DMCV Mechanics

Only discussion about the gameplay and mechanics go here.

Don't post any girls.
Don't post story shit.
Don't post music shit.
NOTHING, except gameplay or gameplay mechanics.

With that said. How is the movement in the game?
The combo animations and combo themselves?
Are they satisfying?
How are the SFX and impact of the hits?
Does the game have input lag, etc?
How are the bosses, are they challenging, do they make you think or change strategies, do they test your reflex, does the game make you play aggressive or passive?

Attached: DMC5.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck is that OP, we can talk about mechanics without answering some cringey questionnaire.

How about you fuck off, you autist.

Instead of replying with that low effort post, instead you should have already made the discussion about mechanics. Start now.


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I feel im bruteforcing my way through.
Specially Geryon.

>I feel im bruteforcing my way through.
Is it because of your individual skill or is the game challenging? What difficulty did you set it in and have you played these types of games before?

Lady is fucking hot and the music is really good. There's a couple parts where she's naked, I had to get up to go masturbate during those parts. Overall 9/10 game.

This but Nico

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I feel the game have mechanics im completely missing.
Geryon and Gilgamesh, i only ever kept dodging and attacking, never managed to stun them like the other bosses.
Geryon was a mess i only won because i had enough HP to tank his shit on Devil Hunter difficulty, as most of the fight was in slow mo and i kept getting hit.

Doesn't sound like good game design.

First DMC game. It doesn't really seem hard so much as I can't get high scores. How am I supposed to combo efficiently and actually do non auto combos? For the most part it seems if I just don't get hit I'll get S.

>some guy doesn't have perfect grasp of the game's mechanics
>"haha sounds like a terrible game"

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Just cycle moves and combos while not getting hit, you don't need auto combos at all. Like on Nero do your basic triangle mash, then do the combo where you delay the first two triangle presses, then do the one where you delay after the first two, then launch and juggle with the two areal combos then repeat. It's not hard to memorize the inputs, just cycle through them.

I don't think DMC was really that hard, and I played the pre-patch NA version of DMC3 when it first came out.

Did you pump Griffon's Lighting Wall and Two Flank? Those moves and Shadows saw blade are V's bread and butter it seems since they usually lead to knockdowns that you can then capitalize on.
Keep varying up your moves and combos. V pumps his Style meter the most with Nightmare/Griffon AOE attacks and when he dispatches. There's also a lot of tech for Nero's arms that aren't immediately obvious like using Breakaway while Punchline is out or using Gerbera GP01 to almost dribble enemies.

if i restart a mission to grab a blue orb fragment and quit to the main menu after collecting the fragment (without finishing the mission) will the fragment remain collected?

I played it too, Cerberus was pretty traumatic but the rest of the game wasn't that bad, maybe it was because Cerberus forced me to git gud.

Like that guy said, cycle through them, you aren't going to get every single combo at the start. Never do the same thing over and over again because that won't raise your rank. And make sure that you taunt, of course you'd have to learn enemy moves/pattern and know how to dodge so you won't get hit.

Side note, taunting on Nero and Dante is kind of tricky because everyone is trying to rape you but there's no reason you shouldn't be constantly spamming taunt on V at all times.

So is this the coolest opening title credit sequence ever put in a videogame to date, or what?

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Not being able to manually select Devil Bringer in spite of there being 2 unused buttons for Nero is a pretty shit mechanic.

It's pretty fucking hype, that trailer was so cool.

Didnt post a girl i posted a Lady!

Attached: lady.jpg (1920x1080, 551K)

Finish the game at least once before you talk


Movement is alright. Nero feels the most satisfying. Dropping straight down with no momentum after walking over the end does look whack.
Combos and combo animations are good. Dante shows this pretty well. V is suffers because he's divorced from the combat.
SFX and Impact are good. They almost drown out the music.
I haven't noticed considerable input lag bu V is slow to attack due to the nature of his summons.
Boss are alright. I feel they could've been more dangerous on DH. They feel limp sometimes waiting for their attack.
Common enemies are my problem. They can't deal with any of the cast. They could probably deal with V if they didn't always target the summons that revive quick. Giving the common mooks a ranged attack would've benefited them in dealing with the cast when they're in the air. The ones who do the ranged attacks are usually divorced from the melee guys and have considerably low health.
The game lets you do whatever you want to do but being aggressive is sorta rewarded. I have problems with the early bosses. They feel like they're holding back. The final boss is a problem since it's a repeat and the character you are using is incredibly strong - damage wise.
My main personal complaint is the style meter and style ranking. It's too lenient. It doesn't really tell me how good I'm doing when it gives S like candy. I want them to patch it as soon as possible.

Some good criticisms right there. It does seem like it has it's negatives, where in it's current state, would you rank/place DMCV? With the obvious exclusion of DmC.

>press x the star next triangle
Kek you faggots and their movie games

yeah the common enemies really don't pose enough of a problem (at least on DH)

dmc4 enemies were there for you to beat the shit out of but you still had to consider the fact that they could hit you (often from range/in the air too)

Hows the difficulty? I was watching forsen and he was getting Ss almost every single time and he is a terrible gamer, apparently he was doing this on the hardest difficulty

Apparently not that good, even garbage players are finding it ok.

I don't too much care for V's style, I can't really figure it out. Maybe I'll get it down with some more playtime but I really find him unpleasant.

is the demo on pc

One of the devs is OUR GUY and hated the game so much he released a denuvo free crack so you can pirate the entire game and play it.

How to stylebeast:
1. Don't get hit
2. Hit the enemies
3. Hit them slightly differently
4. Taunt
See a group of weak enemies? Rush into them with sweeping ground attacks. If one is left still standing, take him into the air for variety after insulting him. After finishing him off in the air, maybe shoot a couple rounds at another enemy then snatch over to them and use ground moves that are more for single target damage. So on and so forth.

What do you feel about the level design?
Kinda disappointed we didnt get the DMC1/3 style of labyrinth like castle/tower with interesting puzzles to solve. That kinda played into the mystery of the game.

But I don't mind linear i guess.

This mechanic is Cute AF.

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controller or kbm? the dodge three button combo is fucking me up on kbm

Anyone else disappointed by some of the facets of the engine, like having to load in cutscenes and menus, pretty shoddy stuff.

I think it's kind of shit in general, too much of a focus on being "realistic" locations that they had to implement that thing to tell the player where to go next instead of using the levels visual design to emphasize the way forwards. There's also the issue of those parasites, they aren't inherently bad but I get the feeling they were added because they wanted levels to look like real locations where applicable first instead of being levels with a consistent flow between arenas, it starts to get better as things go on though.

Tbh combat seems extremely dated compared to Bayonetta 2. We may have to wait until Astral Chain/Bayonetta 3 to get a top tier action game.

>DMC is dated
Why would you even say something so wrong and untrue? Nothing about the game is dated
I love Platinum and all but they aren't the only ones that make good action games, DMC is as good as it ever was and with all the faults 5 may have "dated" is certainly not one of them

is this accessible if ive only played the first game? i heard there is a recap

You're a massive faggot if you don't play 3 and 4 first.

noted, should i replay 1 as well?


thanks user

How the fuck do I play V

I'm having fun as him but I fucking suck, went from SSS's with Nero to taking like 10 minutes to beat V's first boss

Focus on using shadow

np have fun

sorry last question, is 2 worth playing?

Feel free to try it but it sucks. It has some cool ideas but the gameplay was awful, I never finished it

good to know, thanks again, hope you're enjoying 5

How do I into Cavaliere?

You press a button repeatedly and get SSS

Maybe better than 4. I just can't place it above 1 or 3 but it's close.

does the music really increase based off combos? is it devil trigger every time?

