Is game chat so "toxic" that all chat is a function to be removed in future game?

Is game chat so "toxic" that all chat is a function to be removed in future game?

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>this chat is considered "toxic"
how did we get here?

I really dont know.

there are infinite ways to solve gamership in game and rito simply decided to not care.
game chat function got nothing to do with toxicity

>blizzard has been by far the biggest faggots in regards to dealing with ((((("""""toxic"""""))))) culture
>Utterly impossible to finish any game of Overwatch without somebody making a snide comment
There is no further proof that "dealing with toxic chat" does not work than Overwatch. It is Example A and the only example needed.

I miss when video games let chat be and designers expected players or parents to be competent enough to learn how to mute.

We became brainlets.

It's toxic in the true sense of the word. Not in the sense of "Omg this offends me" kind of way.

Like they're all just shitheads shitheading instead of trying to play as a team.

>every game has a million ways to censor chat entirely and/or mute individual players both through text, friend requests, and/or voice chat
>"adults" still get so upset about being called shit they complain to the people who create the game they need to do something about it
It legitimately makes me want to die that I exist in the same world as these people.

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Whatever pussy. Grow a pair.

Easier/cheaper to remove chat than deal with people whining about bad chat.

you cant tell players who are ruining the game by playing like shit anything. they will make up any excuse to make you the bad guy.

I don't agree with the chat filters, it's fucking gay. Just mute someone or some shit. I do feel that the in-game chat in multiplayer games is a lot more edgy than 20 years ago.

Wasn't really a thing 20 years ago, at least not in the game that I played.

WRONG, "adults" are the ones being called toxic by kids and retards, fucking generations from 2000-2019 are soooo gay

That's what you get for playing games filled with underage faggot.

>People only react and stop acting like fucking drones when you call them dumb shits.
>Ignore you when you're being respectful and nice.

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Okay? Quit trying to fix everybody else and focus on yourself

Pretty sure HotS has no all-chat function
and that's a good thing

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This. The whole spamming nigger or other such things, as well as what insults have devolved into, only became a thing with cell phones and the lowered for entry. Back in the days of EQ, the insults were, usually, more colorful and better worded and thought out the few times you would use them. The invention of quick match and other match making services have ruined games, along with easy-access to play these types of games. Thanks cheap computers. Thanks fiber internet. Thanks Obama.

>just like real life
>why dont the pretty girls like me
>why do they only like the mean guys
>im the true gentleman here
>respect me maidens, wtf this is so unfair


>focus on yourself when you are losing
>team game when you are winning
absolutely amazing

found the faggot that gets banned

>Is game chat so "toxic" that all chat is a function to be removed in future game?
No. Game chat will be removed because of certain bills that were passed. Pretty much any game coming out this year from now on has to have text-to-speech if it has a text chat.

I am quite proud of my bans. I dont even know where most of them came from.

>relying on others for anything

Nah, this shit only happens in ASSFAGGOTS random matches. Considering playing literally anything else.

>just 1v5 haha
name me ONE team game you play

Insurgency, Rocket lag sometimes. I dont play assfaggots if thats what you're wondering about

>lag in rocket league
What third world are you from?

People started taking women and fags seriously

thats just what i call it. or cricket league

I shit on everyone every single game for like 2 straight weeks. Then I get banned for 2 days and go on a rampage again till I get banned for 2 days again. It's so much fun seeing the people seethe when you insta pick hanzo in comp. That's blizzard fault for only banning me for some days max for talking shit 24/7

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>voice_enable 0
>cl_chatfilter 0
>!hide in chat where possible
enjoy game

Yeah, now you can only bitch at your teamates instead of shittalking the enemy.

If "toxicity" is goddamn dangerous you should just forbid people from speaking in general.

Game chat is fine. Moderation is the problem. Gamer bantz and culture have naturally evolved on their own for decades, and now you liberal faggots are trying to stop it from evolving and redirect it into something resembling a pro-feminism forum. Might as well just turn it off at this point, because moderation is killing the gaming community by inhibiting growth and depriving us of our own naturally evolved community.

it already is... kinda...