in retrospective because you can compare them.
I did like a few things about Reach though. Custom Games were still decent and had plenty of options, Forge World was great, armour customisation was at its peak, Invasion existed and Armour Lock gave you a way of dealing with mindless grenade spam.
The whole game from the moment you first see the covenant is filled with unbelievable distracting plot contrivances, questionable level designs, and bad pacing.
Also no BR.
Also any retard who screams and yet endorses Halo 4 as "better" is legitimately not worth responding to.
Someone in /hg/ once described it as the ONI propaganda movie version of events. In my head, that makes the retcons OK, even if it's not official.
how can you guys play a game/series where you don't shoot people you shoot aliens wtf. if i wanted to kill bugs i could go in the garden. like seriously i don't get it
>Current Ojective: Survive
Is there a more kino mission than the end of this game?
>Glassed planets have bad records
Holy fucking shit! It all makes sense now!
good thing its a video game and we can get an objective account of what happened
best halo
Master Chief/Cortana sucks
because it was the beginning of the end of halo
halo 3 was the last halo game
As far as I can reckon, the purist fans didn't like it mainly due to armor abilities, reticle bloom, and chief not being the main character in the campaign mode. I loved it.
The turret sequence in Exodus is close, just because you're guaranteed to see more instead of potentially dying early. I do wish the armor failing was built up a bit better, just like a HUD notification [SERVICE SHIELD GENERATOR] etc popping up every mission after Long Night of Solace, culminating in [WARNING: ALL SYSTEMS CRITICAL] for Lone Wolf, but that's a minor gripe.
Why do you like it?
ODST would like a word with you.
3 was the last I played with any passion though.
>hey it's the covenant, jackals in the courtyard pew pew
>i guess it's the covenant no need for a reveal.
>oh wait the reveal was at the end of the level
>armor lock
>shit maps
That was it. That was all it took to turn a potentially great game into a mediocre one.
last game before the 343 garbage
Halo 3 shitters couldn't adapt to new abilities and they kept getting stomped, because there best friends grenade spam and power weapon camping was beaten by a single ability.
I hate the campaign because you're constantly stuck with annoying invincible Spartan A.I.
Fuck that, give me my expendable squad of misfit Marines the whole way through like Halo 1 and 2
Its just one guy in all Halo threads. Most people are indifferent about it.
Let's not set up a false narrative. It would have been shit regardless of those. Basically everything was broken in order to fit in their new gimmicks.
idk man people jerk themselves off to the original 3 so hard. I loved this shit myself got to eclipse or whatever the fuck it was called
I played the whole campaign I liked it. Liked the art style. Liked the music. Had excellent graphics for a 360 game and upscaled to 4k on my One S it looks pretty damn good. I don't know why people hate this game so much.
But the books and Halo trilogy are the real unofficial story.
This, nothing Bungie made after it could reach it or Halo CE and 2's level.
I didnt like what I played and didnt buy it. It seemed to turn the game into a CoD clone. Its not like the previous games.
Halo: Reach has one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in a video game. If this shit were put on PC I would buy like, ten god damn copies.
What makes it good?
Reachkiddies grew up with it and that's why they like it, we old guys don't like it because it didn't feel like Halo CE-3 it barely even looked like those games either.
I thought the maps and the guns were super awesome, along with the powers. The credit system was also pretty cool. I like wracking up currency in games to buy other cool stuff.
Anything other than the main trilogy is garbage.
My only complaints:
For all intents and purposes there are only the 9 vanilla maps. Mexicans in matchmaking don't have the DLC even though it's free. Of course the game is 9 years old, but still, it leads to tedium playing the same maps that also were in campaign over and over.
Forge maps were too grey despite forge world being colorful
Armor abilities ruin Halo's "even-starts" gameplay and were the first new addition to break the Classic Halo formula. 4&5 continued this trend.
Campaign didn't adhere to any prior lore and Noble team were sort of generic.
All said, pretty minor complaints. I enjoy the game more than 4&5, easily.
>Forge maps were too grey despite forge world being colorful
Forge world is a cool "what if we did that" kind of idea, but in practice it was awful. They could have had 5-6 unique canvases, instead we got a giant one where everything looks the same.
