Is anyone else enjoying retail?

Is anyone else enjoying retail?
classic fags fuck of

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retail fags fuck off

No it's awful. The lazy, the 30yos , the jaded have won. This has turned into a 2 day a week social gathering for raiding instead of it having any sort of hardcore progression.

Shit, shit shit shit game.


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cant wait till nostalgia glasses shatter and Classic busts

lul no, moved to FFXIV and found myself a good FC to actually have some fun

Fuck that RNG bullshit WoW has these days

op is either new to the game, or is in an active guild with friendly people. the game itself is pretty bad right now

No it's shit.

Every single new new thing is terrible(islands,warfronts,azerite) while most of the old things they are doing a worse version of than what we had before. I can't think of a single spec that wasn't better in Legion.

>Meanwhile blizzard has to keep shutting down all classic servers for years because players just won't stop wanting it

What, you liked being able to quickly travel around through portals? Can't have that now can we.

>Upcoming patch has features which were advertised at Blizzcon to make QOL better.
>Designed to intentionally make QOL worse.
When will people stop feeding Blizzard money when they keep fucking lying out their ass?

Ayo, remove all the portals, because you gotta appreciate the fucking world more than you currently do.

i cant wait to go home, im rolling human mage

Fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxers


no, I'm not into scat

When is next ilevel bump? It has been almost 5 minutes since the last one.

>y-you will never get vanilla servers
>you think you do, but you dont
>you may be already playing on private servers, but they are just nostalgia
>they will get more players than BFA, but that's just on launch

You can still come over to play

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the biggest tragedy is that, even if we go back to vanilla and it's great, you still have all of the flaws in vanilla that likely won't get touched because a) blizzard can't be trusted to maintain the spirit of vanilla these days and b) even if they did the autistic retards who will be playing would never be okay with anything
we will never get a true vanilla WoW expansion that would expand the game horizontally instead of vertically, and never truly capture the spirit of the gameplay that vanilla almost got right. it's a dead end in both directions

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Yes, classic sucks, retail has more content

>Not played in ages
>Still watching shit like Preach and Evitel every week
WoW addiction is real.

No. Fuck off Ion

Not a classic fags, but retail right now is beyond shit and is in the worst expansion it's ever had. including WoD. It's astounding how they managed to actually do that.

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>including WoD
Woah now, let's not exaggerate too much.

I resubbed and hit 120 last night.
I don't like BfA but my class seems to have survived the pruning juuust enough that I still enjoy healing.
I am really hoping they knock it out of the park with the name expansion, because I still have not found a game that makes healing quite as satisfying as WoW does.

I heal as rshaman and I'm actually digging the new High Tide, but I expect a nerf any day now (even though rshaman still meters behind most other healers, that never stopped them from getting nerfs before)

What makes it worse than WoD? I quit BfA at level 113 after exploring half a zone. I wasn't interested in the story. How is the endgame worse? Lack of things to do? Not rewarding enough? Too much RNG? All of the above? WoD felt like Blizzard gave up half way through to just focus on Legion which left everyone with nothing to do for a year.

Eat a big dick

Holy and disc priest are unironically more fun to play than they have been in ages. They fucked shadow, though.

And yet both specs where still better in Legion.

My main problems with BfA are:
>The story is just uninteresting. Who the fuck cares about the faction war when we just had an expansion of all the classes working together? Inter-class conflicts like Paladin/Death Knight are way more compelling than this forced conflict.
>The world is split in two very awkwardly. In vanilla it felt like you had a whole world, but many zones were occupied by enemies. The split felt more natural and the world felt shared, but in BfA it's just like a line was drawn down the middle and half the content was taken away from you. The quests on the other factions island last less than an hour, so it really feels like you're getting half an expansion.
>The classes are all bland as fuck now. Many cool artifact abilities didn't make the cut, and those that did generally got turned into talents no one will use anyways. Plus putting all DPS cooldowns on the GCD made burst phases much less fun, and was clearly done as a balance for pvp. It's also really bad for healers that want to quickly pop an emergency CD for big heals but have to sit there in a GCD while their amazing buff ticks away.
>all the mechanics carried forward feel half assed. Professions have only the most basic quests now and no unique story just busy work to unlock better gathering. The mission table is EVEN MORE watered down compared to Legion, and the world quests have much less variety. It's just all the cool stuff from legion but slightly blander.

