Fire Emblem Three Houses

Official box art revealed
Why the Fuck is Claude upside down?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he's doing a stylish "shoot the dude in the head while doing a backflip off your horse"

These characters are so horribly boring I cant believe they greenlit this.

Three Houses is going to be a flop. Fire Emblem is based on its well designed characters.

What, you wanted the MCs to be upside down, then?
Just had to put Claude in the center and move the lower part of the image + title up, what the hell

that's never been true

>midriff reveal maintained


Are you going to eat your bag of crow dicks if it doesn't flop??

>Three Houses is going to be a flop.
>Nintendo is banking on the kusoge market and combining it with Harry Potter class warfare
>first FE on Switch

it's going to outsell Awakening. Easily.

>Three Houses is going to be a flop

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honest question for people that shit on FE, would you be acting like this if FE didn't have a million Smash characters? Because the games are genuinely fine games, but the series just gets a lot of strange unnecessary hate, more than most RPG franchises really do and when people get asked why, they almost always bring Smash up.

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>someones criticizing FE?
>could it be that the new game looks like shit? No it must be those damn smash fans

>>first FE on Switch


>could it be that the new game looks like shit?
No idiot, people have been criticizing FE even before Fates. You hate for this game is retarded, you are going nowhere with it

I need the edit

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This is the worst box art I've seen in a while, not even considering this blatant fuck up on it

>Valentia flopped
>warriors was the worst selling first party switch title
>apologists struggle to think of anything remotely positive about the game
>n-n-no it'll sell well!

Silly me for hating a series with extremely generic setting, innovated its gameplay lesd than pokemon, and always has ridiculous amounts of day 1 dlc

Remember to eat shit when the lady in red is announced on the Smash Bros Fighter's Pass later this year. :)

>Valentia flopped
no romancing,a remake of a fucking famicom game and shit maps
>warriors was the worst selling first party switch title
except it still cracked over the million mark
>apologists struggle to think of anything remotely positive about the game
casuals are eating it up. especially since the censorship of Fates won't be repeated given the nature of the switch
>n-n-no it'll sell well!
choke on your humble pie user.

Echoes was expected to sell like shit
Warriors isn’t even a mainline FE

This is the same shit with LGPE, it will sell like bread


I'm talking that whenever someone brings FE up, they're always like "THIS SERIES NEEDS TO BE NUKED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH AND THE DEVS NEED TO BE PUBLICLY EXECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, FIRE EMBLEM IS RUINING GAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and also, outside of graphics, the next FE game honestly looks fine, the new class system seems like an interesting twist on the formula allowing you to make interesting class combinations that could add a new layer to strategy and team layout. And while we haven't seen a full map of the game yet, with the team not being divided into the different versions, we could be seeing a more focused game overall(especially if the conquest guys are in charge, that game has some of the best maps in series history). It really just feels like people are looking for the smallest things to bash the game on so they can perpetuate some dumb blind hatred of a series.

>people have been criticizing FE even before Fates

except before Fates it was just OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD crying and bitching.

Yes, silly you.
Let people enjoy what they want. You are just an obnoxious little shit

I'm wondering if the bow doesn't arch back in the ends like in pic related. It still looks terrible and triggers me.

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It's a ploy to sell collector's editions with proper box art.

>Harry Potter
>not Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

>Three Houses is going to be a flop

It's not, specially considering it's a Switch title, it's basically guaranteed to sell well. Still looks like shit to me though.

>Fire Emblem is based on its well designed characters

>Three Houses is going to be a flop.
lol I bet it sells more than Awakening

Since when does a fire emblem game having shit mpas or not actually impact sales?

Its not like SoV having good maps would have made it sell better.

>fucked up the boxart

>but theyre competant enough to make a good game even though,we,haven't seen a single significant improvement since e3 and they barely showed anything in the direct

it's possible that it's but yeah that's garbage

GX was separating classmates by their aptitude level. Three House is already confirmed to not just be teenagers as students.

I liked what I saw.

>I liked this piece of shit I saw on the ground so any criticism towards it is unfair hatred

Fuck off.
It will sell good, whether you shitpost or not

Is that you XV-Kun?

Better than this boxart

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It will flop, like almost all the FE games.

Why so angry?

>no romancing,a remake of a fucking famicom game and shit maps
No romancing has been confirmed yet for 3H either, being a remake should not matter when other remakes sell and since this is the same people that made the Birthright and Revelations maps you shouldn't have much faith
>except it still cracked over the million mark
>celebrating fucking shipped numbers
>casuals are eating it up
lol no, nobody gives a shit outside of the gachawhale circle that is the FE fanbase

This reminds me of something

Maybe ask that to the FE fans that think FE is the only criticized video game series in existance.

>seething for a game
At least you won’t live long, user

I don't think it'll flop but I agree about the character designs. They're really boring especially comparing the designs to Fates'. I do like the male avatar's look, though.

>No romancing has been confirmed yet for 3H either
the fact they had to go out of their way to make sure not all the students were children is kind of a sign.

Just Claude

I certainly cant think of many series that have dedicated shitposters that come into every thread that tell you its a shit series and you should feel bad for liking it.

I don't understand his argument about warriors either. Selling 1 million on switch
isnt out of the ordinary.

>seething because the game youre defending is so shit they can't even get the boxart right.

Boxart spoils the whole game. Edelgard and Dimitri will serve as foils for each other, all the while Claude stands between them as the reasonable one. As Dimitri and Edelgard go to all out war with each other, Claude will appear and reveal he is the host for the obvious dark/demon/evil dragon bent on killing all humans. Thus Claude is upside down because he is already dead and his body just a puppet for the dark dragon Phest.

Mark my words.

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Yeah, you’ll die from kidney stones

The twist is that only Claude is upright and everyone else, including the castle, is upside down.

Like, the design they were going for isn't fucking hard

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Do you literally only discuss FE online?

Every single game with shit graphics gets criticized online, why should FE be the exception?

