This is a dangerous blood mage

This is a dangerous blood mage

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Dangerously ugly.

This is a demon mushroom

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elves deserve death

well, dont just stand there you guys....someone cut its fucking head off

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A dangerously CUTE blood mage.

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I fucking hate people that think elves should die because they're "dangerous". Elves are the weakest pieces of shit I've ever come across. That should be the reason to kill them!

Attached: Seriously, fuck the elves.jpg (1439x551, 336K)

Looks pretty small.

how hairy do you think her snatch is? I'm going to say extremely hairy

TES elves > DA elves

>blood mage
>but designed as a wooden elf
>also a the artist made her look like a retarded midget

What a shit design.

It's wierd how they brought her back in DA2 to begin with, if you play the Dalish origin in the original her character is almost completely different she's really bitchy and gets pissy about bringing another elf along.

dark secret about the elven-kind...

they are obnoxiously unkept and dont wipe after shits. you call them out on it and they spurn into a border line murderous rage because they know deep down that they should clean their genitalia and cornhole, but they don't want to sully their bitch ass hands. disgusting.

>mfw a filthy shit-elf thought it was clean near me

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>blood mage
Fucking women, I swear to god.

this is 598 year old woman

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Remember that merrilfags are the same people as talifags.
Death to them.

Elves don't have pubic hair, retards

>You will never bow before lady Andraste.
>You will never serve lady Andraste.
>You will never get to see her beautiful face.
I hate Bioware.

Attached: andraste_by_3e6pa_d9sr2ck-pre.jpg (734x1089, 64K)

She should probably wear a pad or use a tampon then.

I want to breed the elves into genocide, just like how the world wants to get rid of white people

>not posting the whole thing

Attached: elves vs dwarves.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

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Eastern Horizontal > Western Verticle

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Lets be honest. DA2 was a good game v

Because of how fucking retarded she is.

The rest of her clan and especially their leader is far more retarded than she ever was. Hell if not for the much later retcon about the mirror's real origins she would have been perfectly fine.

No, this is a dangerous blood mage.

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It wasn't but I like it more than inquisition

I would subscribe to this journal

Elves fucking orcs is hot

Not even once.

God Imagen how annoying it must be to be trapped in a body of a 14 year old for 598 years being old enough to wan't bigger titties never getting big tittis, hear life must really suck ass

Attached: anger.gif (400x209, 1.87M)

>about the mirror's real origins
That being?

Merrill was far less retarded than most people think. Hell, she was far more savvy about dealing with spirits than Anders was, despite how much he likes to taunt her. Her problem is that fully understanding all the risks she still wanted to do it because she's suicidal.

>never getting big tittis
She does though.

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To be fair, every character in the game was more savvy than MUH JUSTICE ALLAHU ACKBAR man.

damn blood mages, casting spell on my dick, making it hard 24/7

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Andraste was a mage and deserved to be burned at the steak, along with the rest of the mages and elves

Andraste was burned by mages that's half the reason they're hated so much

>deserved to be burned at the steak

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So how easy do you think it was for Hawke to convince Merrill to do anal? Or threesomes?
Merrill seems like the oblivious little twerp who would go along with almost anything sexually.

She's an elf. She's down for anything.

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>deserved to be burned at the steak

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>Lead author JOLARG BONESNAP, a Leaf-Chewer expert from the University of Woodland Pansy Studies

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>try to find TES elf porn
>everything is world of warcraft worstelves

>what's the difference between a male and female elf?

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This is a Korean Blood Mage (Male)

Attached: Blood_Mage_Portrait.png (554x600, 379K)

The females have bigger dicks.

one of them has an extra hole

The male are cuter

Why do ugly dwarves hate elves so much

That's why you're posting fan art then? You dumb faggot.

Get out of here Templar. Your kind is not welcome here.

I want that male up my ass and that female on my face.

Attached: ID.jpg (600x682, 34K)

Would she support Solas in his quest to bring about the day of the veil?

This is fucking great.

Her problem is being naive, comper her to seras who actaully is a retard.

>Male looks like a younger female

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>male elf just has nicer eyebrows
10/10 would rape in missionary

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