ITT: Post your subtle vidya attire/merchandise.
ITT: Post your subtle vidya attire/merchandise
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nice, where did you buy her?
yeah veeeeeeeeeeeeeery subtle vidya attire you got there
>that low quality cloth
I'd stull fuck it
what is that creature?
A lady... Well hello, there. *slicks back hair* What a babe! SHWING!
>haha all girls have benis!
Silly, there's no girl on the internet.
subtlety's for fags
>Can't tell by her thicc wrist
Bitch has a bigger benis than you
haha epic win, fellow gamer
Papers, Please hoodie
every fucking time we have this thread you ironic shitposters keep going at it
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
hahah bengis in baginsa!
Hello fellow gaymers
>I'm sure my jewish friends will love that Wolfenstein t-shirt!
i can't call out epic wins anymore? wtf!
Is that...
That’s clearly a biological female.
i love it
Uh, I myself am a former profession fighting game player...
Wrists are not dimorphic
I don't see much of a difference in wrist size between men and women.
It's just that most guys are fatter than women, which is why it looks like women have smaller wrists
Real fucking subtle, you fucking faggot.
if that's a "he", then trannies won and I'm gay now
I can be good at games if I want to.
*blocks your path*
Nice credit score little boy
Me on the left.
That's a fucking masterpiece tbf
stay jelly broke niggers
They're not being ironic. That dress is about as subtle as the smoke from ground zero on 9/11
looks like early 2000's ska "fashion".
stop ironic posting, thanks
i can hear the music just from that image
Why do Americans do this?
I fucking love battlefield!
Holy shit.
Do you know what subtle means, OP?
Cause we're free to loser
9/11 blaze it
god i wish that were me
What about subtle vidya attire that doesn't give you eye cancer and can pass as /fa/ stuff
Stop trying to plausibly deny her benis size. She's got huge hands, and therefore cocksize too.
More like 4/20
stop posting retard
you're a pretty cool dude
How the fuck is this subtle you idiot?
I wish they didn't back down from selling these, I'd buy one.
So much for your credit score when you get send in the oven, kike.
It doesn't exists unless you're attractive, which you aren't.
>having vidya attire/merchandise
He looks like a fancy city slicker with that on
the post is about as subtle as your brain, retard
I'd get something like this if they really made it look like a real place
i wonder how many people will recognize the loli machine now days
sweet jesus
that cannot be real
wait a minute......
fuck..i love it but im 24 i'll look like a fucking retard faggot wearing that
i'll have 7, one for each day of the week my good sir
Everyone who used that avatar is in prison now.
>Zone Underground
I thought this was an add for a gaming chair from the thumbnail.
She looks like she fucks white boys.
Rise up, fuck nigreddit
Surprised this didn't catch on here, shit was hilarious.
Ah, a fellow Hearts of Iron fan.
Patrician taste.
Dr, Koffman, I’m James
Who the fuck is that green monster in the sewer? I don't remember him from the game.
It's not from the game. The "artist" of that cover literally took a bunch of art from different movie posters and kind of just jumbled them together with some slight edits.
Loss ?
I like that it looks like he’s pulling the fabric of the shirt
kek, on closer inspection that girl looks nothing like Blaze either
Is that a shop? If not the world is a far more terrible place than I imagined. Some poor kid out there is wearing this thinking it's a cool portal or something.
What the fuck, is that Rebecca and the other Warframe girl? What the fuck?
It was a pretty common practice in the 90's. The US boxart for Castlevania II did the same thing, they stole some art from a novel I think and then just drew Simon in the center.
"Never seen before" because women have never been seen before in e-sports.
>Jim Sterling casual attire.jpg
Nice Human Holocaust shirt
The grinch
Is this an out of season april fools joke?
"Now there.."
I like and wear this one.
haha wouldn't it be so silly if they all did haha
I would absolutely wear this.
Holy shit, where do I get this?
Can someone explain what this is?
Judging by people's reactions it's probably some loli robot vagina.
trannies can do all kinds of trickery to look like a female but conquering the female hips is the final frontier
those hips don't lie
you don't want to know, lad
It's just some old gif of a machine that flenses a loli. It's not that bad, but it's basically the same thing as people who freak out over that one mindbreak doujin. Normalfag's first gore meme.
