You may not like it, but these games have objectively ruined the gaming industry
You may not like it, but these games have objectively ruined the gaming industry
Seethe more jaded cynical fag
great shit great
shit shit great
shit shit great
Looks like you're the one seething right now R-edditor
Assasins creed is a cool series on the whole
dangerously based and redpilled
How did Half-Life 2 ruin anything?
>faggots who never mention Bioshock
After Bioshock every single player game became extremely overhyped "larger than life" touchy feely "experience" full of pseudo philosophical drivel.
Unsurprisinly is when culture vultures staterd writting about "video games as art" and getting positions in the industry and media.
Every fucking hipster video game critic and journalist loves Bioshock.
the industry is ruined you dumb fuck
"muh storytelling revolution" with boring as fuck gameplay
THIS user knows what's up.
>Same game good
>Innovation bad
Kys stagnant virgin incel
wrong wrong correct
wrong wrong wrong
wrong correct correct
Other games did that first, and other have since that are more influential.
Needs to add Gears of War as well.
What Half-Life 2 imitations have ruined gaming?
>touchy feely "experience" full of pseudo philosophical drivel.
That's a fair point
So you don’t like fun games then?
This is correct
What is this thread?
I see you got your information from your memory of your experiences at the time.
I, too, rely on my experiences in the same manner' and I wholeheartedly agree with you.
But might I add that it was at that time when the idea of "games as art" started to take off is when the SJW soldiers fresh from Liberal Arts College boot camp started to work as gaming "journalists."
Prior to this, gaming journalists were just fans of gaming.
He's not talking about the games. He talking about all of the crap, imitation games that came after.
Ex: Assume Destiny was good. Anthem would be a shit game that copied it. Imagine every other publisher trying to shitily copy Destiny.
Thus, Destiny ruined gaming.
I think what he's saying is those games aren't bad but they led to the current state of everything being open world, cinematic or trying to milk people dry with microtransactions.
Stop using words that you don't know the meaning of.
Imagine being a pseudo intellectual and thinking that gaming is where you need to whirl your contrarian-dick around for everybody to see
You can't even grasp the concept of what the OP is saying. See this:
half-life 3 :^)
No I get that, but it's wrong. Blame the followers, not the trendsetters, and even if you want to do that, you need to go further back. It's not like these games weren't inspired by earlier ones.
>Don't understand the negatives from RE4
>Asscreed was the first entry in what would turn Ubisoft into generic open world tower climber simulator
>Don't understand the negatives of HL2 other than being an exercise is in a good concept turned bland product
>Uncharted that began Sonys path towards "Cinematic" Gaming
>Arkham Asylum introducing its combat as the modern go to for beat-em-up games
>CoD4 cementing regen health, 2 weapons only casual focus in mainstream FPS
>GTAV throwing the SP under the bus for the sake of milking Online
>Skyrim continuing the dumbing down of Elder Scrolls
>Dark Souls becoming misunderstood by posers(?)
did I get it right, except for RE4 and DS?
RE4, Halflife 2, GTAV and DS are all great on this list. Fuck the contrarians
>3.33 mb
Nice job retard.
I don't know, HL2 just did not age well + had lots of lost potential.
The complete under utilization of Xen and its creatures is a big minus against it.
But that is a debate for a Half Life thread.
The OP seems to have wanted to say, as these anons state ,
I don't really see Half Life 2 having influence outside of Source based tittles. It has a unique flow with very few times when control is taken away from player. If it was a jab at steam, okay, but I don't think Half Life 2 left a negative influence on the games as general.
bingo, shit V has good taste, who knew
Half Life 2 has done more damage to gaming than any other game. Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
TF2 and Dota might be worse.
there are literally no other games that fill the elder scrolls role and that's why skyrim is still so successful. no one else has even tried to enter the same market
How did batman ruin gaming?
you forgot to add the wing commander series for pioneering the "cinematic experiences" that the industry loves so much today.
Barebones combat system that's easily copypasted into any low-effort action game and X-ray vision.
I can see what the other games led to regardless of how I feel about them, but what negative impact did Dark Souls have? Lorefaggotry? Obsession with meme-difficulty? PvP autism?
How the fuck do you justify having RE4 and Dark Souls there?
The combat system is cancer.
>Dark Souls
Literally every games markets itself as "Souls-like" while doing the exact opposite.