DMC5 is fucking censored!

Remember this scene? Well guess what, it's fucking censored, at least on PS4. You can't see shit anymore because of fucking light. I guess same with Lady's naked scene. It's just lens flare all over the fucking screen. I can't fucking believe I supported this garbage. I fucking knew I shouldn't buy this on release. Not only V's gameplay is trash, game's visuals are fucking mess but now also this. Fuck you, Itsuno! Fuck you, Capcom. I'll never ever gonna buy any of your game again except for Iceborne

Attached: DMC5.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's fucking censored, at least on PS4
No its not
> I guess same with Lady's naked scene.
Its a comedic stylistic choice. You can see her bare ass coming out of artemis

>No its not
It is, retard. I literally just defeated the lightning boss and instead of pic I got lens flare all over the fucking screen. Couldn't even see her butt crack at all.

Works on my machine

I just beat him as well and I got a bare ass.

It's not censored. You just need to turn fucking flare off. I'm not even joking about this.

I know this is bait but there are people on this board who would type that out unironically and its sad

lookie at dem butt cheeks.

Can you do it on PS4?

I just checked and no, you can't turn off the flare on PS4. How it's not censored then?


Attached: 1517853194268.gif (300x300, 192K)

Apparently the setting isn't lens flare but something else. Sadly no one bothered to check what setting it is specifically though I'd expect the setting to either be effects quality, bloom, or volumetric light quality.

Jesus fucking christ what have I done.
I feel like such a retard. I actually pirated game on PC today and played Nero's missions. Had few annoying stutters and since I liked first missions I decided fuck it and bought the deluxe edition on PS4. Strongest buyer's remorse in my life.

Attached: dmc5_censorship.png (868x982, 1.09M)

I literally didn't get that in my game

>they can't push the censorship narrative anymore and have to resort to literal photoshops now

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>when youre on the backfoot, no breakers, no DT, no health, completely surrounded
>you go for the taunt
>tablehopper at the last second, getting that DT you needed to completely turn the fight

Attached: 1536073407083.png (960x960, 1.75M)

What do you mean?

>You can't see shit anymore because of fucking light

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.03M)


What platform did you play on?

Well fuck
Liberals are really killing of any of if fanservice now

>buying a game you already pirated
>for a console

ps4. I remember thnking it was weird because Lady's ass is censored with a glare in the van. But not when she comes out of Artemis. Trish isn't censored. Its literally just that one scene.

imagine actually paying for games in the SJW era. I haven't bought a game since 2003

> Imagine buying a game only because you want to fap to a virtual naked ass

UNBASED and snoypilled

I want to support developers to focus on console development

>in 2019

that's a yikes from me dawg

I have a shitty PC so I had framedrops and some very annoying lighting bug. I also like the first missions and didn't think game will get much worse after them. Also wanted to support DMC since I love the series for years. Guess I learned my lesson hard way.

Well do you still see the ass crack?
If you never do it’s definitely because of Sony’s censorship policy

I just completed a mission, gonna go and see the cutscene viewer

I think you forgot the fact Sony moved to California and now every game that comes out will be checked even that comes out in Japan will be censored

It has nothing to do with ass. I'm mad because I literally paid for censored version and I'm strongly against censorship.

>I want to reward devs for making unoptimized games and loading them with DLC
I don't even need to talk about the actual game to point out how dumb you are.

europe/us version differences?

Wow the glare is there. You know, now that I think about it. I played the game before the day 1 patch dropped. I would remember it because its so damn jarring. This shit got patched in.

Sony's "global standards". Hurray!
>b-but only vns and weeb shit!
Snoy can go fuck themselves.

I think this person hasn't actually played the game but wants to complain about something they're assuming is there (even if it isn't.)

did you try lowering settings? or try the denuvo removal mod. If the exe file on your pirated version is 400mb+ it still has denuvo.

>at least on PS4
PCkeke can't even read the damn thread.

be sure to report back user

Does it matter now? What's done is done. Guess I'll stop buying games from now on, I've had enough of bullshit.


>Play on PS4
>actually SUPPORT CommieSony
>is surprised cute women are censored
What the fuck are you doing OP? Even if Steam ain't much better you could have bought the PC version
But really the mysterious light beam is an anime trope anyway. We can't know for sure it's censored (as in Sony asked capcom) and I'm sure it's the same on Xbox

you can't get a refund?

On PS4? Doubt it's possible.

Disable lens flare you dumb nigger

Attached: 1552073685725.jpg (1920x1080, 551K)

>cute women are censored
trish is flat as a doormat

Multiple people have already said they disabled lens flare on PC and it was still there. It has to be another setting.

>series that never really had real nudity
>incel zoomers triggered because you can’t see naked women
Fuck off my board and kill yourselves, degenerates.

But I can. Only retarded consolecucks are getting censored.

jesus christ. How long until sfm porn?

Still a 8/10. This means the game is sexist, obviously.

>What the fuck are you doing OP?
I don't know, user. I always was smart and pirated games on PC and jailbreaked consoles. For whatever fucking reason I decided to buy PS4 and actually start buying games. Got nothing but disappointment out of it. But again, lesson learned. Gonna jump on pirate ship again and will start saving on decent PC.

Attached: 1542048790918.png (736x673, 466K)

Any body has a gif with lense flair off?