Its from a guro gif.
guro reference
is this some kind of gore hentai shit?
Ok that just makes me want to buy it. Original gif sounds pretty gross though.
you are the reason this place went to shit, just so you know, spoonfeeder-kun
get off my fucking site and go back to /r/eddit where you belong.
Its actually pretty tame imo, the machine skins alive a loli and prolapses her intestines, but it sounds way worse than it looks.
>there are people who pay more than a few bucks for any of these items
god i hate you.
Literally wearing it right now
Ok but I'd actually wear the rhombus ones
Replace the yes with a no and I'd wear it
it’s only been like 8 years since it was posted regularly, god forbid some retard newfag doesn’t recognize a guro reference to a fucking gif
>$680 dollaroos for a simple pair of pants
you can build a good gaming PC with that.
>there are people on this earth that pay more than 20 bucks on a piece of fabric to wear
>they're the overwhelming majority
Holy shit I love this
>never seen a vagina before
Some people are absurdly rich and spending that much for them is the same as spending a couple bucks is for you. If your dad is a billionaire then spending 5 thousand dollars on a gacha game is a cheap way to spend a friday night compared to going out.
A million seconds is 11.5 days. A billion seconds is 31.7 YEARS.
No thanks "bro"
it's the principle that you're willing to break so easily. way back in time, there was a pride associated with understanding board culture, which used to take time to understand, and by that process force immigrants like redditors to assimilate.
that was common knowledge. it's not the insignificant little thing you spoonfeed, it's the combined attitude if everyone does it that breaks our culture.
Funnily enough I first went on this website about 8-9 years ago (there were v long gaps where I didn't use the site), but I never went on Yea Forums. That's probably why I never even seen it. Someone should just post it with a spoiler.
i bought this one from gdimp and it came with stains already on it. kinda fitting really
Because we have freedom and you dont.
Where can I buy this. Asking for a friend
Dated a gal who let me borrow a Space Invaders tie she wore sometimes.
She never asked for it back when I dumped her.
i know, appreciating value is something you learn by suffering the opposite reality of what you described.
that's why the best billionaires are the ones who came from rags
uh, based
Thanks now I can buy it.
the jeans are probably the most reasonably priced ones there
This girl wasn't even born when that game came out in arcades, yet alone on consoles.
people wear The Beatles and Pink Floyd shirts who weren't alive when they were around. same thing doofus.
ugly dress either way but saying someone isn't allowed to be a fan of something because they're too young is dumb as fuck. grow up.
Young danny fenton, he was just 14
When his parents built a very strange machine
OK, and? Are you unable to play a game if you weren't around when it was first released?
I'd wear it
>Are you unable to play a game if you weren't around when it was first released?
Are you honestly suggesting this girl plays and enjoys Pac-man? Or has ever played Pac-man? Or could could even recognize the design on the dress? Think real hard about the answer before your proud opens your mouth in a knee-jerk response.
Pac-Man is one of the most popular and recognized games of all time dude
music retains the majority of its value at least, while early video games do not. you're not going to find a pacman or pong fandom out there. tetris is the only retro game to the best of my knowledge that's close, and that's primarily because there's a really high skill ceiling
because weed's fun you euro
only because it's a hoody
>putting that Battle Royale Garbage on proud display
Jelly of the chin figures though
Does anyone have the long version of the "Im about to level up and you look like you will give me enough exeprience blablabla"?
>Or could could even recognize the design on the dress?
Okay you are being a real idiot right now
It's bait.
