How can we fix the horror genre?
How can we fix the horror genre?
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuck am I looking at
No jumpscares or other cheap shit.
Outlast was pretty fun IMO. And it relied more on the atmosphere, rather than on jumpscares
IIRC you paid this lady to take creepy pictures in this shitty bathroom with her by your side
Meemaw and peepaw's house
It's a couple that used to bathe men in milk. Their site still works. I think the dude died a while ago, though.
>Open image
>fuck close it
>check if it's a gif
>It's not
>open image
Make death the reward
For the last time, jumpscares used in moderation can be exactly what a game needs since the knowledge that they exist in the game will make every moment without jumpscares scarier than they would have been otherwise. Jumpscares are more about everything BUT the jumpscare
i dont remember doing that but I do like milk
more blacked
People are unnerved by the strangest things, no?
Yes they are.
What happened to Viper?
he was too quick to bust
Look closer.
That's a hell of a clean
>that window
lmao any more info on these weirdos? like is it just a fetish thing? who were their candidates just random dudes from the ghetto? does the lady where the same gown everytime? why the rope under the tub?
When I turn old I'm going to do this.
it's an art installation by some s.o.yboy cuck
Scariest thing in this thread
batheinmymilk dot com
rent free
it's time for lynchian horror to make a comeback
the world is so fucking bizarre there's plenty of horror in the banality of our lives
someone needs to make a horror game where you try to hide slacking from your boss
follow-up idea: a game where you try to convince a depressed friend that he should become a wagecuck and then watch him piss his life away on beer and twitch streamers
What your saying, is anticipation, and horror games have done this since the dawn of fucking time. Some of the best horror games make you anticipate shit without jumpscaring you, Condemned, Silent Hill 2 and 3, Resident Evil, F.E.A.R, ect. have all made you anticipate spooks without shoving jumpscares in your face. Hell, some of these games don't even have jumpscares but manage to make you anticipate shit so much your still scared
nothing on this site scares me anymore
I just feel varying degrees of indifference or disgust
thanks /pol/
you just know
That's just the first of three stages.
The next step will make you powerful.
The last one will destroy you.
Stop letting players kill the monster
at least not so easily
the first resident evil game was scary because it took effort to put down zombies, sometimes it's more optimal to just flee than to try and fight them
Resident evil has lost that horror factor in favor of becoming an action game, zombies aren't scary when you have a Gatling gun and can mow them down without effort.
You want a game to be scary, it's gotta have a threat the player can't nessiserily fight, or when they do fight it it's not easy to put it down, and it may still get back up
Put in more bears.
Jumpscares are fine. I think you mean the sound they use these days.
notify when you decided to kill yourself ok?
>rope is under the bathtub
Don't click this image no matter what you do
more rotoscoping
Wrong. Jumpscares don't scary anybody, they startle. You're affected for only a moment and then it's gone and yet devs shove their games full of them and everyone considers them to fit the horror genre.
Jumpscares are fucking cancer.
yo is that mc ride
What is this tho seriously
Quiet jumpscares gives a sense of fear of what can happen at any time.
With sounds, you just sit and wait for the queue.
Silent Hill did som great ones.
They can still work as the payoff to a good scare. The only problem is when they use them constantly, when the turn up the volume to ear-rape levels, or when they use 3 fake outs in succession.
This entire post is proven wrong by that one diner scene from Mulholland Drive
That whole thing is 100% scare, no startle
Use the fear of the unknown.
Most monsters just disgust or unnerve the player.
Nothing scarier then not knowing what's out there.
What's supposed to be scary about this picture?
yeah but to be fair it literally spent like 7 fucking mins setting the mood for that ONE fucking moment. You had the long drawn out diner scene then the slow walk to there. It was fucking suspenseful and didnt come out of left field.
the guy outright says exactly whats gonna happen even because it happened to him multiple times before.
Exactly, that's the entire point. Jumpscares, when paired with appropriate anticipation and suspense, can be good. Jumpscares used thoughtlessly in a cheap way are shit
I liked how Deadwood did it. Felt constantly creepy, you never really saw the monsters at night, you constantly were on edge, never have enough supplies to feel comfortable.
>posting vore
Everyone plays horror games where you freak out, you're powerless, all you can do is run away. I want a game where you can face your fears head on even if it's terrifying.
It's called Silent Hill.
I don’t get it
This is what 70% of the hallway simulators that came out after Amnesia did and they were all shit
>make the player feel helpless
Eat a dick, faggot.