The charge shot says "hold till his left arm glows"
It never starts glowing though? all i see is a short flash when he loads the bullets.

Different characters have different music. You can replace it if you got the music packs. Crimson Cloud fits V well.

>Alternate announcers
>it's just Nico being lame

If you made this thread to whine about inertia or no turbo, kill yourself.

I think there's a sound queue or a glow around the arms. It's more noticeable later for reason I wouldn't say because of spoilers.

There's nobody complaining about inertia or no turbo. I can start though. Turbo should be in PC. Inertai is in the game but weapon attacks cancel it out. It's obvious if you watch V swing his cane. I don't think they removed it for him since his cane doesn't count as a "weapon".

Consider suicide, kikeniggerfaggot.

The enemies are underwhelming as fuck. The empusas are literal filler garbage.


Do you guys rebind shoot to a better button? Where did you put it?

How the fuck are you supposed to control v's animals? When there are enemies in the air the panther just attacks the air

R2 for me.


It's disappointing they didn't do it to the tree. Seemed like a prime area to place them in. Apart from the blood pools and the old Sparda home, Areas sorta blend together. Weird that they didn't apply Cerberus area signature fast enough. Could've added to the variety. It also helps with telling you what's going to happen.

>that intro

>the van craziness

I had the biggest shit eating grin for all of that scene. DMC is back, boys.

Hello Darlington.

mission 19 is kicking my ass. am i fucking up by punishing with dante sword?
i feel like i make too many mistakes. what do i do when he swirling swords me, and when he swirling swords himself?

Reminds me of roll cancelling from 1. Cool.

I have no idea what you're trying to reference there? i just said i bound shoot to R2, lock on is still R1

Panther has attacks that can reach high up. Check your movelist.

Can't you destroy them with guns? You can also jump them if you time it right, I think.

Does V have to be on the ground to gambit or even do finishers at all? Many times I was right by a dying enemy but he just lazily swung his can because he was in the air

The ability to replay any secret mission you want whenever you want is my favorite change.

Kill yourself.

at what combo does the music kick in? A?

How do you control nightmare? Pressing b just makes v use his cane

you can't, unless you're riding him

i'm 90% sure that he can teleport to an enemy while in the air once, i started noticing it during journos previews.
you have to either touch the ground or somehow enemy step to be able to do it again

Give it to me straight Yea Forums. Would this game be feasibly playable for me at low settings?

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no ultrawide support is bothering the fuck out of me

other than that awesome game i love it

Keep in mind this is DMC. You only start with Easy and normal difficulties. You have to unlock the rest. Normal in DMC was never all that hard.

Hardest difficulty that was available to him at the time. You unlock 3 harder difficulties after that alongside one gimmick one

How to change Devil Breaker types?

Is THE TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I music in the special edition music?


People are doing fixes, google it

I don't want to spend all that extra money just because I want one song, I'm gonna have to wait a few months for this to drop in price.

L1 to break your breaker

Couldn't you just mod the game?

Aw man, no way to just switch em? Damn.

>get S in every mission except those containing urizen
>unlock Dante
baby want snatch back

Probably, I don't have a PC though, for me it will be on PS4.

Christ alive, I want to remove Sweet Surrender and Megabuster from the game but I can't. Wasting my damn pickups.

chicken and the summons only missions i got a B
fuck that chicken. that son of a bitch kept trampling me in a stunlock

i dont even know how the summon fight was supposed to go

Oh fuck no, don't tell me that fucking horse is back.

Anyone have an idea what causes this? Tried updating drivers, reset nvidia settings, reset game settings, adjusted brightness. Nothing works.

Even looking up the problem doesn't bring up anything, like I'm the only one in the world with this issue.

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you can on steam, but you might only be able to if you do it before you start the save

how do i get s rank in combat?

I'm pretty good at killing enemies without getting hit and using different combos but in most encounters I only get up to A rank before the fight is over. Is there something I'm missing? Should I be taunting more? I wouldn't even care but I want to hear the music more.

Uninstall the game, re-install verify integrity of game files on the Steam options.

>How are the bosses

First couple of bosses are jokes, first time I got knocked out was against bird bitch and that was quickly followed by King Cerberus. Then I S ranked both Vergil fights with a lot of effort in 19 and my second try in 20.

This is only on Devil Hunter, I'm not sure how the higher difficulties will look but I was never pushed to my limit the same way I was in the other games, but then again I can slap the shit out of DH in DMC3 and 4 now that I have more experience so maybe I'm just biased and it actually is a worthy challenge.

If it does pick up, this might be the best DMC game yet, the sheer volume of mechanics and options is crazy. Even V, who's pretty straightforward with no equipment, is extremely fun just for his sheer uniqueness.

You need to make sure you've done at least three different moves/combos before using the same one again, and not take any damage, and not go too long without attacking anyone.

check your refresh rate, make sure its capped at 60. Change the brightness option in game to Srgb or the other one.

You might not be doing the combos properly, remember to switch as soon as you do one combo, keep it varied. Taunt > Dodge, hit 1 combo, switch hit another enemy 2nd combo, etc, back and forth, etc. The game is easy so killing enemies is too quick to pull SSS since you won't have that much varied combos at the start.

this, also if for some reason there is downtime in combat, i.e enemies spawning, Taunt, and let the taunt go untill it is over, try to dodge enemy attacks at the very last second so you can tablehopper

I'm not sure why but it seems like the pathfinder thing isn't working. I click LS and nothing happens.

>he game is easy so killing enemies is too quick to pull SSS since you won't have that much varied combos at the start.
this is made worse if you can consistently max-act, one streak with that and all common enemies die instantly

seems like you jumped the savior part and jump straight into darkness

i honestly don't think it's possible to get S in every single fight at normal difficulty, the enemies are just not tanky enough.

what helps the most is hitting more enemies at the same time, try to break away more DB while in the middle of a group or use more overture/gerbera breakage

same i tried clicking LS and nothing happens, are you playing on PC too?

you have to hold it a couple of secs

I'm just surprised that enemy health pools weren't bigger considering their expectations that this game was design for the fans. So their expectations should have been that many people who are already vets of DMC could use more of a challenge.

idk, but apparently DMD is fucking difficult, anons were reporting that they were stuck on mission 19 for at least 19-20 attempts


Didn't work. Any other ideas? I reset the game after every try too just to be sure.

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How to style on bosses? Surely they aren't going to just sit there and let you wail on them

maybe, also use the denuvoless .exe to help with performance
so framerate- is set to 60 ingame, v-sync is on? maybe, im not sure honestly, people that had this issue in re2 fixed it by setting the framerate to 60, maybe search around for that and use the fix, it should work

any body have the denuvo free file they had on steam before they removed it? Looks like steam removed the open folder

What's everyone's opinion on gunslinger? It's always was a supportive (shitty) style, but did they manage to make it finally significant?

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download it through the steam console, follow the guide,

knock them down and hit their weakpoints

Always verify and test.

Breaker switching mod when?

>Microtransactions in a single-player game

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>Normal in DMC was never all that hard.
Except for DMC3 where normal mode in the localized versions was originally Japanese hard. I still remember getting my ass handed to me by Cerberus over ten years later.

Geryon's shit is perfectly dodgeable, you don't need to take anything
Gilgamesh was just easy

Some people had a similar issue in REmake 2, you could try checking to see what people did to fix it in that game.

>Geryon was a mess i only won because i had enough HP to tank his shit on Devil Hunter difficulty
literally how, i managed to get hit like once during his fight, just side dodge its easy as fuck, and gilgamesh? lmao is that even a fight?

