Enjoy DMC5 Yea Forumsros, I still have to play 4 ;_;

Enjoy DMC5 Yea Forumsros, I still have to play 4 ;_;

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Get on my level I still have to start from the first one

You can skip 2 though

What about that DmC3 reboot?

Reboot is fun but has nothing to do with these games, you can play it as a standalone anytime you want.

I might play 4 after I'm done with 5, but the other games don't look that great

nero's animations where more satisfying in dmc4

>i still have play a good game ;_;

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1 is the best in the series and 3 is also good.

4 gets so disapointing around the middle of it, it took me 10 years to get over it. Had the original PC version from back then, only finished the game yesterday.
I started 5 but I'm still gonna try to fully S rank 4SE

Started doing that three days ago
1 and 2 can be both finished in a day. 3 took me 2 days.
2 a shit tho, Honestly one of the worst experiences I had recently. People are not exaggerating when they say it's a horrible game

3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > DmC

>4 > 5

5 is shit

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Yeah you can still do all this.

You can still do all that, and more

I still have to play 1, 2, 3 and 4 (again). I've never played 1 and 2, I didn't finish 3 (I think I played it in 2007) and I finished 4 in 2010.
I have them all on PS4, including DmC, although I'd like to play the PS4 version of 4.

let's see it then lol

Don't waste you time with 2

Just pirate it and buy it when you get the dough retard


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oh my god, you havn't play the first start-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-end game, how are you gonna play the next start-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-smash button-end without doing the first ones?

I fucking console faggots and your 3rd person garbage so much...

Don't worry, 4 is still better.
The best levels, the best music, the best Dante, the best Nero, even Lady if you have the SE.

I notice 4fags always post CHURAAAAZY webms when trying to prove their points instead of mentioning how absolutely braindead the rest of the game is.

>Lady in SE

>The best levels

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inb4 5fags pretend the game isn't overall bad to the point it just outright ruins characters

4 was bad but it wasn't insulting

And it's not even his gameplay, otherwise he's seen 5 is similar and honestly has more stuff to go even without inertia

The only boss in the entire game that isn't mediocre or shit is Credo and you fight him once compared to the like 3 times you fight the rest of them.

My thoughts exactly, although Agnus is fun but only with Nero. Throwing shit at him is always enjoyable.

Wait is it time to hate on 4 again just because it isn't 3?

It must suck not to be able to just enjoy things.

I've literally never thought 4 was good. At most, it's a fine (5/10) for me. The absolute only thing giving it that score is because the gameplay is so enjoyable. The story sucks, the antagonist sucks (except Agnus, but's he's pushed to the background anyways), the bosses suck, the missions suck (going through the first half with Nero is good though)
Need I say more?

There is no boss in 5 that's as fun to fight as Credo.

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Is the hd collection worth $30? I've only ever played 4 and I enjoyed it but now I have access to a PS4.

No, pirate it.

same. my package doesn't arrive til next tuesday. The one time I get game physical and its coming late.

>tfw my collector's edition from Amazon might not even arrive
It's ok. I haven't beaten DMC3 yet. Just started it infact. I guess I'll stick with that until Monday when I can assess if my pre-order will be honored or not.

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>as Credo.
Credo might be my favorite boss in all of dmc, even more then vergil. Don't know why, I even like playing as Dante more then Nero.

Yeah, a good half a game.

oh look the anti dmc5 fags are here

Is this man butt?