So when did you quit, user?

So when did you quit, user?
And why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I stopped playing when bfa came out. And then never came back because bfa made me hate video games

after third season

I played on PS4 and the people in asia region annoyed me using mouse/kb and/or Pharah (who should be nerfed on console desu)

After a year, I realized there was nothing I was playing to get, getting into a higher rank is cool but it doesn’t mean shit, and when I played I felt bad, if I lost I would feel like shut for losing, but if I won I didn’t feel good, it was a “wow, thank god my rank is safe”.
Ranked isn’t fun and quick play is the same shit, there’s not much to do

Around late 2017. I switched to Fortnite.
I still play it, too.

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Whenever they first nerfed / changed roadhogs hook

Friends begged for me to get it. It's not that fun, really. Mei and Roadhog have fun skills but the actual gunplay is lackluster.

Boring AF.

ovarywatch more like ovary(an cancer) watch

Never played it, it looks like boring shit.

I never did quit playing Overwatch.

After open beta. The gameplay was ASSFAGGOTS: the fps

When the game first came out and it became a booming success wih youtubers commentating over clips of it, i thought it was fucking amazing (still do) but i made a promise to never make it serious and play ranked. At the time i was maining league of legends and i knew exactly how playing a seirous ranked version absolutely ruins the fun

fast forward and i have thousands of hours on overwatch eithout a single ranked game. all my friends list of people who play competitively have qui ages ago, meanwhile the game is still tender for me

In league we laughed at people who were level 30 and unranked but that is so fucking based. Never ever ever ever make something fun into somethig serious everyone has said this, its an age old piece f advice

Whenever the overwatch fad died off
Also when being a healslut stopped being fun

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I stopped playing a just after Bridgette was released. Mostly just because of the lack of any actual content, I've had my fun with it. I actually quite liked some of the characters and it was good for what its worth. Moira best girl.

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lmao shitter

Around the time hammond went live. One day I just came to the realization that I didn't enjoy playing OW anymore for a few reasons and quit cold turkey and haven't been back.
Some of those reasons off the top of my head;
>D.Va is a fucking cunt and giving a tank unlimited mobility and the ability to outdamage dedicated DPS heroes while having triple their HP is fucking retarded.
>2CP. Every 2cp map fucking sucks and I legit cannot remember a single match on any of them that was fun going all the way back to launch.
>The community is terrible and I got sick of being pigeonholed into playing tanks - none of whom I liked or was any good at - on half of my games because four players would instalock their favorite DPS and the fifth would go mercy/zen/moira.
>The game devolved from placing a significant emphasis on positioning and situational knowledge to just being a bunch of retards jumping on top of each other.

I told myself, "I'll just take a break and play other things, i've been playing this game too much" around the time of the Symmetra rework.
Then they put a giant hamster in the game, and I haven't come back since.

Like two weeks after launch
Fucking Dirty Bomb is a better class/hero shooter than Overwatch

but golden guns, user
they're so cool
don't you want your golden gun, user?

>game puts you in a global chat when you boot the game, but doesn't tell you who else is in the chat

>casual has no casual only maps; everything is still 6v6 using maps that are supposed to be OWL tier balanced meaning "casual" play still requires you to play competitively or you're fucked
>arcade has literally no reason to exist over letting people chose what gamemodes they want to matchmake for in casual
>ranked seasons have no reason to exist and still doesn't have basic shit like a clan system

>$10 a go to change your name for literally no reason when the very first FPS games did this for free
>various GUI aspects are fucking garbage, the help menu for abilities doesn't actually tell you what any abilitites do stat wise, filtering servers is a fucking mess (the map filter doesn't even read what gamemodes you've filted, meaning for example it will still show every CTF / DM map when you've filtered for escort only)
>making a server is a nightmare too, have fun resetting the server just because you want to change map, if you don't get kicked for inactivity first
>no mapvoting system
>no console system

>balance is a fundamental mess, why the fuck is this an ability based game with a ton of CC but next to no cleanses / CC reduction / immunity abilities, a game with a ton of healing but only a single healing reduction ability, incredibly high HP or movement targets with little to no abilities that look to deal with high HP / movement.

you didn't miss anything, user
the game got progressively worse
sure they added the best waifu in the entire game, but that was just a bait bandaid to keep people hooked in
the next hero is a cuban nigger with a grenade launcher that can heal people

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>game puts you in a global chat when you boot the game, but doesn't tell you who else is in the chat
it does tell you, it's just hidden
type /list in the chat to see who's in the same channel as you
it's not global either, it's a 50 people chat lobby

he's from Haiti

whatever you fucking nigger lover
same nigger tier islands

Still playing it. Hate myself so I'm trying to climb ranked and boy howdy all the silvers who think they are good, too much sometimes

I quit just before goats rolled in. I just never had fun when playing, all my friends who I played with were bad and the core gameplay just boiled down to who has better ult economy.

>it does tell you, it's just hidden
I know, but why the fuck is it hidden? The game doesn't even tell you there's a /list command for no reason either.
I can't think of a single implementation of a chat system, xfire, skype, steam,, broodwar, dota2, discord etc. where the chat list isn't visible by default. It's arguably the second most basic thing for these systems to have after the ability to chat in the first place.
There's a /joinchannel in the game as well which doesn't work because three years of constant development since release and they can't even make a fucking channel system for chat.

I feel like I was only playing it for the free gacha boxes as the game felt extremely slow, powerless and weightless.

>I know, but why the fuck is it hidden?
small indie company

Fucking everyone has a slow walkspeed and anything speed was tied to cooldowns besides Lucio. The game is slow as fuck and it's fucking boring because of it. I feel like the game is just a synchronized ability clash rather than anything really tactical or dexterous. People bitching about 3 tank 3 healer now probably understand how I felt.

lmao you cant be a real person

Out of curiosity, what games are "fast"?

Everyone wants to play DPS, and most of them are bad at it. No one wants to heal or tank.

Because it doesn't feel good to support or heal. Tf2 did this right with the engi and medic having pivotal moves that can change the course of the game.

Not him but
>Quake 3
>Titanfall 2
>Tribes before it got fucked
>Apex Legends to a degree
Overwatch suffers from the lack of movement options. It ends up being the worst part of MOBAs, sitting around in a cluster waiting for one person on the enemy team to fuck up to your team can dump all their abilities and hope it’s enough to win the teamfight. Flanking or trying to influence the game with a smart outplay as a single player is nearly impossible unless you are several leagues above your opponent due to how the game is designed.

Either way, why do we keep having this shitty thread?

Quake, Tribes, WET

Few months after I got it. Mainly only played here and there and a bit with friends. It was just so repetitive.

After I quit it went full SJW so that only sealed the deal for me


I quit when Blizzard made Tracer a lesbian.

>not fast
Alright shitposter-kun
>the entire existence of Scout and the Baby Face Blaster
>Thermal Thruster/Detonator/Powerjack
>STICKY JUMPING/Eyelander Heads/Trimping
>Sentry jumping via bullets or rockets
>Quick fix/surfing (surfing is more of a general tech, but still)
That’s every movement tech in TF2. I’ll concede that some of the classes don’t have as much as others, but TF2 is a game built around movement.

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Roadhog nerf

I quit of after 2 months of playing and went back to TF2.
It's not an awful game, but after a while you can almost predict how ever match will pan out. It's not my thing but i can see how someone can enjoy it

I still play just enough comp to maintain rank (sliding between 3800 and 4050 right now) but honestly I'm not sure why. The only thing that's actually improved is that Blizzard will ban people who throw in Master/GM. Community is still toxic af, gameplay is still pedestrian, and nobody's making anything streaming the game.

It was officially dead when Seagull said "lmao I can make more just streaming Apex Legends" and quit OWL.

I didn't

when I realised they made a game with a skill ceiling so tiny you can't take satisfaction from improvements you make in playing your character even when you lose because they feel so miniscule. And then started taking mechanics out like genji's shit to compound that problem.

>grenade launcher

his gun literally looks like a handheld vacuum

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>if I lost I would feel like shut for losing, but if I won I didn’t feel good

ain't that the truth

>biting that bait
Anyone who doesnt think TF2 is fast is a baiter or has never played TF2.

Can't quit what you never started playing in the first place the Rule 34 is amazing though

They tried balancing it for Esports when clearly the game was fun without forcing esports. Roadhog nerf was the last straw.