Vsync will add input lag, which is horrible for these types of games. And FPS honestly aren't as big as frametimes, which should be perfect. If people don't know how to tinker with this, download MSI Afterburner and RivaStatisticsTuner. Turn on the frametime graph and make sure you set it to your monitors Hz or find and tweak it until it doesn't even move an inch. 120hz is reportedly better than 144hz and the DS4 is better to use since it has more consistent input action. Wired. So use that shit as your PC controller.

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This but Lady and Nico

Rad, thanks

Gunslinger will never truly be good because people would just spam the shit out of it, and it makes for horrible gameplay unless you change the dynamic of the enemy A.I to be aggressive as fuck.

what are you talking about, we are talking about an issue causing eternal darkness in his game, its caused by the re-engine.

Switching breaker's with dpad is probably the most requested mod after nude lady/nico mods, don't worry

I'm only about to start M13 .
I'm surprised Nero actually got more base moves. They help diversify him even more wich was a problem in 4, basically just C combo your way from trouble.That said the breakers already help that alot
I still need to get good with V. Like someone said i kinda bruteforced my way out of Greyon and those guys guarding Sparda. I can't get Shadow and Gryphon to properly synergize. It's mostly me needing to get good but i can't get Shadow and Gryphon to do proper combos, or at least some that look good.
Dante is 11/10 godlike. QoL changes for his underwhelming abilities in 4. Generally everything actually deals damage and feels like you're the legendary demon hunter. Crazy tricksword still rewards you with good points and rank but it's not his bread and butter imo. i still stance dance alot but you can tell you can probably just stay SM and have 2 weapons and just pretend you're playing 3.

I remember when she got revealed and everyone shat on her design, I always thought she was cute though

I was expanding upon the 60fps setting for those that wanted a more detailed version of their games running smoother. Not necessarily a follow up to his problem with the darkness error.

oh ok, so are you saying we should switch off v-sync? and for the framerate option do we put it to 60 or variable? and then we should cap it in Riva?

How the fuck do I change Split back to rb+forward.
the other fucking move should be backwards I don't care what capcom thinks give me an option to invert it.

The game has no gameplay, it's 95% fucking cutscenes. Just cutscene after cutscene, fight 4 enemies and walk 10 feet and yet another cutscene. Shit game that exposes how retardedly hypocritical Yea Forums weebs are that they would hate any non-Japanese game for being like this but praise this shitshow regardless.

go to nvidia control panel, set rgb range from full to limited, do the same for your tv or monitor, then launch the game, go into the options menu and change the brightness to sRGB

just skip it nigga,

gunslinger will always be shit with the exception of 1 attack which is really very fucking good.
just look at pandora's AOE thing trivializing 2 of the hardest enemies in the game

Extremely derivative of multiple films that have done it before already like Deadpool, so no.

I would like to use this bait to complain about something really nitpicky.
On the mission where you get to control Dante for the first time: What the fuck where they thinking? you have like 9 battle rooms with only the bare basics. After the fifth one i was sure that Urizen was next, but nope.

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>didn't finish the game
oh dear

this game makes me realize how much platinum has pushed this genre forward.

how did dmc1 get guns so right.

So how’s Dante feel? Dmc3 or more dmc4?

What playstyle is v?

Cute until she speaks you mean. God her voice is hideous.

yea, i once i have finished the game i think i will switch to jap voices because that voice is pure trash

Plays like 4. Damage is like 3 with style swap mod.
Can't really say about V only play two missions with him.

Using devil bring like max act is fun can choose punch instead of rev or get the revs up and add punch to them

wait what, can you explain

>. How is the movement in the game?
>The combo animations and combo themselves?
>Are they satisfying?
>How are the SFX and impact of the hits?
>Does the game have input lag, etc?

Anything beyond hopping on Yea Forums to post your ranks is gay and so are you and this fanbase

I just go like this
>Break ragtime for AoE time slow
>put on tomboy
>go wild

Attached: nero.png (800x600, 373K)

It's been buffed just thanks to autocharge, but it's better for aoe now.
Faust is strong, Kalina Ann II is fucking hilariously OP, and the 4th tier Gunslinger skills are all useful

Correct, there is something now called Scanline Sync, which basically let's you dictate on where the screen tearing will take place and actually is better than Vsync without the added input lag. Usually it's set between -60 to -120. Mess around with it until you find whichever one you feel is satisfying. But like I said, FPS is not everything, frametime is (watch some videos on what it is). On the MSI afterburner you have to allow on the settings to show frametime, make sure that you always get something consistent without any spikes, you can still play games on 30FPS, but will look smooth as fuck because of the frametime being good.

Nero is boring and the worst character in the game, change my mind.

Didn't work. Looked through my monitor's settings and don't see the option though.

My bad, quoted wrong. Correct, there is something now called Scanline Sync, which basically let's you dictate on where the screen tearing will take place and actually is better than Vsync without the added input lag. Usually it's set between -60 to -120. Mess around with it until you find whichever one you feel is satisfying. But like I said, FPS is not everything, frametime is (watch some videos on what it is). On the MSI afterburner you have to allow on the settings to show frametime, make sure that you always get something consistent without any spikes, you can still play games on 30FPS, but will look smooth as fuck because of the frametime being good.


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I know I'm an hour late but royal guard is the answer to all of this
Hopefully you have level 4 RG by this point, parry everything, get free DT, unleash your full RG bar with release and watch his health disappear, I actually felt dirty when I did that because the amount of damage is insane

I've been playing using this controller.

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I don't get the dislike for V, he's pretty fun and possibly has the highest skill ceiling. Very clever ideas behind his playstyle of using summons to fight for you. Plus his bird is voiced by Nolan North which is always entertaining.

>wait what, can you explain
After getting the devil bringer back you can time it with your attacks, red queen and devil breakers like max act to throw punches, good use since its on r2/rt

i keep dropping my spaghetti on the clone phase now

>supertaunt is literally "hold down select and LEFT stick button, oh but that button is also for navigating, so try to hold it down, but not for too long

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I'm still trying to figure out the synergy behind running buster devil breakers post receiving true devil bringer. You can only use buster on one enemy regardless.

It's fine because otherwise, your other attacks do piss damage to him. I wasn't getting anywhere with the fight until I started timing my royal guard right.

Don't think i heard people complaining about V being bad. rather just weird to play properly when compared to D/N. Wich yeah makes him harder. My biggest problem is when shadow and gryphon are facing opposite sides and they fuck my synergy. Guess i'll get it with practice

holy shit, devil bringer seems so good now. also how does double snatch work and how is it different.

>Get to the final mission
>9 gold fucking orbs.
Anyone that shitty and stupid enough to spend money deserves to be scammed, including you if you fall into this category.

Do the Japanese think I have seven fingers on both hands or something?

Can I use both rebellion and dante on the same load out?
Also what's your thoughts on DSD's swordsmaster style functionality?
I like the novelty of the summoned swords but I miss shit like shredder and roundtrip.
I also like how the swords affect DT based off of current style

Are the DLC devil breakers any good? I bought standard, but the Mega Man gun one looks cool.

How do you dodge the final Urizen move when he summons a bunch of spikes on the ground that impale you? I only manage one and it felt like dumb luck

Don't you get a penalty for using items?
You might as well retry right?
Retrying 3 times gives you a 10% decrease in points.

Game has weird difficulty.
Playing on Devil Hunter and the normal enemies are piss easy and some of the bosses are really fucking hard.

TBQH sounds like stuff that get fixed once you unlock higher difficulty modes.

You can still do prop and shredder

This but any female.

I fucking finally fixed the darkness issue. Went into the config ini and replaced the two DX12 text to DX11.