>asset re use game with a 100 dollar budget from a much smaller company has more competent boxart than a triple a FE game

>outside of graphics
you people need to learn how to read, I literally said the worst part of the game so far just seems to be the art direction in general. And even then, this happens with every game in the series, every time they hire a new artist, people give them shit for some random reason(like Toilet Knight Kozaki designs)

Youd have a point if there was anything remotely redeemable about the game.

stop replying to bait imbeciles
>inb4 its not bait the game is shit

how do you fuck that up?

Are Ruby's rubes that big or is it just her corset pushing them up? no 15 year old has tits that big naturally

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you didn't read the other post did you, literally said they are doing interesting things to change up the game's formula such as the new class system allowing you more depth to strategy and allowing more interesting team layouts. Also considering we are literally coming from one of the best FE games(gameplay wise) and a really good strategy game in its own right, there is a chance this game will take notes from that and continue from that groundwork(especially since it was the higher selling version)

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>my gamecube era graphics game that runs at 15 fps is good! Anyone saying otherwise is trolling!

Obviously because he a crazy nigga
Gunna pick HIS house when the game comes out

I would agree with you but GIRL HAS AXE so I’m gonna buy it for Axegirl.

The designs are fine. Perhaps even good.
It's the art that's boring.

>Also considering we are literally coming from one of the best FE games(gameplay wise)
Do you people just ignore that like 5 other FE games came between Fates and 3H. Even so, Birthright and Revelations were absolute dogshit, so we a also "literally coming from" them.

Only nitpicky autists like you give a shit.

>) and a really good strategy game in its own right


What’s your problem? Why so much shitpost?

O cool it has a little lightning bolt at the tip

I'm assuming all the houses have control over some higher power.

We know the protagonist can control time already
Tyrone seems to be able to manipulate gravity and float upside down
Not sure about the girl and the guy but one probably has the ability to control space while the other can open pocket dimensions to alternate realities

I hope Europe gets a different one.

A shame all art wasn't like the special box art.

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When will Nintendo realise that the FE fad is over? Like, we get it, you want FE to become a big franchise Nintendo but shoving it everywhere you can and giving it 6 fucking games in 4 years isn't the way. In the end, the overexposure just made people be even more sick of it.

Conquest was the highest selling version of Fates, so IS would presumably make the next game closer to THAT since it grabbed the most people in.


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t. got stuck on Mr. Fuuga's Wind Ride

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>claude’s group is actually the bad guys

>but if you choose his side you get to join them


>would you be acting like this if FE didn't have a million Smash characters
No because then it would be just another popular series that doesn't clog up my feeds, like Overwatch or Dark Souls.

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>3 Houses will flop
>It's first, second, and third on Amazon Jp for Switch games


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Why does this game look so fucking bad? Isn't IS a first party Ninty developer or no? This is a first party game at least yea? Where did the FE Heroes money go?

>Fire Emblem is based on its well designed characters.
Haha what
All FEfags give a shit about is gameplay, at least Pre-Awakening fags

It's Japanese LE.
This is EU

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even post Awakening fans when it comes to characters only REALLY care about a few of them, and the general FE community is able to openly talk about the gameplay of the most recent games.

>Like Overwatch or Dark Souls

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So why DO people want this game to flop? Is it because of FE characters in Smash?

Do people really want every Nintendo IP to die (like F-Zero, potentially StarFox), except for Mario/Pokemon/Zelda?

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And this is NA

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Every Fire Emblem since the first one just hasn't had this much SOUL

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Warriors is a Dynasty Warriors spin off, not a real FE game. Warriors counts about as much as that shitty Persona crossover.

it literally is because they are angry over Smash, they think FE is breaking into their homes and raping their families because Nintendo is promoting the games. They think any IP getting shilled is bad.

>Do people really want every Nintendo IP to die
No just the shitty ones.

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I hate smash, so by that logic i want it to fail? No asshole

That art is still good though and better suited for the purposes of box art.
Still a real shame all the portraits etc of the game don't look like .

>it literally is because they are angry over Smash
Or maybe because FE has had 6 games the last 4 years while other series get absolutely nothing even when they sell better.

So every one but Mario/Pokemon/Zelda????

Something about Awakening saving the series really put a stick up everyone's ass.

>Three Houses is going to be a flop

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>Fire Emblem is based on its well designed characters.
Here's your (you), slut

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Because you know. Ask Inteligent Systems to make a new Fzero, Metroid, Pikmin and Star Fox. Im sure they will agree

Other franchises such as.....?

Why does the upside-down Claude bother people so much?
My first assumption was he was just doing a cool flip and shooting an arrow while flipping.

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Literally no one is bringing up smash besides the apologists.

>Fire Emblem
>on Switch

You're dumb if you unironically think that.

DK, Metroid, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Xenoblad and many other deserve to stay.
F Zero had nothing left to offer, Star Fox has only ever had 1 good game that they keep rehashing to death and FE is just another generic RPG series that keeps getting pushed by Nintendo when nobody gives a fuck.

Every FE game that's released since Awakening has sold over 1 million(except for that poorly marketed persona clone). And even then, it's been like... 2-3 years in between each actual installment(Fates released both paths at once)

FE4 would like to have a word with you.

>fire emblem game
>not a flop

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>another generic RPG series
that's blatantly false since next to nobody actually makes strategy rpgs anymore, how can you be generic if you're one of the last of your kind.

You truly think that?

Valentia hasnt even sold half a million. Face it the series is a disasterous failure.

Fire Emblem sells more than Xeno and Metroid though. And Metroid game sells have dropped for years. If no one cares about FE, no one cares about Metroid or Xenoblade.

I'd be able to believe that if he had some sort of badass facial expression, but he's just calmly looking forward, it's almost funny. Also now that I look at it his hands look pretty weird too

>random person on the internet is better at boxarts than anyone on the FE team


DK hasn't had a new game since 2014

I love the dumb 90s hair everyone has in FE4

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Why I feel that half of thread is just smashfags being butthurt about FE?

