ITT: Nations that ruin video games (and in general are known for being absolutely retarded).
ITT: Nations that ruin video games (and in general are known for being absolutely retarded)
not /int/
Most of South America
All of Eastern Europe
All of South-East Asia
Unironic question, so I'd appreciate it if it just doesn't devolve into ranting about chinks; what actually is the deal with Chinese players and the hugely disproportionate amount of hackers? Like, not even cheating in something where there's a potential monetary aspect (which is shitty, but I understand it), but just generally. How is it even fun at that point?
It's part of their culture.
most Chinese Gamers tend to be poor and autistic brainlets as a result, just look at their preference for Mobile lootbox shit, dont expect rational thinking form most of them.
this is the only correct answer, atleast the russians/BRs don't shove politics and censorship down our throats.
well those aren't americans in my book Disloyal to our President, also majority of them are trannies.
What Mario + Rabbids truly the flower in the ghetto?
at least a quarter of russians can play dota properly
europoors no nothing of the endless suffering the tumor of south america brings to a server
OP here,
Do you think Russia should be a separate region from Europe, in terms of filtering, and that South America should be separate from North? I know some games do the latter.
Insanely offensive and xenophobic, but some are really nice.
Disproportionately many cheaters.
Insanely polite but xenophobic.
Fucking pinoy
Eastern Europe should be their own thing; Serbs in particular as insufferable as well. And also yes in regards to the South America thing.
it already is and people migrate regardless because shit nations can't even handle their own players
нюхaй шляпy aмepикoc пиндoc
I think that even Eastern Europeans (or at least Russians) would prefer that separation, because they seem as disgruntled to be put with people who have the mental capacity to learn a second language (i.e. English).
Czechs are often overlooked as insufferable human beings. I have never met a Czech person who wasn't a code monkey and who wasn't a posh cunt second only to French "people".
it's funny because a lot of the publishers/devs who do that are canadian or french but you've developed a mental complex towards the US
>thinks I'm actually going to translate it just so I can be insulted
Throwing petty insults out of rage won't fix that the vast majority of players from your country are shit, and act like chimps. This is based on the fact that everyone has the exact same experience with people from your country.
I was just finish an apex legend game with 2 Russian pieces of shit subhumans, I had 3 kills and most damage and the one conplaining had no kills and almost no damage. I responded with a "kys faggot".
These are not people and if you open your mouth on mic and speak with a thick accent and broken English I'll be more likely to hate you, especially if you sound like some nasty eastern European. I'll disregard you as a non person if you decide to open your filthy mouth in my squad and show typical "eurotrash esl" behavior.
There's a saying in csgo... "fuck russia"
Srsly fuck russia. And fuck you if you're some slavic piece of shit, or even a spainyard, a french man or some armpit eurotrash esl person
>because they seem as disgruntled to be put with people who have the mental capacity to learn a second language (i.e. English).
Russian here, please, understand, for big chunk of Russians English wouldn't even be a second language. English is actually my third language and Russia is very multi-lingual country with various (mostly Muslim) trash, obscure, nigh-extinct nationalities.
We also don't have teachers who would teach kids English properly, by the time I was in middle school I already felt like these people had nothing else to teach me.
The sad part is that I can see significant improvements only in a decade as Russian education system does make strides to force children to learn English. Well, more like steps.
Cheating is part of chink cutlure, they're savages, they will try to kill to get out of a fender bender.
Cruel fucking ant people.
nub tim, kick kally plz, pleasy kicky me.
I will dignify your post with this response.
I've met Russians who play well, and make an attempt to communicate in English. I want to see more of that, and I'm not saying Russia is empty of skill. But people like you are, and this comes from years of experience, few and far between.
Stop playing shit games
Yeah, put these horrible people into a contaminated "eastern block" server and put all the french, Portuguese and Spanish people into their contaminated servers.
Sick of all these "brakka brakka" fucks raising my blood pressure and just annoying me with their presence.
Unironically Europe is a fucking cesspool and playing multiplayer vidya on EU servers is a nightmare, every single nation is fucking retarded in it's own way and god forbid if you are the only one who does not understands the native language of 4 other players in your team because they won't switch to English
Don't forget French, they are pretty much honorary slavs.