Creepy pictures thread? I lost all mine.
Need more good cerebral horror plots and less "oh shit xD!!" jump scare ""horror""
Play as loli hiding from spooky stuff
it's the Palmer house from Twin Peaks I think
Nothing really scary there. Just remember the voices than Laura or whatever her actual name is screaming at the top of her lungs. They had to warn the entire neighborhood that they're filming and someone's gonna scream really loud.
>it doesn’t scare if I just use a different word
“to startle” is synonymous was “to scare”. Don’t pretend things don’t fall under the definition of scary simply because they aren’t the kind of scary you like, there isn’t and never was a necessity for something to be a lingering feeling for it to qualify as “scary”. Also stop watching video essays on youtube.
Heys so happy :)
Not him, but resident evil usually had some jumpscares near the windows
Honorable mention to those zombies on a loading screen in resident evil 2, I fucking shat bricks back in the day
>tfw no lewd wagecuck gf
you kids are young
Horror is dead. It appeals only to zoomers and ADHD thots. They even made a game with twitch chat interaction. It's fucking dead.
Jesus fuck
What happened to this guy? I always forget
Imagine being one of these dudes this happened to.
Got exposed to major radiation levels.
Then they forced his body to stay alive and suffer until it eventually gave up
spooky sexy monsters
isnt this a bunch of grinded up birds in a plane engine or something
Best kind of horror games are the one with unscripted events and atmosphere.
Monster shows up unannounced, no cutscene, no nothing.
distance sounds slowly closing in.
character has a weapons and other items, but all items and ammo is really limited.
games like Silent Hill 2, Alien Isolation, Resident evil 7, Half-Life series, Left 4 dead 2 Versus mode.
he tripped
Is this some vintage BLACKED RAW?
Yup, something like stalker when you decide to explore on your own at night or inside a building
Reminder that this guy's name was Ouchi
Sheryl Lee has some crazy pipes on her. That one scene where she runs at the camera screaming in the Red Room makes me so damn uncomfortable.
Is this RE8?
Go to any asylum full of mentally unstable patients, observe their behavior and write down gibberish they're saying. Then get high af, watch body horror movies (e.g. The Thing, Hellraiser) read some Hunter S. Thompson books along with Junji Ito manga to visualise mindfuckery in your head. Visualise your own phobias too. Regardless if you can draw or not, draw those horrifying images in your head on a paper. From unexplained scenery to "monsters", anything goes, just put it on paper.
Congrats, now you have your very own nightmarish idea which can start to work on.
That's not Ouchi.
>Before losing consciousness, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig.”
You can't make good horror until you've had a bad (or "challenging") trip on a psychedelic
>Ouchi, near death. Ouchi was transferred to the University of Tokyo Hospital and underwent the world’s first transfusion of peripheral stem cells. Before losing consciousness, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig.” However, the doctors kept treating him and taking measures to keep him alive, resulting in a slow, agonizing, painful death.
>They kept this fucker alive despite the conditions he was in
2 nukes weren't enough, that's inhumane.
Alex Jone's fever dream delusions of interdimensional child molester vampires and demonology would legit make for a fucking fantastic occult/trippy horror game. It'd be so much better than the same old same old nazis/scientists/military me-am-play-gods.
The future of America. And it's beautiful.
He's right if it's a single unkillable monster or threat out of dozens of killable ones.
Dead Space was great with this. You're constantly plugging the regenerating necro with more and more ammunition as you're holding off regular necros and trying to solve the puzzle, and it becomes this tense chase where you know it's just going to keep getting up.
creepy pics user post more, this is a fun thread
>being hunted by gay frogs
The "we're actually coming into contact with something while on DMT" thing could REALLY make for a headfuck of a plot
>inside of a thot's high-traffic anus
Yeah, better launch a third nuke. That'll keep them from suffering from radiation poisoning.
A horror game with the aesthetic of this artist's stuff would be amazing.
Why is art direction in most games so lame? We will never get anything that looks like this.
This. The American horror movie cliche of
>build up
>build up
>build upppppppppp
>nothing was there the whole time
>character sighs in relief and leans back to reveal...
is done to fucking death, big surprise.
every man his limits user.
While this is more unique than most horror games, this in and of itself has become a very safe, easy kind of "unique horror" atmosphere to replicate.
Not really, fag?