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Shadows of Valentia sold more than Samus returns. lol Guess Metroid is dead then.

>nobody actually makes strategy rpgs
Have you heard of a little series called Xcom?

It's called having standards.

Reminder that everyone took a bathroom break during the 3h segment of last months direct.

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Then why don't you ask Retro to make a DK game? What does that have to do with Fire Emblem (made by Intelligent Systems)..........................

This could be the game I buy a switch for.
Does it still look terrible though?

I remember the webms from last year all looking very, well, outdated and clunky.
Heads up though: I havent played any of the nu-FE titles yet(exception would be FEH if that counts) and I'm really not keen on the headpatting stuff I heard about.

Should I just move on, or could this be a game for me still?

>rando remake of a game in the series that literally nobody cared about not even old FE fans that also didn't have any actual marketing for it didn't sell well
the leaps people make to shit on FE are so strange, like surely you have better things to do than look for reasons to shit on some random SRPG.

>Fire Emblem sells more than Xeno and Metroid though
But the games aren't generic rpg trash.

>my shitty game is getting criticized! Must be those smash fans...even though only the FE apologists are mentioning smash

>Mario and Zelda are more popular than Fire Emblem

Wow........I guess no one knew that.........

Why are you repeating the same thing over and over? It won't make it true.

Prove it.

Shouldn't they be at the same level tho? You fags keep claiming that FE is one of Nintendos most popular franchises at the moment

But if sales = no one cares then no one cares about Metroid or Xenoblade because FE sells higher than them.........That's literally what you said...

>no 15 year old has tits that big naturally
>he did not have a crush on the girl with the biggest tits on the class
> his school was basically a flatfest

okay and what else? point still stands that NEXT TO nobody makes SRPGs anymore(nice job removing part of the sentence to make it seem like you had an argument)

I just assumed it was him being smug, since in the footage we seen so far he has a smug smile on his face 85% of the time

Congratulations on being retarded

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Do you guys REALLY think Fire Emblem 3H won't flop? I mean what's the definition to you guys? To me if it sells under 3 million its a flop but then again the budget for this game is 2$

I would say FE is more popular than most Nintendo IPs nowadays yes. Mario/Pokemon/Zelda/AC are obviously above it, but it's pretty much on par with how Kirby sells now.

then DK Tropical Freeze was a flop

The highest selling FE game is Fates at around 3 million, so 3 million is a big success for that series. Same as Metroid. The highest is Prime 1 at 3 million.

Good lord

When has a remake ever sold well?

maybe his school traded tits for ass instead

No I dont think it'll flop.

Do I think that it will be a game with terribly outdated visuals and cringy Nu-FE dialogue and and even shittier localization? Do I think that it will be a disappointment that makes me long for ye olde days? Yes to both questions.

But do I think that it'll flop?
No fucking way.

>E3 footage

>announcement trailers for the first three as new titles being released we knew nothing about before
>second or third trailer for the last one
It really doesn't need defending but if you're genuinely reposting this because you think it's an objectively fair comparison then you're an idiot.
Being a brand new third party IP shouldn't deduct any points anyway.

Valkiria Chronicles, Banner Saga.....
There is even more recent stuff like Mario+Rabbids or Wargroove.

So this is the power of the Switch? Huh....

>Below 3 million is a flop
>Every new Kirby game is a flop
>Every new DK game is a flop
>Every new Yoshi game is a flop
>StarFox is long dead
>Every new Metroid is a flop


oh man just why?

Fates is at 2 million, not 3. Stop inflating your numberz.

Here you go user

Attached: fixed.jpg (2530x4096, 3.5M)


These look like flops to me, not to mention every other game before Awakening


>looks up Banner Saga
>apparently a new game release last year
what the fuck, why is this the first I'm ever hearing about this

whats up with the brother and sister theme again?
are we really this creatively bankrupt?

What? Nowhere is there a brother and aister theme in this game

Its clearly not 3 million to me


>Free mobile game flooded a shitload of new fans now that they know the basic mechanics to the series
>Ultimate brung in a massive amount of Switch owners and Vitafags that haven't moved to Steam are moving to Switch
>Last two mainline games were a success along with the spinoff Warriors game
By default even if it doesn't become a huge success, it'll at least meet expectations.

>all these butthurt replies

what brother and sister theme?

You got something against brother and sister stories?

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Those 3 examples I gave didn't even sold a million

Fucking saved


>success along with the spinoff Warriors game
Only managed to SHIP 1 million, not sell, while being on 2 SYSTEMS.
Fetards rewriting history again.


Warriors sold over a million

Attached: Excellent Bait, here's your you.png (1597x1600, 532K)

I mean I disagree also user, but mentioning a game that follows the outdated 90s art-style down to a T isn't a good example

>Hyrule Warriors ships 1 million in 6 months
>FEWarriors ships 1 million in 6 months


Hello. Whaddya think of the Japanese box art for Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Personally I can't decide which house I'm going to represent. Anyway, through an anonymous source of mine, they told me what I had already suspected the moment Three Houses was first announced. That we shall be receiving a representative from that game through DLC. You may think its the PC much like Robin or Corrin from past game, but you'd be wrong. It will instead be Edelgard according to my source who claims that her being an axe wielder provided a unique opportunity for Sakurai in a similar fashion to that of Inkling, the Belmont men, and Piranha Plant.

Also, according to my source, Edelgard is planned to be announced at E3 in order to raise hype for the upcoming Three Houses similar to how Melee promoted Roy and For 3DS/Wii U promoted Corrin ahead of their respective games. Now you may be wondering "But what about Banjo and Kazooie?" Don't worry. My source was also able to divulge that the beloved Rare character will soon be revealed in next month's Direct and will be released post E3. Speaking of releases, Edelgard shall be released no later than the first of September.

That is all. Have a blessed day my friends. :)

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Name ONE even remotely original idea fire emblem has ever had.