>leaving the house wearing any of this shit
to say a band has more "value" than a video game is entirely subjective. but besides that, the pattern of that dress may have very little importance to the person wearing it. especially if you're just getting someone to model it for your promo pictures. people will often wear band or movie shirts for things they are entirely unfamiliar with, just because they like the design. they might know of the velvet underground or be vaguely familiar with who joy division were, but only to the extent that they like the art that was on an album cover. i worked with a girl who wore this misfits shirt all the time and had never heard a song by them.
my point is there's no way to know for sure if someone is a REAL FAN of something just because they're wearing the shirt (or dress in this case). but honestly, if you give that much of a shit about what someone else wears you're more of a faggot than the one insincerely wearing the logo.
shirtz dot cool, i've got a few and they are pretty good, expensive but probably worth it
I'd buy one desu
>to say a band has more "value" than a video game is entirely subjective.
that's not what really what i was saying though. quality music will always remain quality, while very, very early video games, while quality at the time, were also severely limited by the technology of the time to the point that there's little reason to play any of them outside of nostalgia. the right way to compare it to music would be comparing it to cavemen, honestly. comparing it to music that came out the same year as pac man isn't right, because there's been a handful more years to develop music as a medium. even going back to mozart or bach isn't good enough. you'd have to go back to nearly the beginning attempts at music. pong is not an interesting pvp game. that doesn't take away from the fun someone may have had playing it when it was new and fascinating, but you'd be hard pressed to see anyone take a serious stance defending it as a high quality video game in the modern day.
the design of the clothing's another thing, i'm not the same user and i couldn't give a shit if someone wore something they thought looked cool. i was just posting to comment on the idea of someone genuinely liking pacman as a game enough to wear it today still rather than at best, some wistful nostalgia if not just "i like how the dress looks", which again, is fine
t. never heard of hip pads
You really think anyone's gonna read your faggot ass blog m8?
god fucking damn it
sucking cock is less gay than playing dark souls
i really want this
>our culture
Not him, but you had me until there, user. You're not wrong tho
fuck off tranny
God I love knees
I'd fuck you, even with all those shitty tattoos.
Fucking hideous, and the dress is terrible too.
Cool shirts
actually subtle kek
I want a t-shirt that says "w2huwufq"
t. niggers
99% of people have probably played pacman you fucking incel
So....who is she? She's really cute, very hot!
New pacman comes out all the time you utter fucking clown
i'd like to see that on stage
>A million seconds is 11.5 days. A billion seconds is 31.7 YEARS.
uh? What do you mean by that?
>I'm not your average gamer
not awful
You're alright
Always impressed me how well she takes it
post vidya outfits you want to pull off in real life
Umm, I don't think this is very advertiser friendly...
God I wish that was me
It would be a cool outfit if it didn't have the retarded one leg pulled up thing
this whole fucking thread is a shitpost
>this shirt is no longer for sale
Which one?
Goddamn, user.
this looks like something ricky would wear
I like the box art
You can't buy the shirt of something you can't even fucking sit through, user. Which is why I can't buy the shirt either fuck that shit
Do you have the other one?
>marko de la watermark
This is way funnier than it should be
fuck off cunt learn to image search
Somebody forward this to the sonic twitter. I feel like they could turn this design into genuine merch if we make enough noise.
Thank you kindly, user.
hey ive never seen this one. kawaii
numbers are big
a billion dollars
if you were to spend a dollar a second
would last you 31 years
I wear this everywhere
>cheap garbage
reminds me of the shitty leggings that for some reason get front page wowhead articles whenever theyre released
I’m too much of a pussy to wear even “subtle” vidya clothing or anything with brand names. I simply wear plain black clothes. My clothes have to be black because I tend to sweat a lot especially from my ass and crotch and it almost looks as if I’ve urinated myself. The sweat stains are especially visible on non-black clothing.
Weird gearbox
I like how the symbol for dark souls is just a random-ass hollow soldier.
A lot. It's the current meme now.
That's the fucking joke you absolute brainlet. The entire point of these threads is to post the least subtle things you can think of.
so ill-fitting, it was just a regular vietnam jacket too
nice one! theres no way you found that joke off someone's viral tweet haha epic
>that one mindbreak doujin
not sure if i'm desensitived to mindbreak to not know which one freaks newfags out or if i was just a newfag the whole time
chad skinned loli vs virgin dead deer in a pool
user no!
I know some guy who has this.
Does Mega 64 stuff count?
