ITT: Vidya images that make you seethe with rage everytime you see them

ITT: Vidya images that make you seethe with rage everytime you see them

Attached: NuDOOM.jpg (1920x1080, 89K)

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Baiting for another MUH STARCRAFT SOURCE CODE or MUH XBOX EMULATION thread again, I see. Protip: 90% of Yea Forums don't understand what source code and devkit are or what they can/can't do.


NuDOOM has become a 3D shitty Brutal DOOM clone for the deadpool/Rick and Morty audience.

I fucking hate it.

>that entire post

Attached: 1542151236103.jpg (325x355, 49K)

This but unironically

Attached: Guts.jpg (408x473, 61K)


>game with absolutely no depth
>muh lore

nudoom added lore because reddit loves that shit

Go back to Chocolate Doom.

Nigger, Doom always had lore. They just put it in the manual.

Any screenshot of Witch's House.

that was fluff, you were just doomgay who was sent to kill demons

Wow OP, that's just really, really sad of you.


>Wow OP, that's just really, really sad of you.

Attached: Reddit-Logo-NOTEXT-2.png (1193x1654, 38K)

>doomgay who was sent to kill demons
Ok so you've never played the original doom games, got it

It's pretty good at the highest difficulty though.

Sure it's not Doom but a shooter like that in this day and age?

you play as a uac marine who's on one of mars's moons thats being invaded by demons
theres no novel full of epic backstory like the new betheshit games have

Are you trying to make this a meme, or are you this deeply autistic?

If parts of humanity started worshiping hell demons after you spent an eternity murdering them, you probably wouldn't have high opinions of people either.

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In the thumbnail he looks like a scientist from Half-Life

its about the change in tone and style
its pandering to "doom memes" rather than trying to be like actual doom

Attached: 1416521462853.png (978x648, 1.64M)


Zoomers will disagree with this post

>Didn't even keep the Tower

Fuck Gamefreak.

It doesn't have to try to be like actual Doom because actual Doom already exists.

There's an endless flow of actual Doom content for all actual Doom fans, too! 25 years of it!

Maybe. But as long as they actually try with the gameplay I don't really care. The couple cutscenes they've shown for Eternal aren't so overwhelming. Try to maintain perspective when the latest Wolfenstein happened.

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Doom was always a meme, you dumb zoomer.

What you think it's pandering is actually and honest and decent attempt at being a real sequel and moving the franchise forward. When these old franchises come back generally they're so caught up with being authentic they forget to add anything of value. There is the real pandering for you.
The new Doom is actually quite interesting in it's idea of Doomguy turning into this idol that's looked at with mythological awe. That is a natural progression of what has come before. The fact that it nods at fan culture is just a side effect.

Jesus oldfags are fucking embarrassing.

Attached: banjobear.jpg (320x287, 18K)

i'm not saying it needs to be serious to be doom but it could do without the reddit memes
doom having any story ingame is bad

Just the ones that drop their spaghetti so publicly.

Attached: Bioshock_Infinite.jpg (220x312, 25K)

The true end was purposely designed to ruin your day

>reddit memes
Speak to me in words that aren't buzzing. What the fuck do you mean?

You mean the memes that have been around for years and started on Yea Forums?


this user is 100% correct

t. zoomers

Attached: how to embarass a zoomer.webm (480x270, 1.67M)

What could have been...

Attached: SPOREALLGONE.png (1262x2347, 483K)

what is this from i really dig the artstyle

what's with all these autists who have been spamming the same threads over and over again? It's always the same sort of thing, shitting on a game that either isn't out or hasn't been relevant for years for an incredibly specific or petty reason. Like the Ao Oni fag.

oh u mad boomer?
lolololol troled
like I would even want to play doom without brutal doom mod

Attached: doom locked.jpg (460x611, 45K)

Megg Mogg and Owl


Attached: Calm down nigga its just videogames.gif (287x311, 104K)

You might find this hard to believe but Yea Forums attracts some really autistic people

Attached: gta autism.png (4688x1704, 2.84M)

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Attached: terraria autism.jpg (2124x3352, 863K)"a forced hero"

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oh wow I recommended like dusk, amid evil and ion maiden one time and someone went ballistic at the latter, I wonder if it was him
what the fuck even triggers these people

>Brutal DOOM clone
wtf are you talking about? nuDoom doesn't have horrible damage balance issues and levels that were designed around something completely different, and doesn't have unnecessary reloading and iron sights combined with combat that was never designed around that.
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you're a zoomer who doesn't know that the melee kills in nuDoom were in the game before Brutal Doom existed.

Attached: glory kills callofdoom.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

nah its just gay and autistic lol

Literally anything involving Bannerlord.


But that is what it was.

Could Of had it All. Guys.

Attached: Timeplitters 4.jpg (3200x2150, 1.64M)

Attached: That fucking dog..jpg (816x460, 50K)

Hey, just because modern graphics engines can have more blood decals and gibs flying around, and sound software is actually capable of replicating the sound of electric guitars doesn't mean that you shouldn't zealously hold onto the technical limitations of a 286

How autistic are you that something as innocuous as this makes you sperg out?

I'm just saying Dom deserved a better way to go. They are the ironic song set up and that was amazing. But the death just felt not 100% you know. Like maybe 50% on emotional and that was it. From the Gears 3 trailer we all wanted I think something better. Thanks Cliffy B.

Attached: Dom. It.Is.Okay..jpg (1280x720, 82K)

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Why would it make you seethe with rage?
It was the dog of a developer that died and they put a picture of it in as hommage.
Thats not rage inducing, thats sweet

Attached: E8050522-2C7B-4B09-BF2A-12D9AF2703FD.jpg (1134x810, 114K)

This destroys the old thing good fag

Attached: hi_rez_tribes_ascend_death_scene.gif (400x300, 1.7M)

>Wasn't in or looked up the Ace Combat threads
Really dude. The reason why everyone hated that dog was because it looked shitty in the trailer or screenshots or whatever. And everyone raged due to it. No one gave a flying fuck about some dead dick head and his obsession with fucking the dog. It was the way it was placed in a poster or something that made it just look shitty and out of place. Jesus Christ.

yeah not because it's tryhard though, it's just a badly designed game
It's actually at it's worst on nightmare

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I got a few.

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why didn't he kill him?

There's literally nothing good about Old doom except the stupid rip and tear memes.

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