>mfw i realize this is coming back to pc in all its glory and with Yea Forumsros halochad rise up
Mfw i realize this is coming back to pc in all its glory and with Yea Forumsros halochad rise up
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait to see halo guy in smash
Halo 3 elites were so fucking sexy
>mfw it's announced to be exclusive to the MS store/W10, and I'm still using Windows 7.
buy win10
My body is ready.
>"Damn it, I need the free upgrade to play"
At this point that's pretty obviously a certainty, they're really pushing Xbox/W10 as one ecosystem.
What's already on PC is better tho
>windows 10
>no modding
>no server browser
It will be shit.
You spelled "Downgrade" Wrong
Can't wait for 95% of the community to drop off when they realize Halo is boring and slow and they'd rather be playing Apex
what about El Dorito?
Except nobody plays dewrito anymore
It most definitely will be exclusive to MS Store and Windows 10. It's the Microsoft flag ship series.
Would be more impressive if Xbox had a library.
you mean pirate win10?
obvious bait, but thanks for reminding me that now i can play halo 3 but there will be containment games like apex to make the community even better than it was before. what a time to be alive.
>halofags now infest Yea Forums
It's got everything except the player base. We need a major launch on PC to get a viable multiplayer.
I mean, it has a server browser
You can launch the game and join a server in 30 seconds
Sure there would be a way higher amount of servers if Microsoft didn't kill the game by forcing everybody to remove the public download links while banning anyone streaming it
Dewrito is fucking garbage.
If your first FPS came out before 2001, it's time to get the fuck off Yea Forums.
Eldewrito reached 16.000 players the day it was released.
That's why Microsoft started shitting themselves
I don’t get why people get so excited for this, halo 5 forge and multiplayer has been on pc for two years now.
>sprint is gone but air dodging is in so you can move still after jumping
>all halo weapons in a single game
>forge allows scripting so you get moving platforms and even buttons you can press to trigger events
Stop pretending to be a boomer. Here's your (You), that dopamine hit that you crave so much faggot
>no flag juggling
>BTB CTF on asymmetrical map
>they weren't there for the glorious few days of ElDewrito
If only there was a way to play Halo 3 multiplayer on Windows 7 with mods and a server browser
Are there any active ways to play halo on pc right now?
please I'm depressed I need distraction
if you were fucking born in 2001 youre old enough to post on Yea Forums, and most people here probably started using the site underage anyway
I am spending actual money on a master chief collection if this shit genuinely comes to PC. It fucking better, because I had such a good time playing Halo Online a while ago.
>to make the community even better
AKA dead retard.
I wonder how the PVP balance will work out on PC.
watch it be win 10 exclusive
Well the game came out 18 years ago, so it most likely was the average Yea Forums-user's first FPS. If you're over 30 and still posting here, you should reconsider your life choices. It's not "cool" to be that old anymore.
Not him but I had the most fun with almost dead communities to be fair
>pretending Reach was anything but pure kino
WHat game? Looks like something my dad might have played. I'll have to ask him. I'm only 26 b t w
>and most people here probably started using the site underage anyway
THIS except we knew back then to lurk more to NOT expose ourselves as 14 year olds
14 year olds now dont give a fuck because being the MOST autistic is now the contest
you mean those couple of days people were actually playing halo and not gmod lite?
Literally an upgrade over the stuff microsoft is currently releasing, unless it's a full 3 Anniversary
dewrito is mediocre and there are 20 faggots playing it and thats about it
>tfw you get invited to play Fat Kid on Foundry with some people you met on matchmaking just few minutes ago
I wish it was still 2007...
>he thinks halo 5 is a halo game
Im so fucking hype bros
The uneducated child consider Doom a good game.
The sophisticated adult know that Halo is superior in every regard.