>lense flair

Attached: 1551550388128.jpg (225x315, 28K)

when will this model be ripped jesus christ

why is she naked?

where have you been? Sony's been censoring a lot of their games recently
but yea it has lens flare on all platforms
well you can turn off lens flare on pc

cause she was inside a demon

Attached: DEMON TITTIES.jpg (1388x931, 115K)

I know about it but remember, we had this cutscene leaked long time ago and no stupid lens flare was present. I assumed at least DMC should be safe from it, especially since it's such a minor detail.

the sjw censorship is really killing my enjoyment of games
Not really because I can no longer see tits and see in games but more because established things get changed and devs are no longer allowed to make to 100% the game that they want to make. And all just to pander to a tiny minority that hates people like me and would probably send me to concentration camps for white straight men if they could.
The fact that Mortal Kombat is no longer allowed to show of cleavage but has a shirtless option for every male character or that black cat got her breast massively reduced and completely covered up but spider-man has to strip down to his underwear during the story missions just shows how much sjws nowadays dominate culture.

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>Snoyfags will defend this

It's on Xbox too, it has nothing to do with Sony.

Wimmen butts are sacred

one of this days California will be at the bottom of the sea...i pray for it.

B-but Yea Forums told me they would only go after weeb games and pedoshit. Fuck the people constantly damage controlling for SJW censorship. You are why this shit happens.

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Because sony asked.

It's censored on Xbox too but Yea Forums will still shit on sony

Considering that RE2 models were ripped less than a week of its official release, hopefully soon

It's Japanese, so it naturally got censored.
Somehow I doubt Cyberpunk 2077 or whatever from the west will be.



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No they didn't.

Her body is unironically less mature looking than Ikaruga's.

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user, having blow-up doll proportions doesn't make you look "mature".

might as well have just covered them with Japanese black goo

message to apologists: before you go "lmao just watch porn" understand that these censorships are done in order to appease idologues and unless you stand up to this bullshit you too will be served the same soup one day.

LIke that other user said, don't say we didn't warn you,.

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At least this won't stop the sfm porn creation

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This was definitely added in because of Snoy, and apparently made it in all versions, though the PC Master Race can choose to uncensor it. This is what you get for supporting California libtards like Snoy--censorship. And it will only get worse as the Overton Window moves to the left.

become an hero

Attached: Whenbwasgood.jpg (300x330, 22K)

Someone has to explain this meme to me cause I clearly missed it. PS4 is kind of censorship now or something? Why? What?

Japanese games are censorship now

>M rated video game
>made for mature audiences, people under 18 can not buy the game from a business
>mature adults can not handle a naked female

This is not only frustrating, but downright insulting.

Be honest Yea Forums, would you want Nico as a fuckbuddy?


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This better be a photoshop. Are consolefags this pathetic they can't even look at a woman's ass?

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Attached: 1552073466459m.jpg (1024x576, 49K)

Sony moved to California or something and SJWs now dictate their agenda. Even asia only stuff like DOAX3 Scarlet has forced censorship. They started with ecchi games and everyone laughed "lol those games are for perverts anyway haha" but now shit is all over the place.


Do we have any examples aside from the perv games?

Sony moved their headquarters to California and are now imposing strict rules to every developpers including japan. Several games had to be censored at the specific request of Sony including Senran Kagura Burst re:newal and some other japanese anime games.

This is not speculation, Xseed specifically said that they had to "remaster" teir game in order to comply with the platform holder (sony) policies. Since sjw ate sexy things they only care about censoring that and you now see the repercussions on DMC5, its only the beginning.

>the very thread you're in.


It's hard to tell when some pics are clearly shopped

So everyone in this thread is just pretending to be retarded, right?


The game has the lens flare on Lady's add in all of the versions. Has nothing to do with Sony censorship.

>perv games
It's irelevent because they will still allow shit like open world AAA games where you can walk to innocent people and shot them in the face, or decapitate somebody or literally explode a man's testicles. it's a gross double standard and it will soon affect you one day.

This can't be real.

they aren't shopped though that's actual in-game flare

can't wait to make some blender porn

It is real, but the PC version was moded to remove lensflare.

can i play this on mkb?

The Xbox One version doesn't have the lens flare though.

watch the fucking videos for fuck sake.
they arent "clearly shopped" its that the games effort to censor are that fucking terrible.

Is Xbox One censored?
Or is this Sony cuck shit?

The Xbox version has the lens flare too
At 36:23

Xbox One Trish scene is uncensored from what I can tell. I think it's the same for PC. Lady is censored across all versions but PC can change a setting to decensor her.

Please user can you swear to me that it's true?

There's videos of the scenes you stupid fuck.

Stop being stupid. All 3 versions have the same lensflare. PC is the only chad platform that can turn it off though.


>It's actually true

Attached: 1540454911203.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

They all have the censorship, but it obviously wasn't Microsoft because the Windows version allows you to disable it.
That means the ONLY people responsible are the progressives/Democrats at Snoy.

>see the post that replied to that post
People like you should just not post at all.

Thank god. It's bad enough that we have to see her disgustingly ugly face.

The only reason you can still see it on the PC version is because of an oversight when disabling a graphics option.

Yes it does

You cant turn it off on the Xbone though. Did the evil boogeyman Sony make them censor the Xbox too?

LMAO, you think it was a mistake? No, it was completely intentional retard.

Holy fuck seek help

So the only platform that doesn't allow you to disable the censorship is the PS4. Clearly this was entirely Snoy's decision.

He unironically thinks just that

Have you even checked?

Not only are you retarded, but you are also illiterate too.

to vent the vagina fumes

urizen lady sfm when

Then it has it selectively since on Trish there is none

Attached: xboxonex.png (1198x667, 745K)

>Consolefags are fighting among themselves instead of the regressive leftists who got it censored in the first place
It's time to rise the fuck up unironically.

