Improve this controller Yea Forums

Improve this controller Yea Forums

Honestly, it's perfect but the only touch-up it needs is the d-pad. Games are becoming incredibly complex and the standard controller simply doesn't have enough buttons. A "satellite" d-pad works but it's not precise enough. I'm thinking an 8 button d-pad should do the trick. Coupled with the paddle trigger in the back, the controller has more then enough buttons even for the most complex games. Also, make the start/select buttons just a tad bit bigger.

What does everyone else think?

Attached: RE2yoHs.png (1920x1080, 637K)

Give it a gyroscope, USB-C connection, and paddles that act as their own buttons.

>paddles that act as their own buttons
You mean like a R4/RP?

Yes, not just clones of the face buttons..

>all this +
Better grips that don't fall off in months, 3-4 profiles, and adjustable tensions for the thumbsticks.

PS4 design, Xbone build quality, Wii U Pro battery life

More buttons, like you said. Just like those mouses with a fuckton of buttons, a pair of buttons for the other fingers, like a z trigger, or something like that.

>ps4 design


Yah, you have the RB/LB, RT/LT, and the paddles would just be extra buttons / triggers like RT2/LT2, RT3/LT3. Obviously call it something else though.

I feel that PS4 > XBONE by far but the PS4 controller is whack. Xbox controller is still the greatest ever made. It's got the proper position of the analog sticks. I always hated how the PS controller's analog sticks were right next to each other.

Literally every controller maker out there realize and know how retarded the Daulshock design is..

Out of curiosity does the new xbox controllers still have those bubble face buttons?

And the concave depression on the thumbsticks are more comfy then Sony's bullshit concave/convex hybrid or whatever they did on DS4. Microsoft went from one of the worst controllers ever made (the Duke) to the best controllers in existence.

at least it influenced other controllers.

Swap face buttons and the joystick, replace joysticks with touchpads, add gyro and add dual stage triggers. Or just buy the steam controller.

Make it navy blue


Attached: gamecube controller.jpg (463x463, 29K)

get rid of the batteries and make it rechargeable

>Xbone D-pad design, but rubber-based instead of the current click-based design
>Two sticks with two clicks
>a pair of triggers and bumpers, select and start button
>6 face buttons instead of 4 buttons
Explain why this wouldn't be the perfect gamepad

Attached: 1365600656017.jpg (500x500, 28K)

Add the sega saturn d-pad. legit the best d-pad on any controller.

Attached: HQ8auuX.png (1024x733, 595K)

those xbox pro controllers have high failure rates?