Why do we hate Sony again?

>Committed to create more single player games
>Outsold the Switch last year
>Won the GOTY (God of War)
>God of War has won more GOTY awards than BoTW and it's the second fastest exclusive (over 11 million copies sold by now)
>Spider-Man is the fastest selling PlayStation exclusive ever (9 million and counting) and fastest selling PlayStation exclusive
>Still funding weird and fun games like Dreams, Concrete Genie, Lost Soul Aside, etc
>Has a plethora of upcoming exclusives and Japanese third party support One Piece World Seeker, Devil May Cry V, Sekiro, Ni Oh 2, Judgment, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Dreams, Medievil, Senran Kagura 7, TLOU Part II, Left Alive, Persona 5 R, Code Vein, Catherine Full Body, Dragon Ball RPG Action game, 13 Sentinels, Granblue Versus, Granblue Fantasy, Project Prelude Rune, Project Awakening, Babylon's fall, etc etc
>Last of Us part II won the most awards at e3 2018 and it's the most awaited exclusive game
>Ghost of Tsushima is an excellent action game that got heavily praised
>Death Stranding is confirmed to be an unique outstanding game from one of the best and acclaimed game's directors ever
>Confirmed to double down on first party games
>They don't follow any current trend in vidya like Battle Royale or any of that shit
>Shawn hinted that they are looking to create/buy more game studios for a more variety of games
>Praises the competition when they do fine.

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their fans suck my nuts

>Why do we hate Sony again?

What do you mean we?
The only people who make console war threads are south-americans, eastern europeans and africans.

Name 1 (one) truly great Sony franchise. One untainted up until now, and still lives in the head of gamers like Mario or Zelda.

God of War, Gran Turismo, Uncharted

Sony fans get the most mad, everyone else is used to being shit on

Poor efforts lmao

>>They don't follow any current trend in vidya like Battle Royale or any of that shit

They're the leader in SJW shit bro. Which is the biggest trend of the last 10 years.

>Name 1 (one) truly great Sony franchise.
Killzone 2. And only Killzone 2.

>Why do we hate Sony again?
0 BC. And no Killzone 5. But mainly zero BC is my issue.

>Thinks he has statistical knowledge of who exactly is the OP for each console wars thread
>Is retarded

All Sony wants do is make games to empower women and minorities as if playing video games suddenly make engineers, doctors, and lawyers out of people. They don't want to make anything creative anymore. They make the same generic 3rd person cinematic shit they've been releasing since the ps3.


>>Committed to create more single player games
>Still no Ape Escape 4

because you are an enormous corporate dicksucker you tremendous faggot

New Fat Princess when?

What is this "we" shit? Yea Forums isnt a fucking hive mind.

How many Sony shill threads are there today?
This place really is sonygaf

>Committing to do anything is valueless. A plan is only as good as putting it into action.
>Console sales are not profitable.
>GOTY awards from journalists you dont trust every other day of the week.
>"still funding weird games" aka throwing away money
>weebs relent into pushing their fapbait onto a console that is going straight to 1984
>"most awaited exclusive game" this isnt an actual award. its sony shills trying to defend a movie thats taking too long to come out
>Ghost of Tsushima is a Batman Arkham City ripoff masked as an arthouse movie ironically
>Death Stranding is a walking simulator with a nerdbait story about death
>Confirmed with no source or announcement
>Not following any trends in vidya yet supposedly doubles down on shitty cinematic games that take 7 hours to finish because they review well
>Confirmed with no source again, but this time just talking about shit Microsoft is already doing
>"Never underestimate Nintendo" isnt praise. its admonishing their audience of autistic naysayers.

>it’s this shitty copypasta again
Bro, it isn’t hate, it’s just that Sony is mediocre, was better than Microsoft when the Xbox One was announced, but now after their day in the Sun, Sony is implementing a bunch of shitty practices. There is also the insufferable console war Sony ego bullshit that is easy to hate.

>we want the halo crowd: the game
it was a generic piece of shit.

Yes we are newfriend

Watching Sony fuck up the original PSP made me realize that they were retarded. They can make great hardware and great software and then they kneecap themselves with awful administrative decisions

The PSP and the Vita could have owned the entire mobile market had Sony opened up the firmware, the PSP was years ahead of smartphones in capability, but then they hobble themselves with self-proprietary standards and overpriced bullshit

Vib Ribbon

>it was a generic piece of shit.
Then you must of sucked at it. Big time. Especially if you are comparing it to Halo. That just screams you must have been really really and really bad at it.