>the entire existence of Scout and the Baby Face Blaster
a class like tracer and genji that goes slightly faster, a weapon that can work as an ability
ability, like pharah's boosters
>Thermal Thruster/Detonator/Powerjack
>STICKY JUMPING/Eyelander Heads/Trimping
ability, junkrat
>Sentry jumping via bullets or rockets
bug abusing, also an ability
>Quick fix/surfing (surfing is more of a general tech, but still)
not in the actual game, need custom maps servers
if TF2 is fast, then so is Overwatch, you fucking retard.
>b-but tanks are not fast!
So isn't the heavy.
Your argument is?

My friends stopped playing

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i got my fill of e-girls from it

overwatch got me more pussy both online and irl than tinder. legit.

>the genji dash bug
ah i see a fellow shitter genji main still butthurt about the dash tech being fixed
cry some more, bitch nigger

Very bad bait
But with a little more work it could get more yous. Here's mine to compensate for your time!

when they announced that tracer is a lesbian

Not an argument.
I'm right and you're just shitposting.
Off yourself.

heavy moves faster than tracer, c'mon

i quit blizz games when they announced that crap

>literally get nearly every gold medal in any role I decide to play in a particular round
>always a team player, support and healer more often than not, never instalock anything
>always perform well regardless of my team
>still stuck in bronze hell because every other player in the rank is a drooling retard who can't do the one thing their hero is designed to do

>two characters that go ~8% faster than the rest of the cast is equal to a character that goes 33% faster than most of the cast
>comparing something that you can do whenever you want so long as you have the ammo + health to abilities that are on 6+ second CDs

nigger no.

Alright bud you got one sincere (You) out of me already, you tried.
A better bait would have been shifting the goalposts and saying it doesn’t matter if Overwatch is slow because it makes it a more tactical and skillful game.

is this a troll post? bronze is full of legit children/disabled people/etc. i could stream myself playing junkrat holding M1 24/7 and getting out of bronze.

Lol im not arguing.
Youre claiming 2+2=5. That's not worth an arguement. I love arguing but only when it's worth my time and not on bait.
You probably play TF2 and enjoy it alot too.

Not him but it's a press Q to kill a bunch of shit easily, there was no way they would be able to balance the game without taking a huge gameplay feature out. So might as well left everything broken and fun. Roadhog nerf was the last fun left in the game and caused the mass uninstalls.

>hurr the heroes are not as fast as X game, that means the game is not fast and slow!
Nah, you fuck off.
This is my turf.

Real shit.

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I broke up with my GF and stopped playing because I played it with her

The enemy team may also be equally retarded but it's still incredibly difficult to consistently 1v6 your way out of a rank

Ikr? Now THAT is some good arguement bait. Plus he'd get esports advatange in shit talking. What happened to all the good shitposters?

It has Halo 4 syndrome, too much of the same repetitive shit

Around the time they were preparing to push out ranked. I only played the game for fun and knew as soon as a ladder was introduced people would probably get real elitist about non-meta comps and hero choices.

>You probably play TF2 and enjoy it alot too.
No i don't, that game aged like milk and Overwatch, even if it's a bad game, it's infinitely better than that shitgame.
You have no argument, yet you're still replying.
You seething little nigger.
>get proved wrong
Go back to whatever brazilian favela you came from, you third world ponyfucker.

GOATs and when I realized this game had no future

if your real skill is low-plat and your account is high-gold, yeah, sure, you might never get out

anyone with a brain should be able to get out of bronze though, come the fuck on man

I got tired of being a healer every game with a community where teamwork is the last thought, i like playing healers but every damn game its the same shitkids going genji, widow, hanzo every map. They should just delete healers.

You speak like a retard

I didn't quit.
Because I never started.

>2 DPS picked
>2 tanks picked
>1 healer
>The voice ofa 12 year old comes over the radio
>12 year old picks hanzo

Uninstalled after the 30th time

>if I lost I would feel like shut for losing, but if I won I didn’t feel good
Sounds like my life

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It got more and more boring, but the time that Brigitte came out, it became truly shit. I remember when Overwatch was more of a shooter than what it was now, I used to be genuinely excited to login and play.

I didn't main Genji, mainly played Zarya. It gave away the mentality of the devs. Rather than just nerf his damage but leave the tech in they just removed it, it was retarded. Imagine how much more dynamic and expansive the maps would be if they gave every character a movement mechanic and upped movement speed by 1.2x for everyone. Instead they made the blandest fps in the history of the genre.

Oh my! Now that was rude and hurt my feeling. And you even used a buzzword. Careful, language like that gets you banned quick on OW :^)

Look man, your bait is obvious. OW is not as fast as TF2. The maps are bigger and it's constantly 6v6. If players kept dying left and right, the battlefield would be pretty empty. Ive played both games and the difference in speed is there.

Like I said, I consistently get all gold in whatever role I chose to play, hell I even get gold elims a lot of the time while being healer (not saying I'm trying to play an aggressive healer and shirking my actual role), but no amount of gold medals on my part helps with the fact that my team never fucking listens and just feeds the enemy 1 by 1 etc.

Yea I have most of my fun in QP. The game is the only thing to really replicate pubstomps for me.

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Individual skill doesn't matter unless you're a crackshot sniper who's should be at least two ranks higher than his account.

You're on some serious bullshit if your game makes me feel like League of Legends was better at letting me carry a weak team.

i dont play online competitive games because theyre all garbage

I just got bored at the lack of maps around Bridgette release

I quit when I remembered I'm bad at FPS's

Pick one. Ive made people afk and my retarded ape squad still couldn't win the 5v4

i could literally afk in most bronze matches and probably win just by not dying

fuck your medals, you are doing a ridiculous amount of things wrong in your matches. go watch some streamers, go practice on ana bots, do something other than grind matches with the exact same playstyle you've been using.

Keep seething, you little bitch.

I quit because the only honest character became useless because all the bullshit gimmicks every new character got.

Sometime mid 2017.
When I realize the game had no future, the devs are retarded and even winning didn't bring me any joy.

Never did, looking forward to the new hero.

Bought it from the Humblebumble, and played for about 20 hours. It was okay fun. Never tried all of the characters. Already uninstalled and won't be installing again.

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Exactly, which is why it's seriously saying something that this game is even worse about it.

I havnt. I like to load it up for a couple rounds with my friends a once or twice a week.

this right here, online multiplayer is not what it used to be

This is the correct answer, I did the same.

Never started.

>games no one gives a shit about but are probably more competitively-viable than overwatch

i'll start: SMITE

Needs a story

I got it feb las year for free, installed it like 2 months ago, played 4 days, 2 hours overall, returned to play tf2

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added too many shield characters. Tanks and healers make the game boring. Every match feels the same.

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Im happy knowing these yous are making you happy, user.
We all need some human interaction everyday, even if it's from poorly constructed bait :0)

>i-im giving you yous!1!!1!
>i h-have n-no argument!11!1!
>y-youre b-baiting anyway1!!1!1
God i love winning like this.
Another fucking idiot put in his place.
Get fucked, you little bitch.

whatever state Heroes of Newerth is in

It's okay user, let your anger out. We're here for you!

I quit when I realized that it was nearly impossible to move up in ranked without a group. Your ability to move up is almost entirely on the shoulders of 5 other people who are probably retarded.

About the only way to get up solo is to have insane accuracy as a DPS so you can basically solo the game. It doesn't matter how amazing of a Tank or Healer you are if your DPS sucks and theirs don't.

Also, the initial placement system seems completely arbitrary. Last season I started at 2,900~. This season it started me at 1800~. I won half my rounds and was the best or second best player each game for whatever class I got stuck with.

>Last season I started at 2,900~. This season it started me at 1800~.
then you must have ended last season at 1800ish

Oh shit. We got a Sherlock in the thread everybody

>Doomfist buffs coming next patch
>Rising Uppercut and Seismic Slam cooldowns reduced by one second

I'll give it a try again once Baptiste patch arrives.

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On the soldier ana short story, it was just so fucking shit, how am I supposed to care about these characters when even Blizzard doesn't give a shit and releases fucking garbage.
Also, fucking Blizzard balance can go suck it's own ugly cock, it's so fucking bullshit and the "counterpicking" system just doesn't fucking work and isn't interesting, some characters are just fucking dogshit and only thing they counter is your SR.

