So uh, SEGA finally removed Denuvo from Sonic Mania.
So uh, SEGA finally removed Denuvo from Sonic Mania
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>from 117mb to 3mb
Why do publishers keep denuvo on sometimes years after the game in question was cracked? Do they pay a yearly contract or something?
It's a license. Also, you have to convince a bunch of suits that, "the game was cracked so let's just take our safety measure off" is a sound idea.
If anything this is indeed a sign of Sega of America's Sonic Pillar Team (or whatever it's called) really does have full control of the franchise
My game hasn't updated yet.
It's in the beta branch.
It's a beta build at the moment, go to your betas tab, find the latest public beta build, and use the password sonicmaniabeta
i pirated it back then
This means easier modding, lads.
Yakuza went from 200mb to about 20 too.
I'm still bitter about having to wait two weeks because of """bug fixes""". If they ever make a sequel it better not have Denuvo.
Makes me wonder if enabling the beta will make family share work or if I'll have to wait for the main branch denuvo removal
Try it out, I'm actually curious. I don't have Mania on PC
The game is already rated Gold in Proton.db, between this and today's update of Proton it should hopefully remove the last few things in the way of it being fully platinum.
It doesn't appear to work, unfortunately.
Based Sega
That sucks dude, I appreciate you trying
Linux will never be relevant, autismo
Twitter is for twits, fuck twitter.
Can't they remove Atlus USA?
Alternatively, you could just not use a meme OS and have it be "platinum" from the getgo (outside of shit ports)
>EXE went from 117MB to 3MB
So what's next for Sega after this? Seems they might be removing Denuvo from all of their releases.
I'd love to see them start working on PC ports of some of the mid-late 90s Sega stuff that never got ported. Shining Force III, etc.
Hopefully this also means no denuvo for the inevitable mania 2.
>inevitable mania 2.
Your optomisim will be your undoing.
Well, why wouldn't they?
If it genuinely has no Denuvo then I'll be open to getting a Steam version on sale down the line.
Would be nice just to have for my GPD Win 2. It's more portable than the Switch.
It would be Sonic Team and Sega of Japan admitting defeat.
>iyes gaijin-san-tachi you make vely good geimu and we make vely badu geimiu yuu takeu obaa do our job bettel than us now, prease?
And yet Iizuka worked way more on Mania than Forces. He'd want a sequel as much as we do.
Sonic of America's Pillar Men?
when is this update dropping?
not sure, but you can apply for the beta branch with the password: sonicmaniaupdate
Windows is the Denuvo of operating systems.
Not to mention they recently confirmed that the pillars were still a thing when the movie design came out.
>went down from 117MB to 3MB
It's literally malware at this point