It's just 343 shills trying to shit on it as a defense for 4 and 5 being such complete, god awful garbage. Halo fans love Reach, it had a god tier campaign that brought it all full circle.
How fucking young are you that you don't remember the hate for Reach when it was new?
I agree, especially when people say "bring back forge world" it annoys me. Because every possible map has basically already been made on Forge World's terrain, there is no use out of it any more. It would be a cool nostalgia thing, but functionally stagnant.
Halo 4 tried multiple canvases and did it horribly. Halo 5 tried it again and did much better.
When Bungie was in charge of it, it was barely recognizable as a Halo game. Loadouts. Bloom. Short jump height, slowest Halo game. Shit maps. Armor abilities. At least 343 somewhat fixed it with the title update.
This. Bungie were nothing but fraudulent hacks after Gaylo 3way
the fuck?
halo fans despise reach, just because 4 and 5 are ten times worse doesn't mean ot fans forgive reach for beginning the rape gently
I'm 30. No one hated it. Shut the fuck up MS drone.
Not sure.
Campaign was long and great, had actual difficulty like from the Halo 2 days.
Best Multiplayer since Halo 2 as well.
The forge mode was massively improved.
There was no downside, but I miss dual-wielding needlers.
>No one hated it.
Have you never taken one look at the official forums around release? The only people defending it were literal children or people who couldn't hold >1.0 K/D outside of Infection.
reach is the game that split the fanbase
Every Halo splits the fanbase, except 4 maybe. That one is actually universally disliked.
>*Fixes reach*
>*Proceeds to destroy the entire halo franchise with Halo 4 & Halo MCC & Halo 5*
Not nice
2 was a rushed piece of shit that had most of its content cut including the ending. Nostalgia is shit.
Those are hardly minor complaints.
Invasion has two easily exploited maps, and matchmaking has a few extremely shitty forge world maps, which leaves you with maybe 4 playable maps without the DLC.
Even then Powerhouse, Countdown, and Zealot have bad weapon balance and shitty spawns. The Ivory Tower remake is straight garbage even without Jetpack, but o lawd its even worse with it.
People get hung up on AAs fucking up the map design, but all the maps suck without them too. They just make the already shitty design comically bad.
fuck sprint, fuck armor lock, fuck jetpacks, i like everything else
I like jet packs for custom games though.
The only "good" maps were the incredibly safe designs of Zealot and Countdown. Anchor 9 had potential, but the space shit ruined it.
>Halo fans love Reach
Great job sounding like a Reachkid, Halo fans, I'm talking about the Halo CE-3 ones hated Reach, way to out yourself.
It damaged Halo, I bet you played Halo CE, dropped off from Halo after CE and came back with Reach.
odst is lame though. very boring.
Reach literally split the fanbase.
And yet Halo 2 was still better than Reach.
>armor abilities outside of invasion
>multiplayer maps taken directly from campaign
>shitty forge world maps make up the rest of the map rotation
there you go
armor abilities
>Halo fans, I'm talking about the Halo CE-3 ones hated Reach
eh not really, I don't actively hate it but I just don't feel nostalgia for it really. I only like it for superficial reasons, I do like the art style even if it's drab
what I think are objectively the biggest offenders:
>reticle bloom
>recycled campaign and forgeworld maps in multiplayer
>boring ranking system
I think on PC a modded Reach could be interesting
Reach did, but so did every Halo.
its not on PC
And yet its still better than Halo 4 and 5
I literally fell asleep playing it.
>Armor abilities
>bad maps with most being made in forge
i don't hate reach but it was definitely a step down from 3. 4 is irredeemably bad and i never played 5.
t. 30yo boomer
Halo 2 had legitimate complaints but no one dropped it. Halo 3 had Halo 2 turds bitching about it but no one dropped it, Halo: Reach was the first Halo game where the playerbase dropped by half.
Not him but no one mentioned Halo 4 or 5. We're talking about Reach here.
you're not wrong
Love the story mode the pvp was kinda janky.
>but no one dropped it.
There are still people who LAN CE exclusively. To the point where they made a whole mod to make LAN parties easier.
And the number wasn't huge like with Reach.
Wow, what an achievement
the 12oz shit my cat just dropped is better than 4 and 5.
>12oz shit my cat just dropped i
I don't believe you
weight it