Retail players keep saying that the game is good because it's made in a way that they can play because they got older and don't have time to play the game anymore, not noticing that maybe if they don't have time to play the game, they shouldn't be playing it in the first fucking place instead of ruining it for everyone else with their bullshit changes and QoL garbage.

I have no faith in either retail or classic. You have to be legit fucked in the head to have a modicum of trust in Blizzard (Activision) after the last Blizzcon.

I'm not compelled to install a master plan addon for the BfA mission table(and that's a GOOD thing!)

How so?

Faction War is way more interesting that big ancient evil ad nauseum
Blizzard simply is incapable of making it good

A lot of what you mentioned and more (I fucking hate leveling now thanks to scaling, Azerite can eat a dick, and more), but the biggest clincher to me is that the majority of classes are absolutely garbage to play now compared to WoD (Which still wasn't good thanks to the terrible pruning, but I would still rather play), and on top of that made it even worse when they tried to put more abilities on the GCD when no one wanted it.
>WoD felt like Blizzard gave up half way through to just focus on Legion
I have 0 doubt that's what they did (And even then Legion had tons of issues too), but BfA doesn't try and I doubt they're using this extra time they bought themselves to polish the next one.

They both play pretty much the same in both expansions. They where just a bit more smooth to play in legion, and had some extra interesting things they no longer have.

Remember when WoW was a virtual world and not a daily chores simulator?

Faction war can never be good. The factions have no real reason to be at war.

I don't know how you guys keep being addicted to this.
WoW was dead for me at the end of Wotlk. It raped every arc build in wc3 and the gameplay was really getting repetitive.

But why even have it if it's this watered down? It's just a stupid reason to make me go back to the hub once a day.
I didn't use Master Plan or anything in Legion since it was so simple as well, but at least it had some decent rewards every once in a while.

Maybe, but game play wise it can't hold up. All the quests just end up being killing your own faction anyways (Alliance kill mostly Hex posses humans, Horde kill mostly angry trolls that dislike Zandalari) and the ones that do have you kill the other faction feel incredibly patronizing.


They both play pretty much the same, but Disc's damage is tuned much better in BfA. Holy doing much more DPS than disc was a mistake.

>The factions have no real reason to be at war.
being this retarded

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>The story is just uninteresting

WoW's story was always trash. The difference now is that they make it more "story driven" with a lot of cutscenes.

I'm sorry, but I just can't. They totally butchered the class design and make it boring as fuck. Its just not fun to play the classes anymore. I used to love playing marksmanship hunter and shadow priest and warrior and they totally destroyed all of them.

This nigger is right . I'm so fucking sick of forgotten evils they made up on the spot coming to fuck everyone up. A good old fashioned faction war takes Warcraft back to its roots. Despite it still being shit this is the most interested I've been in the story in over a decade.

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The Legion mission table was just as bad before ToS, IMO. We're at that point in the xpac.

He's right. Since Vanilla the conflict between the two giant superpowers (superpowers which spawned out of nowhere and roll on everything) feels forced.

They weren't even at war in vanilla iirc from a few quest texts. Thrall outright states that.

Making a Yea Forums guild for wow classic upon release, NA Alliance.

Enjoy your 2.5 GCD.