Yeah right, pre-awakening fags are by far the worst about it because Fates has good gameplay and they still bitch.

creating the SRPG genre

>Wii U game vs switch game

The latest game in that series also almost sold,more than every FE game combined

Calling it, she's just Ike with an axe + neutral B is hand axe

>So why DO people want this game to flop?
People don't "want" it to flop, maybe some out of spite at worst. People are just massively disappointed by how lame the game looks after basically all the stars aligned for Intsys to finally deliver something great, a big budget mainline entry with all the backing from Nintendo and all those fuckloads of money that fell into their laps through the mobile game. And instead they deliver this lazy crap, where the only positive thing people can even say is "the gameplay MIGHT be good", and even that only because we genuinely can't tell yet. All we CAN tell is looking like shit so far

>Zelda is one of the most popular series of all time



>Fire Emblem is based on its well designed characters.

Attached: FEF_Corrin_(Female).png (2469x3500, 3.15M)

>b-but it ripped off valkyrie xhronicles and advanced wars!

>implying the thigh window isn't a based move by Kozaki

Wrong. That shitty Persona crossover is getting included in the "everybody is here" Cipher mega set. Warriors isn't. It counts even less than TMS, lmao.

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The main criticism is not liking the artstyle, which has next to no bearing on how the game itself actually is........... People said the same thing about expecting Pokemon SWSH to be a giant epic adventure when it just looks like "more of the same".

It sold well, like every other popular video game series. Thats why FE never sells well and 3H is going to flop


How does the game look lame? Looks like it's just Fire Emblem but you customize your units between missions at a military academy.

>FE is a flop

Then so are Kirby, DK, Metroid, Starfox, etc... Because none of them sell nearly as much as Zelda either. lol

Literally one game out of the 3 and the game has by far the worst written roster of characters ever seen in an FE game


I read that as "Edgelord" like 5 times

I hope the actual game itself will be good. I kind of like how the wars look like Suikoden 2 where you have the giant squads fighting each other.

If Yea Forums thinks Fire Emblem, Metroid, FZero, Kirby, DK, etc...are all shit because they don't sell like Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/AC........well here is a massively selling Nintendo game for you....

Attached: bestgameever.jpg (297x266, 37K)

Then why is his little braid thing also pointing upwards?

he's going fast enough so the braid is getting pushed back towards his head

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sales determine quality

Where did this meme come from?

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>Tfw I bought this for my step-sister for less than I dollar
>She stills plays it regularly a decade later
underrated games are the best

yeah, and 1-2 Switch is already on track to well over 3 million. Guess 1-2 Switch is better than all of those franchises as well

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Smashfags trying to justify their hatred of the FE characters.

It sure is, user!

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>All FEfags give a shit about is gameplay, at least Pre-Awakening fags
this has never been true


>The main criticism is not liking the artstyle, which has next to no bearing on how the game itself actually is.
>"I can't defend it so I might aswell pretend it doesn't matter"
And don't @ me I don't care about your gamercred

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He's Australian

Because their arguments are almost never actually about Fire Emblem itself. They're complaining about its impact on Nintendo's brand as a whole, a viewpoint mostly seen through the lense of a Smashfag that knows Fire Emblem as "that anime game that got more fighters than my favorite series." Replace 'fighters' with 'games' or 'support' and that's 90% of what people are complaining about.

If you don't like the game for the artstyle fine. But that has nothing to do with the mechanics, map design, challenge, replayability, etc...

then who are those twins at the bottom of the cover?


will the soundtrack surpass Fates?

>not classic
>not tee
You're doing it wrong.

the player character, you can be a guy or the girl, but it's still one character

>user says this despite knowing Awakening exists

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>this has never been true
not him but it surely has been for me.
its the only reason I play these games.

Because he's gonna be a traitor, obvs


Yes, and I, too, am going to wait for the first reviews. And who knows, maybe the mechanics will blow us out of our seats.

But literally everything else is looking like shit so far and is giving me negative confidence in the final product. And saying that doesn't matter is either a massive cope or you're doing the gamer-cred thing where nothing but the "button-to-dopamine ratio" matters to you and things like aesthetic, sound, narrative, characters, writing, music etc. is for all the newbs who aren't on your level yet. Which literally no one is impressed by btw

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Fire Emblem has never had good boxart. Debate me.

>it's a flop if it doesn't sell way above every other FE game

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Echoes was good

yet conquest comes out and the very same people memeing on awakening for its maps and mechanics chose to make a different aspect the most important one.


Tbh I like the cover but everything else we've seen so far looks really mediocre to say the least.
I'm hoping for the best, but I'm prepared to ignore this game and just go back to classic FE(again)

Are you fucking kidding me his bow isn’t in a straight line

My point was that the art does not determine the game quality. I loved New Mystery, despite shit art.

>FE fags were always elitists who pretended they were hardcore elite gamers cause FE was this supposed hardcore game with compelling gameplay
>Awakening brought so many casuals and normalfags people are unironically saying shit like "the designs and how hot le waifus are what made the series"

I almost feel bad for you oldschool fans. Almost.


They're going full pander mode with the hogwarts setting, it's going to be the best selling

Why do people like school settings so much anyway?

>have a dedicated market for thirsty virgin on your gacha game for waifus
>hire a fucking mediocre at best artist that focuses on gay males
How do you fuck up so badly

No it doesn't. But it DOES mean that in the art-department the game has already failed. And thats NOT a non-factor, and thats all I'm saying.

Since the box art has a character with a bow on it does that mean Archers are going to be OP again?

I only played a handful of FE games but didn't it always have shit art direction? feels like FE7 and awakening are the only ones with any charm.

That is not how viewer numbers work.

Sounds decent at least, but
>Sawano drop

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IS it gonna flop though? It's in the Top 10 twice on Amazon Jp and it doesen't even come out until July. And the Special Edition is sold out on Amazon US.