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Oh cool this pasta again.
Does this bring you joy?

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but the PSP was successful.

Those don't even have a cultural impact.
Mario is literally mr. videogameman.

The PSP could have completely dominated the mobile market. Not just mobile gaming, mobiles period

>attach a phone, they were making phones circa 2004
>open up the firmware and software base. Let people custom load whatever they want
>open an app store
>go to SD/microSD, drop Memory Stick
>all the benefits of Android five years before the first Android phones show up on market

They had the opportunity and threw it the fuck away

I'm not a stock broker and I have an actual fucking taste. I should leave this shithole.

Playing through GoW now on hardest difficulty, it's a decent story with good gameplay. Don't know why it son goty though. "Spider-man: You Knew" was boring as shit though

Because they're normalizing censorship and SJW culture. Of course neo Yea Forums doesn't care anymore, since pretending to be a liberal is the new hip thing.

>Committed to create more single player games
In their wording they said they want to focus on less games.
>Outsold the Switch last year
Good for sony, not for you as a consumer.
>Won the GOTY (God of War)
Good for sony, not for you as a consumer. You could have said they made a good game, instead you focused on the benefits for the company. Either you are legit a shill or you are a massive fanboy.
>God of War has won more GOTY awards than BoTW
Okay, at this point I just assume you are a shill. There's no way you'd be happy for something that has no impact on you, but on the company you worship so much without having massive brain damage.

Why did we post this thread again?

Gran Turismo is one of the major reasons japan exported their sports cars in the first place

Just don't like them as a company. They do some neat stuff like Dreams or Persona 5 but for the most point a lot of their single player games look like they sniff their own farts.

Fuck off snoy shill. Don't you have some shit to censor and some axewound to dilate?

>Just don't like them as a company.
Now that is weird because I do like them as a company and grew up with them. But for gaming I can't commit to them for shit. Headphones and phones are fine. But consoles......nah.

They said that games are getting bigger so it feels they're making less games but also stated that they're doubling down on their first party games production, specially because Google, Amazon are entering the competition, and MS is restructuring their first party studios with new acquisitions

Hilarious, when Sony has been the gaming driving force since the last two decades

Saying that you don't care for Sony when it comes to gaming is just a plain lie

The weak fear the strong

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it was an alright game, I enjoyed K2 more than any halo game

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Only poorfags and third worlders act like they hate Sony out of jealousy

Jesus, this is embarrassing. Sony bros, get your boi.

Reminder that Sony said they're gonna make "fewer, bigger games", which in modernspeak, usually translates into "bloated cinematic garbage"

To be fair, Nintendo entered the market after most of it's would be competition had already died.

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>Saying that you don't care for Sony when it comes to gaming is just a plain lie
Fine I committed to Sony right from the very fucking start. Box PS1 all the way too PS3. But PS4 was just too fucked for me to handle. And by that time, I already was having an affair with 360. But the fact they just went wrong along the way with BC and yeah paying for Online gaming was just to weird for me. But Sony's phones are mine forever and always.

they enforce censorship of anything slightly lewd

Here is a hard truth for sonyfags. The only reason why you win in gaming is because you're competing against a software company that makes retarded decisions and a fucking toy company. When Sony competes with other tech Giants like Apple, Samsung et al it gets beaten bullied and humiliated. Who owns a Sony phone ffs? Sony is so incompetent they even lost the handheld race to the toy company. Like yeah congrats for selling pre built PCs

>B-but you are seething
Not even mad gaming ain't even my main hobby
>B-but nintendie
Haven't bought a Nintendo console since the SNES
Cope motherfuckers

Sony is da bomb, nigga

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It's the fans. Sony is totally okay and has really put their shit together after the recession. The fan are constantly posting wiiiirrrrrrrrr vore and bing bong. Whahoooo.

They say stuff like "Never underestimate Nintendo" for the good publicity. It's a very safe way for them to keep a positive image without having to commit to anything or provide the other side with a clear advantage. They're aware they have a reputation of being closed off and cold towards Nintendo/Microsoft and occasionally throw little things like this around. The higher-ups don't give a fuck either way, Phil Spencer owns a PS4 and Shawn has a Switch, but the difference is in their marketing.

>flags are leaked one day
>all shitposters are eurocucks and hue hues
Lol get fucked Muhammad

Because we are all gay here.

Nintendo should have partnered with sony instead of phillips
they dug their own grave

actually xperia is doing pretty good and the vita only tanked due to proprietary flash memory
Playstation is the defacto gaming device except for PC. This is non-negotiable.

