>Haha! See you triggered the monster's enraged status where they gain the ability to stunlock and juggle you until one of the only two DOT effects in the game that they put on you or their one hit abilities inevitably kills you!
Well what's the counter?
>The counter is you don't get to play the game for two minutes while the monster's enrages status wears off! Isn't that brilliant!
Haha! See you triggered the monster's enraged status where they gain the ability to stunlock and juggle you until one...
git gud, scrub
imagine being this shit at mhw, the game with the most fluid and easy movement in the series.
I am, that's why I took capcom's advice and stopped playing the game.
>MHW isn't as shit as the other games
>it's still a pile of shit
What the fuck is wrong with you to think that that's an argument?
I can't imagine anyone being this bad at MHW on accident.
You mean you can't imagine people recognizing bullshit features and faux difficulty?
>faux difficulty
user, can't you be a scrub without also being a faggot?
I didn't realize the Department of Transportation had effects in that game.
>If you don't like every aspect of the game that means you're bad
Just admit it, you're fully indoctrinated by gook game design
>Having trouble with MHW
I really hope Capcom actually makes G Rank a challenge in Iceborne just to see the salt reaction from World babbies
>he stops fighting the monster when it enrages
You have to get your Monster Hunting License before playing
Nah, bro, that's over at the DMV. DOT issues permits for cats moving superheavy carts.
>the only way to die in the game is through stunlocks and one hits
>lol look at this guy complaining about the game, it's so easy
Have you ever considered monsterhunter games might be shit?
Solutions to monsters being enraged:
1. Mount. Damage while mounted adds exhaustion and you will force it to end its enraged status faster. While mounted, you can't be damage unless you're a moron and you'll have a guaranteed knockdown.
2. Bait out counterable moves. Every monster has a move they will use while enraged that has a ton of end lag. Punish as best you can, then re-position. For example, Diablos likes to charge, and you can generally get it to smash into a pillar, giving you plenty of time to wail on it.
3. Use traps or bombs to make openings or deal safe damage.
4. Use exhaust ammo if you've got bowguns.
sort out your armor and don't get hit then you pleb
That's not what I said at all. I think the dick in your mouth is obstructing your view
>he actually plays games
which monster are you whining about exactly?
git fucking gud, bitch
dont get learn, learn to waggle your sticks faster, and start dodging dumbass, thats why you have a dodge button - so fucking use it.
dont blame the game for your shit skill, and shit reaction time
last, but not least
git gud
i can't think of any monster that does this. unless you are severely under equipped or trying to fight something with the worst weapon for it.
You can beat any monster with any weapon, but they are designed specifically to be beaten with one or more weapon types. You have to be very competent with your chosen weapon to take on some of the monsters in the game with it.
oops that first part was supposed to say
" dont get hit"
>not focusing on exhaust sets
Back to Dork Souls with you, you have no right to complain if you don't even bother preparing.
>you have no right to complain unless you use extremely overpowered gimmick builds that trivialize all fights
Great game design btw
>Pussies out when the monster enrages
>Fumbles and gets hit enough times to trigger stun
AHAHAHAHAHA scrubs everybody
Stunlock isn't just the stun mechanic in the game, it's monster having perfect attack timing to hit you on your wakeup animations from the last hit, which this game has.
When all else fails just poke and go
The ultimate strat
If you can't manage to hit a monster while it's enraged without getting killed, even in the easiest MH, maybe this isn't a genre for you
Stop getting hit faggot, it should be easy since you're playing the babbiest-tier MH
>Not using the invincibility window when on ground to wait for the perfect time to roll out
You shitters have no excuse.
>wait for a time to roll out
>monster has been staring at a wall for 4 seconds
>oh ok, lets get up
>monster immediately casts its super in your direction
Working as intended
Works on my game. Never had that problem once.
That's fine. You can shill for the mechanics that the game has, bu you'd have to be some special kind of retard to shill for the game's AI
>Agnektor grabs grabs you with its mouth and mauls you for 6 seconds then throws you acrossthe map
>no damage taken just a cinematic effect
Monster Hunter Disney World
Haven't played in awhile. What's a good weapon to get back into with?
Naah you just suck
I suck because the game is so easy they had to add in bullshit retarded AI and draw out fights, makes sense
>fighting monster near perfectly almost never taking hits
>monster lands a single random move
>get knocked out for some reason
>monster chains to strong move while you stand there
>either cart or very low health
The artificial difficulty in this game is BS. Not that it's even hard, just cringe as fuck. Seemingly random punishments because that's they only way capcom could think to make this game hard becausw the monsters are slow as fuck and you are a literal jedi compared to past games.
This, one fat fingered button and you're carting even though you had a perfect 10 minute fight
>I suck
At least you finally admit it. You can go ahead and close the thread now sweetums ;)
Bullshit. Stun on the player only triggers when you're getting hit multiple times in a short time. This is basically how the game punishes a bad player.
Bottoms line you're a massive shitter and a lying faggot.
How new to games do you have to be to not know what stunlock means outside of the stun condition in the game? Are you being retarded on purpose?
Are you? The game gives you generous amounts of I frames when on knocked the ground. If you're getting stunlocked it's most likely because you're an impatient faggot that can't predict for shit and is just rolling into the next attack.
You don't have to get so defensive when somebody insults your reptile grinding game for children. Fucking loser
Monsters that grab you like that generally does a really powerful follow up attack. That's why you lie down the ground for so long. You can use your slinger in that state to counter it. Deviljho follow up attack does massive damage so you better hit him with flash or dung pod.
I'll be the guy and ask
What a counter lmao
all you gotta do is keep laying on the ground until the monster finishes its follow up, it couldnt be easier
>D-dont call me a shitter
LMAO reddit plz go
>so fucking autistic that you can't even realize you're still arguing about something I didn't say
You guys are great advocates for post birth abortions.