Why aren't original games created anymore? When you think of all the big publishers, like Ubisoft, EA, Activision...

Why aren't original games created anymore? When you think of all the big publishers, like Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, etc, almost all of their biggest games are from series' created before the mid-2000's. What happened in the last 10 years?

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People just aren't interested. Look at The Last Guardian for example. Sure, it had a few rough edges, but people weren't even willing to try and meet it part way and give it a fair shake before declaring it was shit.

killer lineup, gamecube never stood a chance

They are being created but not by talented people like back in the old days. All the old talent retired and so we mainly just have mindless drones making soulless games for profit.

Big Team Ico fan here who bought TLG. It sucked, couldn't even get into it.

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same thing that happened to hollywood happened to games industry: it got too big for its own good. investors dont want to take risks on new IPs because everything costs so much money to make so they scoff at anything that doesnt have an established audience.

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Games are ridiculously expensive to create now and subsequently both developers and publishers are wary of taking any risks.

Bad economy.
Only the toughest brands can compete.
Games are either big successes or big failures, there's pretty much no in between, which is indicative of people having tight wallets.

Games cost less to make than back in the day, that's why you see relatively decent indie games. Don't confuse inflated production values and massive advertising campaigns for actual game dev costs.

>why aren't original games made anymore
>poats generic ass games

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>Games cost less to make than back in the day
Imagine being THIS fucking stupid, hey what do you think cost more to make a PS1 game with 10 developers or PS4 with 200+ developers

PS1 games had 200+ too, and PS4 games can also have 10 developers. The difference is that PS1 developers were literally genius tier coders as well as artists, and that PS4 developers are game dev school rejects.

Because Japanese games got really niche or are AAA shit,there is very little in between and even they cannot afford to take risks.

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this is incredibly wrong. the reason you see decent indie games is because they're made on the cheap. cheap indie games dont have a CEO from a giant corporation that wipes his ass with a cigar that he lit with a $1,000 dollar bill breathing down their neck demanding that all manner of industry mandated stuff be included in the game.
the reason you see indie games being the most different/innovative is exactly that: they're indie games.
>hey, investor, i've got this game called jepson flango. you shoot hookshots at bugs in a 2d platform environment to create bridges to find the exit to the level. if it flops, you'll lose $1,000.
yeah, sure. whatever. go nuts.
>hey, investor, ive got this game called jepson flango. it's a huge ultra realistic 3d open world always online game where you do something no ones ever seen before. if it flops, you'll lose $100,000,000.
lol fuck off, go make assassins creed 17

>the your favourite Japanese series from the late 90’s and early 2000’s will never get any sequels or remasters


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i really hope we see another nintendo first party brand new IP for switch. nintendo almost never make new big IPs, but when they do, they really hit it out of the park. splatoons fantastic, but the first game came out on wii u. quite a while ago now.

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what game?

>why arn't original games created anymore
>OP's pic is almost all sequels

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There are, people just overlook them. Plenty of indies are trying new things, and new genres have taken over in the last decade. Look at MOBAs and battle royales. Derivative clones always existed, and arguably were lower quality back then because they cost less money to make and would carry less financial risk. These days everything has to sell huge numbers which causes an increase in basic level of attention/care, but unfortunately means some publishers play it too safe to secure the $$$.

I mean, we got Arms. Its half-baked as hell, but still

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>PS1 games had 200+ too
Holy shit you are beyond retarded


Indies try everything and never draw a dime because their fucking new gimmick is all they have

Because original games back in the day were created by artists. Now they're created by interns.

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>Here's your 100th 2d pixel art platformer



Because they budget such a retarded amount to either making it open world, marketing, or both. Linear games are fine, everyone’s chasing the GaaS meme now.

Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke


>final fantasy x
>devil may cry
>gta 3
>metal gear solid 2

Will we ever have a launch/exclusive lineup this amazing ever again?

>Why aren't original games created anymore?

>most of the games in that image are sequels

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Did you buy gravity rush?

>Will we ever have a launch/exclusive lineup this amazing ever again?

The only game in that lists that is still worth playing is devil may cry, and even that has aged due to the inexplicable decision to use fixed camera angles in a fast-paced action game.

Ironic that there are literally only 3 original IPs in that image you posted. The industry has been like this for a while.

And that's why so many games play it safe. You can't have both. People who think old games were better overlook the 50 misses for every hit.

>devil may cry1
>fast-paced action

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I wouldn't say DMC1 is fast-paced.

>Will we ever have a launch/exclusive lineup this amazing ever again?

Heck, Final Fantasy X isn't even the best jrpg to come out in that year (2001). That would be, bizarrely enough, a pc exclusive game.

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The PS2 launched in NA in fall 2000. It had a terrible launch lineup as well. (AC2 was the only good one)

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too risky and if they are original, nobody gives a shit.

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yes it was

>generic zelda/god of war ripoff with World of Warcraft artstyle

Image unrelated?