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They're situationally niche or funny to avoid p2w. gerbera 02 has verticall movility instead of a shove. So far is my favorite of the DLC ones. Mega buster does damage but i think it's real "power" is that the slide has more iframes than the roll

Man I must've been fucking up the inputs a lot then

>holy shit, devil bringer seems so good now. also how does double snatch work and how is it different.
Right now it seems the same, bringer might have a longer reacher? I don't know desu if they differ

It seems super powerful but because of my control set up its hard to time it and do the revs at the same time, I mainly use like sword hangers on the lock on inputs like streak

I am genuinely surprised by the game performance.
The menu is slow and unlocking a new devil breaker is a chore because the animation is very slow for whatever reason. In general the menus run more slowly than the rest of the game.
And then the game plays pretty smoothly on my prehistoric hardware with the exception of the prologue. I don't understand.
Playing with m+kb is also quite bizarre but I don't have a new controller yet.

>plays like 4
I’m scared

Is he not as loose as dmc3 Dante?

is she actually naked in the game?

Prop Shredder is put in a pause combo

How the fuck do I turn the style announcer off?there's no option.

can i remap the taunt button to the ps4 touch pad button in game

>tfw struggling to beat prologue urizen

I can bring his shield down once but then I choke and get my ass beat, getting used to nero's controls is the main thing fucking me

Critical hits

This is my first dmc game.
I died several times to the birdlady boss.
Fun game.
I really like the lazy gameplay of Vee. I wish there more games where I can summon stuffs like that.

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>Tfw I died 3 times on Malphas
She kept charging me into the corner and hitting me the second I got up I hate that fucking bitch I never even died to any other boss what the fuck is this game

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imagine the possibilities

Just put on Gerbera and use Charged Shots

Try to stick above the chick and attacking the hoes
Tbh I barely get past her with a Ragtime breakage and 2 busters

Just double jump when he teleports behind you to do that sword slash

Yeah, my point is though that people decrying microtransactions can only really make the argument they're there to prey on people who can't make it passed content.
If you actually can't make it passed shit in DMCV, you're fucking garbage

how is donguri liking it?

are you me?
>finally beat her
>see triple continue on the score screen

Im the opposite.
I went from A with Nero to SSS with V.

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Who fucking cares what some eceleb thinks? Jesus user sort yourself out.

Geryon is pretty easy when you realize he can only attack on the right side
Gilgamesh is literally a Bayo/GoW boss fight

Use Balrog like a madman, mix it with swordmaster and trickster

Anybody got any good alternate control schemes for any characters?

Well 4 as in the moves themselves. dante is pretty smooth and you can cancel out of everything pretty much.
Hell you can trickster dash infinitely at rank 1. I was pretty amazed by that. was expecting it to be fucking trash like 4

No fuck that, I just bought this game and it runs on my toaster at 60FPS 900p. I don't know how they did it but it runs on this piece of shit and I need to tell everyone about it. RE2 barely runs at 30FPS but this somehow runs better.

I hear people complain about him being bad because you can just mash buttons but honestly I've been watching normies do the same shit with swordmaster Dante. I think it comes down to everything trying to beat the game as soon as it came out and not taking the time to slow down a little and learn the actual combos.

Chaos legion. Same genre but the MC is not as AFK as V. The game is all about summons

map griffon to a trigger, map nero's gun to a trigger, maybe devil breaker to a bumper if you can adjust. thats pretty much it

I've tried SoS and the style meter gain is still there. Melee enemies still can't deal with me in the air. Give them a well telegraphed ranged attack and I'll be happy.

>still suck with a casualised royal guard
Man I suck at timings in this and 3

Give it to me straight. How bad is the platforming? It was my least favorite thing in 4.

Least obnoxious in the series. There's nothing like that bullshit secret mission in 3 or any of the memes that 4 occasionally had.

I don't know why people keep saying that bullshit, whenever I "mash buttons" as V shadow is humping a lamp post in the back ground and Griffon is electrocuting my face instead of the enemy that was right next to him.

There are no platforming sections outside the most basic
>Grip here and fly off

Barely existent. You'll probably get bored with the holes and caves you have to traverse. Level design is not as creative as I'd hope. The tree felt like a prime place to put some.

Did they include a pc test option somewhere like in 4 that showed fps and how well it would run?

Why is so hard to get an S?
I've only gotten it 3 times and I'm 4 missions in......

Anyone have a good controller layout for Nero? I have his gun on L2 so i can constantly hold it but its kinda difficult to hit his Exceed button on L1 while charging his Gun. Also holding on R1 and holding O for his arm sometimes.

How do you deal with Death Scissors?

I'm aware that you can get around behind them, but have yet to figure out how the fuck to accomplish that. They never attack unless you wail on them for a long time while they block, so I can't use Table Hopper to do it, and I don't have enemy/air hike.

>air raid and vortex made it in via SDT
Thank god

Thank goodness.

idk what your talking about i've been alternating between S and A, S for Nero missions, A for V and A for the 1 Dante mission i've done

Good to hear that they saved some of the black magick that they used for the vanilla DMC4 pc port.

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Nero's basic combos are pretty limited early on, you get most of your ranks using breakers (inbetween combos, if you do it raw they don't give that much unless it's a break age)

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whats the point of rating other people? do you get stuff for being rated?

There is a reason you get helter skelter in the same mission you encounter the scissor sisters.

i mapped exceed to R2, gun to L2. yea i feel ya with the devil breaker bit tho, im just getting better with charge timing. e.g. taunt while charging so i dont lose style

Mission 19, I can NOT dodge Vergils fucking devil trigger attack, where he flies around the map, then just flies at you. It has killed me 5 times in a row, and idk what I'm doing wrong.
I'm trying to dodge it with trickster, should I try something else.

Keep changing your moves and keep using breakers.

Nero and Dante are a straight improvement from DMC4. In literally every way. Smoother, more fleshed out, more balanced, more satisfying, etc. I played DMC4 for hundreds of hours just doing Bloody Palace and DMC5 makes it redundant. It just needs that Bloody Palace update coming in a month, and a turbo update.

V is his own distinct character mechanically and I generally like him a lot, but it is a shame that he gets no new mechanics after he's introduced (compared with Nero and Dante who are constantly getting new stuff).

The camera fucks the game.
It's too far zoomed in, which is fine, but I think the game does the thing where enemies off camera don't attack.

You also can't use the right stick to change between lockon targets like you could in 3 and 4.

This means you just have one button to change lockon, which sucks because you can't control who you're aiming at.

Dante's new sword is a bit lame too, I dislike summon swords in general because there's no reason not to be doing it all the time, and it felt like switching to swordmaster made less of a difference other than simply more damage.

I don't think they can make combat as tight as 1 and 3 again unless they go back to fixed camera and give us lock on control back.

I also found a little bit of a delay from activating lockon and doing a lockon only attack, but that might have been me.

Looking forward to BP.

Air hike at the last second

You can parry their attack and the next attack will one shot them.

You can change the camera distance in the settings, I pretty much have it at max

Trickster spam is definitely the way to go, also attack the summoned swords when they surround you.

>You also can't use the right stick to change between lockon targets like you could in 3 and 4.
yes you can, i literally did it just then
>I also found a little bit of a delay from activating lockon and doing a lockon only attack, but that might have been me.
Yea i definitely felt that

You can change the same way as 4. You can't change while moving like in 4. That's another good complaint since 3 allowed you to change targets while moving.

Do you mean on Combos or Mission scores? For combos use Neros dodges, charged shots, and Breaker

Did Onimusha 3 have credits? Because if so it's the best.


Thanks user I’ve been so worried they were going to mess up Dante but capcom really has been pushing hard to redeem themselves

I think I will, it felt like whatever enemies I couldn't see might as well not be there.