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PC is the only version where you can remove lensflare. How many times do people have to keep saying that?

I only have the Microsoft Windows version. If the Xbone version doesn't allow you to disable the lens flare then post a screenshot.

imagine being a fucking dumb console shitter lmao

Attached: console shitters.jpg (2061x1806, 1.49M)


Uncensored on Xbone retard.

Yup, only Snoy gave you no option of uncensoring it.

isn't that like for less than half a second?

whatever, man

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the lens flare over Lady's body. Trish seems untouched outside of the PS4 version of the game.

The current nintendo fans of Yea Forums are the post-Wii kids
the current Sony fanboys are what previously were the xbox kids

that was uploaded on the 7th. apparently the day one patch added the censorship. Can someone who owns an xbox check right now?

Still means Snoy censored something that Microsoft didn't.

The Snoyim Goyim are a good boyim for that censored toyim.

Someone posted video from the same playthrough where Lady was censored.

Microsoft has two versions, Windows and Xbone. Windows version allows total censorship removal, Xbone version is half-censored. Snoy version is completely censored because the libtards at Snoy can't even handle a simple buttcrack.

No blemishes and no hair are what make women look childish, the entire beauty industry is designed to make women look like children. Ikaruga doesn't look like a child because of her hips, it's her complexion

Is this Lens flare thing real? I just finished the game and that never showed up. I was on 1.00 though.

Attached: jahy laugh.jpg (651x737, 53K)

>whatever, man
You have a very poor understanding of the people responsible for that user.

No you ass, are you certain the PS4 version doesn't disable lense flare

lmao I don't think I've ever seen Yea Forums this desperate for a controversy

Attached: lmaoing @ your life.jpg (450x472, 60K)

It was patched in on the day one patch. Last minute decision by Snoy.

FUCK snoy

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>wahh, I can't see an asscrack. how dare I support this game over such a minor inconvenience to my sex-deprived bonor.

Cry more faggot.

Post a screenshot or video of the uncensored PS4 version dumbass.

Is it possible to play the game without the patch?

Can it be removed if it's already patched?

Are they gonna censor the Last of Lesbian 2 too?

Attached: TLoL.jpg (1200x800, 134K)

delete the install file. Install it again and then play the game offline.

You want every game to be like hijab kombat? THANKS GOD ALL SEGA IPS ARE GOING TO PC

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please see

Rules for thee, not for me

How do i remove the lens flare censorship on PC?

In the settings.

thanks user.

It's in the graphics options menu, just scroll down to the bottom.

>M rated game censoring nudity of adult women

Attached: 1445043654026.jpg (311x332, 6K)

Why is fitgirl taking so long to upload?? usually is very fast

But that lens flare option only change the cutscene censorship? Because the game itself has some cool lens flare

educate me then user, why is half a second of ass all that important?

I'm not going to pay for censorship asshole the slippery slop is real

Attached: just give us an inch bro.png (486x241, 219K)

Im asking you faggot you keep making the claim

Unfortunately, it will completely disable lens flare. But I don't see why you would care that much. It's the principle of it. Snoy doesn't allow any female nudity anymore. That's why I won't be purchasing a PS5.

I really hope Kiwami 2 comes to PC

Multiple people have confirmed it in this topic already dumbfuck. If you're going to deny everybody, the burden of proof is on YOU.

>censoring mature games
So, only rockstar can do tits in games?

Attached: 1549579436837.png (1280x2048, 1.98M)

My entire life has been leading to this moment
anyone got a webm

Because that's how it starts, once it becomes the norm they will go after sexy outfits and after that they will go after "conventional beauty" and it goes on and on.

Remember that you are allowing ideologues from california dictate what goes in you videogames.

It will not end well unless the consumer object.

Yes brother, sega alredy confirmed Judge eyes to be multiplatform on west

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Attached: 1443215311740.png (696x704, 143K)

>i keep samefagging so ts confirmed

Post the proof i dont know either but you keep making the claim you cant turn it off. Back your shit up.

>Because that's how it starts, once it becomes the norm they will go after sexy outfits
They already went after sexy outfits in Dead or Alive Volleyball. No more asscrack or overly sexy outfits on the PS4, and the Overton Window will only continue to move to the left.

I just happy they are dropping Denuvo


Attached: 1549005242163.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

>muh lootboxes, inferior western design
>what is gacha?

source on that?

Fine, you lazy dipshit. Not option to disable lens flare in the PS4 version you cunt flap:


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What are you trying to prove


Attached: 1549065705840.png (257x263, 148K)

honestly the hypocrisy is getting tiresome.
I hope killing npc or in multiplayer games will get cencored soon aswell.

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What if I'm not worried about your little conspiracy theory user.
But that's a cool slippery slope though.

Attached: 1551739788538.jpg (527x612, 19K)

>But that's a cool slippery slope though.
>Muh slippery slope.
It's called the Overton Window.

This doesn't make sense. It's an M-rated game. It's not like it's the early 00s where Timmy could pull the M is for meaning trickshit on his parents. Why the fuck is Snoy so allergic to tits and ass?

Attached: jahy confuse.jpg (452x688, 39K)

>Ongoing censorship is just a conspiracy theory
Fuck off with your damage control bullshit.

Fixed that for you.

Attached: 1552080846228.jpg (868x982, 309K)

>Why the fuck is Snoy so allergic to tits and ass?
Because feminists are opposed to objectification of women.