Is this an offical promo from Sony or did some fan make this image? Because half those games weren't even ps2 exclusives

1 million sales would considered as a big success in ps2 era. Now, it's considered as a failure.

Bloodborne was original and still the best game this gen.

Which PS1 game took 200+ employee to make?

This game was shit though.

What was the last "real" era here with soul?

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>Which PS1 game took 200+ employee to make?
FF7 reportedly had a 140 million dollar budget.

>PS1 games had 200+ too
As a counterexample, Symphony of the Night was worked on by ~10 people throughout most of its development.

Games development costs rose to the point where no-one is willing to take risks.

Although the PS2 era was years after that too. The only wholy original IPs there are Ico and Jak. Ico was a glorified indie game and Jak was forced by IP rights issues due to Naughty Dog not owning Crash. DMC was originally in development as Resident Evil title.

>Why aren't original games created anymore?
you shit on everything new until it comes out and then regardless of quality make your fifty OHNONONO WHAT HAPPENED BROS threads
don't pretend

At leas 5 from that list defined their genres, quit being so absolutely braindead. Your picture does fit you at least.

I can assure you it didn't have 200+ devs working on it,compare FF7 credits to whatever modern AAA titles credits and see how different it is.

>Why aren’t original games made anymore?

>Ace Combat 4
>Silent hill 2
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

>60% sequels

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quit samefagging cuckold

Compare GTA 2 to 3. And then MGS 1 to 2.

>I can assure you it didn't have 200+ devs working on it,compare FF7 credits to whatever modern AAA titles credits and see how different it is.
I just looked at at FF7's credits on Mobygames and they are pretty massive. It wasn't the only PS1 game like that, by the way.

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Compare God of War to God of War 3.

Or RE7 to RE6.

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that's just a 3rd person shooter.

>including voice actors and localization staff

Yes they were vastly different.

Astral Chain?

>>including voice actors and localization staff
Even if you remove them, the credits are still massive for its time

>original games
>all those sequels

Capital investment and opportunity cost is much higher for bigger players. Part of this is that the market has rewarded bigger games more strongly, but awards less of them overall.

This creates an interesting situation, where these large publishers are encouraged by the market to coalesce around these massive investments to make the most money possible. Making a whole bunch of smaller B-tier titles is comparatively a massive waste of time, or at least, they see it that way looking at their financials. Even when you take into account that many of these major investments will also be major flops.

That said, even looking at your image only DMC, Ico and Jak&Daxter are fully new. But each of the titles you show are a vastly lower amount of monetary investment compared to the average title today, both directly and relatively. They're less existential, and the amount of sales they needed to be a good success was lower, as the opportunity costs and development times were much lower (barring FFX).

the best selling new IP videogame of all time came out in 2016

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Nintendo creates new IPs all the time

Defining a genre means shit, new games define their genre and you retards cry about hurrr casualization hurr i dont like that genre (i.e moba or battle royale)

One of the big reasons is that a ton of mid-tier games sold poorly in the early and mid 2000s, scaring publishers and their stakeholders off of any sort of "spend less in order to make more games" rather than "spend a ton on a single polished product". This was particularly apparent with EA, and it drastically affected their culture at the executive levels.



It's a one-off platinum action game. More effort than their licensed stuff like Korra or TMNT, but not significantly so. They're not trying to make something with any sort of staying power.

I doubt we'll be getting entirely new genres any time soon but I also doubt that's what OP meant

the division sold more in its first week than what destiny did
destiny: $330m
division: $335m


Because they sell. There are plenty of new games released all the time but very few of them are actual large enough scale successes that merits a sequel. We know them all. The AAAs and the exclusives.

The PS2 was a wondrous era where games were in a special place where they looked good enough to push the envelope and interest more and more people but were still cheap enough that a flop wouldn't sink a studio so the willingness to take risks was far greater. Some say it will never come again.

GR1 and 2 sold too poorly. You might argue it as an example of how it was our fault, then.

Original games ARE being created, AAA studios just aren't typically the ones making them now

>4th game in series
>spin-off of established RPG series
>tenth entry in JRPG series
>3rd instalment in racing series
>3d platformer

It's ironic that Neptuina of all things called this out

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>A Hat In Time
>Alien Isolation (unoriginal up, original game count)
>Anthem lmao
>Banner Saga
>Code Vein
>The Crew
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Days Gone
Too lazy to read the rest of the games that came out this generation but there are plenty of new IPs coming out. Ubisoft has actually been the biggest publisher to push them out too

PC, most likely.

When was the last time you were able to play a modern game straight out of the box without downloading updates or signing up to something.

Doesn't Neptuna rehash the same game over and over again.

It sold decently well for a new IP, so the chances for a sequel are decent.

Pretty much. That is why I said it was ironic

>Bloodborne was original

>Born in late 90s
>Started with core millenial

Ace Combat 7