If that would make them more aggressive I'd leave it like that.

I really need lockon change with right analog stick though, I hope someone can mod that in

Has anyone discovered any interesting V tech yet?

You can change the camera distance and you can switch targets with L3.
>muh fixed camera
Not this shit again.

>holding down Sin trigger

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Really? Not by clicking the stick in, I mean holding lockon and inputting right and left on the analogue stick.

That's retarded.
I kinda like just walking around with E&I and swapping targets.
In this I basically only locked on when I wanted to use a move that required it.
It made the game feel a bit more like DmC than 3 or 4

Damn, Overture does hella damage against Artemis.

Birdlady was piss easy, but I died to the first boss twice because I'm shit. He was the only boss I died to outside of M19.

>All the new shit from getting Devil Bringer back
itsuno, I just can't
how the fuck am I gonna use everything, why was the new punch move added
nero went from gorilla brain in 4 to giga brain now

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The camera wasn't really fixed in DMC4 and that didn't have this problem. But it was more zoomed out and locking on didn't affect the camera as much.

I'd much prefer for it to be DMC4 style.
I really liked that game's engine, just not the rest of it

you do, but you need to be rated 10 times.

Jump. Not just i-frames will save you but if you wait until he starts the charge, his trajectory will be pretty low as well.

is there a vid showcasing all the new shit?

Can Dante get Alastor as a weapon? Haven't played yet but I'm assuming not?

you can block them too for a fuckload of DT

im pretty sure you can buy part of the ultimate edition individually. at least, on steam you can.

The gist of it is triple jump and pressing the DB button after an attack to do a ghost punch, and in DT you get double snatch, double hold and double ghost punch. Ghost punch kinda works like a mini-overture in terms of how it hits.

It's the same as 4's lock on. You also can't change while moving in that. I want 3's lock on system back.

If you royal release the divebomb then you knock him out of the attack even at 0 bars

How do I use the Buster arm on Gilgamesh?

Fuck you

when he gets knocked out onto the floor

Damn not a single reply even with ass.

Also new animations for every enemy when you either buster them, or devil buster them. I think they're different from the devil breaker arm's animations too, which is fucking insane.

what's the point of revving nero's sword?

you cant pause

No. Don't think Itsuno would bring any old weapons and Itsuno wouldn't change weapons that are made by him outside of the Sparda sword/Rebellion cloned.

It hits harder and faster, directional moves are upgraded more drastically

how do i play v without mashing and hope i damage something? used a gold orb to just brute force my way through that awful boss fight.

Revving is for EX moves before battle. You can do it while running. EX Act is way more important.

thats mad, that add so much fucking replayability to Nero, also i got colour up 2 and 3, but it's saying i've only upgraded it 47% of the way, what moves does it get?

Okay, but where do I hit him with it? I tried that but it did nothing to him.

Really? Shadow and Griffon have a fair amount of moves. Just remember which are important. He also have dodges for both with decent amount of iframes. He is mashy though if you still want to do it.

It does more damage but don't stand there and Rev it. Hit the button during an attack. Proper timing revs it instantly during your combo. Buying higher level exceed and max act gets you more power, which changes your moves even more.
I'd argue it is more important for playing Nero well than using devil breakers.

Is this a virus/mustard gas?

What's Dante thinking about guys?

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no, not when his body drops, when it gets tilted onto its side on the ground, it only happens once, and you buster the red orb thing you were hitting during the fight

That one time he helped some Japanese kid wage war against God.

Oh alright, thanks.
"damn i wonder if pizza one is still open"

This only works after the final upgrade I thought

Use their Stingers, they cover a massive amount of distance and is pretty much for relocating the pets around

never played a dmc game before, this combo system feels like ass
it's like I'm playing a rhythm game that doesn't tell me what rhythm I'm supposed to be matching
I go into the trial mode to test out combos and have no idea how to actually do them, "press y press y press y y y y" is not instructions

>I was pretty amazed by that. was expecting it to be fucking trash like 4

But Dante is designed with the fact that he's buffed massively in DT in mind and the fact that he has all styles, unlike DMC3 which had a shitty DT. And in DMC4 Trickster is insane in DT, thugh Iguess it's surpassed now.

Don't download it, it contains CIA secrets of the Apex Consortium, secrets of the threads of life and how man can finally achieve immortality. The world being controlled by shadow governments, and how ideas are seeds planted, ready to grow based on belief which is power.

I have to burn max-act into my muscle memory for all of Nero's moves but all I really need to do for V is know when to read a book. It's not fair Nerobros.

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This is the most fun I've felt in a game and this is my first dmc game.
The attacks flow so smoothly but they still doesnt feel like a lightsaber that just go through enemies.
It feels nice staggering people when I hit them.
I just wish V had more missions though.

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>Chaos legion.

Amazing game, and way harder than this imo.

Why would I download a file for that when I could just go to /x/?

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Can Balrog charge attacks like previous punch weapons?

Why the fuck isn't any battle music playing for Nero?

blow mode is just too kino for me lads. i havent played any of the other games, was welter dodging in them? its like a lil demon fight night mini game

there's only really 4.
You have to do a little break of pressing Y.
Just see it as a maximum of 4 Ys without breaks, or a break between any of those Ys will give you a different combo.

This is going to be quite hard to get into if you haven't played the others.

You can get 1 level with proper timing with zero upgrades. You can only get more than one level with proper timing with Max Act. But you only need max act if you've bought level 2/3 exceed anyway.
The point is: upgrade exceed and max act as soon as you can.

My only fucking gripe with the game.

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No. Learn to free style.

Figure it out yourself.

Reminder to taunt.
Fuck it's too easy to S's now

"how did my game get to look like a ps1 title"

I wish SDT didn't have to go through that animation everytime you transform
What was wrong with 3's

Strange thing is, that was what the d-pad did in the demo. No idea why they removed it.

Is mission 20 the final one?

It's like they took 3's system and forgot Dante only had 2 weapons and 2 guns and a limited style in that game then applied it to Nero and V. Definitely needs an update.

You have the whole list of moves available to you at all times.

Yes. Sorry. Dante vs Vergil vs Nero would've been sick compared to what we got

Anyone know how to get a good score in the prologue? It's the only mission I haven't got an S in.

Beat Urizen :^)

No, only a chargable uppercut. Balrog is pretty much a speed weapon

Help please. Last dmc game I played seriously was dmc3 and that was a long time ago. I also.played a bit of Bayonetta in the meantime but I just tried out dmc5 and the dodging is really weird?? I don't understand why sometimes Nero dashes 1 metre and sometimes it's 7 metres. This shit killed me thrice at the Goliath fight. THREE TIMES

pls help and pls no buly

Maybe the cameo system would've worked in that and Dante could've won and killed Vergil instead of the ending we got. Don't know how they'll balanced the Nero vs Dante fight though. Would've been kino game design with jobbing being optional due to your character losing

Oh shit they even have theircritical hitm echanic from DMC1?

>What was wrong with 3's

There was no point to using because it doesn't actually make you stronger and the Devil Trigger Explosion move was way stronger. Correct me if wrong but going DT doesn't even let you juggle DT enemies as normal as it did it DMC1. And Ofcourse, in DMC1 you had Vortex/Air Raid in DT and such.

Is there going to be video tutorials on advanced combos for DMC5? I totally skiped those for DMC3/4 because they didn't had a training room for practice...

Yep. I think they're the only one who have it though.