Nah just kidding. I never understood that meme. With the OGCD's in and the current amount of abilities each class gets to actually utilize, I never understood the "superior WoW combat" thing
>be a mythic BDK raider this expac before I quit
>literally use 3 button rotation as BDK, 1 button to maintain bone stacks, two cd's
>marrowrend for bonestacks
>spam heart strike to use death strike, blood boil for filler
>use dancing rune weapon for dps
>optionally use vampiric blood when healers are dead for some reason but the raid is probably gonna wipe soon anyways
>80%+ parse on every M Uldir fight
>literally 5 buttons and one optional button

>go back to FFXIV
>multiple defensive cooldowns I NEED to use every fight
>9-12 offensive abilities
>combos and actual rotations

I will never believe WoW faggots again when they talk about their "Deep and complex priority system". majority of their specs do 50% of their damage from one button. Each spec has a gauge builder button, gauge spender, and a filler, with maybe one CD.
One mash 2-3 buttons the entire fight, that's fucking deep. Why the fuck do people still play this game.

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They are still ennemies in conflict. That's the fucking vanilla trailer man.

>Be a casual player (Not a faggot who wants everything handed to him, just can't commit to a raid scheduel due to work and school)
>Get 410+ ilvl
>am bottlenecked into pug raids and M+
> cancer is getting worse and worse, the dungeons aren't even hard, its getting worse then gearscore in wrath making it impossible to get into pugs in a timely manner
>Outside of M+ and Raids there is nothing to do to progress my character on the PVP side of things
>Arena/Rated BGs are just as bad, everyone requiring you to pretty much be glad or rated so high that there is no point for you to even do them
>Level an alt, and because they're a fresh character they are bottlenecked even harder then my main character
>Thus the only thing left to do is collect pets transmogs and mounts, which is boring as shit

Pretty much unless you're a fucking poopsocker, you're fucked in BFA, and im just gonna assume poopsockers don't have it any better, also the gear is shit, I miss legiondaries, leveling my warrior and losing boots of aggramar speed bonus was the biggest fucking mistake

>muh root
What is wc3.
>Despite it still being shit this is the most interested I've been in the story in over a decade.
No, it's not. Cauz it's statue quo and cauz Blizz writers are bad. So there's absolutely no suspense at all.

Right, they just had a few skirmishes every now and then, but mostly they have been peaceful and worked together more often than not. Until Suddenly Garrosh was crazy and Green Jesus went on holiday.

Ever since their human raised warchief fucked off the Horde as been nothing but a bunch of warmongering asshats. as it should be though

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Ah, the good old, you must have better gear than this raid drops in order to join the raid.

>dat pic
is there more?

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>>Enjoy your 2.5 GCD.
love this meme

>press skill
>wait 2.5 seconds
>press skill

>press skill
>wait 4 months for another 5 minutes of content to be released
>press skill

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Yea that's what sat the basics of WoW and made the lore popular. Not the generic copy of warhammer that were wc1/2.


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>Blizz killed all good male character so now every ship is lesbian.

>tfw no Jaina gf

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Does Mekkatorque die in new raid, or just fucks off after he loses?

Don't act like you don't enjoy it

I think he just ejects.

I still want Mekkatorque in a cinematic (And not the shitty in game ones)

He goes into cryo.

i stopped playing because all my friends stopped playing and all the chatrooms I was in stopped playing, it's sad and everything about the game is kinda ded now.

if only Blizzard merged of dead servers and ended sharding, WoW would feel much lively

no. i tried giving wow a chance and i was pretty into it but i pettered out at 8.1 since i saw no improvement. the sad part for me was that everything from vanilla/cata to legion was very fun.

bfa is where that fun went to die grinding azerite and running dungeons over and over for a score on a 3rd party website and get better gear

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I was Unsubbed for 6 months and came back recently. Was able to catch up to people playing for 6 months in 2 weeks time. Gear progression is so fucking worthless and a waste of time if you play. Every new patch makes everything you do become worthless.

I came back and found a different way to enjoy the game. Basically fucking ignoring all the BFA content. I level new characters, try to get rare mounts, try to get transmog. I have not touched an island in maybe 8 fucking months. Pathetic part is I play really casually yet my main has a level 39 azerite level.

It's probably the worst expansion on a gameplay level. But this expansion has some of the best mounts and rewards.

Is it still two weeks waiting to get into a warfront?

Why would you want to do it more than once?

You're implying that I actually waited, and didn't fuck off from retail after learning about that.