Attached: amazon.png (1694x492, 744K)

People are reprieved of their hoghschool years that they self insert into these scenarios where they are considered chads

Even though I was bullied and didn't get to fuck anyone, my high school years were easily the most fun time of my life.

Then just imagine how incredible it is for normalfags who can enjoy a normal life.

Not particularly but it’s never been this egregiously bad.
It’s just a shame after the 3ds designs for both Echos/Awakening/Fates
Ike’s games and the DS games looked pretty bad though honestly

It's mostly teenage girls


*both referring to how there were two artists one for Fates/Awakening (and did no more hero) and echos
>inb4 that one ACfag Tier autist who hates Echos shows up

Shadow Dragon has worse art than 3 Houses by far though.

imagine literally writing all that nonsense he didn't even say simply because you're offended

I like the autists desperate to hate Awakening, only thing bad about it is balance.

That boxart is great, and I am saying this as someone who hates Tellius.

In game graphics
Actual art and character portraits?

well I havent played that one.
all I can tell you is that I always played these games for their gameplay

Thing is they literally don't have an excuse considering how much fucking money the phone game made, and 90% of the artists they comissioned for that are better than the one they got for their mainline entry, and of which probably 70% would champ at the bit for the opportunity to work on a mainline title
And even then the design-aesthetic has been pretty different to what they're going for now

Offended by what?

It is less the school setting, more an academy setting in particular. It creates game of thrones type factions with clear personalities and heraldry, but keeps it contained to a small space where they can always run into each other. All the drama, all the design and character porn, all the time.

Even as a young kid when I made up settings they were typically divided up into 'teams' with color schemes, design cues, and clear differences in power sets and personality. That was years before Harry Potter was even a thing.

Hmm...nah portraits were definitely worse too. Literally only 1 facial expression.

Kozaki is cool, i really don't get the hate

where am I desperate? and where do I hate the game itself?
your defensiveness is shocking to me.

Who would win?

Attached: Fire EmE eriF ThreethT vs melbmblem sesuoH ee Houses.jpg (5060x4096, 3.86M)

(Not him) Awakening is an incredibly controversial point for people for a lot of reasons. I love a lot of the designs but they fucked up the armor for the enemies and Cavaliers/Knights so anti-Awakening people spam the (rightfully bad) pieces as if the entire thing was bad.
I fucking love how expressive the character art for Awakening characters honestly.

both are terrible, the ds games are where i began to associate fire emblem with awful art


Attached: 1552079893515.jpg (207x110, 21K)

>and 90% of the artists they comissioned for that are better than the one they got for their mainline entry
Pretty much this. Some of the art is fucking godlike.
Not him but I felt it lacked charme, and I also don't think its hate, just distaste.

This is even better than the original.

>2 edgelords but no qt avatar
>2 qt avatar but no edgelords
Fuck, this is hard

I don’t want to be that guy but you can’t honestly tell me you look at something like Cordelia’s portrait and think it’s lacking “charm”

Where is Ryo Hirata, (the advance wars character designer) he was good, does he not do work for ISIS anymore?

Yes I can. Different people different tastes.
I felt the artstyle was too plastic.

>too plastic
What does that even mean?

Is that going to be the sword you choose to die on, 'Cordelia's portrait', that bland piece of shit character?

First one because two bows can deal safe chip damage and then either lanceman could just go for the kill

Sorry edelgard but you're no match for dual wielding nigga.

Do we realy have to go through this step by step?
Can't you just accept that some people don't like a certain artstyle?


Her flat and uninteresting portrait reinforces her lack of personality. It is literally anti-charm.

It’s fine to have different opinions but if you’re going to say something specific about it I’d like to know what you mean

Then stop using "I don't like the artstyle" as though it's objective criticism or means anything on its own.

Maybe this wasn’t clear but I’m referring to the full body character art where she hold the spear behind her back

>staff boy
>boy chad
>axe grill
why did nintendo go all sjw ?

Attached: 1412392971066.png (408x389, 169K)

Yeah that wasn't clear. Because her portrait set is this.

Attached: Cordelia-Portrait.png (768x1088, 258K)

>Tier 1
Mario, Zelda, Pokemon

>Tier 2
FE, Kirby, DK

>Tier 3
Pikmin, Metroid, Xenoblade

Next you’re going to tell me Gamefreak is apart of Nintendo next too

I never did you insecure autist.
The artstyle just looks too shallow and plastic for me. It encapulates the empty style a lot of modern anime have problems with.
Its just my opinion though.

Push Kirby down, kick Xenoblade out of the running in general.

>Le Warriors flopped meme
Warriors sold over 1M, which puts in in the top 5 best selling FE games.

We can´t really tell if they flopped or not since we don´t know what expectations were. With TMS Avex said the game was a success but who knows. Echoes was released when the 3DS was already on it´s death bed, so I guess expectations were low.

>as though it's objective criticism
awakening's artstyle is objectively shit though. it looks like someone made it in photoshop over a weekend and called it a day

Oh shit I picked a bad example then to say portrait then
Uh Olivia/Anna/Owain all have actual good in game portraits off the top of my head

Nintendo special edition sales don't count for anything as literally every single one of them has been bought out by scalpers five seconds after going up.

>All FEfags give a shit about is gameplay
Can't believe this isn't being laughed at

Attached: 1551633199119.png (238x288, 111K)

But what does that mean? You can’t just use made up terms for art work and not explain them
Sure it’s your opinion, but opinions can be explained have tend to have reasonings.

it would be if he hadn't specified "pre-awakening" fags, which is true

>Because the games are genuinely fine games
they aren't you delusional fucking awakeningfag

I hope so. I already like more than Fates main theme song. We'll see.

>made up terms
Ok I'm gonna stop here. This is getting too silly.
I tried, but it seems like everything you're after is me making you understand why you like it, not the other way around.

I'll agree, they have a lot more personality and charm in their portraits.

Is this that anti-everything but Conquest guy here now?