Halo 5 has pretty much nothing to do with Halo.
they're both good games with their own merits
24/7 Blood Gulch pls
>all these cucks still playing eldewrito
>when its just same 10 maps modded to the bone
>missing blood gulch, foundry and other good maps
>impossible to port h3 maps
I remember thinking this was the peak of internet comedy back then.
I want to hold hands with windows 7-chan
Halo 1 2 and 3 were the death of PC centric fps games, and the rise of baby games for inferior consoles. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
It's as mediocre as Halo 3 except it has a better forge
Also just checked, 150 players right now with 15 active servers, just how many people do you need to play a game that only allows 16 players at most?
Why the fuck is there no reach-style Big Team Battle server? Somebody make a fucking spire map.
Oooooh hayabusa
How does it feel to be outdated and unwanted, grandpa?
My first FPS was Banjo-Tooie
Unreal and Quake going full Arena neglecting single player, Doom 3 sucking and Half Life dying were the death of PC FPS
Halo infinite better fucking have 50v50 big team battle. That would be absolute fucking kino.
Explain. Is there a trailer of it or something?
nigga halo is the most fun you can have with bros and some drinks aside from brojobs
We fucking won, PC and Xchads rise up.
The simplistic greatness of H3 and being able to play it on PC is something I've been waiting over a decade for. Also looking forward to completing the campaign on legendary and collecting the armor pieces once more, so all the cool 12 year olds don't mock me
It costs like 3 bucks at most.
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt thinking, what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until it's surface is but glass.
>5 custom game servers all with shit admins and shit maps
>5 TEAM SWAT only servers, aka im shit at halo servers
>5 400 ping normal servers that no one plays
150 players is shit by the way, ace attorney online has more, and its also a completely fanmade piece of shit, except the whole game is literally just text, and THAT has more players
>halo guy
His name is "Josh," you putrid slime.
>Halo infinite
>tfw slow af filthy DIamond Sword scum
>proximity voice chat in halo 2
>kill someone and get like 3 seconds of shit talking where they couldnt say anything back
those were the days
god-damit. 30+ here
Halo infinite looks like it might be decent. They're going back to the old art style.
It's actually John-123, you ignorant loser.
nothing in gaming will ever feel as iconic to me as 1:05 again
Hopefully, they are completely re-working the engine. My guess is they are adding the capability for lots of people on one map
If you believe that, you're a mouth breathing retard. Consoles got more prioritization then PC in general, not just with FPS games.
I heard they butchered Halo 3 armor permutations in MCC.
>tfw there used to be ways to play Halo 2 on Windows XP back in 2007 or 2008
Anyone under 30 shouldnt be allowed on the internet. They should be in daycare right now.
>these retards don't know James 007
It's like you never read the books
How would they ever recover the franchise from the dumpster fire that was Halo 5? I mean they could've salvaged the series after Halo 4, if they would've learned from their mistakes, instead of embracing them, but there's no way they'll revive the story after Halo 5.
>Also looking forward to completing the campaign on legendary and collecting the armor pieces once more
I have bad news for you about the MCC...
what's going on?
Come on, dude. It's Jim-6969, the strongest of all the Spartacus soldiers.
any chances it releases before summer?
>that modded map with the elephants up in the sky
>that one with some chinese title that was a 5 mile long obstacle labyrinth stuffed into foundry
>Indiana Jones
MCC is coming to PC.
well....fugg. do you just have it automatically or is it just not in the mcc?
>but there's no way they'll revive the story after Halo 5.
as a 21 year old cunt who used to be a big halo fan, i literally have barely any clue what happened in halo 5's story.
i remember it being predictable as hell, cortana cured rampancy and wanted to create a haven for AI and guide humanity into the future
the thing where it falls down for me is that cortana is completely justified and correct
but anyway my main point is: even as a halo fan i barely remember 5 (or 4 for that matter) so if they want to push that shit under the bed, they certainly can and i'll be happy
>all these butt-blasted replies
There were always shooters better than halo, if you played halo for anything but the singleplayer then you're legit low IQ.
digits dont lie
You have all the sets from the get-go, but you can only equip full sets.