Its over for sony. Buy xbox one x or anaconda for the best multiplat console experience

>Lady's ass is a million times better
How many Ls can Trish continue to take?

I did this on pc and Lady's lens flare didn't go away

Sony is now based in California. Ask them.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

Rockstar pays western journalists to shill their shitty games. Japanese developers don't pay western journalists. That is why it's okay.

yes please.

God damn, Lady

The lgbt movement went from "we only seek acceptance" to "were now teaching about lgbt sexual practices in school"

Forgive me for being paranoid user.

this is the most need post

Remember, this was added on the Day one patch. Snoy JUST NOW made the decision that there will be zero nudity on their consoles from this point forward. Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably stay the same.

lgbt movement went from "accept homosexuals and transgenders" to "give hormones and puberty blockers to children and accept gender void foxkin demiqueer people".

Imagine being ignorant, yet calling others a retard. Very cheeky user.

All you had to do user.

What exactly did you fix, retard? Initial image is still true.

Got the ps4 version on disc.. Is the 1.00 version on PS4 censored as well.. Or is it only the day1 patches?

Which scene is this again? Mission too?

do not download the patch

is there a way to get lady's scene uncensored?

Attached: 1547607891318.png (1206x588, 750K)

Apparently the 1.0 version is not censored.

>Imagine not reading the thread

lmao thats still not gonna happen, lense flare or not.

Attached: 04621388-945D-455E-948A-8DB5BE4AB103.jpg (700x421, 48K)

day 1 patches, but 1.00 has old subhuman

mission 3 ending starting 4 cutscenes

>cant see what was changed in the image
>calls others retards

Delete the patch on ps4

You didn't CHANGE anything, you ADDED something which didn't affect original image in any way.

So either have uncensored butt and a horrid song, or censored butt and a good song. Fuck, tough choice.

Can I get actual proof of this besides screenshots of PC stills where they modded the lens flare out?

Attached: 1551796422733.jpg (1599x994, 320K)

Do you have Down Syndrome?

Some anime titty games got censored, meme spouting faggots now claim everything is censored, retards like you that don't pay attention to anything believe it at face value

who's this loli, I keep seeing her around here

to be honest I'm only interested in this game because of Nico.

Attached: 1549899919208.png (485x740, 724K)

So whats your fucking problem then? Did I not use the right font? Wrong color? Why are you autistically screeching?

Multiple Youtube videos have been posted already. Read the entire topic.

>semen demon

I can tell you it's not bloom

Could it be bloom?

Will probably have to wait a day or two for people who actually have played the game to come back and post.

Alright thanks I'll stay offline then..
So it's the same shit like death mark.. Day1 patch censorship.. This is why we need physical media..

It's everything I hoped it would be

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>getting triggered over a little nudity meanwhile the violence is the same
fuck this garbage double standard

t. Nintendo fan

Funny thing is, Yea Forums thought she was ugly at first. She's easily one of the sexiest game characters of all time.

Her southern accent is so bad. It's like she goes from New Orleans to Texas, to Tennessee all in one sentence. Everything else is great.

But the topic says those videos were uploaded prior to the day 1 patch that adds the censor on all versions. Need to know if I dont download the patch, will I get bare booties?

Trish is the demon, user.

Her alternate color is so much hotter.

Nah. We only complained about ugly Trish. Lady is less sexy oneesan than in 4 but still nice.

Well, wait for more info then. This will spread like wildfire soon. Yea Forums was the first to notice it.

it's the xbox hateboner hotline on the line

Attached: 1465095760018.gif (2034x1491, 48K)

no, the censor was in before the patch

>We only complained about ugly Trish.
No, there was a solid amount of people REEEEing about Nico.

>t-they're only censoring weebsit!
>i-it's only loli shit they are removing!
>t-take that p-pedos!
>adult M-rated game
>not even allowed to see 50% of an ADULT woman's butt

Attached: 4754358745384268468887658789.png (600x610, 565K)

I dont know who to believe!

Attached: 54uhy3wruhreuyr.jpg (1024x768, 55K)

But she's ugly goblina based on some retarded bitch who doesn't shave. Nothing changed.

50%? It's only crack. You see it all the time when people bend over.

Even if he was corrected afterwards, he still called people retarded over his own lack of knowledge.

Imagine if DmC never happened, we could've got uncensored DMC5 before SJW crusade.

Attached: 0.jpg (408x265, 35K)

Lmao while you guys struggle with lens flair we're gona get a fully nude model for nico and trish too.

I found it at mission 7 scene 2. My game updated so I just see it with lens flare, but I remember seeing her bare ass before. Why did Snoy take the asses?

Attached: jahy remember.jpg (538x473, 33K)

Some anime titty games, and DMCV*

I have no problem with that. Consoles are for playing games. PC is for fapping.

they really thought to censorship was just going to stop there

how stupid do you have to be to think that?

> naked Lady
> naked Trish
> cute geeky Nico
> perfection Dante
> Chad Nero
> dilf Vergil
> geeky and goofy V
Every character is literally fanservice and I love every second of it

Attached: 1552030240064.png (867x737, 551K)

we're actually talking about real video games here

Learn to read you retarded muppet

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Stop avatarfagging cuckold

The censorship sucjs ass, I agree.

But does this at all ruin the game for any of you? Does a censored scene ruin an entire kino game for you?
I'm going to protest this but I'm being 100% with this question.

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That just the typical doomposting, anything shiny and new gets the "OH NO NO NO" treatment now.