His cape, too.
It's pretty obvious the art wasn't drawn specifically for the cover and they just slapped some other art together for it.

I like Fire Emblem :)

you're just being asked to elaborate on what you mean by 'plasticy' because nobody but you understands what the fuck you mean by it.

Yeah, he got b& at least

Can you define shallow art for me the unintelligent user then?

Its not THAT bad. But I can kinda see what he means by "too plastic". Maybe a bit of an unfair comparison, but compare the average Awakening artwork to this shit. Oh btw why was this fucking guy not hired for three houses?

Attached: 1549344662095.png (1600x1920, 1.54M)

>You can’t just use made up terms for art work
is this nigga for real? shallow and plastic are literally terms used in art work. wtf is wrong with this thread? its a shitshow from start to finish

>Why is Claide upside down?
because he's clearly australian duh

>Make mobile game cover art
>Have this kino af art done by based Kozaki

>Make mainline cover art
>Have this awkward looking cover with Claude being upside down for some reason drawn by some Fujoshi

Attached: 6cf7a01dc6faf32f543543a3371eb31c.jpg (750x1273, 240K)

Pre-awakening definitely don't care about gameplay, They hate good games

the boys use bow and lance

Because that's quite clearly not what he's doing. He's just standing there, upside down.

Awakening walhart
This isn't bad art but I also think his armor looks like he's made of plastic, at the very least in comparison. Doesn't really have the depth or texture that I get from Ippei's take on him

Attached: 1526670458328.png (811x1336, 650K)

fuck off to reddit

FEH even has better trailers

Is this the worse looking Fire Emblem artwise ever since the mess that Shadow Dragon was? Holy fucking shit, it looks like a goddamn dating sim

>everyone suddenly likes Kozaki
everyone in the 3DS era were a bunch of fuckheads who wouldn't know a good artist if it drew their face.

Attached: 8ae957ed13240a47ed5123a12eb7a384.jpg (1000x870, 73K)

Not him but you're not entitled to anything. And he literally replied to you multiple times explaining himself, and I understand perfectly what he means.

Not to mention that he literally always said its just his opinion. At this point I'd jump out of the conversation as well. If only for suspecting you to be a fanboi just waiting to prove him "wrong" and therefore waiting for something specific to sink your teeth into.

Yeah Cordelia is an uptight character so it makes sense her art is as well but man I can see why it would look like I have shit taste.
Gaius/Maribelle/Rickey were all solid as well

I like Fire Emblem but don't like Smash. Smash is repetitive party game imo.

Are you a Square Enix exec by any chance? What's with those numbers pulled out your damn ass, user? Fuck off

No one asked you

Does this game have full voice acting?!?!????

The overview trailer made it look fully voiced.

I really don't understand what got up everyone's ass about the art. When did fire emblem fans all go to art school and come back as fine art critics? Whatever, fuck the memes, the art looks great.

I do... I loved the gameplay ever since I discovered the games.

Everything about Awakening is bad

Expect he never elaborated on his opinion just asserting it until we started discussing Walhart

>First main (semi)black character in FE and is the big bad

I just dont want to read about it in polygon pastebin.

Sure you do

I'm not the guy he was replying to.
Asking someone to define their terms is in no way entitlement. Clarity in the conversation is necessary for discussion.

>I really don't understand what got up everyone's ass about the art
>Is it me who's wrong?
>No, its everyone else!

Did they higher a completely different artist to the the cover art?

If you actually like FE that's sad

Holy shit, look at the stonkin huge tits on Claude.

People will go to autistic lengths to shitpost

FEfags always bitch about muh art

Attached: D0HLVioWoAEiLYY.jpg (1448x2048, 275K)


Spend enough time on Yea Forums, and you start to realize
>Everyone else is wrong
Is true more often than not. Yea Forums has a shitty track record.

Why does female MU have such slutty leggings? Not appropriate for a teacher

>People actually fell for my obvious bait

oh no no no no no...Smash bros....

Sure, but as said: I understood perfectly. To me it just came around as baiting him so long until he says something that can be turned around.
I mean, look at this post: calling people disliking the art "memes".

There's a point where "I disagree with you so you have to explain to me what you mean until I either agree or call you wrong" a shitpost in itself, and just shows the inability to accept other people's opinions. Nobody is required to explain anything to you user. If you can't accept it, then work on your skills to accept other people's opinions. Thats all.

Making babies with your best friends baby.

Actually what was showed off was great. Which is unusual for FE since you expect the game to play like shit.

Attached: 1551927651241.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

Anime is not fine art. Yea Forums is an anime board, everyone here is a connoisseur of this kind of garbage, this is low tier otome shit like fire emblem FE


IS that the guy who made the art?
Well that certainly explains things but NMH has always looked like shit.

It looks like some low effort US-comic book art you find on some random page. Yikes!

thats your response? doubling down?
sure go ahead

>crybabies still bitching about female byleth's outfit
Thank god they got ignored the first time and will continue to get ignored.

>FE isn't literally perfect in every possible way

I sure hope user hating my opinion doesn't ruin my enjoyment of one of my favorite SRPG series! Oh wait, it can't.

>worse than a 6 month old game
>barely better than a port
t's a flop

This guy gets it.

>my favorite

>thinking people disliking something try to ruin his enjoyment
yea I knew it right off the bat

Why wouldn't I? Can you explain to me why else I played them then?
Because what you imply doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.


You have zero faith in your own position if you decide your opinions are being undermined if you're merely asked for clarification for a single term.

Attached: 1546217328076.png (860x529, 890K)

>disaster genderfluid
how do you even find these retards?

go back to deviant art

Like every other FEfag, shitty stories and characters with non-existent personalities. Nevermind the majority of FE play like shit.

Oh please, fuck off with that low tier bait of yours trying to come out as the hottest shit who is all peace and love no matter what IS delivers to you.

It's so very clear that they are aiming for every male to look like a bishi straight outta shoujo novel while the girls are all slim and look the same.

