
Trophy list out.

Sekiro trophy
All trophies have been unlocked.

Man Without Equal trophy
Defeated all bosses

Ashina Traveler trophy
Traveled to all areas of the game

Master of the Prosthetic trophy
Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit

Height of Technique trophy
Acquired all skills

All Prosthetic Tools trophy
Acquired all Prosthetic Tools

All Ninjutsu Techniques trophy
Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques

Peak Physical Strength trophy
Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit

Ultimate Healing Gourd trophy
Fully upgraded the “Healing Gourd”

Immortal Severance trophy
Attained the “Immortal Severance” ending

Purification trophy
Attained the “Purification” ending

Dragon’s Homecoming trophy
Attained the “Return” ending

Shura trophy
Attained the “Shura” ending

Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina trophy
Defeated “Sword Saint Isshin Ashina”

Master of the Arts trophy
Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style

Lazuline Upgrade trophy
Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit

Revered Blade trophy
Received the “Kusabimaru” from Kuro

Shinobi Prosthetic trophy
Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic

Memorial Mob trophy
Encountered the Memorial Mob

Resurrection trophy
Returned from the dead using “Resurrection” for the first time

Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa trophy
Defeated “Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa”

The Phantom Lady Butterfly trophy
Defeated “Lady Butterfly”

Genichiro Ashina trophy
Defeated “Genichiro Ashina”

Guardian Ape trophy
Defeated the “Guardian Ape”

Guardian Ape Immortality Severed trophy
Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape’s undying

Folding Screen Monkeys trophy
Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys

Great Shinobi – Owl trophy
Defeated “Great Shinobi – Owl”

Father Surpassed trophy
Defeated “Great Shinobi – Owl” at the Hirata Estate

Corrupted Monk trophy
Defeated the “Corrupted Monk”

Attached: 1552010217504.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

Gracious Gift of Tears trophy
Defeated the “Divine Dragon” and obtained the “Divine Dragon’s Tears”

Isshin Ashina trophy
Defeated “Isshin Ashina”

Demon of Hatred trophy
Defeated the “Demon of Hatred”

Great Serpent trophy
Defeated the “Great Serpent”.

Great Colored Car trophy
Defeated the “Great Colored Carp”.


Do people actually play multiplats on that underpowered system? Jesus Christ I swear you soiggers probably play 90% multiplats and 10% exclusives (which are all shit except BB and Spidey/Dad of war)

Attached: images (41).jpg (342x435, 25K)

Holy shit that guy's bad

But where's the Azuma ninja easter egg

whats the difference between the xb1 and ps4 versions

>Divine Dragon boss-fight

Are we finally going to kill a japanese-style dragon? fuck yes

Attached: Kuniyoshi_Utagawa,_Dragon_2.jpg (1200x1771, 693K)

So 11 bosses it seems?



>there are already leaks of the trophies
fuck """"journalists""""


You're fighting the same bird twice

wtf that literally looks like dark souls in Japn. I thought this game was a Tenchu successor?

Ah shit you're right, my bad

holy shit is that a super gaijin?

AHAHAHAH nice falseflag. No one owns that turd

>four endings
They're going all out this time

Attached: download.jpg (264x191, 15K)

>brainlet actually bought a xbox one x
>brainlet actually plans to play sekiro on console instead of pc


PC gaming is soulless.

With no multiplayer, you need to add some replayability somehow.

the UI and player character remind me so much of tenchu.
i think im going to cum in my pants. and your pants. and your dad's hair.

What is the point of this webm? Whoever was playing here is sucking absurd amounts of nuts. It's like the bottom 5% of gamers in terms of skill.

Attached: 1344450517652.gif (212x176, 925K)

hoping for a sexy kunochi character to appear or fight at least

Attached: 1550088373626.jpg (985x2106, 331K)

show the western armor. they weren't allowed to film how to kill the boss so nothing to do other than die.

>A Souls game with no coop

do they really think people were interested in Souls singleplayer?

those bosses give trophies, doesn't deconfirm other bosses that don't give trophies

And isn't there supposed to be 'mini bosses' too?

Less bosses than bloodborne :/

git gud faggot. Your big brother can't always be there pulling your ass out of shitty situations.

it's dark souls and "muh telegraphed atacks, use dodge button during enemy swipe" all over again.
Fromsoft acquired Tenchu IP to do nothing with it. This shit looks boring.
The stealth better be worth it.

Attached: bees.gif (597x450, 4M)

If it's as low effort as Dark Souls who gives a fuck?

It's ok, Bloodborne rehashed the "beast" type boss so many times that you can probably subtract 5 from the total boss count in that game.

Multiplayer and pvp have always been for the mouthbreathing soý maggots

The majority of bosses in BB were mediocre as hell though

>ninja/samurai combat being slow without flashy combos

holy shit this looks bland

Attached: 1549739835407.png (949x947, 1.27M)

There's western armor in nippon. And he's wielding a fucking greatsword.

Yeah, but Sekiro also has a big focus on miniboss enemies that can still fuck your shit up
Seems to be the direction they're taking here

Nice try to excuse your low skill, faggot

it's a demo you idiot. demonstration. you arent there to show off skills in fucking video games.

>they weren't allowed to film how to kill the boss
why not? it just looks like a boss you'd have to kill using the takedown system or whatever the fuck it's called, since his bar was filling up from attacks

So you're gonna show off the getting slammed down animation 100 times? Git absolutely gud fagget.

i dunno, spoilerz