Fuck Blizzard and their shitty soulless pandering shit Owerwatch universe and their shitty fucking balancing and playtest teams that seem to be only working to produce sperm as they circlejerk themselves and listens to casual reddit.

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I ended the last season at around 2790~ faggot.

When they made 76 a faggot.

Because my normie friends were so annoyed by that move they all quit playing. And I'm not solo-queuing in the garbage fire that is OW's community.We've been playing Paladins since.It's better anyway.

>I quit when I realized that it was nearly impossible to move up in ranked without a group.
t. inbred fuck with only 4 fingers per hand
you're so wrong it hurts
keep being a plat subhuman and blame the (((mysterious matchmaking boogeyman))) for your shitty rank

you're literally lying, placements don't work like that

Right after Orissa I took a decently sized break. I absolutely hated Orissa as a new hero. I came back when doomfist came out because I wanted to give him a chance but he wasn't fun.

Then just every new hero past Orissa looked boring to me. Like Sombra wasn't a good fighter but she was still fun to play. And I actually liked her design and characterization. Moira was a shitty character for me, and shitty gameplay. The rat tank looked so dumb. Bridgette is cute but eh I didn't see anything interesting in her gameplay. And then idk who else they added past that.

>my friends stopped playing because they made a fictional character like dick instead of poon
Thank god i'm not your friend, user.
You and your "group" of friends sound like some really pretentious assholes that browse too much /pol/ or r/the_donald.

i definitely don't see how someone could consistently climb solo unless playing a self-sufficient dps

main tanks in particular i don't understand at all how someone climbs playing them solo. pick rein in gold without a group backing you up and you die playing correctly

the "real" game was shit and modern blizzard would rather kill a game than allow people to customize it
i played deathmatch for a few months before i stopped though

Because it was nothing but the same bullshit 4 months in and there was nothing fun to do besides grind ladder and having to rely on 4 other people where 1 of them doing poorly tanks my chances of winning is fucking cancerous

pssst, he's still useless unless you're playing against bronzies

Got bored around the time doomfist was added, will only come back if there's a 3-4dps meta. Over half the cast is DPS and they're usually all competing over one or maybe two spots because blizzard made 'I shot you' abilities so much weaker than 'NO YOU DIDN'T I'M TELLING MOM' abilities.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is part of a fringe political group
I'm glad you're not my friend either. You jump to wild conclusions.

I only played it a few days
Paladins it's better

And yet he's still the fastest paced hero the game has to offer aside from Hammond

ironic shitposting or not reading this tells me I'd never wanna play with you, I'd play with the other guy though.

Hey why does this game have no fucking roles? The DPS are healers and the healers are DPS and the tanks are better DPS because they take ten times more effort to kill.

Like why does Moira have a better DPS kit than most DPS? She has a huge range auto lock impossible to dodge constant drain attack that is literally just a matter of living long enough to fuck whatever she's focusing. Shouldn't she be entirely focused on heals and escapes and disruptions like a well designed healer character would be?

>i definitely don't see how someone could consistently climb solo unless playing a self-sufficient dps
that's exactly why
you're bad
you don't understand the game
you think you do, but you don't
you don't even know how to play the game
you just think it's a FPS game that plays exactly like all other games
and that's why you're silver\gold\plat\sub-master shitter
weren't you a stuck up asshole that likes to blame things instead of yourself, you'd realize this and you'd research how the game is actually meant to be played
and guess what, you'd probably climb as fast as you can fucking imagine
but you will never do that
nobody ever does
you think you're good, but in truth you aren't
dunning-kruger user, you're all in it
just uninstall and move on, go play apex or something else
overwatch is not the game for you if you can't use your brain even for the most simple things
given overwatch is hardly a difficult and hard competitive game to learn

moira literally loses a 1v1 vs. any dps

Once they copied all of TF2, they were a little strapped for design. Minus Hammond. He's a cool little guy

Sadly, like a week after launch. TF2 did the class based shooter better, the era it was from was pretty perfect in terms of presentation. I can't stand this CASUAL MODE vs. RANKED MODE, FORCED 6V6 NO MATTER WHAT bullshit, along with the fact that the game times are so fucking short, the maps are so small because they're just corridors linked to other corridors with small doorways being the only means of entering and exiting a room, and despite this forced 6v6 competitiveness, instead of going the TF2 route and making weapons interchangable based on the situation, you have entire characters in their place, so this means you have a ton of people walking around playing shit that doesn't make sense for the situation in a forced competitive environment, shit is going to be one-sided majority of the time and will barely feel fun for fucking anyone.

Because blizzard thought when they intitally made the game people would constantly be switching characters.

When that didn't happen and people started exclusively playing one character, instead of adding a ban phase, they just made every character capable of every role.

Short answer: Blizzard is fucking retarded.

yeah, how silly of me
you can feed by rolling around\grappling with hammond
but you can also feed as doomfist flying around the map
now even faster!
you inbred cunt

point me to someone doing a bronze-master's run playing only main tank and only queueing solo

Lol, okay now this is good bantz. I aint even going to lie, you're right user

when they started adding only niggers
a little before they changed mercy's ult i think


Attached: Overwatch 2018.11.06 - (720x404, 2.83M)

>a game that has absolute zero story\plot progression since reveal
>they dare to make two characters different for the sake of muh duvurhshuteee
>suddenly everyone goes crazy and people stop playing the game completely
>because of one thing that doesn't even impact the gameplay in any form or shape
You're a retard.
You can samefag how much you want, you're an actual idiot.
And your "friends" are idiots as well.
Get the fuck out of my board.

I stopped when I got a skin I wanted

I quit because balance is utter shit and the community is insufferable.
Remember when blizzard games were made with the community in mind? When was the last time they really paid any attention to that? I think it was either vanilla wow or TBC. Every game after that sucked in that sense, probably because they decided to make their games console friendly. The company really went downhill.
For example OW has a shit community because there are no clans. If you could play with friends you wouldn’t have to play with random strangers who tilt so easily. Hell, I tilted easily too, because of that. There’s also the fact that OW PENALIZES you for playing with friends. If you play in a group you derank much more easily than if you play alone. And that’s not all. Blizzard somehow made the higher ranked players believe that “stacks” as they call them are unsportsmanlike and bad.
So they made this game, with not a lot of carry potential because it’s supposed to be a team game. But they didn’t add quality of life social features. They didn’t add clans. AND to top it all they punish you for playing in a TEAM.

Also, balancing issues. Terrible balance. First they had a hero who could resurrect the entire team and didn’t want to admit she was OP. Eventually they gave in. And now you have the most boring meta in the history of video games. I guess blizzard are just too high on their own farts to admit anything they come up with can be wrong

When Sombra was added. It just got boring and I couldn't care less about arcade

>Want to get better at Hanzo
>Team rages when I pick him

>22 seconds apart
>"my board" clause invoked while defending faggots
How new.

Only if the DPS has really good accuracy. You are literally on a 5 sec timer once she starts fucking you since she literally cannot miss. She can also double her DPs by throwing a ball at the right angle and warping around so you lose track of her for that all important second or two.

Yes on paper any DPS should win but realistically, you'd need to never miss during your short exchange with her.

any streamer, any pro player, literally anyone that knows how to play the game
anything below masters is an inbred fuck still thinking he's playing cod\counter strike but with abilities
it's actually laughable how bad these people are at this game
once you learn, it's a breeze.
fucking git gud, you goddamn casual shitter.

post your overbuff you boosted freak

I think his point, in all his pretentious typing, is that you SHOULDNT main a role. OW really depends on your flexibility and understanding which heroes are the best for the situation/meta since the game is such an imbalanced piece of shit.

Me and provably the vast majority of players quit when they made it blatantly obvious that they don't wont their game to be and fps but a first person moba.
After the second Mercy apocalypse that took them ~6 months to do anything about it.

Got the game as a gift mid 2017. Quit playing in Jan of 2018 after getting relegated to having to always play tank and because Blizzard can't design a good game to save their lives
>Wait until enemy is at chokepoint then go in and press Q to win

because the meta is 3 tanks 3 supports dps are shit

no he's completely maintaining that someone good enough at this game full of hard-counters could conceivably carry in any situation and that you're mentally deficient if you can't

Season 5
>Play the 10 initial Ranked matches
>Lose 7
>Placed one match below Master
>Two days later Kaplan says everyone is placed below where they belong so that they can grind their way up
Never looked back.

