Claim your BIG waifu
Claim your BIG waifu
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user if you want to make fat threads, keep it far more subtle next time. I want to fatpost as much as anybody else does but I can't do it in threads that will get pruned immediately.
>it's Friday and fatfags still want to spread their shit
There's no appeasing you people, is there?
>Already claimed my BIG hazubando
Hahaaa! You'll never get me, Rosalina chan!! NOT EVEN WITH YOUR BIG FARTS!
What does the day have to do with anything?
It’s fat Friday!
Everytime I try to start a Rosalina thread on Thursday, fatfags flood the thread and start posting pictures of her as a landwhale. It's disgusting and sometimes kills the threads half of the time. They use Thursday as "thicc Thursday" and as an excuse to flood the thread with their shit. It's happened 3 times in the past month already and it pisses me off.
There was a thread on Thursday? I didn't know that, link?
Well when you start the thread with HEAVY then I don't know what you expected. That's just prime fatfag bait.
If there's one thing I've learned here in Yea Forums, user, is that fetish/waifufagging is a inevitability and you're ever only cool with it if you stop giving a shit about it and agreeing with the fact everyone is weird as shit and yet, we share the same interests.
Based fetish artists working so quickly.
>one chance at life
>born in new york
Anything but commiefornia
Damn, what's she from?
Let's see
>straights are so pathetic they have to use fanart and not in game examples
Endless Space 2
Hope I don’t die
>didn't even post the webm version
You should have limited it to canonical fatties only
Artist an hero'd
oh shid
Chances are I'll be reborn as the same fucking nationality
This is strangely hypnotic to watch.
>didn't even post the audio version
Where can I find this video of this depressed Mario in traffic
>[loud sloshing noises]
I love my chubby wife
Claiming my fat sword
Let's make this an actual good Rosalina thread post some good pics
Does it count if she's big with my babies
Posting rare canon bbw
this sequence is pretty hot user but I wouldn't recommend going further
Not him, but why not?
Never mind, next part is safe-ish. Later parts feature some big fat nips
Fuck, she was so fun to play as. I loved how hilariously broken she is, none of the other characters are even in the same league.
Fat Daisy is cutest and funniest Daisy
>Bowser gets a full on fetish scene in BiS
>We'll never get something similar for the Mario girls
Closest we got was the Peach giantess scene in Super Paper Mario, otherwise fuck.
Don't really have much of a problem with this, but this thread's for waifu's, not husbandos.
If I make a male fat thread it would just get deleted.
>That fucking rhyme
triple kek
This thread should have been deleted already, but fair enough
Then just be subtle about it like any other thicc thread here, don't just hijack other threads, man. It's rude.
>fat waifu thread derailed
well, it was fun
I want Daisy to belch in my face and smother me in her blubber!!
>Then just be subtle about it like any other thicc thread here
That's not how it works. If its too subtle nobody will click it. If its subtle clickbait they'd just invade anyway.
Not to be mean but aren’t there a few chub/ male fat threads on /trash/?
I could say the same to you.
I want her to deny how fat she is while her overhanging gut has pinned me to the ground
To be fair the same could be said for this thread too
>If its too subtle nobody will click it. If its subtle clickbait they'd just invade anyway.
But that doesn't stop the thicc thursday threads, that's my point. You have no excuse for doing this when it's been tried and true already.
Would you gain with Bowser?
You have the advantage of already having a pre-established shitpost thread template.
Let’s stretch those belly’s
I'd do a lot of things with Bowser.
user, it's shitposts. Just copy that but for husbandos, it's not hard.
Wii Fat Trainer is adorable.
I've been on Yea Forums for 12 years, you have no idea how impossible it is to get some equal footing.
You could try using Beowulf to make a bara thread with. It's the same as Filia and should get the same results.
Not hard to see why when Bowser is as great as he is
>You could try using Beowulf to make a bara thread with.
You try that, see how it goes. I already know how it will go.
Reminder again. OP said Waifu not husbando
Bowser IS my waifu.
Also what the fuck is it with fat females and not retaining any semblance of shape?
Is bowser a girl?
>no ghost gf
If you do shit like this, then it's no wonder why you never gain any traction. Trying to force it like this is only going to have the opposite effect and have people push back, and ultimately make it even harder for you.
He might as well be since he's a reptile.
Callie us the cuter of the two
Can’t post it but have you seen the whole sequence plumpknight did
That's ok, I don't make fat fetish threads on Yea Forums in the first place. Why the fuck would I, that's stupid.
He us never going to lose that weight no matter how many sit up he does.
That makes no sense
It’s of that boo in the paper Mario games
>from 0 lbs to 8,085 lbs to 322,585 lbs
Only the finest and best paced weight gain sequences out there
There is still males and females for reptiles
He's still my waifu.
How fat would you like him to get?
Figure I should drop this link to the Yea Forums fat server here:
I don't care, I love him no matter what. Normal weight is fine too.
Behemoth Housamo is fat and smelly!
>Faties getting a taste of their own medicine
Magical. Thanks, gaybowsers.
Oh fuck off, you aren't even trying anymore. Bowser was at least tolerable.
That's not me. Also Behemoth is a video game character.
That is good to hear. Take care of yourself for his sake.
Report him for spamming. I get banned for that when I spam waifus in gay threads
You're pretty gay.
Doesn't really matter, furryshit is where I cross the line.
Furryshit is where you cross the line but gross shit like is ok?
any dark samus?
Furries are gross, blobs are sexy.