Deadwood was a fucking master of horror from the very first trailers. The top-down perspective turns out to be the biggest boon of the whole thing. It's unironically the best horror game to come out in the last few years.
That's not milk is it?
reminds me of Pathologic desu
I dont know if I'd call it that easy to replicate. What is easy to replicate are those photos posted on twitter, deliberately meant to be low quality to cover up the crude monster model I assume.
can we stop giving cosmo more adversiting?
he had enough of that already.
Baby's first uncanny
brb, bringing some actual subtle horror images
It's really fucking with me that her reflection in the window is all black
scenes like this are a good start
What games capture that sort of atmosphere?
I aint clicking that shit
It's Darkwood.
What is going on here?
How is Scorn development doing? That looks very promising, but so did Agony and look how that turned out.
hold the fucking phone
that gay blowjob...
loved Darkwood.
Truly the scariest horrors have no jumpscares but rather just atmosphere.
the best horrors just kinda slowly lower you into a OH SHIT situation until you realize how powerless you are as the inevitable encroaches.
Why does this remind me of that SCP story with the different color mirror disk transportation things
Games for this feel?
One of the stories descibes the D-class being dropped in a similar environment. The one with the family bomb shelter.
holy shit I love subtle horror like this
she looks like a person wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller than her.
by dropping the cheap scares and going for the long con
Here's a new one, at least I don't see it posted here often
>stop putting shit in where the writer has no answer for what's going on
This doesn't mean the player needs to fully understand, but it needs to be clear there IS some kind of answer, even if beyond their understanding.
I never wanted to see this painting again. God it makes my skin crawl
This is the real answer that OP is looking for. Season 3 ending is the most powerful shit that i experienced in any series/movie/game.
I loved the creepy atmosphere of Siren games.
>modern day sheriff in a rural desert town
>first person
>work patrol, do cop shit like investigate car accidents, respond to domestic disturbances, etc
>occasionally get into a shootout where gunplay is fast and brutal
>as the game progresses, it turns into a horror game inexplicibly as you begin to investigate a potential pattern of dissapearances and murders
>chasing through dark desert roads passing by or going to isolated and spooky rest stops, diners
>interactive squad car with all sorts of equipment available
>random events like PT
>ghost headlights coming head on for you
>mysterious strangers at rest stops
>coming upon ditched van in the middle of nowhere with dozens of mutilated corpses of illegal immigrants in the back
The fuck, is this a game?
Oh yeah that's right.
Whats wrong with it?
hot dang this is creepy
Faith game
I recognize that gay blowjob.
I have no idea but are you honestly telling me it doesn't unnerve you at all?
>rural desert town
im there man im there
People always talk about how peaceful and nostalgic this picture is but, it just fills me with dread. The background and the girl seem like two different entities that don't exist in the same world. I can't really explain it.
Is that the house from fresh prince?
>horror game has unavoidable bad end that makes you drop the series completely
You guys every be creeped out by something in a children's game?
Games need to play with their established logic more.
Horror works by subverting comfortable norms, and after an hour of working out how a horror game 'works', the average gamer knows exactly when to expect cutscenes, checkpoints, scare scenes without danger and scare scenes with danger.
I immediately knew in RE2 that Mr. X wasn't going to walk into the smaller safe rooms, because I figured the game developers would be scared that'd be frustrating to the player.
Hell, compare that to Alien Isolation, where saving puts you on the edge of your seat every time you do it in a zone with the Alien. A:I isn't perfect and plenty of stuff in it was exploitable but it nailed the tension of that.
Scariest game moment I've had in the last five years was playing The Consuming Shadow and getting to the end of a dungeon and having the expectation to have to get out again fairly quickly. All of a sudden, the atmosphere gets super thick, music starts playing and a fucking huge enveloping face appears at the left side of the screen, and before I recover from my outright shock, it surrounds and devours me and I'm spat back out in my car with big penalties. It was the biggest WTF moment I think I've had in a while. The game sets up one thing, runs it for a bit to get you used to it, and then fucks it over, and that gives the player a bigger shock than a BOO jumpscare.
I don't get how you can call it nostalgic either. It reads pure death to me. Sick grass and grey skin. The ground looks completely flat, like a table we're looking down on
>You guys every be creeped out by something in a children's game?
Cave noises in minecraft. Fuck that shit.
The single scariest experience I have ever had in my entire life was sleep paralysis. If you could somehow turn that into a game it'd be the best horror game.