>holy fuck you mean I can play Halo 3 custom games with the boys?
absolutely kino experience when I was younger
I loved that map. You could be an absolute terror if you were good with a Banshee particularly if no one had the competence to spartan laser your ass out of the sky.
that's frankly shit. mixing pieces is something everyone did
who are you quoting?
Every armor piece for every game is unlocked automatically. Even the DLC stuff.
Let's see
>Capture the flag on Valhalla
>Infection on custom map
>Team Crazy King on The Pit
>Fatkid on custom map
>Snipers on Foundation (imported halo 2 map)
>Team Snipers on Lockout (same)
>Slayer on Sandtrap
>Predator Hunt (custom gametype) on Forset Survival (custom map)
>Jenga Tower (minigames server)
>Team festa on HighGround
>and so on
I don't know, seems like there's enough choice to me
But sure, it would have way more players if Microsoft didn't try everything to sabotage the project
Halo was a well rounded meal full of vitamins and minerals and everything a growing boy needs to put hairs on his chest
Tribes isn't a better shooter and neither is Timesplitters you enormous buffoon.
>tfw you land a stinky on the banshee
Halo 3 is the peak of FPS games. You're free to disagree but that just makes you objectively wrong.
just get project cartographer if you want to play actual halo on PC until MCC releases
CTF on valhalla, Snipers/team snipers and team fiesta are the only servers worth mentioning there
so lets say 150 players and you listed 10,
so 15 per server, but you said "and so on" so lets push it down to say 12 per server
obviously it wont be even so lets say 10-14 per server
playing halo 3 with the same 9 people for 30 minutes, then switching to another server
Isn't that just for Halo 2?
yeah, beats the shit out of Frankenhalo though
imagine having such shit taste that you think any halo game was ever good
>baby first fps
imagine being such a retard you open, read, and post in a thread about a series you hate
That might have worked against 13 year olds wielding 360 controllers, but it won't work if/when this game goes up on PC.
>TFW playing Halo 2 on PC
I never realized how fucking slow it was. It didn't feel this slow when I was using a controller.
halo? more like GAYlo amirite
A few of the "Windows 10" exclusives are on Steam now. Halo Wars Definitive Editon, Recore, and Sunset Overdrive fir example. Microsoft knows damn well no one use the Windows Store, so who know how long it could be before it comes to Steam.
>18 year old franchise
Don't be so old.
So do people realize IF MCC comes to PC it'll be on the MS Store and not on steam right?
>superbouncing in halo 2 multiplayer
take me back
You can still upgrade for free. Did it a week ago.
As stated in this thread for like 5 times already.
the seething boomers who always post this. just play quake or unreal and be happy old timers.
I fucking hated halo 2. Everyone tell me why Im wrong. It was inferior to 1 and not as polished as 3.
i cant believe that custom games with the originals maps will comeback
reach had the best forge BTW
The most interesting story of any Halo game. Doesn't mean much, but it's something.
Why is so hard to enjoy every single fps for what it is?
I mean we all play videogames for fun right?
Now is a matter of days until fortnite kids say that their game is commonly discussed in Yea Forums
you can buy the licence key for like 3$ off of eBay.
>TFW windows 10 LTSC with no windows store and no Cortana
>won't be able to play Halo
>at least I don't get ads within my own start bar though
>play halo 1, hey cool elites with recharging shield are hard
>halo 2, wow this game isnt as good as 1. But there are a LOT of enemies!
>halo 3, damn brutes fucking suck and so do ranged flood forms, but its so fun
reach had the best custom games and forge
Supposedly full customization is WIP but apparently MCC is the most back-asswards-coded game ever so they're focusing on larger systems first.
best story despite what casuals might say
Good people on there.