The best thing about BFA, is that it got me into playing ESO instead. Been enjoying it.

Faction War can't be interesting if they have to keep all gains and losses equal or people bitch about favoritism.

Catch-up mechanics are what irks me the most.
They are WAY overtuned and just make the content an expansion launched with worthless within a few months, and the patch after that invalidates the previous patch and so on and so forth.
Classic did catching up decently well, introducing 20 man raids as an alternative, buffing gear from older content, introducing t0.5.
Also giving incentives for already decked-out players to visit older content.

like I said Blizzard sucks
I would love to see a Faction War where Sylvanas keeps playing dirty and being more & more evil and Anduin refuses to "get his hands dirty" leading to the Alliance starting to lose the war and breaking apart, like Gen going awol and starting worgen attacks on Horde civilians like Silvermoon or the Darkspear Islands, or the Wildhammer dwarves bombing Thunderbluff.
Imagine a Horde mission where Sylvanas tells you to go and kill players below level 30 and other dirty handed tactics

>Also giving incentives for already decked-out players to visit older content.
How so?
On a fully mature Pserver you practically had to shell out 20 gold just to find a willing tank.
The fact that the best methods of farming gold were raw gold farming level 50 dungeons?
LOL if you think the alchemy lab was carrying that on its own.

I'm still upset that Blizzard didn't transfer my BFA account I bought somewhere after release to my excisting account I played in vanilla.
>Couldn't be done
They said, what the fuck, just mark it as "I bought BFA on my other account" and remove my current one.
I had Benediction on my priest, a old photograph or whatever from Un'goro and plenty of other rare items from vanilla.

I don't think it is catch-up on its own doing this. Though it is definitely a huge problem.
It is also how huge the ilevel increases, and from it the level of power, each tier gives. It almost makes it feel necessary that they keep bumping up the level of old content, for it too not end up with the usual 10 times more HP and 100 times higher DPS at the end of expansion than at start.

Is classic going to include the Draenei? Might try it out if so

Is classic going to include Northrend? Might try it out if so

You only saw the 20 million DPS burst in Legion dungeons because of massive, experienced pulls.
Regular, consistent DPS was only 10 times higher than a fresh 110.

Yes they're in Swamp of Sorrows.

i mean I play on moon guard which is top 10 in population but its sitll kinda dead

Nope, legit quit again because this was so fucking lackluster and finally bit the bullet on FF14
Will play classic simply to do WPVP as an Undead Warlock/Rogue and fuck around, retail is dead even if it has the best designed class (Monk)

Thanks, it's horsecock time

sharding, blizz servers are trash so you never see more than 30 people outside raid groups


You realize anyone can play classic right now for free?

Yes, but it's lacking the sense of permanence and honesty that Classic will have.

Yes, but it's not anything related to BfA in of itself. I tend to make up my own gameplay for stupid reasons because I like WoW for the setting and races above all else, and as such I roleplay in it constantly. Platonic walk-up stuff, conversations in front of taverns and whatnot, not Goldshire shit.

An example of gameplay I make for myself is absolutely destroying a character's inventory by overstuffing it with food items I think they'd enjoy, especially if I need to go out of my way to get it, like getting a few Rock Salted Pretzels from BRD, which are only sold there, and some espresso (Starfire Espresso), a Cataclysm recipe that I had to go out of my way to get. Goldthorn Tea, a removed cooking recipe, was especially hard to come by, since people don't even post that on the AH. I advertised my desire to find someone with that recipe for hours before I started getting multiple replies simultaneously, in classic 'when it rains it pours' fashion.

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I don't want to play on servers that get taken down after 3 months, and where the best way to progress is sucking the dick of mods.


>or is in an active guild with friendly people
that's literally the only way to play the game

>every single piece of content that wasn't released in the current patch is completely irrelevant
>the only reason anyone does it is for arbitrary reasons like "I must get this pet drop"
themeparks were a mistake
meanwhile in osrs the entire world is relevant at all levels

Fuck raider io watch people will defend that pure autism trash
Enjoy your esports nigger shit
Inb4 got gud
Inb4 link score

more like
>press skill
>keep pressing skill
>if button lights up, press button
>go back to pressing skill
every spec in bfa in a nutshell

BfA isn't as good as Legion, which is probably the best expansion since WotLK.