Can't wait to see how neural networks get used in the horror genre. This picture is a great example, when you first click it there's nothing to tell you it isn't a photograph, yet wait just a little longer and your brain goes haywire until you realize it isn't a picture of anything, just algorithmic noise
I just want a fairly open-world procedural detective game filled with horror stuff like how you describe. Like an X-Files game but it devolves over time into creepy shit.
>The single scariest experience I have ever had in my entire life was sleep paralysis
Tell me about it.
I experience it several times each week when I'm stressed.
Had it ever since I was born.
Jumpscares scare me more than anything. If I know the game has no jumpscares, then I'm not afraid of playing it, like Amnesia.
Do you think i have potential?
Well yeah the colors look a bit depressing
What was this again, old lady spontaneously combusted?
>the rope on the floor
Rely more on atmosphere. More innovative ways to creep people out. make things less clear. Silent Hill 1-3 are one of the greatest horror games out there because of it's wonderful enemy designs, level designs, sound design, and the interesting ways it creeps people out like the shitty filter over everything in 2 that made it harder to see things which kind of makes it almost look more realistic along with the radio that alerted you of enemies.
Kojimas Silent Hill would've been so fucking good if it was made, PT might've not been what the actual game would've been like but it showed a new way to creep people out without purely relying on epic jumpscares
The onions manifests...
It's weird how she's in the middle of the field, but nothing really seems terrifying? It looks like w ell done painting. I guess the one thing that looks kind of weird is one of those floating things in the upper right corner, near the house.
Do you have a video of the moment you're describing?
>Parasite Eve
No, twin peaks
not him, but that painting seems to not have effect on me, what is exacly what disturbs you?
yeah, when i first saw the image, i thought there was a teddy bear and some plastic wrapping and toys and shit, then i realized i couldnt identify a single thing in the picture.
if games could do something like this, we could see some really cool shit. like in lovecraft where he says that the character was looking at something so alien and bizarre that he didnt even know what he was looking at. like geometry that doesnt make sense or a creature that your brain cant understand.
mark my words on this: the next meme in horror is 'actual consequence', ie. horror roguelites with a strong overarching plot connecting all runs. a clever way of bringing back 'survival' into the horror genre which has become too linear-cinematic narrative (aka walking-simulator) focused.
Death Stranding will be one of the first big hits. There will be a FOTM indie VR game around the principle. Eventually AAA kikes will monetize it and ruin it forever.
1. stay up all night
2. do not interact with anyone all day, stick to Yea Forums
3. at 11 PM, drop 300 ug of LSD
4. at 3-4AM, take two large hits of weed
After this, you will know what terror really is
Jumpscares are usually just low effort though. Making the game quiet and then playing a loud noise isn't really "horror". Jumpscares should come naturally because the atmosphere is putting you on edge and you think you saw something out of the corner of your eye, or something like that.
This is amazing.
I don't, but you can find the enemy I described on the wiki. It's called the 'Overseer'. That said, I'd actually really recommend The Consuming Shadow to people if they want to see the thing, I think it does a lot right even if visually it's pretty simple. It's not perfect but it nails a really chilling atmosphere, and I'd love to see a studio with a bit of a bigger budget pull off something similar to it, but closer to
psychedelics tend to make sleep deprived people just fall asleep.
>doing drugs
No thanks
Resident Evil is more about mastering the horror. Like halfway through your first playthrough of any RE you stop being scared because you're better equipped.
Silent Hill is a better example because you can kill people but it's so much effort and the controls are so shit it's just not worth it most of the time
>le drugs LMAO
>He doesn't have traumatizing nightmares despite being completely straightedge
For some reason that pic gets passed around with the story but it's not him.
>Jumpscares should come naturally because the atmosphere is putting you on edge and you think you saw something out of the corner of your eye, or something like that.
It doesn't work like that.
There does need to be some pay off though. Back in one of these threads someone really did best described one of the issues of going too far in the opposite end of no jump scares, the feeling of being blueballed.
>Why does this remind me of that SCP story with the different color mirror disk transportation things
This one?
You can get by with just the first step desu. Go without sleep for over some days and you start getting hallucinations.
The texture and color of the field, her sick, delicate looking body, the fact that we can't see her face, the fact that she's intently focused on something yet we can't see what it is, the dull lifeless houses, the huge patch of dirt, etc.
It just screams helplessness to me. It looks like she's going to die in the field, and anyone in the house won't know until it's too late
>a man on a walrus costume.