I'm not saying it's ass by whatever school of arts standard, but I am stating those characters look like crap aimed at whales, yes.

I literally just put Byleth in the search bar, and was not disapointed.

Holy shit taste

Probably searches fire emblem.

As said I cannot really blame him for taking the continuous asking for clarification as an attempt to bait him on Yea Forums of all places.

And lets be honest, if you really wanna know what shallow and plastic means in terms of art, you can just google it. There's no need to pressure a person to explain it to you.

Looks like I'm into shit games then. Because the SRPG gameplay has always been the draw for me.

It's Otomebait like all FE

Outside of Ike, all main character FE males look like fujo bait. Ike is just fujo bait and actually normal gay bait. Where are people getting the idea that only now is FE art aimed to attract female players to the cast?

Based leaker

Hey better than other FEfags, at least you admit it.

>Hector, Sigurd, Ephraim, Eliwood, Chrom and etc


Claude has a lightsaber?

I'm not sure what I did to you.

go back to, uuuuuh, the garbage dump lol


Nothing, FEfags just deserve death

I doubt it'll flop, but you're absolutely right about the character designs. The artstyle and setting are horsehit too.

I see.
Sorry then...

Uh... have you seen those character? YES they are fujobait. They look like a beginner course on how to draw characters for women to ship with each other.

In fact I would go out of my way and wager that Hector is the FE character more women like than any other, minus Ike. But only because Ike is clearly in a gay relationship in his games.

Don't worry user, I to like FE gameplay

If you truly think asking what someone means by one word is unreasonable and in some twisted way a detriment to a discussion you have spent way too much time here.

That's because Kozaki is better than the yaoi artist shit we got for this game.

I've never played Awakening but this looks really cheap oh boy
Look at the fucking cloak! It looks like its WIP in adobe illustrator. And people wonder why Awakening gets so much shit

What a pointless reply

Okay then do explain how the characters I listed are.

That's sad. You enjoy shitty games that much?

He was asked to explain himself and did so with proper terms.
That you don't know what those terms mean, isn't his problem user.

If anything I feel sorry for him that he actually tried. I would've just said no.

Same artist as the game

You dont need to be an art expert to know that fujoshit is the worst popular japanese artstyle dumbass

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has sold over 1.5m, which is more than Super Metroid ever sold.

Why didn't they just get Hidari again. Echoes might have been mediocre, but his artwork was aesthetically pleasing and works with fantasy settings.

Attached: C6-FVeaWgAAgtxT.jpg (1200x675, 135K)

Yeah they got supplementary mobile income, so you should expect alot I think. Echoes was mostly voiced too

Dunno man I don't want to be overly harsh since thats literally just concept art vs. artwork from a game where people actually spend money for the jpgs alone. But it does illustrate what has irked me with his art

This post is objectively wrong

"Fujoshit" can't be a artstyle retard. Besides this game is otomebait

Attached: 1552076363885.jpg (2560x1440, 932K)

Because Hidari is dogshit and a overrated hack

>What, you wanted the MCs to be upside down, then?

yes? If you put the MC upside down then that would symbolize him being caught between the three choices.

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 32K)

That actually is good artwork
Yea the other user got memed on for calling it shallow and plastic but thats literally what comes to my mind too
unfinished and zero depth

Its all the same. Its garbage and doesnt suit a game like FE

Sure. Pretty boy men with boyish charm but a completely protective attitude that makes them dangerous to their enemies but a complete puppy to their allies. Fujos eat that up. Then you just write stories of them admitting their feelings for X other male character, these otherwise big 'adventuring' men who save the world while having beautiful bangs and perfect anime hair are now putty in each other's arms as they do the naughty stuff that leaves them completely vulnerable with their chosen partner.

>all male characters who dont look like shit are Fujobait

It's really not, its just a different of flavor of shit for FE

Oh I wasn't worried about that, I just wasn't aware Monolith soft was outright owned by Nintendo. Carry on, they are fine where they are.

None of the characters I said are pretty looking. Pretty looking is like Corrin. Hector is more of a hunk.

Ok, but thats not artstyle

Afaik he's very highly requested, probably literally just didn't have time, or the luxury to say "uh no I don't feel like it"
Still mad how he phoned it in with Celica though. Meanwhile absolutely trashy characters in Fate GO get decent effort put in by him

>Look at the fucking cloak
cannot unsee... it just doesnt work at all

You literally don't know what fujo means

This is completely untrue. FE has had consistently good to great art. This is a terrible, boring, niche artstyle and is garbage

>Still mad how he phoned it in with Celica though
*With brave celica, for CYL2

Attached: 1549845296536.png (1684x1920, 312K)

This is also true. If you wanted to have a game where you didn't want the characters to be fujo bait, you would have to make all the characters butt ugly. Not even 'handsome ugly', because that will also attract them. I'm talking terrible scars of war on top of an already ugly appearance.

But that should be fine right, we wouldn't want the game to be made to attract a 'female' audience. So everyone should be cool with that art style.

>be disgusting fujo
>dont even want this nasty ass sameface game
Edgelard and the male protagonist are the only decent looking characters in this game

Naw, Hector is a pretty boy. Adult hector with the beard is a hunk. Normal hector has a boy face.

The art style used isn't all that important.

It's actually very true. Only 8 looks good. 1-7 look like shit, 9 and 10 are generic anime, 11 and 12 look like crap besides the armor, etc

Jesus christ you're dumb.
everyone in this thread is laughing at you user.

The difference is like night and day.

Attached: Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows Of Valentia Illustration.jpg (1500x1417, 448K)

Probably because it's not fujobait you fucking retard

Inform us, oh wise fujoanon.

Even the box art looks shitty

I dont know who's baiting who anymore

>None of the characters I said are pretty looking
Sigurd, Ephraim, Eliwood, and Chrom are all pretty standard bishounen. Hector you could argue about due to his build I guess.