Timing of the dodge

>This is going to be quite hard to get into if you haven't played the others.
I doubt the others differ at all in that regard, if they did fans of the series would be screeching that this game is different

I was able to for the super basic tap y slowly combo and the aerial tap y slowly combo, no matter how I change up my timing I can never do the other ones though

did you read my post? telling me to press y a bunch doesn't tell me how to actually do the combo
the most it does is put commas that obviously mean to stagger between those two y presses. nowhere does it indicate how fast or slow to press otherwise and there is no way to tell if you're doing it partly correct

Is there a way to put V's summons away? It feels kinda weird that they're vulnerable to attack but you have no way of actually protecting them besides double jumping with griffon.

Does Nero still have his air guitar taunt, i just spend ten minutes in the void checking out S rank taunts and I never got it. I managed to get it in the demo


Dodging will summon Shadow back

Buy moves and target things with R1.

Turn on Jap voices, everyone is 100% less cringy.

Side dodging while locked on brings shadow to you, back dodging brings griffon to you, if they are about to get hit you can dodge for them.

>Planning on only using Punchline, Helter Skelter, and Gerbera the entire playthrough
The inner giant robot fan in me refuses to anything else that isn't a rocket punch, beam cannon, and a drill.

Yeah man, they don't go into more detail because it isn't necessary. It's a brief pause. Just do it until you get it, and then you'll know it. Did you ever count out two seconds in your head to charge a sonic boom? It's shorter than that.

Sengoku Basara has a couple of playable characters like V

So there's no reason not to use the R2 'taunt' with V whenever and wherever you can while attacking with summons?

It's fun to Ex-act perflectly Red queen Combo B

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huh, never even noticed. Thanks.

hey thanks for the tip

my main problem is that it isn't something intuitive like combos start with a directional attack and then continue by tapping a string that lines up with the rhythm of the hits of the combo
that way you know exactly how to start it and continue/finish it without doing a ton of unnecessary guess work

>playing with V
Imma post my psn and password in the thread so one of you guys can do V’s missions for me.

Nigga boring

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So there's a chance we might get Trish with Bare Knuckle, Vergil with Beowulf, or either with Gilgamesh, then, since the mechanic is basically unused. Cool.

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What does that even mean?

Speaking of V, how come checkmating a death scissors gives you assloads of style points?

I remembered getting SSS by just doing that twice in a row.

It is like that, though. It's just the jazz version. Your rhythmic tapping is based on the hits you don't make instead of the hits you do.
I think the most intuitive one is Combo C, where you hit twice, pause, and hit three more times. If you've bought it try messing with that one. Tap tap pause tap tap tap.

few nitpicks
changing stances for balrog is wack with its input
getting cerberus late sucks. didn't feel like i had enough time to experiment with it

How the heck do I get that blue orb in mission 08? The one that's high up over a dangling arena?

If you time the dodge right it comes out faster and cover more distance

I tried doing that combo and no matter what I always just end up getting the slow combo

>Free 30,000 red orbs for having save data from the demo

Either use its basic combo or get things into the air, switch to SM and spam its midair SM move.

I feel like I made a mistake playing on kb+m, the camera feels weird
Should I switch to joystick?

Holy shit they somehow made someone more boring than dmc4 Nero, V.

You get to buy charge shot once he gets his DT.

never tried it before but i can make an assumption
they brought the critical hit mechanic from dmc1 back on them, if you do it right it gives quite a bit of style, like a whole rank worth
checkmate gives a lot of style by itself.
maybe somehow these 2 things happen at the same time and you get like 2 ranks for each killed scissor


They don't, but they tend to teach you things more gradually than this game.
In the others, you spend more time if not the entire game with one character.
This is the first game where Dante has started out with more than just one sword.

You don't get as much time with Dante, and he's further along when you pick him up.

hang in there anons
this guy doesn't like the game

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Probably counts as a crit hit/instant kill.

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how can you have a worst build than mine

they managed to make an even better port of DMC4
it runs like it's fucking fairy dust and mouse controls are stellar especially with the new camera system, I don't even lock on to niggers anymore unless I need to do a specific move

It didn't run like fairy dust for me.

The occasional area in the hellscape lagged like fuck.

I removed Denevo and it got better, but not as good of a port as 4 for me

Do everything from Gerbera, Nero's air taunt to High Roller.

Fuck DSP. He doesn't deserve to play it. I don't wanna see his stream when I'm looking for combofags playing through it.

How can you have a worser grammar than me?

Yeah, considering the final Urizen fight has him use a few charge moves


Just wait for the TIHYDPs. He'd probably REEEEEEE at the camera for sure.

so far I enjoy when you have a handfull of demons to fight and you have to divide your attention between them, feels kinda like doom except in that game your tools (weapons) are all easy and intuitive to access and use (press the button associated to equip and aim and shoot)
in this game I'm asked to hold down 2 buttons and tap another to an unknown rhythm

Nigga you cancel a move into Nero’s ground forward back move and cancel out of that before a hit into a different move

Some niggas talking about dodging without lock on, how?



Meant his back forward slash move

Controller, DMC and other games like it always control like ass with KB+M. They are designed to be played with sticks.

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yeah, that was a thing in 4 too.
honestly, i never liked shuffle much, too many inputs for a subpar dodge.
looks cool with 3 exceed tho

Did anyone else had problems with lock on target switching i think it doesnt work when the left stick is set in any direction it has to be in the center to click it to switch the target?


Oh no

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This but Nero, he has a cute butt

Yeah, you have to neutral press LS. If you hold a direction and press it doesnt do it, kind of a bummer. Was hoping they'd change that. Youll get used to it.

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reminder that if you can't beat urizen in the prologue on every difficulty you're shit

why did capcom remove the air guitar taunt from the demo?

Are there any alt costumes?

What do you guys think of the new moves added to Nero's repetoire? I'm not particularly crazy about his new charging aerial stab to the ground. Maybe I haven't found a good use for it yet.

Is there any reason to play as Nero over Dante? Dante has so many weapons and styles while Nero is like a vanilla DMC1 experience

Reminder that if you didn't get the true ending first try then you're garbage at the game.

So when is Dante going to get some pussy?

Shut up gaylord

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is it the taunt where guitar music starts playing too? I did that once but I could never get it again

Yeah. It's an annoying holdover from 4. 3 didn't have that problem.

When Patty turns 21.

I don't know about DMC5 but in 4 Nero's damage was off the charts compared to Dante

Do you even have a choice? I thought you had to play Nero when you replay his missions. Or is there an "arcade" type mode after you beat the game?

I don't think they removed. I was doing it during release day. Did I miss a patch?

>play V
>literally just mashing while playing keep away and getting S rank
>turn on Auto
>same exact shit
What is this character?

There are some missions that let you choose who you want to play as

Annoying to play with is what he is. My hands get tired from the mashing

Only a few when you beat harder difficulties.

how fast is the gameplay?

No turbo worry’s me

he died twice to goliath and felt burnt out already 2 hours into the game.
he doesn't want to play it because no ones giving him money

He's different. I like Dante more but I really like Exceed with Nero, and that's something Dante can't do.

What are all the difficulties?

V is so fucking braindead, you can literally just stand in a corner and button mash to get SSS

what an awful gameplay style

And? DSP is a professional clown.
No one actually cares about his opinions or think they matter in any sense.

Ah ok. I was really hoping this game had a feature where you could just play as whoever you want once you beat it. Kind of a bummer you have to go back and can only play the missions with those characters in them.

how do i make the motorcycle go vroom without sword master?

I’m enjoying the gameplay, but in a “it’s very similar to DmC” kinda way. The game is easy as fuck and there are too many insta-SSS moves for all three characters, which is kinda disappointing. Also, very easy to rank S on missions.

I just recorded this 20 second clip showing how easy it is to stay in the air indefinitely with enemy step. Remember when we used to complain about this in regards to DmC? Remember how we would talk about how easy DmC was and how stupidly easy it was to get SSS?