>some signs on japanese.
>a pig
>some women heels
>a pint of beer
>a seagway
>and a turtle with the head of a cat.
thats all i can see, the rest is nonsense.
>Alex Jone's fever dream delusions of interdimensional child molester vampires and demonology would legit make for a fucking fantastic occult/trippy horror game
I wonder if he's ever read anything from World of Darkness
Not in my experience, but I was just trying to think of how you could be least prepared for a trip
>You can get by with just the first step desu
Confirmed for never having done LSD
You don't even know the half of what that user's talking about
wasnt there some japanese myth involving a MASSIVE AS FUCK skeleton that just roams the earth in plain sight and grabs people to their doom, but no one notices because it "no one 'looks up'" (meant as some weird moral lesson or something)
Sounds like a pretty rad idea, turning from pretty ordinary police work to more gritty shit and then the psychological horror themes with the psychopathic serial-killer stuff, maybe even some supernatural themes as some side note kinda stuff, like "clichéd" Native burial grounds where you're driving down some dusty back-road to get to some domestic dispute and you hear faint horse galloping around the squad car but you can't see anything for a short while until the headlights of your squad car picks up men on horseback, kinda blocking the road up ahead, I'm not really sure where I'm going with it but the idea of being watched or stalked by something like that would give me the jitters real fucking fast.
>why everyone is terryfied at this?
>this looks so norm....
Yeah of course no one on this board watched the original or has mental capacity to finish the return
Who are you quoting?
claustrophobic atmosphere + hand to hand combat
It's really trippy.
>An Horror game directed by Lynch never ever
its so amazing how people interpret different images. we all have different connotations to certain shapes and arrangements and atmospheres. doesnt bother me at all. looks kind of peaceful, actually.
but pic related bothers me.
you didnt noticed?, i was quoting You
care to explain then? I'm just saying it looked spooky
Yes it does.
what a weird picture
stared at this for like 5 minutes, hasn't done shit for me chief.
I was listening to this when i oppened the webm:
I was not disappointed
I believe what's most uncanny about this image is the lightning.
It does feel a little unsettling to look at, I think it's the texture of the grass and maybe that the house on the right kind of looks like a face.
It was SCP-093 yeah
I meant lighting
Your picture bothers me too but for a very specific reason
Anyone else terrified by paintings? It's mostly very large paintings and/or paintings with very dark colors but I'm almost unable to stay around them for very long without getting overwhelmed
I actually really love paintings too, so I'm pissed that this ruins museum visits for me.
When I was a kid I was obsessed with Leonardo da Vinci and my uncle bought me this big thick book of his complete paintings and sketches but I could barely read it. I'd have to slooowwwwly turn every page because every painting in the book would terrify me if I turned the page too fast or looked at them for too long. Especially dark ones like his painting of St. John the Baptiste pointing upwards.
You don't like the feeling of being alone
the only reason this picture is unsettling is because it reminds you of that korean comic
trust in capcom
>Before losing consciousness, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig.”
holy shit...
Mona Lisa really fucked my nightmares up as a child.
starving skeleton is just one of many yokai (japanese monsters/spirits). not nearly as scary as the story of jigoku tayu (hell courtesan).
If you live in the mountains
It is best to stay
Deep in the mountains
This place is close to the border
Of the floating world
yea thats it
I can kinda see why this is eerie but, it just seems like a women staring at a painting.
>the palette is bleak and muted
>the grass is dead
>there's nothing beyond the horizon, which is uncanny
>the girl is extremely pale and thin
>she's also turned toward the house as if something's suddenly startled her about it
>all structures look abandoned and dilapidated
>the building on the left's perspective is off and it is missing its roof
These are some of the reasons you anons find it creepy. Anything else?
>he doesn't know
>his painting of St. John the Baptiste pointing upwards.
To be fair, that is a terrifying painting.
Fund it!
I want a deep-sea horror game. Subnauctica isn't enough.
I can't even bring myself to click your image. I see the resolution and know it will be too startling once it pops up
>because it took effort to put down zombies, sometimes it's more optimal to just flee than to try and fight them
>Resident evil has lost that horror factor in favor of becoming an action game, zombies aren't scary when you
So, what you're telling me is, you haven't played REmake 2 at all??
This is what happens when you automatically think all new games are shit, you end up looking like a retard
kek no worries, just click ;^)
I find it funny that everyday people love Andrew Wyeth but the art world hates him.