I have their Not Madden 18 shirt & their purple archives hoodie
On mobile so I can attach a pic
>they're the overwhelming majority
In 3 countries.
>user didn't know
kekd hard
not anymore, keep up with the times it was popular like a year ago why did something so old resurface into popularity, are they all just 8 years behind?
emergence, 177013, it's become a meme now where everyone references it to add edge to their ironic weeb memes
>mfw TODAY is MARCH 8th
should I keep going user?
sauce on girl?
True alpha coming through
>wearing an ad for anything even if you like it
same reason why rustling jimmies got popular again heaps ages after it first came about newfags
do people actually put up with this shit? whenever I see someone like this, the leader usually tells them to turn it off or theyre getting kicked
Found it, it's karrigan taylor
id wear this
>high quality
are you fucking delusional?
this is at least not plastered with a giant Blizzard of WoW logo so as to hide your power level in public. it's no doubt made of garbage-grade materials though, and assembled in the cheapest way possible so that it falls apart in a month.
Listen. The joke's gotten old. Real old. It's time you moved on.
i wish we lived in some autistic jrpg fantasy world
Remember, she survived this.
And is out for revenge.
>He's too autistic to understand how human society and hierarchy is based off of status
>He's too autistic to understand how status is communicated by what fabrics humans wear
Learn how to play the game, faggot.
>Warframe sluts
>it's still in stock
oh god oh fuck don't do this to me user
I'd eat her cherries if you know what I mean.
>moving gifs on shirts hasn't been invented yet.
Why not? Maybe they can do something with lenticular trickery.
>moving gifs on shirts hasn't been invented yet
user are you a fucking id-
>Maybe they can do something with lenticular trickery
holy shit you're a genius
What's their problem? They couldn't wear cheerleader outfits in highschool and they still can't because they're too fat?
An Anglo
Philadelphia Flyers?
You're dumb as shit
This is for the real men.
I find this more disturbing than the cartel behinding gifs but not as bad as the cartel torture gifs.
snk japan store.
Gamegrumps fans and homeless people.
I also have this shirt
i don't get it, what's wrong with these? its just the esports tshirt but dress form.
>muh status
Boomer fag kys
Why is this worded like a Trump tweet?
Imagine wearing trash tier clothing that falls apart in months.
a tranny would never ever, ever, have a waist like that.
Of all of these, the Gears of War was the only one I bought myself, back when the game was relevant. The rest were gifts from my normies friends, who view me as "the gamer". I'm not complaining though, I like them (not the top left one, wear it around my friend sometimes to be polite). I got many compliments and comments about the Top Gear one, which is also my favorite
this is pretty good despite the uggo model
>literally my mom's spare dollar store kitchen rag
>sunglasses you can get at any gas station or walmart for cheap
>jeans you can get anywhere for like $40-60
>shirt you can get for around 100 or look alike for like 15 on sale
>shoes probably accurate
>wasting money on vidya clothing instead of vidya
>not gaming naked for maximum efficiency
looks like fucking ralphthemoviemaker lmao
You'd have to be a real bad ass to pull his style off, not even travis completely pulled it off. Would look better with semi-skinny black jeans
People probably think you're a Minnesota Vikings fan or something
More often it's the really expensive clothing that deteriorates in my experience.
I own this. I don't regret owning this.
The Samurai Shodown one looks gorgeous but M is sold out, god fucking damnit
based materialistic sub 100 iq baseline new money brainlet retard
unbased and plebpilled
>ooga booga me loin cloth more expensive than your
>dumb poor people blow money on tacky over priced trash so they can masquerade as "high class" when they clearly arent
>meanwhile actual billionaires drive shit cars and wear cheap ass clothes
brainlet and genetic trashpilled
>Way back in time
lol spotted the newfag
You want to buy something? It makes you happy? You saved up or had money for it?
Buy it, and fuck what others say.
My Fallout collection, 90% of it is gifts.
Here is my Fallout merch video breakdown. First half of the video.