Vanilla was poorly balanced, and that will always irk me, but at the same time it was definitely a more difficult game than what we have now, and the communities were able to form beyond guilds before they introduced phasing and sharding.

got gud link score

Demonology? Hello?


God, I wish I could still MOVE

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remember Taurajo

>Casual player
>410 item level

You're a liar. I raid Mythic and I'm only at 406. Only the poopsockers have 410+ ilvl.

Themeparks aren't bad, but like you said, they invalidate all the content they create rather then making each peice of content worth doing for its own reason.

OSRS is partly themepark as well, especially now that everything is designed around ironman and not trading, I mean when was the last time kalphite queen was relevant in terms of gear drop table


>especially now that everything is designed around ironman and not trading

Maybe casual from his incredibly poopsocky standards with a ridiculous dose of luck and disregard for simming his gear.

There's just no way to play casually and get to 410 ilvl by this point in the tier.

I've been considering getting back into WoW and I just can't justify buying every post-Wrath expansion just so I can get to max level to experience the endgame content. Sorry but classic it is.

You don't have to buy any of the expansions but the current one though.

>playing nuwow

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What if by "casual" he means full clears heroic every week, grabs his BiS mythic weapon off the first boss in a PuG, wears random 415 azerites from residuum, and does his 10.

That's not casual. That's like an average player.

I've thought about classic, but I have no idea what class I'd play honestly. I also forget what ones were a bit better than others back then.

fuck no
what a piece of shit bfa turned out to be

Just search for a guide on youtube, there are many

the excessive loot rng with almost no control over character improvement completely killed motivation for the game. Nowadays I just raid log and just don't bother with anything else.

It just isn't worth spending any more time than necessary when the end reward is the same slot of gear or an azerite piece several percent worse in terms of dps when you have the majority of gear slots left to improve/fill.

I only played legion a few months before BfA and it was way more enjoyable.

Also ironic how the game with 2.5s gcd is way harder to play any class due to combos, twice or more as many skills. Attaining mastery is much more engaging and enjoyable with this.

i cant wait till the meme reaction images make fun of faggots that say this after classic is the biggest success for wow since ever

>Expansion has things I've wanted for years
>It's irredeemable trash
Just like WoD.

like 90% of the guides on youtube are about private servers that are scripted improperly so they give shitty information.

best part of this expansion was when the Alliance was gettin free ilvl 400 and all the hordelets were seething because of being camped

>Finally created a system that actually naturally balanced the horde v alliance populations after everyone competent went horde over the 10 years horde has had the best racials
>poopsockers finally started to move to alliance
>the system would have equalized itself out
>instead because poopsockers whined they removed the system

I wish Ion would stop fucking catering to turbocucks

this is why Faction War could be great, not focus entirely on lore but to pit players against each other

I'll give it a try when BFA isn't fucking $50

Just buy a month of game time and farm whiptail for a few days. Or maybe just sell your pet collection if you're sitting pretty.

So I'm curious. Will WoW classic just run the way it is forever, completely untouched?

Is this really feasible? I never once touched pets in this game. Not even sure if I have any to sell

>whole thread says no

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No one knows. Imagine if the general game design of classic was used to produce going forward, starting from vanilla.

but that's just a literal pipe dream, we can expect the worst from actual reality inhabiting blizzard.

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf

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they dont exist
and you will die virgin.


Yes, You can probably get around 10k gold in AH value herbs and essences an hour swapping between cata and panda farms(due to valuable profession mounts made from them), and will only need around 440k gold to get enough blizzbucks to purchase BfA. 44 hours is less time than most people take to level a single character to max, and well within your monthly subscription purchase.

>i-i-it-its just n-nostalgia!!!