>the girl is extremely thin
How many burgers did you have today?
This, jumpscares are the McDonald's of horror. Cheap amd efficient. They are only startling and give no sense of dread, or worry.
tribe mentality is a hell of a drug
Soma is kind of the closest you'll get
There should be a horror game that's a hybrid of l4d and silent hill, where real players have to spoop other real players or whatever
I want a horror game set on the open seas. Either a ship or sub on endless waters under the full moon with a starless sky.
>tensions rise as crew slowly starts going crazy
>mc is a recovering addict, can succumb to your vices under stress or fight them for different horror effects.
>hatches open to wide open fields and stuff like that.
The girl in the painting has polio, you dumb fuck. She was objectively painted to be thin. Look at how skinny her upper arm is.
why, out of every scp, did this one get the most porn?
soma is good
not creepy at all
Can't really pace a game around that. Horror games benefit a lot from being designed precisely. Multiplayer would ruin it.
Remember when we had deepsea threads? What happened to that?
>1. stay up all night
>2. do not interact with anyone all day, stick to Yea Forums
>Develop self hate
They just didn't managed to stay afloat
Make it so it's a hybrid between sp and mp or something. I dunno, doesn't have to be perfect
>be young kid
>get gifted book on animals
>reading it and mainly looking at the pictures of cute dogs and sheep
>keep putting my hand directly on the page to "feel" the animal
>turn a page too quickly without looking and press my hand against it
>it's a giant 2 page spread of a tarantula
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping centers, or simply being outside their home. Being in these situations may result in a panic attack. The symptoms occur nearly every time the situation is encountered and last for more than six months. Those affected will go to great lengths to avoid these situations. In severe cases people may become completely unable to leave their homes.
The girl in the painting also can't walk due to some disease.
The artist's perfectly healthy wife modeled for him. The real girl it's inspired by had Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Underhell was a really strange horror game experience for me. I got the game and had no clue it was supposed to be a horror game, just downloaded it because I heard it was fun. At first I thought it was a dark themed SWAT mod for Half Life. When I got to the prison I was genuinely shocked.
There is something in that house and she knows it is coming for her.
she looks like someone in a concentration camp, user. ashy, no circulation in her hands, skin around her neck/face is pale grey blue, crippled from polio. plus she has to crawl her way back to her dilapidated farm house
That Dutch colonial is actually an escaped mental patient
see I think the fact that she isn't in the house is the problem
>if an open space can be made scary for you, you have agoraphobia
its a kinda like a spooky Point and Click investigate VN except with permadeaths for wrong decisions and turnbased boss fight.
And some really graphic imagery like a girl that literally got rose-vine raped to death or the fact that all of your friends can die really gruesome fucked up deaths
Death Mark
Anyone got more pictures or games like these? The horror isn't directly presented but something feels off?
mods are fags
you just know she must drink the milk afterward
The people who kept him alive deserve nothing but the worst things that can happen to a person.
that's Yomawari, basically.
I can't remember, is that picture real? I do remember some island where it drops off incredibly quick.
This is some real Johnny Got His Gun shit right here. Fuck...
explain then why her elbow and hands are so fucked up.
But it looks like she's crawling towards the house. The grass behind her feet looks flattened like she's crawled through it.
This image reminds me of something I remember now. It was an image of an pale person in a cloak looking right at you, holding a round mirror (?) that is completely black. In corner there is a dog looking at the viewer, and in the background there is just a small featureless window letting you look slightly outside, however it also only show pitchblackness.
Anyone know which one I am talking about? I think it was completely black and white.
Oreo factory
the reflection is of her shadow that you cant see outside of the reflection because it is projected by the flash of the camera taking the picture.
You can start by explaining how exactly her hands are fucked up
the sea isnt scary nor is it dangerous to the average person
any more like this pic ?
There's one that I'm trying to find for you but can't remember the name or find it in any searches
I forget if it's a photograph or a realistic painting but a little girl is sitting at a table drawing with crayons or something, and it's just completely dark behind her so you can't see what kind of room she's in or if there's anything behind her. I've seen it used multiple times as an example of horror without anything explicitly scary
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
>the sea isnt scary nor is it dangerous to the average person
People who say this have never been on water in their life
that´s a fine looking old lady
What the fuck do I remember this song from? I know it was adapted into a pop song but I've heard this original version somewhere before
Trash. Kitschy, soulless trash
I swear this thing used to smile
eeeeyup, that's the one
Enjoy, everyone
i've been on a cruise ship for 9 days and my room had a balcony directly to the sea. it ain't scary.
how do I stop being a pussy and enjoy horror games?
