What's your opinion on muscular females in video games?

what's your opinion on muscular females in video games?

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I think we need more of them along with varying women's body types beyond obese and rail thin. There seems to be very few portrayals of women with wide hips and thicc butts, but not obese.

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They should be lolis.

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Imagine the tightness, would literally turn your dick into a straw if they sat on it cross legged

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Fat ones are better.

Name 20 games that do this

imagine the neckbeard that created this post

if theyre not jacked on the same hormone level as I am... then I love them.

its all about enhancing the body you got and owning it. Those who try to bulk up with man muscles need to re-roll male.

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Dragons dogma x20


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Idk but all i know is Amazon is best girl

I want Amazon to hold my legs behind my head and ride my dick until I'm physically unable to cum any longer.

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That's why I like orc and monster women. They're meant to be naturally big, tall, and strong without being ultra ripped. Basically I'm saying if human women were naturally 6 ft and 200 lbs, but fit and not roided.

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my fav type of girl

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>all of these tranny lovers

shoo shoo

you dont belogn here

I dont want to imagine you faggo

if they're cute too, it makes my peepee really hard and i am almost unable to concentrate on the game.

They are perfectly fine. I daresay I wish they were more common.

>muscles = gay
>trannies having muscles
Look at this retard

Hey man, I just love lolis, no matter what kind.


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>Imagine the tightness, would literally turn your dick into a straw if they sat on it cross legged

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>big boobies
>wide hips
>nice abs
>thick thighs

It's why they don't exist irl, it would be the end of me. 3d isn't important anyway

We need more muscle girls.

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The imbodiment of perfection.

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whats up with all the muscle and fecund threads lately? not that im complaining

I spent days finding the sources to all those images. Was proud of myself when I did

where the FUCK is the mama tama 2 scan

never ever

Amazon is cute

Can I get the source on this my man?


fucking unf

the best

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I think Dragons Crown is a fantastic game and should be talked about more

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goddamn the way orangekisses draws zarya, fucking unf

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Did he actually release it? I think he missed the deadline due to injury.

i wanna impregnate zarya

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i wish someone saved all the art orangekisses deleted

Orangekisses made me fall in love with Zarya.

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>best vanillaware girl is still locked in vita hell

It will get ported one day right?

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I'd let Amazon dominate me any day.

Liking women who inject testosterone is same as liking men who inject estrogen.

Prove me wrong, fags.

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If you do them, avoid making them look like the abomination that warframe just made.

They make me want to get beaten and fucked in a femdom position and at the same time they make me want to beat them and fuck them in a maledom position

me on the left


Makes me want to run my hands all over their strong, fit bodies

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There are the extremely rare few.

post it

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There should be a muscle girl chart because although I like muscle girls, I only like a certain type: they have to be thicc, with meaty abs and be reasonably toned everything else. +Big boobs. So basically anything made by kunabato

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there are men who inject estrogen into themselves?

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They're alright usually. Are we talking like cute girls with muscles like you're likely to see in Japanese games or men with dyke hair and gyno which is starting to pop up in a few games recently? I'm not really a fan of the latter.

whoops, that was me

sad days

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They're heavily based

I don't care. Bikini armor is a hard pass, though.

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Like all things, it's cool when Japan does it, and shit when the west does it

>rail thin
Oh, you mean peasants that die quickly? Sounds like a good idea.
In no way would this make any sense.

I forgot one exception: Brienne from game of thrones. Love her


>like muscle girls
>dislike futa
>dislike /ss/
Life is suffering. Muscle girls are a valuable treasure.

It's Nejikemono. It's not really focused on those two's romantic relationship, despite some of the artist's artwork on twitter; none of the chapters have been translated, and it's kinda finished. I say kinda because no more chapters are gonna be made unless there's demand for it, and Japs are infamous for having bad taste.

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More. I want much more. Fit beefy ladies are my weakness.

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>shredded with around 5% bodyfat AND big tits
complete fantasy btw

are you me? I fucking hate that a lot of musclegirl art is futa trash

Kys pedophile

Video games aren't real?

They're the best

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>drawings aren't real
what a real discovery you've made there user

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yea they are

That's not how a body works..

she's got like 10-20, she's ok


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Best kind of grils

I wish I had an irl Amazon gf

god yes

We need more RPGs where the biggest heavy hitting physical beatsticks are the girls.

Almost all RPGs have them as casters or feathery weaklings.

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Its such crap that blizzard decided to use the old male barbarian for Diablo immortal rather than sonya.

What, think the chinese will be intimidated by a 7 foot tall woman and not buy the game?

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I seriously doubt the characters were anywhere near that jacked in their original games. remotely.