WOD they quit and was left to not get worse or better they actually kept at it with BFA and made things far worse.

I can't imagine anybody who still thinks BfA is good.

Is there ANYTHING even defendable about BfA? I really wanted to roll a dark iron dwarf

PvP islands are my new favorite form of instanced PvP.

I love Void Elves and their home on Telogrus

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Eh sort of, I wish Blizz banned raider.IO. Too many faggots leaving mythics midway because they don't want to ruin their scores.

They did for BGs what BGs did for world PvP. Shame no one plays them and they probably will be kept for 1 more xpac with bad rewards and then cut.

They did for arenas*

Why are so many people seething about the portal changes?

Dazar'alor might legit be the one raid I won't get AOTC on before the next raid, the playerbase has gotten so shit

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Professions is fucking cancer now. Some professions like leatherworking are easy as fuck to level but others like enchanting cost over a gorillion gold to max out and a shit ton of mats. Who ever worked on the profession changes needs to be hung from the nearest tree.

Because leatherworking is a gamble on wither or not it will even be useful

Alchemy and Enchanting are the only relevant professions these days because everyone wants potions and enchants, but no one gives a fuck about crafted gear which is shit compared to welfare gear.

Fuck right off. I miss 'big bad' expansions. We haven't had a proper one since Cataclysm. Cataclysm had Deathwing randomly appearing out of nowhere in the world and killing lowbie trash, which was funny as fuck. Arthas was a constant threat in Wrath. Legion did it wrong because Sargeras felt way too distant. WoD is not worth mentioning since it was filler and Garry was hardly a villain, he unironically did nothing wrong. One of the biggest reasons BFA is such shit is because of the shoehorned bullshit faction war and garbage characterization of Jaina, Sylvanas and especially Soifang.


>What should we do for this zone's music
>Make it like Eversong but haunted
>End up with this

user, the average player is casual, its fucking WOW, -the- casual friendly MMO.

The only people who are 'hardcore' at this game are the ones who are spending 100 million gold buying transfers and sucking the resources out of 3 different servers to gear all your alts with highest possible ilvl crafted gear just so you can loot trade during heroic split runs

Mark my words, instead of blizzard reverting the shitty masterloot changes, they're going to just remove professions or make them purely cosmetic because of method's autism because world firsts are all they care about these days, everyone else just gets the sloppy seconds ala heroic mode

I unironically want to play one of those furry faggots. I want to absolutely curbstomp ally niggers with a Vulpera warrior and teabag them with my tiny furry nuts.

He's not exaggerating tho. At least WoD had a cool setting and interesting story.

I want to play again, I do. But there's no fucking good content and I don't think there ever will be.

>haha fucking retail fags won't experience the true joy of classic
>proceeds to pay RL money for sub while retail players pay for their sub and xpac with gold

I know that, it's always been this way but why in gods name did they make it such a cancerous grind. I don't think I've spent this much time without maxing out a profession since I picked up JC back in BC.

I'll never understand why they cater to extreme autists like Method and world first races. Yeah they are exciting for like a week then what?

Just RP and make your own content

>dabs on you with formerly, and in some cases even still, BiS inscription trinkets that sell well north of material cost.

Been playing on and off since TBC. The core aspect of the game hasn't changed. You grind dungeons for gear, run raids, or PvP.

>Gearing has stayed relatively the same exception of making retarded titanforging.
>Dungeons have improved, mythic+ was a great addition to the game
>My opinions on raiding isn't that relevant. Running it in a PuG is cancer, running it with a guild is fun. Raid finder is shit.
>PvP has stayed the same with blizzard balance consisting of making one class shit and another FOTM.

The only thing I can say about this expansion is that warfront is boring as fuck and a waste of resources, they should focus their attention elsewhere. Azerite traits have been fixed in 8.1, but the RNG of getting them is still pretty bad.

I only just recently resubbed to level a zandalari paladin and gear him. I'll probably get bored within the month and just resub when a patch seems interesting to me.

Warfronts would have been better off if they'd gone the Island Expedition route and made them an option to level alts once you've unlocked them.