I will unironically buy w10 and buy this if I can play halo 3 online again. Probably won't be anywhere near as fun with people having actual decent aim with a m&kb but it should still be pretty fun.
halo online is garbage don't fucking tell me "ITS LIKE HALO 3" it's not.
You can still do that. Look up Halo 2 Project Cartographer.
These boys
I played Halo Online in the General and don't remember any of these guys.
I'm trying to understand the scoring in that game, but I'm so confused.
Youre lying to yourseld if you dont think the latest version of eldewrito is functionally the same as halo 3 mp
>first was UT99
Why should I leave? I'm a 24 year old KHV, I fit the criteria.
That screenshot is about 2 months old and I'm sure people change their name frequently but I usually only play in Infection custom games.
you're an actual moron if you think eldewrito is anywhere close to how halo 3 played, sounded, and looked
the soul is MISSING
Something doesn't add up.
Christ. It is. Sorry it doesnt have meme matchmaking and 10 year olds screaming. Or the burger king map in forge 100% remade perfectly. But it is functionally halo 3.
Eldewrito has more soul than halo 3 because its a fan remake of something some corporation wont provide.
>obviously it wont be even so lets say 10-14 per server
Ever played Halo 3? A good portion of the servers is 4 vs 4 only. 10 player servers are rare, but you'll usually find around 4-5 active servers with 16 players.
Most of the servers aren't fixed on a single gametype, so the server browser never lacks variety (compared to original Halo 3, at least).
Here are the most popular serves right now:
>Base Attack Zombies (custom gametype on custom map)
>Castle Wars on Geonosis (absolute kino gametype)
>FFA Fiesta on Last Resort
>ChasingtheAsians on ForeignersArena
>Frogger on Sandy Pond
>Team Swat on relic
>BRs Slayer on Diamondback
>Fatkid on Vacant
>D-Day on Normandy
>Team Slayer on Valhalla
>Snipers on Reactor
This isn't Cartographer, matches are usally pretty fast and evey time you get to the server browser, you find something entirely different
Most of the playerbase is people playing once a week/month, so it's unlikely to always find the same people to play with (except a few regular autists)
Still, game went from 150 players to 60, then 180 and then 90 in 15 minutes
Nah I'm good my nigger
Just like not all zoomers are bad, not all boomers are bad either
It's just a vocal minority that feasts on our (You)
Halo Online has a server browser and mods so its automatically superior.
IS forge and custom games coming to Pc? Is so, then this halo collection will be 10/10
>the nostalgia of playing fat kid in customer games
>...if we don't make it...
>We'll make it.
Youve been missing out for like the past year. Eldewrito makes this possible.
No, it literally won't
That time is gone forever for you
You're right, this one is 4k/60fps
What's the complaint here? Is it the weapon skins? Just mod it.
true, but there is always at least 5 or 6 lobbies that are full and available 24/7
so there's always a game to join, with variety from slayer to fun custom games
Best multiplayer map design by a god damn mile. The best maps are simply legendary.
Ivory Tower
Even the maps we considered mediocre or outright bad at the time have are seen as memorable and enjoyable in retrospect
Burial Mounds
And it brought back the best of the best, while improving on them
The only legitimately bad map was Backwash, and even that had it's moments. Halo 2 had the best roster of multiplayer maps in the history of shooters, bar none. In terms of consistency, memorability, unique designs, and sheer number, it is unmatched. Other Halo games have too many stinkers to compare. Other shooters don't match up to the sheer volume.
>it is functionally halo 3
it's a butchering of russian f2p trash with maybe a quarter(?) of Halo 3's maps.
Halo 3 multiplayer has yet to be topped
fucking little dudebro millennials of course your only comebacks is "GRAMPS WADDYA DOING HERE". just know you aren't allowed to complain when the fortnite kids tell you to fuck off in 18 years time.
It already came back with El Dewrito. Now we're just getting it officially. Welcome to the club, OP.
my first FPS was Doom 3d.
what are you going to do about it, kiddo?