>Blizzard says GOATS isn't prevalent
>Literally every "professional" match is GOATS
>Proceeds to make a new character that makes GOATS worse than dive was

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>the meta doesn't include all the classes

Its boring if you go full CAPS LOCK
Your bait looks bad, and if in some world you aren't baiting, I must say you look quite silly and that your argument is hard to take seriously.
You should construct your points and arguments properly. What are you after? What is your opinion? Why do you think x is better than y? Can you give good example for it? Can you compare x and y properly?
It is hard to converse with someone who starts treating the person they are talking with badly. CAPS LOCK isn't helping either.
>"But he started it!"
You are a man enough to have manners aren't you?
And if you want to bait properly, pull the other person deeper into the argument and keep changing it. Compare unrelated things. Be edgy and twist the questions
>"I think TF2 characters are better than OW's"
>Then why are there much more pics of OW characters compared to TF2 characters?
>"Fanart doesn't equal to how good a character is. TF2 mercs are more memorable than OW heroes"
>So they are so memorable no one makes fanart of them?
Then dodge all gmod and SFM videos as childish etc.
You can do it user. I believe in you

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>hurr durr faggots
Imagine being so butthurt about what other people do with their assholes that you and your group of friends literally stop playing a game you used to have fun with because the devs decided the posterboy blonde whitemale of the cast is a faggot.
Just imagine that.
How utterly pathetic.

I still play it.

I can't stand this about modern video games. Thanks to fucking shit ass fucking esports, they started pushing this "RANKED MODE IS TO PROVE HOW CLOSE TO BEING A PROFESSIONAL VIDEO GAMER YOU ARE!" and there's a divide between "casual" mode and "ranked" mode, as opposed to like TF2 where the game is just one big melting pot of people who want to dick around or play the game seriously, and anyone who wants to truly get into the "competitive" side of the game turns to the small community organically built specifically for that thing. The fact that Ranked modes are shoved in our face now means that there is that constant aura of "You need to play a certain way." looming across the entire game, and video games as a whole are so much worse off for it. For both the people who WANT to just dick around, and for the people who actually want to try.

Are you still upset I used the word "faggot" faggot?

>when they started adding only niggers
every new character they've added besides brigitte has been a nigger

Well, he's right.

>that hamster is a nigger

t. Yea Forums post-2008

I really hope he gets a figma.

>and there's a divide between "casual" mode and "ranked" mode, as opposed to like TF2 where the game is just one big melting pot of people who want to dick around or play the game seriously, and anyone who wants to truly get into the "competitive" side of the game turns to the small community organically built
and then they fucked it all up and tried to make it into an esport
it's not completely ruined but they sure did try
i completely forgot they added him
and the new white girl i guess

He was baiting on speed. Not about which game is better. And like i said, im not going to argue since he's claiming 2+2=5.
He got really mean :^(

>extremely slow meaningful content in the crucial months after launch. got bored of the same maps over and over and over.

>kb/m on console ruining any resemblance of even playing ground

>broken comp at rank 2989 need 1 more win for plat. get put in a game with 4000-4500 even multiple top 500. obviously lost that match and quit right after

>samefagging again
>still seething over my arguments
>still have ZERO Z E R O arguments
>still thinks i'm baiting

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I'm starting to believe that the discord trannies are actually real you know, also
>get the fuck out of my board
Who the fuck you think you are you entitled piece of shit?

>broken comp at rank 2989 need 1 more win for plat. get put in a game with 4000-4500 even multiple top 500. obviously lost that match and quit right after
things that never happened: the post

pharah: 2 hits, 3 if you suck and the fight goes on
genji: decent matchup, cant really use either of your orbs, if you dont bait shift he wins free.
tracer: 10/0 matchup literally unwinnable
doomfist: one punch, one combo
junkrat: 2 concs, or 2 shots, or a combination
ashe: can outrange, 3 shots, 2 shots and a nade, 1 headshot and one anything
widow: lol
soldier: impossible to lose unless REMARKABLY bad
bastion: lol
hanzo: 2 shots
mcree: 3 shots, can stun to just destroy her
sombra: lol
torb: kind of a tossup i guess, if he has turret down its gg
ill give it to you though, reaper, and sym lose to her
and of course these are all hypothetical 1v1 situations with enough room for her to navigate.

usually if a moira is dpsing she isnt healing her tanks in group situations which is totally fine as a dps since you will be shitting out way more damage than she is in contrast, as your weak ass general aoe heals from a lucio or brig negate her dps almost entirely.

but im speaking purely from a perspective of someone who plays dps most of the time bullying the shit out of healers, moira is not a big deal, lucio is far more of a pain in the ass

>Who the fuck you think you are you entitled piece of shit?
Someone that has been here for more time than you, you fucking cunt.


Remember when we thought we actually would get new lore progression for this game?

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Because Dva and or Mercy are not confirmed MtF trans yet.

>where top 500 starts from 3000
>everyone in that game is either diamond or masters (3000-3500)
>those that are top500 are probably 3600 or 3700 at best
>MUH 4500 MUH TOP 500
god you're so fucking stupid.

It isn't your board faggot, and don't worry, faggotry will be called forever, god im so glad my third world shithole barely lets faggots exist

But there was only 1 top 500, and they were on your team (plus no other grandmaster)?

I hope It stays around for a few more years. I need as much Sombra r34 as I can get.

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where's your overbuff bro

>broken comp at rank 2989 need 1 more win for plat. get put in a game with 4000-4500 even multiple top 500. obviously lost that match and quit right after

>things that never happened: the post


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Try to climb without using mic and picking what your demands to. Solo
It'll prob be Mercy, Rein and Lucio
Have fun
>Pick a role you think is good!
Have fun with a teammate afking or getting mass reported
T. Guy who got a season banned for picking Torb on defense
Then I started throwing after I understood what a joke OW was in general. Never got warnings(except when I left 3 games in a row for fun mid-game lmao and even that was run on the mill "its bad for your teammates" shit) or bans. Its a joke. Its quickplay with a bit tighter rules, you get nothing out of it

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>1 not multiple

Still a game WAY above my league.

Yea Forums will defend it

im plat dude, doesn't change a single fact that i posted

>just have 100% accuracy lmao
okay dude yeah
nobody without stage 8 brain cancer ever dies in this game you're right

I never started

I'd have given it a chance if it was F2P, but fuck $60 games with microtransactions, I refuse to buy those on sheer principle.

this was at the height of its popularity 2,5 years ago. console top was completely different back then.

>MUH TOP 500
>ignoring that said top 500 is probably only 600 sr higher than you
you're not just stupid, you're also dense as hell.

When I got in a key in the monthly Humble bundle I gave it to some random Spanish dude on the internet.

I don't know why anyone would want to play these kind of games.

I don’t remember much about overwach but I’m pretty sure top 500 can only play within 500 SR

user, we care about you, please stop and talk to us about your feelings. Your delusions are getting worse

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Quit playing a year ago. I just can't stand a game where you can get perma banned for talking trash.

i know girls who take an actual pic of their computer screen with their phone to show people they made it into diamond

i suggest not speaking so condescendingly when you're complete shit yourself

Fucking based

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After dive meta died the game became too boring
Dive meta wasn't near perfect but at least it was funner to play in and watch than this goats CC trash

no you dumb fucking cunt, that only applies to premades
top500 can start from diamond (3000 SR) and above
that fucking "top 500" player was easily 3700 or lower
>m-muh top 500s muh 4500
ignorant fucking retards

Wrecking Ball seems amazing but I can't get the hang of him. Is my goal to be a fucking asshole the whole time?

you have no idea how ranks work.

4 of the players are masters which is 3500-4000

one of them is nr 299 on ranked leaderboards. back then this was 4300 or something.

>inspect element
>that'll prove him wrong :^)

I'm just calling (presumably) you out on your heavy exaggeration, moron. Of course though you shouldn't not have a top 500 in your game.

uh huh? im apparently talking to people who think moira on dps is real scary so i'll be as condescending as i want shitlord.

>anyone who wants to truly get into the "competitive" side of the game turns to the small community organically built specifically for that thing
As someone playing at the high end of ranked on the regular, let me assure you: there isn't really much of a community here. Those of us who aren't pros get grabbed to 2- or 3-queue because it drastically reduces queue times compared to solo queuing. But you trade as many losses as you get victories when you're above Plat, and climbing means you have to put together 8-10 wins over 10-15 games.