Capcom took the asses on all versions following the patch. Only PC can bring them back though.

not soon enough, re2 sfm is barely getting it's legs


So PC anons. If you turn ON lense flare in the options, are the cutscenes still censored?

PS4 anons, does the lens flare exist during gameplay before the patch?

Want to know if it is actually censorship, or the patch is turning lens flare on because it was off by mistake.

Dude is playing on either xbox or PC with an xbox controller and its still censored, its not just Sony

Eventually they'll remove something you like/wanted. Meanwhile continue to be an asshole.

>do you know where that has been?
>up your butt?

Attached: 1460272139494.gif (200x204, 42K)

There's cutscene options, but they're greyed out on PS4

>japanese games are goo-

Attached: 1552065628007.jpg (670x708, 189K)


The game itself isn't very good sadly.

It never bothers me because the "Fan-Service" is usually the lowest common denominator garbage anyway. I literally sigh whenever one of these controversies is surrounding a scene that only showed a fucking nipple at best. It's counterproductive Diatribe that only takes time away from other game coverage.

Attached: 1551914191858.gif (256x192, 494K)

I'm not going to buy this game as we can now see buying censored games only encourage more censorship

In the year 2030 we will have entire characters made up 90% of lightbeams
Oh wait...

Attached: Kingdom-Hearts-3-China-Winnie-the-Pooh-censorship-.jpg (1080x600, 101K)

>because it was off by mistake
We saw the scene with Trish months ago, it was accidentally posted by IGN or some other journos. It had no censorship. It's obviously was added because of Sony's demand.

Played the game yesterday on PS4 before the patch, can confirm that Lady's ass wasn't censored but it is now after the patch. Didn't get as far as the Trish ass scene yet so I dont know about that.

Attached: 1529774631255.gif (320x240, 2.65M)


>nothing but fuckboi answers
Sup reddit.

>It's obviously was added because of Sony's demand

i will be waiting then



It already happened with that spike chunsoft game that got censored in PS4 AND Pc because the devs are lazy fucks.

I'm not even surprised people are trying to shift the narrative though.

>DOAX3 Scarlet, an asian market only fanservice game, removes a fan to control the wind
I wonder why? Obviously not because of Sony, devs probably decided it distracted players from playing volleyball!

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>Can't actually think of an actual response so he just mass replies.

Thanks for proving my point, LCD.

Dropped the ball near the end for me, as endearing as the brothers interactions are, tension and stakes vanish the moment Vergil is back, and Urizen wasn't enough of a bait climax to the story to make up for it, so they game ends and you find yourself thinking, 'that was it?'

Reminder that this kind of shit is because the ESRB is full of old fucks and Christian moms who threaten putting all kinds of extreme disclaimers if you don't bend the knee and give in to their ridiculous demands.

You know how most games with model viewers these days don't let you zoom in on female characters if they have cleavage or skirts? That's because of the Christian cunts at the ESRB threatening to give your game a Sexual Content label on the rating box.


Attached: 1528572070241.png (679x959, 964K)

>Obligitory couldn't think of response repose

Touched a nerve have I, reddit nigger?

Where are all the people who usually defend this shit by calling everyone pedos or incel's

where are you now?

It has absolutely nothing to do with the ESRB. It's all Sony and only Sony.

>Reminder that this kind of shit is because the ESRB is full of old fucks

The ESRB has nothing to with basedns SJW shitfest

muh reddit boogyman

You have no idea what you're talking about since this stuff has been going on for long before Sony started their new policies

DMC has always been an M rated franchise.

someone post a webm already

I don't understand. What was lost by not allowing to show a bit of ass?

Nope the esrb already approved of all the content in this game and give it a M rating


Why censor it then if it was no big deal the game has a M rating?

Based PC

Is it possible to turn the lens flares off on PS4? Does turning off that lens flare for the sake of the cutscene significantly worsen the presentation of other cutscenes?

There's an option for the cutscenes, but I can't access it on PS4. Can anyone here can?

Attached: Kengan_think_2.png (386x472, 178K)

What's happening at Sony is a separate issue from what the ESRB does.
They both happen, but DMC being censored is not an ESRB issue. It's a Sony issue.
We know Sony is different because content censored on Sony platforms is uncensored on other platforms, like Senran Kagura Re Newal on PC. That explicitly is not an ESRB issue.

>create modern day sexual revolution

>retract it to the puritan ages.

What happened to westerners

I love it all the usual censorship defenders cant say shit because they have no way to defend this

I take the Lady butt scene is not censored on PC either?

The ESRB is completely uninvolved. There have been multiple occasions where something censored was completely fine by the ESRB.

>What was lost by not allowing to show a bit of ass?
My faith in humanity.

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>changing settings on consoles

Attached: 1525685243506.jpg (317x299, 71K)

Being deprived of seeing a nice ass, obviously.

I don't think Lady was uncensored before the Day 1 patch. Footage I saw back on Wednesday had her censored on both Xbox and PS4 while Trish was censored on some while uncensored on others. Unless I'm an idiot and just don't know when the Day 1 patch occurred.

Indigo prophecy had two full frontal nudity sex scenes in it, PS2 era, no censorship and it was rated M
Is the end of Minecraft near

Attached: 76664FA5-39D5-4C77-B8C0-3797BA107DFA.jpg (692x1024, 168K)

playable lady mod when

The cutscenes are real time, so PC could even remove the flare effect with that scene with Lady

Dunno why they censored it anyway, it was just an ass, not like Dante whipped his dick out & slapped a boss with it

>retract it to the puritan ages
It literally only applies to things straight men enjoy. No fun allowed.

can anyone with the pc version give me an idea of what kind of performance ill get?
16gb ddr4 rammy

reckon ill be able to hit 1440p60 on high? the re engine is very nice, but i probably wont be able to hit 4k60 will i?