I fucking HATE questing past the first time. Always has been and always will be a fucking garbage experience.

I'm not autistic enough to enjoy RP'ing.

No, and I don't see them fixing this any time soon.

Blizzard right now keeps trying to pull 'new and interesting' shit out of their asses, but completely ignore the shit that works and keeps making bullshit systems, thinking people play for the systems, and not the content.

Every system in legion is present in BFA, along with some others
AP grinding
World quests

But unlike Legion, there is no content tied to these systems, WQs and M+ were only fun because you could get fucking legendaries from them that were build defining, now you get 1 peice of gear once a week that can be completely garbage if it rolls the wrong stats, or more mounts

And AP grinding is boring as shit, with Artifacts you actually got new perks to improve your character in meaningful ways, Azerite shit is just damage procs or half baked talents that are either so OP that if you don't have a full set of azerite with that ability you're way behind on damage and makes you fucking hate the RNG nature of azerite and weekly shit, or so useless that the system might as well not exist.

BFA is just a straight up downgrade from legion in every possible way, aggramar's stride on a fucking warrior was the best shit ever, now everything is just an item level grind, and the meme items from the new raid isn't going to fix the fact that you're doing one raid for shit that has interesting effects that will be replaced as soon as the next raid comes out anyway with more ilvl scaled stat sticks.

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of course the BC baby is okay with this hollow shell of a game that has nothing to offer instead of a mediocre dungeon simulator. *looks proud with his single month of vanilla experience*

>We don't need to pay for the game, the (((cash shop))) with gold selling is wonderful

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Go to bed great grandpa

>actually autistic
Keep having fun tho user, I kinda envy you.

better than paying $15 a month like a chump, i guess vanillafags never grew up huh

>retailfags assblasted

Classicfags = Retailfags

Physical games are a thing of the past, nobody has CDs for BfA lying around. If you have Vanilla/TBC/WotLK install discs, you bought them via some form of Retail.

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We're going home.

>44 hours of farming for 50$
Some people really don't value their time I guess.

I remember choosing aggramar's stride as an hpal since I'm so shit the extra move speed really helped me not fail mechanics


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>thinking retailfag means consumer
Mongoloid. Retailfag just refers to anyone who plays the current version of the game. It's easier to say retailfag than constantly have to update the term every 2 years

time for the noose ESL kun

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Is there a way to tell how much gold i have without resubbing? can't remember

seeeeething lmao

You can only find out how much your level 20 and under characters have, and whether or not you have as much gold as the token costs on a single server

>only 106k now to resub on my server
>use to be almost 200k

holy shit WoW is really dying

because 99% of the retail playerbase just play for farming cosmetics(this is also why they care so much about allied races)so when they took out the portals it directly affected their main gameplay

Who the fuck plays MMOs for story? I don't even read quest text lul

No. I really did try. But there's just nothing to do at max level that interests me.

Damn that pic is cozy af

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>LFR Jaina

You need a gambling addiction to enjoy retail WoW

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They did so well with Legion, like, it was easily the best WoW has been since Wrath, and they royally fuck it up with BFA

All they had to do was just copy and paste Legion and shit would've been fine

>Pesado still hasn't killed himself yet

you won't be able to experiment and enjoy the game as everyone will be rolling the same exact optimal build

We know what we are getting into and
>everyone will be rolling the same exact optimal build
That's a myth being parroted by people who didn't play

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Has anyone else realized that Blizzard is going to re-release all the expansions in order all over again in an attempt to cut costs and milk that cow one more time?

people still play this shitheap?

What fucking losers.

There is hope at least. Maybe they could do a vanilla only expansion.

>there are more than 5000 mounts right now
>being jealous over a piece of shit lfr easy to get

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>time lost proto
pfrfrtr hahahha

not him but i tried farming that faggot for days back in wrath...never could get him and now there's always several players always trying to camp him too

right now autists on discord camp him in 5 man groups then tag him with taunt and each of them gets to loot him

wake the fuck up
