this confuses and enrages the casual fps player
This confuses and enrages the casual fps player
Other urls found in this thread:
>have to stand still to get an accurate shot
>get weapons by buying them
>sniper is one or two bodyshots to kill
>fuckhuge hitboxes
if anything it confuses and enrages the quakefags
this confuses and enrages the cs player
>ywn spend all night playing conc maps with your internet friends and talking about life ever again
god i'm so in the mood for a fast paced shooter. What should I play?
Assalt Cube
Quake champions.
this confuses all players of half life mods because they have no idea what the fuck it is even tho it was the best mod
>natural selection
You aren't special.
>only people playing are huemonkeys
I'd be confused and enraged too
ew get away from me casual
>inb4 muh pattern
It won't stop hurting...
It confuses and enrages me because they're no longer free for people who already own Half-Life.
What the fuck
why are we still here?
just to go slow?
>never realized its potential
>still stuck around long enough to give asymmetrical shooters a bad name
>pozzed devs now making creatura sims and the subgenre is dead and buried
this upsets the compfag
Valve games are for fucking around only, nothing more.
You feel it too don't you?
favorite fps of all time
There's still people playing if you feel the need, though it probably won't be quite the same.
WC3 mod is still really memorable for me, Undead was my bae, nelf was busted for as long as i can remember though.
Too bad CS is based on RNG
That game is what the casual fps player plays.
>it's dead now
maybe they should have made it less confusing
undead was good up until everyone bought necklace of immunity. nelf and human were awesome.
CS was one of the most casual games around.
It pretty much invented the "third worlder only playing one game" meme
>snap finger
>belly jiggles out of control
What the actual fuck
it is NOW you retarded zoomer
>he never played the superior cs during its heyday
stay shit
why is goldsrc and source so comfy
yeah no thanks. garbage.
How exactly is this fun to anyone? Move so fast to grab flag and go back, shoot no one and no one can stop you so its boring delivery game
yeah what like 5?
You may not like it, but Counter Strike is the best FPS ever created. It's longevity is a testament to this notion.
it's hayday, you fucking gaygay
Because is basically an enhanced quake engine. Is in that sweet spot between old and new gen era engines.
Speaking of goldsrc I miss brush mapping.
More like CornerStrike amirite?
Where you camp and aim at corners around head height.
Rinse and repeat.
So exciting, in 2001.
I was looking for a server to play but they're all empty or with bots, and the bots cheat. Too bad because it was actually fun. Dystopia was a great HL2 mod that's dead now too unfortunately.
its a casual magnet alright
every tard that had no interest in games played this piece of shit
i think both work but also who the fuck cares you gay4pay n word
I love that map. How much more focus was on shooting through walls made it really fun. Now the only NA servers running it have bulletproof walls or give people who paid for VIP bullshit benefits that almost make it p2w.
Seething quake fag made his game is dead
Visual clarity. Nice clean lines, no post-processing to bombard the player with, color palette designed with contrast in mind. Games are pleasant when they aren't overwhelming you with unnecessary detail.
Little more than that. One or two full servers worth depending on the time of day.
I thought ZPS was more fun than CS zombie mod. Not sure if I would recommend playing ZPS right now though since it has a lot of issues until devs finally push out the next patch.
>not casual
>quakefags eternally seething
19 years and counting
CS literally had worse spray back in the day than it does now. It's the opposite way round and the entire franchise is garbage. Enjoy AK47 Online I guess considering it's the only worthwhile rifle.
>Visual clarity.
I couldn't really get into Source/GO because of that. Maps felt too cluttered visually and with the new physics props.
Some silly stuff because it wasn't super advanced made it funny too. Like when your model's mouth would open if you started shouting on the mic.
GoldSrc games will always hold a special place in my heart. Something about them is just so charming.
It's the engine, same goes for Source. Realismfags will never have charm.
fuck-huge hitboxes are from Quake. the quakefag likes this and prefers it over CSGO.
spray patterns in 1.6 were: first few shots accurate then it spreads out in a natural memorize able pattern
spray patterns in csgo are: the exact opposite, first shot inaccuracy and accurate spread with randomness
sucks you missed out on the glory days but matchmaking is rad i guess if you're under 18 and like to slurp your spit up as you talk
t. person with probably 8k hours in 1.6 - 1k hours csgo
not even the best tactical fps
No, it's what the casual fps player plays, at least if they're on PC. Sure it's the best/most skillful out of the few relevant FPS games there are, but still not great.
When did you last try it? Technical side has been much improved since last year and they nerfed all the active abilities.The whole hero shooter aspect is still questionable but it's not like there's anything else to play while waiting for diabotical
why this game and half life mods trigger quakefags so much?
could you explain to me?
stay mad
>doesn't post anything involving gameplay but a cute girl instead
so the game must not actually be any good then i'm guessing
What are some good GoldSrc games/mods to try out? I've been playing Sven with some friends and it's really put me in the mood for more of that engine.
Afraid of Monsters is good if you want something kind of like Silent Hill
>spray patterns in 1.6 were: first few shots accurate then it spreads out in a natural memorize able pattern
>spreads out in a natural memorize able pattern
did you even play the game? it literally chooses between one of many spray patterns once you get past the first couple of rounds. nobody memorizes those patterns because you don't have to, you literally just pull down a little bit and keep your target in the center of your crosshair
I'd be fine with CS but autistically having to remember spread patterns just ain't worth the time investment senpai
I want the bullets to go where my crosshairs are goddamnit. That or give me the option to ADS