Kinda ironic that the mainline game feels so similar. I’m enjoying my time, but still...

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>Tfw combat finally clicked for me and I'm getting SSS
Feels good bros

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It can be really fast with Nero. He has too much movement and air mobility with all the moves he's going to get. It sorta felt unfair using him on DH. V is a bit slow. Dante is an alright speed. It's alright overall.

Any way to unsummon as V? Not nightmare, but Gryphon and Shadow?
Also, you think they'll patch the buttons, I have my buttons set to default dmc4 layout for him post game, and his special moves still require the trigger button.

Everything from 4 but LDK. SoS should've unlocked from the start since DH is too lenient with everything. Enemy can attack quick but it takes awhile before they attack again.

is ragtime good on chicken or something lol why does V hand you one

>Everything from 4 but LDK
fuck I hope they bring back LDK, that shit was fun to fuck around in

I feel like I'm gimping myself by playing with the vanilla control scheme. How did you guys set yours?

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It's a known complaint. Tell Capcom about it.

Why was the fruit so shit, I expected it to make Urizen an incredibly hard fight but he wasn't really any worse than he was at any prior interval.

Charge up the breaker and freeze time for ez damage

Dodge backwards for Gryph, Sideways for Shadow.

So I get that they aren't gonna have a Sparda costume this time round, but no Sparda color pallete even?

Anyone with a GTX770 run this game fine?

i felt terrible with the 3 summon fight ;_;

He has really forgiving hitboxes. Expected him to move as fast and as persistent as Credo tbqh.

good pic

Playing with V is like being forced to watch a Dennis episode on it’s always sunny in Philadelphia

What's the point of saying that? Regardless of whether or not you got the true ending you're garbage at the game. We aren't ever truly good at the game, we just set an arbitrary bar once someone like Donguri starts posting what's possible with it. You can make an argument that he's good, but until you reach his level, you're just a DMC scrub.

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Square for Sword
Triangle for Arm
Circle for Gun
X for Jump.

>tfw brain just fucking shuts down when trying to rev when hitting enemies as Nero
That's it, I've become retarded after being able to do it consistently for years in DMC4

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Bayo has always been shit tier dmc. People only pretend to like it because of the thick girl

I'm gonna keep fucking asking.

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How do I get the bananas? I preordered And have the delux patch.

jp amazon only

Still on V. Does Dante get wall-running, Free Ride, and Wild Stomp back or is he still the same as DMC4?

Tell me about it. It's easier to exceed too isn't it?
it feels like everything's easier.

haha he has dong in his name

>I just recorded this 20 second clip showing how easy it is to stay in the air indefinitely with enemy step.
You could do the same thing 4 already.


I haven't been able to pull it off once taunting in S. I get the V musical taunts all the time.

you could do that with nero in dmc 4 as well, what is your point?

>My main personal complaint is the style meter and style ranking. It's too lenient.
From my observation, DMC5 is the hardest DMC to hit SSS in.
In DMC3 I could get SSS in the very first mission on the default difficulty with the initial move set.
In DMC5 the first time I got it was with V summoning Nightmare and blowing a bunch of shit up.

tell me your secret user

Now I'm getting getdeviceremovedreason crashes on mission 2.

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I think Bayonetta still deserves some props. Dodge offset is a good mechanic and enemy aggressiveness and design is still better in Bayonetta. DMC could learn from it. DMC always felt like holding back when jump and enemy step has become so ridiculous.

idk if its me, but i get so caught up in the game and focussing on moves i dont even notice music is playing, it plays so softly i need to lower all other sounds

How could you do this to me Itsuno? I bought your game...

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I fucking love V's gameplay anons, his taunts are cool and whats greater than reading quotes from a book out loud while your demonboiz stomp everything around you?I thought it wouldn't get better then i got to play Dante's missions and it felt like playing 3 again and getting all hyped up

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So how many demons do you need to kill in the credits to get extra scenes?

Is it not possible? Do I have to finish the game first?
I just want to turn that shit off but there's nothing in the options or the .ini

i have a love/hate with both nero and dante. sometimes i can get the max acts on queue and can take advantage of a perfect one and sometimes i fucking blow ass
then theres dante same shit, sometimes i can get some shit going other times my spaghetti spills

Is it just me or does this game look better than RE2? Especially when it comes to hands


yea RE had a blurry look to everything, and that fucking AA

Kinda surprised you didn't set anything to the shoulder buttons.

How do I get the "true ending"?

>beating the game on demon hunter doesn't unlock the achievement for human
called the cops

Not the user you were replying to but I never found much trouble getting SSS's in 5, on DH at least the casual enemies pretty much just sit there and let you whale on them so getting stylish is more just escaping the tedium than anything else. Maybe higher difficulties will be more demanding.

My bad, forgot to mention I swapped R1 and R2. Holding trigger for lock on is way better.


I only had lvl 1 rg, so I just wailed on him every time he finished a dash slash or a drop slash. Rg seemed to be using up dt somehow, so I dropped it and just used trickster instead.
>what do i do when he swirling swords me
Neutral circle/B with devil sword in swordmaster.
>and when he swirling swords himself?
spam the summon swords and run away from him while screaming [shitter here]

if someone found the DLC product code you could put it into steam emu. it's dumb tho.

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I thought it was a triple S taunt?

I still think it needs a bit more tweaking. It degrades too slow and characters are very different and with their own expanded moveset. Style mission ranking should take getting hit as a penalty more than not getting hit as a bonus when S is so easy to do. I think it would really help the game in that regard. Enemies should deal abit more damage too. They're so easy to dodge so getting hit should be seen as a heavy penalty.

How the fuck are you supposed to switch targets. Im holding the lock on while pressing L3, but its not working.

Which? If you mean Jackpot, kill more demons than Vergil does. If you mean happily ever after, btfo Urizen in the prologue.


Some people are encountering the same issue. Must be with the mixing. Don't know the solution though.

lower the textures, they run on caching and will eat all your V-ram, the game looks the same until you turn them down to minimum

Oh? I never felt that way, personally. To me, lock-on should just be an almost instataneous input. R2 and L2 might have some delay, given their pressure sensitivity.
But I dunno. Guess it varies for folks.

It has to be in neutral. It's whack after 3 didn't have that problem. It was also an issue in 4.

How do you know how many Vergil has killed?

i just beat the game like an hour ago but thanks. had a hard time with dante but yeah, used trickster. ran away when he triggered, used zooka on summoned swords, just waited for him to finish his dash slash to punish
eventually he does uh, dimension slashes right after so dont punish until he does the x2 teleport drop slash
zooka the clone while running away.
eventually he blocks your punishes and thats when i just used DT to plow through it to break.

my last few blows were all DT stingers. felt good
nero was piss easy compared to dante

dante's styles aren't that big of a change, 90% of the time I camp sword

Try to point a flashlitgh to the screen

Do sword attacks actually accomplish anything to Urizen's crystal in the intro? It seems like just endlessly firing charged shots does more damage.

Seriously? That sucks. I just finished fighting Artemis, and the lack of target switching turned a relatively simple boss into a chore.

Just kill really really really quickly, Vergil's kinda slow at killing demons till he triggers so you shouldn't have much issue.

dante is slow as balls
v is practically still untill you do finishers
nero has similar speed to EL DONTE but you can give him a meme arm that braps and pushes you forward

Nero is way too powerful once he has his trigger and Devil Bringer, I get you're meant to feel that way but never the less. Man's more easy mode than V.

>caring about achievements.
>complaining about not going through easy mode for free orbs.
>not knowing how capcom makes their games.
Unbased, bluepilled, and not worthy of being my opponent.

You can get it on the PC version, but only by forcing it with cheats right now. Someone will probably mod it in once mods get rolling since it's already there.