But while most of us tend to hang with people who aren't toxic, there's no avoiding toxicity in high-SR ranked. There are some comically toxic pros, especially when they aren't streaming and don't believe anyone else in game is streaming.

Honestly it's like you're on /pol/ sometimes.

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I never played too much OW but I'm sure I never saw a 3700 Top 500. Much less a sub 3700 t500

He's a tank so pretty much. You smash and dash.

Yes. Wrecking Ball is there to be a threat more than anything. Swing around everywhere, piledrive on cooldown, and get the hell out as soon as you slam down, unless you can score a pick. Also you build a fuckload of ult when you roll into people. Use his ult as a zoning tool, not a tool to get kills.

Hammond is the funnest thing about OW.

I would argue with you if you would argue properly rather than be rude and use buzzwords
Its not healthy for conversation and it makes you look mean and rude. And people who are mean and rude because someone doesn't agree with them on videogame opinions is hard to get along with.
I am trying my best to have a healthy conversation but you are making it very hard.
Mind listing the stuff you want to talk about so we can get started?

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I'm actually a phonefag....but its okay user!
Honestly this thread has been fun!

I played for a few months, realized I disliked mp games and sold my account

Ignore console posters. They're playing an entirely different and far more pointless game.

never said it was ONLY 4000+.

theres four 3500-4000 players there and 299 of the leaderboards which back then (2.5 years ago) was 4200-4300.

my exaggeration was the top 500, I remembered two but it was one.

also note I played against two grouped teams of ehich 3/4 were master rank :p

no YOU have no idea how ranks works, you fucking nigger
the SR median of your game was 3400
that means NO ONE in your team was higher than 3700
that top 500 guy was 3700 at best
>back then this was 4300
you don't have the proofs to back this claim, so it's pointless and irrelevant.
you saw a top 500 icon and number and thought "oh shit this is a 4500 player reeeeeeee muh sr reeeeeeeee" and quit the game, like a whiny bitch plat shitnigger.
you can if you play at stupid hours, you retard
that shitfaced fuck probably played at 4am and got low masters in his game, including a top "500" when it started from 3500, because lolconsole
you dont know shit
>i never played too much OW
good, so your opinion is irrelevant
shut the fuck up

Be nice to him, user. He's had a long day and is just unwinding.

>So when did you quit?

Quit maybe a few months after ranked
The game became centered around ultimates and I was playing at a level where no one could do any better than save ultimates for a push
yes I was bad

Season 11
It finally became too unbearable for me to continue playing Ana at plat/diamond.

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Okay Tryone.

Smart guy. I like mp games but only when they encourage the social aspect of it. I hate to bring this example, but in WoW you made friends within your guild. But in OW you're thrown into a game with a bunch of people you don't know and who couldn't care less about the rest of the team.

Like Orisa I guess? Hero balance is a joke, newer concepts seemed weak, hitboxes are huge, community is absolutely dog shit in the pissy whiny baby sort of way. you literally can't say 'fucking' without getting banned if someone reports you.

>is 2999
>queues at 4 in the fucking morning
>complains when he finds games with diamonds, masters and fake top 500
god i'm happy to know that you dropped the game
one less plat retard to deal with.

If you're a roadhog one trick you should know that he now has higher clip size and the ability to move and take half damage while healing. His ult still sucks dick though

Look at this guy.

Get a break from videogames holy shit

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Go back to /owg/ faggot trannie. You kind isn't welcome around these parts.

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>pls be nice i wanna argue with you uwu >p< :333


also not 4 am. was playing games all night fine.

a 4am queue would've taken like 5 minutes before starting an unbalanced game.

this was 9 pm and the queue was INSTANT.

*relatively* unbalanced, before you start whining about that as well.

that didn't happen.
stop posting.
you're wrong and an idiot.

Days after receiving the game as a gift.

For real though, how the hell can you manage to play this game for too long? This is one of the stalest games I've ever played. From badly crafted maps, boring characters both in terms of personality and gameplay, tedious walk to the action, and shit sound effects, there's no way in hell anyone can play this while having fun for a long time.
If it weren't for the Blizzard branding, I'm 100% sure the game would have died way back then. And to add more shit to the pile, they don't even focus on the gameplay outside of adding characters. They'd do everything else to avoid it like focusing on toxicity. What kind of pussy sons of bitches gets offended in an online game. Have those fuckers ever heard of the sticks and stones saying? Then again, they could just be dumbasses and lazy to avoid touching gameplay in a good way.

Even the fucking porn gets stale quickly.

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Mercy meta made me quit

>There are some comically toxic pros, especially when they aren't streaming and don't believe anyone else in game is streaming.
Like who, user?
I know Taimou calls people autistic retards and faggots all the time off stream, but who else?

I try my best.
I don't understand why someone would be rude to a person they don't know at all. Its hard to make friends like that.
Also its gud to discuss stuff properly about things you disagree with.

Wow, rude
Wow, lewd

It would been nice to talk with you, but my painkillers are making me feel sleepy and its almost 2 at night here
Be nice to others okay?
I love you a lot and wish you good things.

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Who counters Genji?


At least you have a heart of gold user. Minus the loli posting. Kys for that.
Good night and sweet dreams.

Would you not feel any annoyance being put in this match?

It was 9-9.30.

moot point because it's not provable.

They wont implmenet a role qeue or hero ban in the game i dont want to play an already using game when people refuse to play support or tank

no, because i'm not a plat shitter like you.

Hard counters: Bridgette. Mei. Winston.

If the enemy team has a Winston then the second genji dashes without a reset he gets leaped on and killed. A good Winston will save his leap for this.

you just said top 500 is 3700.

so being on the verge of hitting diamond solo isn't that bad on console. :)

this was mid 2016. not today where comp ranks are completely different on console.

stop playing this trash if you havent

the uninstall button

>Brother and I have been playing competitive FPS games together for years
>Decide to get into OW
>Get decent enough to both reach gold
>Brother and I harassed so many people, micspammed so much and threw so many games that his account got closed and mine is on the last strike

The Overwatch competitive community is genuinely the easiest and most fun to bait no lie.

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when I got banned because I played it

So Blizzard complains about their toxic fanbase, yet do NOTHING to fosters a real community? Why would they expect a good community if they do NOTHING to warrant it?

Post gameplay

Nothing. another problem with this shit game. On the bright side genji is a trash character until he charges his ult.

I stopped playing about 2 weeks after release because it was frustrating, shallow, and a terrible game at its core. You'd have to take it back to square one of development if you wanted to fix that hot garbage.

No, I don't play this trash game anymore

Which community is more toxic; Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch?

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I picked it up a few months after launch and then just sort of stopped playing about a year later. All my friends bar one stopped playing and the one friend who still played it was a tranny who would rage at our team literally every single game whether we were winning or losing.

Define toxic.

Fran is one of the worst. Like that dude is so toxic off stream that he got fired over his off stream toxicity.

Surefour is an assclown when he doesn't think streams are up.

Keep in mind there are a lot of genuinely nice pros and streamers, even when the streams are off, though. It isn't like the community has to be toxic, but Blizzard lacks the balls to ban pro-level players who are toxic.

Seagull and Moonmoon are both stand-up dudes all the time, and a surprising amount of the Korean pros are really nice (considering the reputation of Korean players in general).

I happen to speak Korean, so it isn't like they're just trash-talking us in another language.

never started shits gay

Insulting other players when the intent to offend.

A few months back. My friends and I just lost interest in playing it daily. We still play it every now and again but it's mostly just seasonal events to get skins and such.

I find it to be a shame that we lost interest, I unironically have so much fun playing as Ana and I wish I could bring myself to play the game alone just so I can sleep dart some people.

I don't remember when. A pretty long time ago. I stopped playing because my friends stopped playing and I don't generally play MP games without IRL friends. I'd rather play through my SP backlog.

usually only planned abit during special events like Halloween but once they fagged 76 just went ahead and deleted it

after the first halloween. i still regularly fap to the characters though :)

I only ever played for the PvE events.

When they reworked Symmetra and she wasn't fun anymore.


>a female
>refers to she as a him
excuse me?

About a month after launch.
Didnt take long for the shine to wear off.

Ex GM player when the game actually had a player base. Moira can shit on every DPS if played properly. She has nearly no weaknesses other than pharah-mercy.