Seems like the cutscene options on PC just let you choose what costumes the characters are wearing.

>Dunno why they censored it anyway,

because they are the new puritans

>Was THIS close to buying the PS4 version
>See this shit
>Immediately start plans to rebuild my Gayming PC and pirate the undenuvo'd version

Attached: 1333857156888.jpg (637x442, 145K)


Attached: 2538C6B2-B5C5-49E8-8870-6891CE09F76A.jpg (903x861, 94K)

>things straight men enjoy
So 95% of the user base, cool

i'm completley maxed (actually maxed. everything is at ultra or as high as it can go) with an i7 4790k + gtx 970 at 1080p. 60 fps + with a few weird fps drops in cutscenes. you'll be fine.

Dude, game was ALMOST playable for me on fucking Pentium with 1050ti. Had 60fps with few drops here and there. You'll get 200+fps on max.


Censoring sucks man, but its a glimpse of crackhead ass for a couple of seconds.

Does she really have an accent in the jap dub?

Well, I'm glad I could help. Wish I knew about this before I bought this fucking game.


Attached: evil.jpg (1024x1024, 151K)

Just the fact they would censor something like that shows this shit is just getting worse why invest in that?

Help! My friend bought a PS4 last week and now he won't stop asking me to dick him in the ass!

Considering how fuckugly Trish is now I don't see why this is a problem.

Imagine being a console shitter and not turning off lens flare on startup

that's the only way to get the authentic Sony experience now

they also censored lady

How was the vita before Snoy became itself?

>crackhead ass
I'm going to assume you meant "ass crack" because why would you insult Lady like that

Who fucking cares

Whitto piggu go home

I was talking about Trish, Lady is kinda ok considering her age


Still surprised no one has posted a webm or gif of the Lady scene uncensored yet.

nice. re engine is fucking magic. i have a 1080p144hz monitor, but im currently hooked up up to my 4k60hz tv. id rather try crank it up to 4k instead of high framerate1080 coz this game looks bloody gorgeous. forza horizon 4 runs at 4k50~60, and thats open world. hopefully dmc can hit 4k60 on my machine.

Attached: mmmstrawberries.jpg (640x480, 76K)

Yeah I've only seen that one pic so far. I think we may be getting bamboozled

>It's just one cutscene, it's not important

Attached: 1508115906716.gif (338x135, 1.58M)

>lol Sony still have all this Jap support
>You're never getting these games tendies
>gold face pic
>The censorship is only on VNs so who cares
We call these people coporate cock sleeves or corporate onnaholes since all they're good for is getting dicked by their corporate overlords. They are scum and should never be trusted.

Was KH3 dogshit to protest snoy and make everyone leave them?

Attached: 1402477922734.png (203x195, 6K)

I can feel the end approaching. SJWs finally pushed censorship of lewd bits on Japanese AAA games.There's nowhere left to go.

Earlier today I saw at least two other different screenshots of the scene so it definitely is something that can be done easily. No idea at this point though if it's from settings or modifying a file.

Sony finally did it, they censored an adult woman's butt. I can't do this anymore. Fuck you Sony. I'm playing shit on my subpar PC now.

what about gook version?

It's probably the fault of ResetERA because those cucks have a PS4 fetish and a censorship fetish, and they somehow combine the two to make one horrifying abomination.

Get laid

eat shit


funny thing is 99% of you probably didnt even buy the game and you're STILL complaining

Attached: 1550209842664.jpg (540x720, 33K)

>buying censored games

funny thing is when a person buys a shit and or censored game they defend it because they have buyers remorse

>lady and trish both naked in 5

You first

>game for children
>surprised its censored
Man, people are fucking brain dead.
Want uncensored shit? Play AO games, stop fucking bitching at games aimed at kids, nobody says Mario lacks tits, but any time one of those games aimed at teens gets ported people cry "censorship" like retards.
This game is M not AO, so no tits allowed.

Imagine actually defending censorship.

>cool lens flare
no such thing.

can't fucking believe that the eternal anglo is ruining video games now too.

>game for children
>M rated

Attached: 1449378955367.jpg (618x618, 70K)

did you remember to close the blinds opposite the screen

>M rated
yeah basically a children rating

Despite the retarded ESRB naming M isnt adult rating, AO is the only adult rating.
Only reason M exists is since some stores dont sale AO games, but M games are still aimed at teenagers.

Why did you use cuckold as an insult instead of tranny?


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Assuming OP isn't a shooping troll it's got to be some setting or a glitch, because every PS4 playthrough I've looked at on Youtube doesn't have that beam of purple light "censoring" Trish's ass.

Attached: dmc.jpg (691x434, 77K)

why would but a censored game and then complain about it?

It's not censorship. It's just a poorly implemented lighting effect.

The Sony HQ got transferred from japan to Commiefornia.

Yeah and M rated games allow nudity all the fucking time.

i hope you realize that is a literal cope.

Name one game with an AO rating that actually got released and can still be purchased in a store.

See I've seen other PS4 playthroughs that had the light. And it can't be a glitch since the part where the light is brightest straight up moves to cover Trish's ass.