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Why does Color Up not work for me? I have gun set to R2 if that means anything. Nero's arm doesn't glow at all when I hold it down.

I do agree that mission ranking seems too lenient.
I'm doing my first playthrough and I only get A and S as final results.
That's given, I still die from time to time (only against some bosses, I believe) and had to replay some missions.
Combo ranking seems fine to me. DMC3 was easier to rank up. DMC1 was weird but you could get Stylish! against like a single enemy if you charge Ifrit enough. DMC4 I can't properly judge, but I have a feeling I wasn't as bothered with rarely going above SS in that game.
The enemy difficulty will be probably fixed on higher difficulties just fine. There are already enemies that require risky tactics to properly fight so I think it'll be fine.

>mfw balrog starts counting down the buff

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at least 80% of my dante stingers don't begin at all
I have no fucking idea why, when I practice they come out all the time, with enemies he just stabs the air once and then attacks normally

Seeing Vergil smile in the main menu is something else.

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Bosses are holding back on devil hunter. King Cerberus was the first time I died all game

>but only by forcing it with cheats right now
how do i get it? tell me

Just use roundabouts to kill the clone. Way easier.

I know. Capcom usually does survey feedback. Suggest it to them since I'll probably do it too. There's some issues I really like tweaked.

I've found that locking off and on doesn't pick the same target so maybe try that as well

This is my first time actually playing a DMC game, though I did watch all the cutscenes from the previous games.
I will likely end up playing through 3 and 4 when I finish this.

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I was wondering where that menacing 3-2-1 voice was coming from

Why is the song so good?

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rt/r2 for gun on nero
r1/rb for shadow on V, Y/triangle for nightmare
I don't know which end of the bell curve this places me.

I know. I think the game would be more engaging if they were more aggressive. DH being the only difficulty from the start kills abit of the mood. I hate to say it but it's a bit casualized in enemy aggressivess especially when everything from 4 was buffed.

what is that?

I want an every weapon is bananas mod.
Balrog? Fingers are bananas
Summoned swords? Bananas.
Every bullet you fire? Bananas

D Bananas
C Bananas
B Everything replaced with a banana is loading, instantly crashing the game

1, Did you get it on PC or console?
2, I just switched my controls and it works for me, did you actually buy it, or dos you just try it out?

>Nero's arm doesn't glow at all when I hold it down
Color Up isn't Charge Shot. Color Up stores 3 powered up shots, look under the health bar. DB Override on this table

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Play 1. Fixed cameras takes a while getting used to but you'll appreciate the enemy design. It's short too.

Well they knew veteran fans would be aware that the higher difficulties will be the 'real game' of sorts but also wanted new fans to be able to come into it without feeling shitty too, plus it'd be patronizing to make only the lowest difficulty accessible to them. I think they did say in a prior interview that they wanted it to be well balanced for both new and old fans.

Royal guard takes DT instead of HP now if you miss-dialled it too early

I would've wanted them to tweak it more but yeah SoS and DMD are pretty much usually the real game.

Enemy step, floor is lava

FFFFFUCK. I was wondering why I couldn't build DT against Vergil.

Should I switch my gun charge with Nero to R2? Will he get a move that requires R2 later?

Boy are you gonna get FUCKED once you get Dante's new sword

Just found some cool tech if you wanna keep a convo going without exploding the enemy away with break away. If you have enemy step, you can jump cancel the explosion animation and it goes straight into the next breaker. Neat.
>Balrog will never count for you.

Played about 4 hours. The only thing I don't like so far is that I can't seem to change Nero's arms to what I want on the fly. Am I missing something? Or it is just meant to be like this?

yes he will. only after the campaign is over though.

I don't really see a point in doing that in this game since you hold three charges at once now. In 4 it was good to trigger it because it was Nero's strongest attack and you could charge while attacking and the charge took forever. Griffon on a trigger is imperative, though.

Go ahead and do that. It's 100x better than X.

Can't change it on the fly for now
>mfw getting that vibrating hand
where's my Kyrie to pleasure with?

Suppose I'll just miss out on the free damage until I git gud.
I started getting cheeky with his dt and still trying to slap him to help build dt (for health regen, because I'm shit)/sin dt because he doesn't really block in dt.
>eventually he blocks your punishes
I don't think I saw that, I only really saw him block if you tried to punish at the wrong time, or took too long to attempt a punish.
>zooka the clone
>nero was piss easy compared to dante
Having rapidly recharging dt was what made it piss for me.

You have to buy it, but you hold the style button with Dante (the sword), and you'll get spinning summon swords behind you, let it go and watch them rip ass. Fucks Vergil up half the time whenever he try's doing anything that doesn't have super armor on it. It also catches his teliports.

Is V really a mash heavy character? I just finished mission 5 and he gets S-SSS ranks up the ass with just mashing since he's pretty safe most of the time. I dont even notice if minions taking damage reduces his style ranking

So I pirated the game just to check out some things (I have other shit in my backlog before I can actually sit down and play it).
Now, where are the options to turn off slow-mo finishers and style announcer? Everyone was saying they were in the demos, but I'm not seeing them now. "Attention camera" doesn't seem to be it.

his DT fucking wrecks everything, shadow's AI is sketchy at time till i figured you don't have to hold the lock on button all the time and he teleports to you in melee range

You probably just needed to update your driver's, happens in RE2 on pre January drivers

Mine is on L2 simultaneously holding R1 lock on and the occasional breaker charge while sneaking in exceed on L1 feels like im crushing my controller while inputting combos

He's super mashy. Basically, hold down Griffon's button, spam Shadow's. Read your book, summon Nightmare, and then win.

>that sudden difficulty jump in mission 19
Done with first playthrough. Most of the game ranged from too easy to some parts requiring a handful of tries but that was one fuckhuge difficulty spike. And it's not helped by the boss battle music being complete shit so it's not even very enjoyable, like what the fuck went wrong Capcom? The following boss in final mission on the other hand is a complete cakewalk for some reason.

It's clear the campaign was originally supposed to be longer considering the game keeps throwing tutorials about new gameplay mechanics at you even in the final mission.

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yeah if you're ballsy you can still punish him when hes devil mode but he has armor.
>I don't think I saw that, I only really saw him block if you tried to punish at the wrong time, or took too long to attempt a punish.
towards the end you can get your hits in but instead of being knocked away flying after a threshold, he will stand there blocking your shit.
i tried possibly switching to other weapons mid combo but didn't work(was using balrog as back up)

you can get some zooka shots in before he takes off flying too

It didn't. Guns were shit, except for grenade launcher which was OP.
Aside from the launcher, you would only use the "shoot" button during the Air Raid.

>Didn't finish the game
There's a reason for the D-Pad for Nero being free.

You don't need to constantly hold gun, I'd suggest moving it to R2 and get used to letting go of it during sword swings when you're already charged. Exceed is more important by far

Are garbage.
DMC5 does critical hits better.

So L1 seems best and break away on square.

Yeah, I just beat the game. Had to retry Mission 19 a solid dozen times. Finally beat it by skipping the doppelganger phase entirely with a Royal Release. Honestly, the whole game took a nose dive in quality after Mission 14. 15 and 16's level designs were shit, and then it was basically all boss fights.

They're up to date.

Yes but the telegraph for when they fire isn't obvious. I originally thought it was just when Vergil lands, but there's two sets and one of them fires while he's still flying. There are hundred moves in the fight that are way easier to royal block

I found Urizen much more difficult than Vergil, didn't find that shit fun in the slightest.
I found Vergil fun as FUCK however

>not liking DMC5
I seriously hope you schum don't do this

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vergil is a meme factory in this game