2nd free weekend.

got it when it first came out and still play it till this day

im so bad at shooters if they have recoil mechanics and bullet drop i say fuck that and forget it

overwatch is for casuals like me

Well well well would you look at the time.

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>no sombra
>no brigitte
>no moira
>no ashe
shit pic

>>no sombra
Look again blind nigger

there is no sombra in that picture, you shitstain

I was playing winston and ran into a may. Her freezethrower outdamaged my electric gun and the only movement mechanic that could change the way the fight went was shifting to escape. It’s when I realized the game was way too focused on being the sort of moba style design instead of FPS. I wanted something closer rob TF2 in terms of arena-like FPS gameplay wrapped in class design

Overwatch, ironically enough.

a few weeks after launch
weak sauce MOBA-thing with some fps elements

im pretty patient with shitty games and my friends all liked it, so i didn't quit until brigita

When Ana was introduced. Sleeping darts into her fucking faggot grenade was such a dumb character kit concept and I hate how there's so much fucking cc in what should be a first person shooter. I could somewhat forgive Mccree and his pocket sand, but multi second stuns are dumb, and it's dumb that they kept castrating mobility in favor of slowing shit down to Heavy from tf2 levels even on lighter characters like tracer and raiden from mgr.

>tfw no alternative game to ow except tf2 which requires farming and learning a shitload of weapons autistically

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>actually complaining about the hardest to use CC in the game
turbo scrub

i think its solely based on the fact that the community its too political correct.

none of the pc people ive met are happy with their lives, they all have incredinly low self steem and a worryingly big victim complex, so they dont take jokes and criticism in any good way.

overwatch has been criticized for this a lot, even some lol esports guy complained about how he had to sugarcoat everything.

being excessively political correct makes things worse. look at many mercy mains, they are the perfect example of a sad depressive being with not an ounce of happiness in their lives. not even jokes will work on them, because they take everything as an attack

The state of overwatch

funny thing is the devs admitted brigitte being their worst mistake till now.

Stock is generally the best. Minus some exceptions like crusaders, ubersaw, sandvich, certain melee weapons. The rest is situational.

my play style got nerfed/power creeped to oblivion and the only role i was decent at after the nerfs wasn't optimal for carrying solo queue wins so i stopped playing

it was pathetic how hard i tried to make the game fun after i hit diamond and had nothing to work towards, i would just go on lucio and speed boost only to grief my team and they are so braindead they didnt even realize i was throwing intentionally

I mean, you can try out Paladins. It's buggy as hell and the devs and Hi-Rez themselves can be dumb but it's pretty fun regardless. Game pretty much solves my issue with OW.
Also, it's free in the sense that you can play for free but you have to unlock the characters, kinda like LoL.

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Anything I don't like.

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I forgot about that, I actually had a lot of fun with it, probably more than Overwatch but mechanically it isn't as satisfying as playing hanzo or whatever. It feels a bit clunky
Drogoz is fun as fuck though and my husband

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paladins is fun only when you stomp, the game doesnt feel like its competitive at all with how theres hidden stats every where and characters can just do all this crazy shit like that nigga who can leap at you slow you down then shot gun you while healing that passively reloads his gun

>They fucked up Roadhog, I kept playing
>They made Tracer gay, kept playing
>They nerfed the shit out of Torb again and then Mercy, kept playing
>Introduced nothing but shitskins, kept playing
>Completely changed and raped Mercy's entire playstyle with a new kit that was utter bollocks
>Stopped playing

It just wasn't TF2

What exactly do you mean hidden stats? The bonus you get from the cards?

I can't help you with your retardation, user.

Fran = dafran

I'm waiting for Archives. I don't play much but I do keep up to date with the game because these two gay boys make the lore worth watching.

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>i would just go on lucio and speed boost only to grief my team and they are so braindead they didnt even realize i was throwing intentionally

thats how brain-dead most of the community is, they always blame the widowmaker who is playing decently but not enough to their standards and they have some lucio wall jumping and they are like meh

I quit playing after a year and went back to tf2. Did they ever fix the brightness issue? Everything is so bright in overwatch. White UI elements on light blue backgrounds, solar flare in your face if you're on defense, and everything was coated in chrome and reflected ultra bright light into your eyes.

Bold of you to assume I played at all

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I still play it socially a bit here and there. I stopped playing it consistently after I did my placements in comp Season 4, so what's that, about early 2017?

Those two really do look like a couple.

>muh porn

boring. New games with pornbait will come out.

>muh pixar

got boring

>muh weebbait

Still normalnigger tier game, hard to attract weebs like that

>muh gameplay

worse TF2

>i could stream myself playing junkrat holding M1 24/7 and getting out of bronze.
I did this up to diamond

I don't care it's bait, heavy, the biggest and slowest tub of fat in tf2 moves at the same hammer units as the rest of overwatch, discounting abilities that are on cooldowns. Awful bait


After Season 1.
I wish I'd never bought the game at all.

Because they actually are. And Gabe has a cute daughter, so they make a cute family to top it off. It's as wholesome as it gets.

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I play on and off a lot and took my last hiatus after last Halloween. Probably quitting permanently now with the solider 76 virtue signaling shit

Shit is boring. Quit around the time the stupid hamster came out. It's ball numbingly stupid, have a semi competent team that can all press q at the right time.

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I quit when Doomfist came out and I dont let any of the characters since except for Ashe. I come back for events if theres a cool skin that I might want, but they reworked some of the characters I liked(Symm/Torb) and I don't have fun anymore.

It used to be like an objective-based shooter with some abilities, but now it feels like an FPS where you're playing MOBA characters.

game is boring that means it's bad!

What a review!

Headline reads: "Offensively boring!"

What's he talking about? A Doom game! Which one do you think?

Is boredom a fair critique of a game? How do you extrapolate boredom with ingenuity and interaction... If a game is boring, is it bad? Or is it just unassuming. Does boring mean bland? What is boring? How do we qualify fun...

Overwatch is a poor man's moba. The only thing that really matters is having your 4 fellow retards not fuck up their q. League, Dota, everything else has more interesting and deeper mechanics.

This game is simple and lame. The gunplay isn't great either.

Simplicity is bad...

This is exculpating, the more complex the better! Complex games are champion!

It's a lot easier to quantify boredom than fun. Boredom is a lack of engagement in any form, a game that is boring doesn't entice the player in any way.

Well you're not picking at how much you're having as much as you're trying to get at the level of it. Qualification is the more debated topic in Overwatch threads, it seems people aren't having fun at all...

>having the audacity to defend a 6 hour stun in an fps
>b-but it requires skill!
It really doesn't. It's not like you're looking to shoot it 50 miles away, just tap someone point blank in their balls for some of the most low risk crowd control in the game. Or actually any shooter in existence really. Only thing close I can think of was pre nerf sandman where you could stun and delete a heavy with no hope of him recovering

Around season 12 is when I stopped giving a shit about the game.
At least deathmatch was fun for a bit, but even they fucked that up with Symmetra's rework and making it so that anyone that wasnt McCree or Brigitte would always lose.

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>Flak Blaster; slow-firing, slow reloading, pretty powerful at medium and close range, heightened damage to shields
>Officer's Sidearm; slow-firing handgun that does more damage when in the air (not jumping) and landing headshots

>Alt-fire at the ground & walls at specific angles to perform a conc jump, awards a lot of momentum; hold space bar to 'ski' across surfaces afterward to keep momentum
>A swift kick on a cooldown; if it hits an opponent in the air they're thrown away, doing double damage when they hit a surface, can also kick airborne teammates in a direction
>Place highlighted formations wherever you are which; if teammates reach them, provides them a conc jump and slippery 'ski' physics as well as increased damage
>Stun immunity on a reasonable cooldown

Attached: talon.png (1179x590, 483K)

Just play stock scout, spy or soldier, user. With a few cancerous exceptions, stock is equal or better than unlocks

>OW has big actiblizz money behind it
>gets completely outclassed by Siege, a game Ubi didn't think would have much popularity past a year
>even their CGIs have more soul

Attached: siege bar.jpg (1023x614, 270K)

I haven't. I mostly play it to relax after work and it serves the purpose. Though I play like two or three quick games in a session only.

the fuck is GOATS

>game centered around memEsports
>balancing and content releases scheduled around memEsports and new competitive seasons
>same gameplay and team comps in between these these situations

I don't know user, you tell me. I quit for good about 5-6 months ago after playing and getting good with Hammond. I don't think I'll ever return.