The artstyle used is incredibly important you dumbass. Artstyle can make or break a game of any genre. Dont talk about things you know nothing about.

You jave bad taste. Have a nice day

Tales. That's Fujobait.

I'm sure. But all your favorite FE characters are still fujobait.

Whatever you say fag.

Attached: FEH_Hector_(Legendary_Heroes)_Skill.png (1684x1920, 3.77M)

If I have bad taste I would love shit being shoved in my mouth like you

Why not, you seem to be great at it.

>game had an extended direct segment
>still know next to nothing about it
How did they manage to do this?

They were too focused on the school mechanic.

>Slicked back hair
>Soft hairless face
>Well groomed eyebrows
>Only sense of size is from his armor, arms are rather thin
>Carrying a big weapon to uh... compensate
Yeah, pretty boy.

>Artstyle can make or break a game of any genre
Really hope no one believes this

It's ISIS, you should have 0 expectations for anything.

What, we learned plenty about the mechanics in the direct. Did you actually watch it?

What was show seems great.

>Hair is combed back to not block vision
>Is actually buff as fuck under that armour
>Carries Armads because he has the CON to use it

Attached: Hector_Brave_Damaged.png (1684x1920, 2.62M)

Just the character portrait has larger breasts than everything else. Her in game sprite is noticably smaller.

Is this your definition for 'buff as fuck'? He looks like he works out, sure. But buff as fuck?
Also if he is trying to keep his hair out of his eyes he should clip those cute bangs of his.

Are you serious? we don't even know what that charge thing was shown in the first trailer, it hasn't been discussed at all, they haven't talked about why you now have an entourage, they haven't mentioned if there are now height advantages on terrain, or if there are other terrain based enhancements, I don't even remember if they mentioned anything about the weapon triangle, they never stated if your selected house makes a major difference to the levels you will play or what it really does, they never talked about if there is a way to access optional battles, or replay fights, I don't even remember them mentioning if characters stay dead when they die. We know almost nothing about the game, just that you're a teacher at a school and your team will consist of school students, which itself is a great idea, at least.

ah yes, “well designed”

Attached: 16CF6F8A-5F6E-4C32-AAD0-7863978509DA.jpg (256x256, 29K)

because he's trans

No it's because he's a shitskin

No they don't need go talk about that same old basic stuff. They already talked about the new shit that matters

There's always going to be one or two rotten apples in the barrel. Most of Fate's designs are great.

Calm down there user. Why would any of that stuff be in a gameplay trailer? That is dry extra stuff that sells zero hype. It isn't a tech demo.
We learned about the houses. We learned that students can be made to privately study or seemingly go on solo missions. We learned that their units will also gain XP, and that it seems to be a choice if they have one or not (the benefit of it, don't know). We learned that they learn skills through directed study, like you seemingly can just tell a student to learn a tome type. We learned that your teaching seems to have its own level, though we don't know what that means in detail. We learned a fair bit about what is going to get the story started, but thankfully they've left the rest of the story hidden so we can actually enjoy it.

Apart from not talking about it at all.

>Warriors sold over 1M

We learned about the social features in the game, which you'd think would have been secondary but are now the series primary focus, they talked a fuck load more about actual gameplay systems for previous games. there isn't even a video demo of the game where they just brush over the pacing and features of a battle. There just isn't enough info, unless all you are interested in is the social features.

>will have more depth then any of the previous games combined with reclassing customization for loads of builds and playstyles just based on the things in pic related
>gauntlets as weapons, major new QoL
>assign students to specific training. this way that units, including the MC, improves over the course of the game seems so organic and is far more advanced than simple stat distribution during leveling up or a singular skill slots
>combat arts take away durability for your weapon, for a series first it is a good mechanic than a pointless one and if they actually properly manage this the game will have resource management
>amount of options each unit has, way more than in previous games with attacking, arts, items, and gambits
>everything from "subjugation" (seize) to "defeating bandits" (rout)

Attached: 1552056514517.png (1920x1080, 2.15M)

What? We know nothing about the social features. We don't even know if we can date the students. Go ahead and dislike the game but don't make shit up.

Fuck, you people need to stop overrating Conquest. It was better than it's companion routes but there was a lot of stupid shit in that game. Having a ton of mechanics doens't mean it was good.

god i'm so fucking angry all the fucking time i hate fire emblem so much holy shit

Attached: 1550617651585.jpg (730x988, 76K)

>wahhhh it's a real trpg unlike my shitty VN's

Yes it most certainly does mean that having a ton of mechanics does make the game good by default.

You guys need to coordinate your bait posts better.

Conquestfags in a nutshell.

What the fuck is happening

Literally the only bad mechanic of that game was the slow as fuck weapon exp gain and silvers being shit.

Nice try you delusional FEfag. Kill yourself

Attached: 1552010112045.png (559x384, 173K)

Yeah people who actually like video games not poorly written VN's like FEfags

She is making Corrin file big sister's nails. All considering, not very lewd.

Literally Advance Wars reskinned as Fire Emblem.

The irony is that they literally said "no waifu shipping" as the reason why they stopped making AW, so this is how they got around it

Not that user but Chrom, Hector, Sigurd, Ephraim, and Eliwood are mostly popularly paired with female characters. In addition that pairing with a female is their most popular.

It's really just delusional fujoshits that pair them up with male characters and the reason but that is ironically because they don't look like they're meant to attract fujos.

road taken calm is the best track in all FE

>In addition that pairing with a female is their most popular
With male fans, probably. But that doesn't actually stop characters from being designed for female fans to ship them with other dudes. Sam and Dean have had nonstop canon female partners in Supernatural, you think that means anything to shippers? You think the characters aren't written and therefore designed to attract that kind of behavior?


We still know nothing about the gameplay

They already mentioned you can date students, but it was only in the JP direct, it looks like it's being removed from the western version.

t. shit stirrer

>we know nothing
>*besides major mechanics

I honestly don't hear anything that special here, although the End of All one is great aside from the brief gray waving.