>being on a cruise ship means you've "been on water"
holy shit lmao dude
It was used in some Kleenex ad before
Find someone who's more of a pussy than you to play them with. You'll feel much more brave by comparison. I got through Alien Isolation by playing it with my gf
>but it's not REAL water
That japanese ad people started calling haunted
you're a fucking idiot
I bumped into a video of a naked woman getting roasted like this on xvideos homepage, the video was immediately deleted right after tho
I thought it was staged at first by the thumbnails but turned out to be actually real. It was the first and only time I realised snuff videos were actually a thing, I have nightmares about it ever since
it's not. being on a cruise ship isn't being on the water.
i wish this were real life so you could get laughed out of the room right now.
a naked man can survive in almost any place for at least 3 days
a naked man can only survive an hour on the sea.
>i've been on a cruise ship
you had been retarded your whole life too, but society works as a safety net, just like the cruise ship
>surviving in the desert isn't so hard! one time I stayed at the mandalay bay in vegas and it was a cinch!
Well, its explained very well, its not rare, just the candle effect
that movie was so fucked up, i loved it.
Make another silent hill 4 game
Blast out some music you like, so it can reduce the horror atmosphere
Nice try but I sincerely find that song beautiful and incorporated that refrain into one of my own songs
I'm scared of large things in general. webm very related.
Reminder that we haven't even explored/mapped 3% of the ocean
A similar thing happened to me. It was a book about general knowledge for children. It included surprisingly detailed anatomy and muscle charts. Basically humans without skin. I was maybe three.
Was she dead or alive while in the roasting process?
what youre talking about is from the movie cannibal holocaust, it doesn't exist/isn't real. however, you can see countless much worse videos of humans killing other humans these days.
Remove stealth
Add combat
More eldritch abominations from beyond that shatter your mind by merely seeing them
>This is what the new generations of zoomers who have only watched modern horror full of shitty jumpscares believe
I won't even recommend you an old film, just go watch The Witch.
Wait a minute, this ain't Junji Ito!
Holy shit that looks beatiful, what place is that?
the problem with this is that it's too obvious. but it's fun in a hidden pictures Highlights Magazine type way
Sorry I didn't realize that by being on water you meant floating in the middle of an ocean waiting to be rescued and not on a ship.
Ahhh christ I know your struggle too well
I once had a nightmare where I was stranded alone at the base of that massive statue of Buddha in Henan, China. There was no immediate danger around me but I was panicking and sobbing because I was so intimidated by the statue. Looking away from it and directly at it were both equally terrifying to me
seething water isnt scary
>It was just a guy trying to make his own vocaloid
honestly it's spine tingling. i've never seen this painting before
not even a good story.
SCENE 1-3 is the most bullshit one.
Ironically enough the comic that got me the hardest was the girl who pointed at the smoke stack and got her finger bent in like 5 different directions I can handle spooks but I cant handle body gore like that
also did you know they made a movie out of this?
didnt bother to watch it though because its probably CGI ridden garbage
I bet jews scare you
looks like the nightmare on elm street house
Does anyone have that silent hill picture that instructs you how to emulate and run all 4? I lost it and I want to try and reinstall it after so many issues.
the gif would move it's head and leg
>a remote place far a way from the soulless diverse city
h-ha that is so scary user
Being on 90% of boats is enough to claim you've "been on the waters"
A cruise ship is not one of those boats. You've been on the water as much as someone who took a taxi once has driven
Did these characters actually die, or was it an illusion?
roaches, rats, and termites dont scare me
you're right. but i do find it unsettling
>fail to uphold deal with eldritch being from the beyond
what do you think
Ah, a guest! Please user, would you mind letting him in?
Why do you absolute retards make exactlt the same fucking thread every other day?
I don't get these. Are they supposed to represent the fear of the unknown or something?
>No detective game that gives you these feels
Closest games we'll ever get will be Silent Hill 2. The best horror stories work when they play on an emotion other than fear.
horror huh
horror is most effective when you don't really expect it. For me it was total recall.
God I hated that movie as a kid
Would you say a person can say they flew if they've only used commercial airlines instead of piloting or just flying in one of those small planes?
If so, how is it different?