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By the time Bridgette came out. She was so unbalanced it made me quit. Shame too because I started to like it

>Implying any character in Ogreshit goes fast
You need a fucking brazillian monkey to speed you up to an average TF2's movement speed. Also lmao linkening Pharah's boosters to rocket jumping. This is either bait or some deluded blizzdrone.

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I played beta and had some amount of fun but not enough to buy it. I got it exactly a year later during the 1st anniversary event, initial fun briefly but grew frustrated although more in a "this game isn't for me" sense.
Then Doomfist came out, and I know he is a controversial character but god damn he felt good to play, I never felt like he *needed* someone to back him up so long as you got a good combo, liberated from the team in sense like I could finally feel like I didn't have to stick to them like glue. Long break here because I'm more a single player guy myself, pop in from time to time to play with a mate.

Now, for some ungodly reason a guy in my discord bought and got into the game last November. It's a small discord so a number are playing OW with him, but they all play ranked and REEE about how QP isn't fun.

I'll stop myself and this elgoated blogpost here but basically, I liked Doomfist not overwatch, friends have gotten in OW during it's hands down worse period and it baffles me why/how.
Like whatever I'm not going to yell at someone to stop having fun but christ OW is just broken at it's core of design. The characters are fun to play as I'm talking more about how the characters interact competitively and how fucking boring the maps are. I think OW could of had more of a chance if they iterated from launch instead of diving into esport shit.


It's a 3 tank and 3 healer comp that revolves around all of them huddling up and circle jerking each other.

within the first three months as I couldn't run it properly on my toaster. TF2 catered to my shit specs instead, and I might be a happier player disregarding petty things like team composition

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When i realized the game has an incredibly low skillcap for individual skill and am not much of a teamplayer.

I have 200 hours in the game and reached the top 5% quantile in SR just by applying common sense and basic fps skill acquired by playing other fps games.

In an actually deep competitive game you need thousands of hours to even be considered mediocre.
In a game like dota you won't reach the top 10% quantile without having played for 2k hours at minimum.

not surprising this is at the top of the meta when like 70% of the meta has either a giant shield or super healing abilities.

Never tried.
Never will.

>requires farming
Are you retarded or some shit? Have you even played the game for more than an hour?

A little while after they introduced ana. The game is just not fun, the maps are a garbage mess made only of chokepoints and the ult economy makes the game dumb.


farming achievements
have you ever played it?

I wouldn’t exactly say I’ve quit just yet. I still play every once and a while.

But I haven’t played since Ashe came out.

Honestly been playing a lot more TF2 since that time frame.

I still play other Blizzard shit like Diablo 2, Hearthstone, and Heroes Of The Storm (I’m not that great at the game but I play a decent Diablo (Who I main) ).

After this new hero comes out I’ll probably play for another 2 to 3 hours before uninstalling the game. If I wanted to go play a class based shooter I’d just boot up TF2 or alternatively just play some fuckin Halo 2 on Legendary if I wanted to play a regulat shooter.

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I got 60% of the game's achievements in the first month I started playing

maybe a month in
not very fun

>playing for the achievements

>an entire month
that's a long time but ok, dumb neet

>takes a month to get only 60% of achievements

Suck my dick, n*gger

Bought it in spring of 2017 and stopped playing it about 2 weeks later. Think I clocked maybe 20 hours.

Shes the best

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eat my ass cucklord

I don't remember exactly when I quit, but it was shortly after Brigitte was released. I didn't hate her specifically, but it was yet another example of the game focusing squarely on a single meta decided solely by the devs/balancing team. I hated how "dive meta" and "deathball" were almost compulsory and one day they'd 180 the whole roster in a patch and suddenly you needed random shit like Junkrat and Bastion in a team to do well. The original premise was that you switch heroes multiple times to adapt to the situation, but there was never any reason to change out the top meta picks because they were too strong. I also hated how each character only had one possible playstyle, and again it was decided by the devs. No flexibility.

I'm going to be playing it for several hours with friends here in about 10 minutes.

>point blank
>support with no escape ability
>low risk
It's amazing the shit scrubs say

I know

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i quit early 2017 when i realized the porn is better.

About 20 months ago. Trying to keep my ladder rank from decaying and/or dropping was time-consuming and miserable. Playing on competitive mode was overall one of the worst experiences I've ever had in gaming and casual was just a boring, unorganized mess.

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I had enough of constanly getting reported and banned by whiny 12 year olds.

>Watching overwatch league atm
>Both teams are literally playing the same characters
Fucking cancer meta holy shit

I quit a month after launch.

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The game would have had so much potential for flexible team compositions and different strategies countering each other.

But due to epic blizzard balancing this never manifested and one single strategy was always so good that both teams played it.

after one year i stop playing nobody did care anymore and i was alone in high elo.I try playing again but the game lack serious content .

Who's the person that keeps making these "When did you quit OW" threads every other day

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after the beta when they removed anything that was fun.
picking 6x torbjörn was fun.

after season 6 or 7 because they didn't know what they were doing with their game anymore. reached diamond by season 3 and it was fun from S2 to about 6/7 but the game became pure trash.

For a board that's hated OW for a while no ones willing to let it slip away from sight

>uses the name of a very popular turbo slut instead of the full name of a turbo retard
>screeches autistically when people legitimately can't understand what you're saying

Actually you can't I have an account I made masters with and have remained high masters to low diamond with for its entire career. I have an alt I cannot climb out of gold with consistently and often get stuck in gold/plat due to people not playing as a team for various reasons.

You can't solo-que this game without luck, especially support mains, they are fucked. Game lacks all balance.

When Doomfist released

"You don't like the new balance changes made to the game? Then go play mystery heroes"

Seriously fuck jeff.

>everyone on Yea Forums wants you to believe the game is dead and nobody played it ever but blizzdrones
>360 posts, 180 users later everyone played it for at least a week or two, with people still playing or people that quit just last year

Right after they released that Latino hacker woman and the German stage I think
It got boring and the wait times between games got too long

>or people that quit just last year
really makes you think

Hate pretty much means they played it and enjoyed it at some point but are either disenchanted by it or quit. Blizzard games are pretty much mandatory to hate too.

Played on PS4 (I have no problem aiming with controllers), got to diamond, and every match was full of multiple obvious keyboard and mouse users, screeching autists who would complain for the wrong reason entirely (and wouldn’t switch at all), and all around negative vibes.

I just log in every so often for events and mystery heroes

I haven't, I log in to play Mystery Heroes every few days.

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never played it

Played the game on PS4 because it was the only game my former friend played. Got to high plat because I didn’t want to learn the mechanics and just one tricked Roadhog/Zen/Hanzo/Chargeheart for the luls and trophies. Said I would take the game seriously but then realized skill really only mattered on PC anyway. Gradually friend gathered more people that literally only talked/played OW and would rage every game. Game became less and less fun. Went to Japan for a year at season 5. Came back and game was shittier than usual. Played it once or twice. Now don’t speak to friend or group I used to play with.


Quit around the time they added Busan. Still have it installed, but I didn't boot it up to check out Paris, so the game is dead to me.

It's almost astounding how shallow this game is, in all honesty. Maps are the same shit with different tilesets. Heroes have one unique play style each, and the game's "rock-paper-scissors but not really" balancing means there's only one useful team comp each patch.

Worst of all, since healing and tanking is OP as fuck, DPS is barely even a thing half the time, and Blizzard has completely given up on making it otherwise.

You can't shoot people in an FPS game, it's all shields and healing beams. What the fuck, Blizzard.

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I still play mostly cause my friends play.
Also I like playing support roles but most games make support boring as fuck, and OW actually has some fun supports.
Mostly my boi Lucio but I've been trying to learn Ana cause as fun as Moira can be, she's just not that good compared to Ana. Looking forward to Baptiste to come out cause he looks pretty fun.

I had a massive video essay on why overwatch is a shit game and I was going to publish it, but then I realized nobody cares.