Based and Redorbed
the light was patched in


No, it's not actually:

That's a playthrough on a PS4. Skip to 5:42. The light isn't there.

Since publishers learned to grease the jew hand well.
Ye, since games are for kids, makes sense nobody will touch ao rating with a stick.

>Literal censor patched into the game isn't censorship
Mental gymnastics at its finest.

This is actually a direct attack against gay men because the MAJORITY of kids with body dysphoria grow out of it by the time the puberty ends and they end up as gay men who are very comfortable on their own bodies. Gotta hand it to the kikes, they know how to subvert any movement into working against their own best interests.

I could have sworn the light was in some videos I saw even before patch but I guess not. At this point I just want concrete proof on how to uncensor Lady since it seems lens flare doesn't actually affect the scene meaning it's a different setting or modifying a file.

Because it was patched in after release you dipshit. It's a fucking censor.

No, it's not. Go look up a playthrough yourself on Youtube and you'll see it's not there all the time, meaning it's either a glitch or some unpredictable lighting effect.

Unpredictable lighting effects don't conveniently follow someone's ass around.

>Purple light literally stuck to her ass.
This shit is just getting embarrassing now...

Nigga it's a fucking censor. Cope harder.

Then how do you explain the fact that it isn't there on some playthroughs but it's there on others?


Some of those streams are from yesterday. There hasn't been a patch released today.

>floating ass lights

Attached: ImplyingAnimaHett.png (846x900, 884K)

>Unpredictable lighting effects don't conveniently follow someone's ass around.
maybe not yours

>pointing out facts = "coping"

I don't even own a PS4 you dumb nigger, there's nothing to cope with. I have the game on PC. I'm just pointing out that you guys are being retarded and jumping on the le censorship bandwagon when there's clearly more to it than that.

>complaining about an ass
I get it, censorship is bad and I understand you guys, but at least you don't have to play japanese editions. Almost every game in this country is censored: Biohazard, Killzone, God of War, Resistance, No More Heroes, Shadow of the Damned etc, etc, etc.
I just killed Death Metal on NMH and even the Z rated edition is censored.

>light that perfectly follows her ass
Jesus christ how retarded are you.

It's censorship. It even happens in other scenes with nudity. Go fuck yourself.

Fellas is there seriously still no webm or gif of the Lady scene uncensored yet.

go play the game if you want to see it

could you still see her feet though?


>not boycotting snoy in the year of our lord 1+2018

you deserve it, tard

Attached: chadandvirginlol.jpg (600x532, 40K)

Nobody seems to be able to prove it's real or how to remove the light. I call BS

never in my life have i ever seen a character destroyed so quickly in one screenshot.

also where do people pirate things anymore can anyone key a brother in?

It likely is real cause there were a few other screenshots that weren't the same as the one that has been floating around. Just don't think it's lens flare setting connected.

It's real. I played this afternoon and saw Lady's bare ass. My PS4 updated and now there's a big beam blocking her ass.



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this makes the whole cutscene look horrible

Yup, Snoyboys insisted Snoy wouldn't move on to other content once people got used to Anime being censored. How does it feel to be wrong Snoyboys? Suck my dick.

put me in the screencap

Woah there, does this mean what I think about that scene Lady strips and shows her ass with lens flare hiding it?

The religious right died with Fred Phelps in 2014. It's only the left who supports censoring nudity now. The right is vehemently anti-censorship since they're banned left and right from social media.

Got a source user? I already read they are doing a fucking amazing decision with two subtitles.

KH3 was shit because of Disney/Pixar meddling and literally fucking nothing important happening storywise until the last 2 hours of the game.

>I already read they are doing a fucking amazing decision with two subtitles.
>“I want one English subtitle track that mirrors what the English actors are saying, but I want a second English subtitle track that would accompany the Japanese audio. Can we do that?”
>>“We can probably do that, but… why?” the dev team asked.
>“Because it’s the right thing to do,” I said.
How did Sega become so based?


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refund or if they refuse then chargeback that game.

Then get yourself a gaming pc and wonder why your were letting Sony decide what you are old enough to see.

god damn that's a fine ass brapper

reminder that nico is possibly a lesbian so she appreciated it more than a bit

What settings on pc do I need to get this pic and not the lens flare version?

what does sony have to do with a third party game being censored on other platforms?

fuckwit the switch version retains it

So it’s censored on consoles and unscensored on pc?
Can someone confirm this?

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i's censored on all platforms but you can decensor it on PC.


You forgot to mention that it's only removed in the PS4 version of Scarlet, but still available in the Switch version.

Seen people say lens flare doesn't affect the scene. I'd assume it's between either bloom, effects quality, or volumetric light quality.

It's not censored only on ps4. Everyone has to chnge the settings. it's Yea Forums shitposting and you fell for it.

So after reading all this autism the fact is its censored on all platforms, but with graphical changes you can de-censor it

Sounds like a last minute inclusion seeing how all that detail is infact there just with creative lighting thrown over the top

This doesn't bother me as much as I was expecting although the rays of light may have been due to sony censorship that was spread to other consoles to prevent buyer autism, think about it no one in japan would buy an xbox just to see butts and pc gaming for them is a strange situation, but that's a guess

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>Dumbass Xniggie gets btfo

If there's a setting to disable it, it's not Lens Flare and not Bloom. Trying both right now and nothing, PC version

>It is, retard. I literally just
Excellent, you have video of said censorship you can post then the confirm your claims.

>Xbone and PC are untouched


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Can you try the effects quality or volumetric light quality set to low? Those are the only things I can think of that might affect the scene. Otherwise fiddle with the settings to see if anything happens. Otherwise people likely altered a game file then.