I think Amazon's the best.

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the good ones are rare, at least in the west where they just draw body builders and call them women

they look pretty buff imo

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>going into battle in a bra and thong
>not full plate
As we all know, the only vital organs in the female body are located in the vagina and breast areas, all other wounds are pointless.

Full armor grils or GTFO.

Shut up fag.

go back to your MK11 thread

She's basically a barbarian. And it's common knowledge that barbarians can't wear full plate armor and still retain their movement bonuses.

Which edition we talking?

Amazon's muscles are already rock hard, full plate armour would just be redundant

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no we don't. Most normal males find this stuff disgusting, and only beta males go for the "stronger than me" girl type as a coping mechanism.

imagine being so weak that you need full body armor to protect yourself

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it isn't always about power dynamics desu, musclegirls are just aesthetically pleasing to some people

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Young humans cannot form abs like these unless you inject them with steroids.
Young dwarves probably could tho.

Prefer this 1

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That's a lot of assuming and projecting there.

>Young dwarves probably could tho
well yes, but she'd have a beard if she was a dwarf then.


not really; being attracted to muscular females is the same in the brain, physiologically/chemically as being attracted to a male. Its the reason why so many muscle girls are futa.

being this autistic

>if you like fit women you're gay!
It's amazing the retarded things people say about things they hate.

you got a source for that fact Jung?

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the women in this thread aren't "fit" they're giant slabs of meat.

>he hates meat
Go chew on some celery.

So how many of you muscle girl loving faggots are overweight? I heard that typically fit girl lovers are fat dudes, much like people who are into somnophilia have low self esteem.

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I just want more Vita games ported period. I could never get a Vita because finding one was impossible for me and there were quite a few games on it I really wanted to play.

I really, really, really like this image.

Do you mind if I save it?

Everyone who likes anything is a sad piece of shit. This is what Yea Forums says, so it is what life is.

>love fit girls
>myself a fit guy, I even lift
>somnophilia is hot
>very proud of the way I look, both my face and my body

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I'm legit curious though.
You're the first I've seen to respond like that

I'm not like other guys

if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen

They cant form abs like that because that's not how abdominal muscles are shaped on the human anatomy

Children who do gymnastics and such can get very defined abdominal muscles though because of their small size and consequently low amounts of body fat, but pectorals and biceps are still off the menu until older ages


Please don't.

Someone post it

I wasn't into muscle girls until I got fit.

I'm a skinny hungry skeleton and muscles make my mouth water like seeing a finely cooked piece of meat

order up

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The only issue is the lack of an ass.
Otherwise 6/10 I'd smash

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>mfw there are actual, real-life guys who actually act like this in real life, unironically

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[citation needed]

i kind of feel bad for them sometimes, like what did their mothers do to them?

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Single mothers who hate men, trying to teach their sons to "treat women right".

It's ironic, because they literally think they're teaching their sons right, the way they themselves would like to be treated, even though women respond quite opposite to what they say they want.

Betas fill women with contempt even a rapist couldn't hope to inspire.

>this discussion in every single thread about female game characters
Do you people get off on spinning retarded stories, or do you actually believe all the make-believe you create?

What are you referring to, specifically?

Fine with the roid gut and tree legs? I mean damn man it makes Amazon look like Elf or Sorceress. And not in the good way.

Everything you said.

I want Amazon to ride me dry in amazon position.

Everything I said was right.

I mean, it's warframe. All the frames are somewhat exaggerated proportions that are unlikely to appear on a modern human.

I know but this is ridiculous. I mean she's bulkier than Rhino and he's a buff man. We've gone hyper muscle now and it's just plain gross.


>these mental gymnastics
>no source
II'm not even surprised

The reason why we find fit girls hot is because it means they're full of positive qualities:
>they're not lazy
>they're healthy
>incredible in the bed room (tight, energetic & flexible)
>probably tomboyish, meaning they have less interest towards shit like gossiping and make-up, which most men dislike
>means they know and respect the amount of work it takes to get in shape

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I like muscle tone but not so much muscle mass that the cowtits (which are fat in contrast to the too-lean woman's body) are noticably out of place.
Just about every amazoness design in nipland has this problem. They love tiddies but few of them are passionate enough to draw them anatomically correctly, like big ones that should firm a little flatter or flop to the side when she's on her back or stretching her arms? That is so hot and only a permavirgin draws them the exact same fun bag shape no matter what gravity does.
Find me a nip porn artist who is this committed to tiddies, PLEASE.

He's so lucky he only got one smack.

>tfw overweight
>tfw not a fat dude
It's the I don't know if I want to be with her or be her situation.