But to explain just one of my grievances - Why can't I pick the type of map I want to play on? KOTH is the only good OW map type - the rest are too tedius, too slow, too boring or too unbalanced. I never, ever want to play Hanamura, Anubis or any of those shitty payload maps EVER AGAIN. They're dog shit choke point after choke point that drags the game into the 10 minute mark every single time. OW designers cannot figure out how to make maps. It's a joke

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>talking about pros

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why would you post this trash

I bet you cried in tears when they revealed that totally not a red herring to distract everyone from activisions massive layoffs schitck

>I had a massive video essay on why overwatch is a shit game and I was going to publish it, but then I realized nobody cares.
Please post it, I'm unironically interested and not enough people talk about it. The reasons people leave are meme answers like """"toxicity"""" - it's not. It's the fucking dogshit map design and hero abilities. The community of OW is going to reach a breaking point and fucking explode and realize how shit the game is. Either upload it now or upload it when shits about to get nuclear

I like you user, lets make a FAMILY! :3!

I play it because my coworker gave me a humble bundle code a few months ago and it's annoying when people make fun of me for "still playing" it. I just got it Oct 2018 so stop making fun of me please.

Also I will probably get back into TF2 next time Valve does a big update (i.e. contracts and balance changes, not just another community cosmetic case) because I have been on and off with TF2 for almost a decade.

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man, they are real. half the shit on /pol/ are just fringe shill groups, we gotta assume the same 'inclusive' faggotry on this board too. each time there's a major loss for mentally ill degenerates, they need to flock here and defend dumb shit.
imagine feeling empowered by a change to the narrative specifically designed to make you spend more money.

>not enough people talk about it.
M8, what are you talking about? Every youtuber I watch and even the pros are bad mouthing the game. Even "Good guy" seagull called the game shit in the most polite way possible. OW can't be fixed because it's fundamentally flawed. It would have to be redone from the ground up

He was baiting. I calmed him down. With love.

After Brig was added. I still think they must've been retarded as fuck to singlehandedly ruin the game by letting Dive stay strong as long as it did and slapping the worst type of fix with her addition to keep Genji and Tracer in check.

Bought it with some old WoW tokens a couple months after it launched. Dropped after a few days and played some TF2 instead.

whenever the golden guns first came out? sort of just quit playing around then
my friends and I tried to like the game
every fight seemed to boil down to whichever team could use their ults more effectively than the other team. When I play an FPS, I expect "abilities" to take a backseat to point-and-shoot, it makes the gunplay pretty boring when you do much more just using abilities correctly. Comes off like a strategy game with FPS elements. Not to say it isn't fun putting up an icewall, getting a hook, or spamming tracer blink+recall, but the abilities are so strong compared to just pointing and shooting.
There isn't really a back-and-forth kind of fighting to have either, because you can only be on attack or defense the entire round. Shit gets boring sitting at the same point half the time, and if you aren't, that means a team is probably steamrolling the other one.
Then there's all the "QoL" stuff like no "community" servers, enforced chat censor, small stuff like lackluster dialogue lines and character interactions, it's hard to get attached at all to the game
It's really just not as fun as I expected it to be. Like, how the fuck is DIRTY BOMB a more enjoyable FPS than this, I can't understand how actiblizzard could get me to come back other than having sluttier skins or something

Around late july or early august of 2016, came back for the halloween event only to leave again. I don't think i clocked more than 30 hours of playtime, my friends kept playing it for a while longer, I think they kept fooling themselves or something since later on they admitted to hating the game.
>Always said I wanted to like OW since I missed monday night combat and wanted another tf2 style kind of game
>Game felt wrong to me, always pointed out it felt boring and shallow
>Lol no user ur just parroting opinions from Yea Forums, I love blizzard!
Having blizzdrone friends is the worst

>I mean, you can try out Paladins
>Because my normie friends were so annoyed by that move they all quit playing. And I'm not solo-queuing in the garbage fire that is OW's community.We've been playing Paladins since.It's better anyway.
>Paladins it's better

Don't listen to those retarded shills.
I only tried OW for ~2 hours during the free weekends and I wasted around 800 hours in Paladins playing ranked / unranked.
It's fucking garbage.

There SO many issues with that that I wouldn't even succeed at listing a half of them in a single post because of the symbols limit.
Everyone is constantly crashing (some people crash in Apex Legends and it sucks but there are x5 more crashes in Paladins) and getting replaced with bots. Bots can't do shit. You play with bots all the time, even in ranked. Have a bot in your team but the enemy team is full of real players? Well, tough luck, pal, you are going to lose. It happens SO OFTEN you are getting used to it honestly.
Balance is dogshit - that includes matchmaking, champions, maps, everything is half-assed. There's a super strict meta with 1-2 best characters in each class (tanks, healers, etc) and everything else is just garbage.
There's a ton of bugs, so many of them it's hilarious to even see the list of it. Most of them exist since some ancient beta versions of the game.
Everyone has GIGANTIC hitboxes, some projectiles are GIGANTIC as well, speed in the game is almost non-existent, pretty much everyone just walks. There are some dashes but that's about it. The only way you can "run" is when you respawn and ride a mount. But any damage instantly dismounts you. So the game is not even a "PC shooter" but a console shooter in the core.

The most popular Paladins streamer switched to OW: after playing Paladins for like 3 years since the first version of the game.

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Still play, I love the arcade. I wish the single map playlists would stop showing up in weekly slots though.

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Paladins was decent when I played it, but then they changed everything.

I think arcade is one of the only things they got going for it

To add:
OW is much faster and requires better aim.

I've reached masters in Paladins in each split effortlessly, ranked is a joke in Paladins, there are no people, people who play it are mostly just bad. Only GrandMaster is higher in ranked but that rank requires grinding - not because you will struggle against better players but because awesome matchmaking will consistently match you with complete scrubs who cannot even press hotkeys or mouse buttons. But since you can duo-queue in ranked, that's pretty much the free way to GM for everyone.
Oh, and nobody ever uses voice chat in Paladins. So there's no communication whatsoever, retards are just TYPING stuff in chat or using "voice commands" with hotkeys. You can imagine how gigantic is the advantage for people who play in duo with voice comms over the retards with no comms at all (aka the majority of Paladins players).

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t.person mad at nation with a successful slave rebellion

What the fuck is up with these comp team names? Where's teams like Cloud9, virtus pro, NIP, etc? Sounds like the names were all designed by corporate suits

About 1 month after it released. Boring concept, reused from TF2. Lack of modes and maps.

>added the best waifu in the entire game
yea sure user whatever you say

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I didn't "quit" I just stopped playing because it got stale after a while.

Quake and Enemy Territory

>every match was full of multiple obvious keyboard and mouse users
I hate this shit it makes the game which is already unbalanced even more so. PS4 should not allow access to kb+m controls in multiplayer games.

I played a single ranked match. I picked Mei, despite my teammates protests. I got three gold medals every game, and play of the match. I got reported afterwards, and so I quit

Shortly after Ana released and they announced another round of nerfs along with buffs to the characters to that directly countered the nerfed characters. Bunch of fucking retards who never bothered to see if the nerf alone was enough, also just got incredibly bored with the game in general. Play Zarya and stomp or play whatever and watch people struggle to play tanks.

I think the problem is

Competitive: Everyone try hards their individual play, but fails at the team aspect. E.g. healers on both teams always dead cause no one peals, but the DPS can aim well enough etc.

Casual: Super wacky two-neurons-in-a-jar players bouncing around. Too many dps on each side.

There's no middle ground because of the built-in division between comp and casual. TF2 made it a mix but not having ranked (till they did, anyways)

After a month. It's a pretty shitty game that really pulled in normies with its 20 tick rate servers. Fucking terrible

This. I'd even do away with matchmaking in favor of servers.

check again ;)

I miss Dirty Bomb. Splash Damage are retards.


When, after choosing to main Reinhardt (because he's clearly the best), I realised that in order to function effectively, I required a team of non-retards to actually, you know, win?

That and as a filthy Australian peasant, Blizzard believes we don't deserve our own servers. So fuck them.

What happened to you Blizzard? You used to be cool.

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After the free weekend that one time, because I'm not paying for this game.

Stopped right around the end of the second month of the game, august 2016 i guess?

Anyway, there were two reasons i quit: First, the addition of ranked mode completely fucked up the whole matchmaking (in a way that there was no middle ground anymore, or you go to ranked and tryhard to win, with elitists yelling at each other which hero was the best for that match or quickplay with only memeplayers and meme picks) and the second one was that it just got boring and repetitive.

Then i played paladins open beta a few months and realized that overwatch problems could never be fixed, since they were inherently to the design philospohy. Never came back.

Stopped regularly playing in like October because I couldn't ever get out of bronze. I wanna blame shitty teammates and quitters but I'm also shit at fps, especially with controller on PS4/