Wasn't censored for me on xbone, I get full booty baby.

Attached: 1551751881072.jpg (758x551, 278K)

read the thread

Microsoft has nothing to do with this. They own xbox.

Why do people like you exist? Is it okay for a museum to put pants on the David statue because he is depicted but ass naked with his dong hanging out? If that happened you'd probably be like:

>wahh, I can't see David's dong anymore cry more!

desu i'm kind of glad it's censored. that ass is ugly


Yep those two were the next guess and no luck I'm afraid.

Wait I just had the scene and it’s uncensored on PC. My copy is legit, did I miss a patch?

Damn that sucks. At that point the only thing left I can think of is just slowly fiddling with all the settings set to either off or low to see if any of that works. If they don't I'm gonna assume then the images of uncensored Lady were achieved via modding.

GTA V is M rated. Are you saying strip clubs, selling drugs, and killing cops is a kids game?

Imagine being this much of a nerd to justify your purchase JUST FOR A BUTT CRACK.

Which cutscene? Trish's seems to be uncensored normally on PC from the view clips I've seen. Lady however is usually uncensored.

Oh okay, sorry I got confused in the cross talk. So trish is still only censored on PS4?

Ah damn it whoops. I meant Lady is censored on PC from the clips I've seen.

You just summed up why I didn't buy KH3 thanks.

Yeah it seems like Trish is only censored on PS4 but some people I believe found footage of Trish's scene uncensored on PS4. Lady at this point seems to be censored across the board with either some obscure setting uncensoring her on PC or modding the game.

Well this should shut up the people who said it was only Japanese loli school girls

Is the game censored in Japan too? Or just western releases.

Can you disable it on PS4 or not?

Attached: 1549567622080.gif (651x758, 1.95M)

>Lady at this point seems to be censored across the board with either some obscure setting uncensoring her
Lens flare is not an obscure setting you stupid fuck. Most games have a lens flare setting because it annoys a lot of people.

It didn't for me either, but Trish's did go away

Japanese copies appear to be censored as well with the usual various censoring differences across the consoles being the same.

I guess it's finally settled, Xbox and Switch barely censor games, PS4/5 will censor games. I've made my choice next gen.

You can't, fucking retard

I don't care about your s0nygg3r coping and lies to save face of your s0yb0y console, faggot. I'm playing on Xbone. I will buy on PC eventually, but I wanted a physical version of the game and there's zero censorship for me.

First they came for anime and you said nothing. Harvest the product of your poor choices.

Attached: T-the Nintendo fans are kids, not us, mature sonybros who can't see problematic boobies.jpg (1200x1354, 715K)

Fuck you retard

I know lens flare is a common setting but turning it off in the game does not remove the censorship from Lady and someone tested bloom, effect quality, and volumetric light quality so it has to be some dumb setting no one thought about or people are just modding the game.

Did your mother dropped you when you born? You were the one asking the question you little shit



So is it the pirated version that doesn't have the day one patch that doesn't have the censorship?

I asked a simple question, there's no need to insult anyone you whiny little bitch. Are you a single digit IQ retard that can't comprehend such a simple concept?

Snoy has the biggest userbase, so they just censor shit for Snoy and lazily port it over to the other platforms without removing it.

I'm not a PC gamer.

At this point that very well could be the case. I've only seen three screenshots in total of uncensored so it's evidently not something that can easily be changed via settings which likely leaves either pirated version or altering files.

>Capcom redeeming themselves with several great games in a row
>Sega slowly making improvements
>meanwhile the west is putting out shit like Fallout 76 and Anthem
2020 the Japanese are going to make Pearl Harbor look like a joke

Um, he got you with bait and you fell for it, just leave now before you become just as sad

Whoops forget to put Lady so it should be "uncensored Lady".

Okay, at this point it's looking like the game was uncensored, but a day one patch censored Lady for Xbone/PC and Trish and Lady for PS4.

I was waiting for this, I needed to see if the Xbox version of Japanese games were full censored like Sony or was it just Sony, now I know it's just Sony, thanks user. Phil is the man! Xbox Pro and Switch next year for me.

>I was just pretending to be retarded
Kill yourself tranny faggot

Can you ignore the Day One patch on Xbox One?


Buy physical and don't let it update.

I'm still not entirely sure Day 1 patch censored the game since I was seeing censored clips back on Wednesday and the three uncensored Lady screenshots came today from supposedly PC versions.


Attached: 1494957353455.jpg (512x411, 135K)

>being this desperate to see animated butt.

pls grow up.

The patch may have not actually been day one, it may have been as soon as you connect to the internet.

I don't understand this era.
You can prance around in a gay parade wearing just a string with a dildo helmet on and kids in the audience and it's great.
Butt in an M rated game is bad.

>female character
>Both completely naked and a damsel in distress

Can either we get some nude dudes or kill this shit trope already? I'd be fine if it was just Trish but Lady is pretty good at combat.

>feeling angry when good things (female butts) are taken away from your game is bad!
PS4 players, everyone.

DMC 3 is a bad game and DMC 4 is worse than 2
1 and 5 are the only good games in the series
Change my mind

That could also be the case. At this point if no one can find any evidence of settings uncensoring the game then this is the likely explanation or people just happened to find which file to alter would let them remove the lens flare.

Youre retarded. Your mind cant be changed.

It's something after that. My game was on 1.00 and I saw Lady's ass fine till it updated.