My point is, buy what makes you happy. It's your life.
a company imposing what its vision of the "ideal" female to be
its really not
thats only how you may perceive it
they're just selling an option, nobody is forcing this into reality and judging by the comments here they backed down anyway
plenty of girls would be like "yeah sure ill wear a netball uniform instead of a tshirt i think its cute"
and others will "no fuck that gimme the shirt"
its just an option
or were you taking the piss with that comment because thats the whole back story of this item of clothing, they stopped production because some people chucked a hissy over the company forcing their ideas, which they probably werent but "MUH OPPRESSION
If you're fat, sweaty and out of shape no matter what you wear is going to be cringe, especially vidya attire
If you're a Chad you could wear shit like this and no one would say shit about it.
>tfw no white gf
I can literally picture how fat you are, user.
like most post-08 Blizzard games
even a Chad would still look stupid in that and I don't even have anything against the term "gamer"
No, it's just funny that the company thought tbis was some powerful revolutionary move and a bunch of women just said this shit was ugly and no one would wear this over a tshirt.
>almost 700 dollars
The shoes are the reasonable, user. And even they're still pretty unreasonable.
not really either but I play it on my car stereo.
i actually saw someone wear that shirt at a retro gaming convention a couple of weeks ago.
>plastic trinkets from bethesda make me happy
Stop advertising this cringe
oh god best girl cosplaying as best girl , this is a dream come true
>Dude fuck shame lmao! Fuck what other people say!
And this is how you end up as a diabetic 200kg furfag with HIV.
..."and i just finished dark souls"
>good thing become popular so me no like now
he said subtle.
Maybe the ff13 lightning mind/spine break doujin. Toblerone!
Kerrigan.Taylor on instagram I believe.
-This beautiful ness smash shirt
-mario, zelda and pacman snapbacks
-snes controller backpack
-nes controller shirt
-figures, pins, amiibos, belt, etc
i need this probably overpriced and simple shirt in my life
If you really dont get it:
>made from shitty polyester
>no pockets
>no sleeves
>literally a reskinned gaming chair
>let me pay you 53 dollars to look like a cheerleader
No, it's shit.
based and edgepilled
please...say you're joking...
Damn it brings me back.
Very subtly, very nice.
>marko de la watermark
Why is this so funny.
didnt this go out of print years ago? feels bad man, never got one
XP 9001%! lol nice one! Only true gamers would get that one, wish I had this shirt
(for the newbies, over 9000 is an old school dragon ball z meme that reddit made)
>Error duplicate file exists here
My nigga.
where can i make or buy this
Thinking of getting the N7 Hoodie for working out and being a piece of shit at home
That’s not always true, I have massive hands and a laughably tiny wiener.
>only Pathfinder edition available
One of my mates has one that he wears when its cold.
We went to the Toronto aquarium at one point, one of the employees tried to sell him a picture, and he politely refused, after which the employee responded "it'll be your favorite picture on the citadel!"
Basically, what I'm saying is don't buy this.
HRT if you're young enough can widen your hips. Fat redistribution also gives more feminine hips.
gamers rise up
>Dealing with LOL SO FUNNY ITS DA JOKE people on the street
Thanks user, I actually reconsiderd, you made a valid point.
I still want some comfy "gamer" hoodie tho, any suggestions?
any, im not picky.
It resurged as a giant meme amongst normalfags just last year you fucking faggot.
But diesel jeans are made in Taiwan garbage. There’s no reason they should cost that much.
lol wtf, none of this is subtle
the top gear one is based as fuck
Replace it with a yikes
>marko de la watermark
I hate that this won't be on the shirt once it arrives
>google image
>cosplay thot
why am i not surprised
Is that a problem?
I'd like to Slytherin there if ya know what I mean
>empowering women
>cheerleader outfit
How did they not see this coming?
Having it at work.
I'm working at a clinic so everyone thinks it's some real company I got it gifted from
Could've been fake to drum up controversy for attention.
Who's even heard of cranium apparel before this?
Ugly as fuck, but I'd hit it.
"made in Taiwan" isn't a pejorative anymore
yes, women need to dress in burkas
now that's empowering
The gif in question
Nice strawman.
>Hating on hot girls dressing up
Why do you hate fun user?
Isn't their G something like our M sizes?