Tombstone was much worse than Hang Em High. That map only worked with CE's weapons and mechanics.
Anti-Dewrito faggots are a cancer. Just shut the fuck up and play the game.
This 100%. Its exactly what happened to Halo Online. People don't miss the game. They like to pretend they miss it. Its saddening.
and Killer Instinct
You got it the wrong way, the russian f2p trash was a burchering of ODST ported on PC.
dewrito deletes everything the russians did to it
>just shut up and eat shit lol
>Anti-Dewrito faggots
It's called microsoft shills
Just because I think Halo 3 is superior to ElDewrito, doesn't mean I'm anti-Dewrito. I like it and I still occasionally play it, but it's really nothing compared to the real deal.
He never told you to play 343 games
I want to tell you that it's almost always being given a way for free/cheap and that you should get it.
However, I'm always suspicious of the ulterior motives for such "generosity", so just make up your own mind.
Dunno, I still have my 360 with my Halo 3 Limited Edition copy and I usually load eldewrito when I want more halo
It's all about tastes it seems
>Literally all the features of Halo 3 and then some
>From a garbage Russian p2w nothing to something
Ungrateful cunts, poor baby's Lamborghini was red and not maroon.
Is M+KB going to trivialize the campaigns?
I'd use the windows store if the deals they had werent absolute shit. It's old Steam jew tactics, raise the prices even with 15% discounts.
You're actually entirely wrong. It's literally black magic some of the maps we've ported over. We've those and then some, like Prisoner and Rat Race and shit.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what's going on?
I just googled it and all I'm seeing right now is rumor BS.
They've been here, but okay.
What ever happened to River or whatever his name was that was running /hog/, did he actually get cancer
>still play halo 1 and eldewrito
>slowly everyone goes offline
>the custom maps become more sparse
>the english speakers are all but gone
>me, jesse james
>cat, the server operator
>playing race maps with Running in the 90s playing in the background
>the hook plays while you're doing a kickass drift
Tell me the difference then, Einstein, since you're such a brainchild. Its literally indistinguishable to me.
What the fuck he got cancer?
the next xbox inside the 12th will bring big news for MCC
someone who leak stuff on halo said that mcc will eventually get on PC
Well he said hitscan already. I find it hard to really care about the difference of 2500fps bullets to instantaneuous at the distances of halo 3. But he does.
>tfw you don't care about the MCC because ElDewrito still exists
>tfw you know Microdick can't kill ElDewrito because its all peer 2 peer
Shit broke my heart. Followed the proj3ct ever since the begining. After Microsoft's antics, everyone ran for the hills because they thought they'd somehow get In trouble. Other camp were folks who played it as flavor of the month and took it as a queue for them to leave. Nothing ever actually happened, people just quit and now magically there's supposedly everything wrong with it despite nothing changing. I just wanna' play some fat kid, man. Why it gotta be like this?
It's playable under Xenia currently.
a shit analogy is a surefire sign someone has nothing worthwhile to input and they're at the end of the rope, time to move on
ElDewrito is still a thing. Only issue is you need to find a download Microsoft hasn't axed yet.But its still got people playing it, because is all p2p.
I remember him saying something along the lines of getting really sick and doctors not knowing what was wrong so it's my only guess. Dude dropped off the face of the planet. His pastebins are still up at least so thank god for that.
Here's what PC offers when it comes to Halo.
That's really sad. He was the nicest guy and really made the game stay alive.
>play halo game
>doesnt let me pilot a pelican
>hasn't play reach
>tfw hiding outside the map blaring chocolate milk kid into the mic
8 years :(
Hope ot fucking fails.. Halo doesn't belong on PC.
>Never had any friends to do this with
>Managed to do it alone with a jetpack and jumping on my falcon to hit the buttons
>Falcon always falls down into the abyss
>End up stuck on a ledge waiting for banshees to fly by to hijack them
>Out of falcons so all I can ever fly is the phantom
Well I tried.