>except for PC
no, ps4 is just the defacto. There are major games not out for the ps4 but there are no major games not on ps4 outside of nintendo

Because people are too poor to afford more than one gaming console and they decide to delude themselves into believing that their decision is 1000% in the right by telling themself that the other consoles are satan incarnate.

He's based

Nice wojack nigger

didn't read

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Why do they do this?

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How does saying it’s generic translate to the person sucking at the game? Also killzone 2 was easy as fuck

>Nintendo just has hambeasts in Zelda and Splatoon clothes
>Sony has a fucking float with a bunch of gyrating faggots literally screaming 'WE'RE GYRATING FAGGOTS'

I'm not a Nintendofag but Sony is normie central with it's over the shoulder cinematic faggoty.

Sony Chad here, don’t bother replying to me if you aint got it

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>Can't avoid naming Nintendo after a single sentence

Every time

I hate because they are controlled by Jews and the left. Also their fanbase is the worst.

You're unable to ignore shit like that. Clearly you're autistic.

>Who owns a Sony phone ffs?
Um.....I do. I like them and I grew up with them.

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t. sonyfag

Killzone was 110% marketed as a "Halo killer" in the first release. That failed, then they tried to do it with Haze. After that they gave up. Should've kept resistance alive

Poorfags and subhumans hate us because we are Chads and get all the games worth playing. Feels good to always win baby

>How does saying it’s generic translate to the person sucking at the game?
>Also killzone 2 was easy as fuck
You wouldn't understand man. And you have a short attention span if Killzone 2 was easy a fuck.


>Killzone was 110% marketed as a "Halo killer" in the first release. That failed
It's weird how you used the first Killzone for PS2 and not the other Killzones after that. Jesus there are alot of you that were fucking terrible at Killzone 2.

But you aren't Chad, you're Brazilian

>Thinks he has statistical knowledge of who exactly is the OP for each console wars thread
Did you miss April fools 2 years ago, Mr. Huehue?

>so Xbox says Nintendo is great and wants crossplay huh?

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Pure Nordic master race. Never reply to me again subhuman.

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Whatever you say, Jose.

>orc master race
10" harbinger of death will tear through the ass of any Norse fag

Most of your points are just industry numbers games, why would any of that make a consumer like a company more? Consumers don't give a shit which console sold more or what games got awards.
And as for your bit about commiting to more single player, yeah sure, but it's all specifically third person cinematic narrative games, not a diverse selection of cool shit, it's quite samey and personally I don't like them and a lot of people agree.

The only thing making me not entirely let go is things like dreams and some other choice stuff, but it's far too little and too infrequent for me to remain an ardent fan. I got a PS4 and I've played bloodbourne and I'm looking forward to dreams, we're approaching the end of the gen possibly and I've liked one fucking game so far.

If sony start doing new interesting and FUN stuff, yes FUN, then they'll probably start getting more popular on this board again, but until then they're only just above Microsoft because Microsoft has literally nothing going on right now.

Nigga your the only one bringing in skill level as an arguement. Nobody is going to respond to your nonsense that has nothing to do with anything. For the record, Killzone 2, 3, and shadowfall are not halo clones since they stopped pursuing that tactic after 1.

>games for little children
bye bye

PC is a multipurpose tool, child

>why do we hate Sony?
>spends entire time talking about nintendo
This is why everybody hates Sony

>God of War, Gran Turismo, Uncharted
Fucking lol

Are you implying Mario is untainted?


>Why do we hate Sony again?
Their fanbase is cancerous
They're pretentious as a fuck
Pays off gaming sites

The amount of re-releases and incredibly low effort spin off games is pretty much the definition of taint.

Replying to say that you're a fag

>Sony Chads are being m-mean to me awww bloobloo!


>Yea Forums whines that sony censors games
Still only half as bad as the time you guys let a shitty turd shovelware developer named Mealstrom shill this board to death into honestly ironically believing casual shovelware should kill off traditional games with soul because they were considered 'hardcore'. Just like how communists wanted to kill off their intellectuals, Yea Forums tried to kill of their hardcore gamers, because I guess simply acknowledging you're more passionate towards videogames than the average casual meant you were bragging. You guys defend Nintendo religiously when they were shitting all over us, and now you bash Sony when they are currently going through a negative phase. Yea Forums is the only place on the internet where if you imply you like Sony half as much as Nintendo you get shit on. They religiously believe Nintendo deserves a monopoly after the Gaystrom Manifesto was shitted all over this place years ago.

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