It's pretty much destined to fail. The only people who give a shit about Halo on PC are console migrants that took the 'PC master race' meme seriously. And even they are likely to buy it, play a few zombies games, then never touch it again.
Just like every other time.
i just left from daycare actually
ya its 8pm, time for you to go to bed you damn under30age
I think it's the funniest thing seeing vtards complain about Windows 10 when 7 is just as much of a botnet. You fuckers had discord for Christ's sake. Retards
>You're gonna be able to relive the old days of Halo CE
fuck yes
these faggots probably hate halo because of penny arcade
reminder that PA was never good
If Halo was on PC, it would have to have a port that is mechanically different from the console version. Faster movement, more projectile weapons. Etc. But it won't be, because it's a console game designer for a gimped platform. It wouldn't work well.
>Zoomer doesn't know how popular Halo PC was back in the day
i had a dream i was playing (or actually in) Headlong and it was autistically wonderful
>you will never drop off warthogs to your friends in multiplayer
I remember playing a game we made up in halo 3 forge called mongoose baseball with a gravity hammer as the bat
was fun
It would basically need to be Quake with a weapon limit and no strafe jumping.
Been there done that. Is kino.
shut up gramps, go play goldeneye again and feel old
just tried eldewrito, it's too hard.
sure you are kid, have a charity (you) for trying you lying orphan.
whats hard about it
>halo 4 armor
how much meth does a cgi modeler smoke to think that is a good idea to have as a design. Glad I skipped right over that game.
Could be worse.
Could be halo 5.
This one looks fine, though. It's an easter egg helmet that the majority of players won't even see anyway.
>inb4 you dump the same images again
>telemetry updates you can block
>built into OS, won't operate if disabled
>tfw all i ever wear in halo 5 is helioskrill
literally the only decent looking armor. ALSO a side fuck you to 343 for later just giving out the armor instead of having to suffer like me through legendary in mcc
I don’t give a shit about playing it on PC until they port Reach to it in 4K and 60fps.
>/hg/ has hit 500 and is still going
Fight on you crazy bastards.
Double this, win10 is for fags
How? There hasn't been anything to talk about for years.
They do this crazy thing where they actually play Halo. Occasionally at least.
Does that really generate enough conversation to warrant having the same thread day in and day out for what is coming up on 4 years? Halo news and discussion has been absolutely barren since the big MCC patch.
>7 has endured all these years
>now she's slowly dying
>10 swoops in like a fucking vulture now that she's weak
Windows 10 is free though?
>Everytime someone does something stupid with their computer and gets a virus Microsoft gets blamed
>Everytime a hardware developer doesn't work within the architecture properly or support multiple OS's, Microsoft gets blamed
>It's much easier for them and everyone if their userbase migrates to the latest version
>They literally give it away for free
>People still make retarded analogies about vultures
With the new halo being released, will we see pre-reach and Halo 3 levels of banter or will we never get back what was lost?
Bro. Katawa shoujo.
I'll be happy if Reach gets ported.
Banter is gone now in games. All private parties and discord
>yfw steam release
concept artists are the ones who design
modelers are forced to create whatever they shit out
Every fucking thread...
Nice try 10, fuck off.
>porting one of the most mediocre FPS series to PC where there are metric fucktons of vastly superior FPS games to play
Fucking consolekids.
I remember halo 3 being full of private parties where entire matches would be full of people with private parties
>used to have his OC in the filename so it was an easy filter
>then he caught on to people trying to avoid his autism
>shit at pc shooters because left handed but taught to use mouse with right (no fine dexterity , suck shit at aiming)
>if halo came out on pc everyone would rape me using kbm
Feels terrible man
>wanting to be limited to Halo 3 instead of also playing H1 & 2 in MCC
Maps aside, H2A is a straight upgrade to Halo 3's gameplay.
>mfw it's announced to be exclusive to the MS store/W10, and I'm still using Windows 7, the superior OS