Sekiro Thread

Comfy edition continued
Previous thread Niohfags stay out and make your own thread.
Same for PvP whiners and dressup fags. You have 5 games that focus on that you can play.

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Other urls found in this thread:

are there cute barefoot females in the game

i wont buy it if the answer is no


Anyone have the audio for this fight?

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This is the first game where I've been consuming other media in preparation for it because I'm itching for some samurai action

Repost from last thread since it was right at the end.

I found a shitty video with a memory of the Ashina Commander talking to the Divine Heir.
>We managed to drive them back once
>But the Interior Ministry's army is far too powerful
>And that is why...
>You wish to use the power of my blood?
>It doesn't matter how much power you obtain. You'll keep on fighting until you're a monster, incapable of feeling pain or fear...
>I... do not wish to corrupt the lives of men
>Look at this mountain of bodies
It looks like the thing they're fighting against is the "Interior Ministry". I wonder what that is.

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Quit while you're ahead OP. We had one decent thread, a repeat is unlikely, until the game drops.

What about people that are sick of samuraishit?

That's some boring enemy. Look like the statue thingy from Nioh.

As someone who's never played a Soulsborne game except for half of NiOh, Im super fucking stoked on this thanks merely to clicking on one of these generals an hour ago.

I forgot this game was even a thing since it was first announced, but FUCK it looks so fun! Why is it so far away??

name a good action game that didnt have any flavor of customization

it's fine, i'll wait..


So many samurai games recently. God just so many

Then don't play it

Nioh isn't soulsborne.

>why sekrio is better than souls
>he says after playing it for 2-3 hours
fuck people like that fag

Alright captain autist, you know what I mean.

think the guy who showed it got his video nuked cause he wasnt supposed to. either that or i just cant find it.

I don't even know what the last truly good samurai game was it's been that long

>Big guy with a sword

Wow, so original From

>Why is it so far away??
It comes out in two weeks

Yeah and I just found out about it, I want to play it like, NOW after watching this shit

notice how this guy doesnt even attempt to parry. this what from is banking on in this game: dodging/iframing - tried and true method that people are too rigid to straw away from.

Most likely a element from the old ruling Shogunate or some other faction that gained power to try and wrest control of from the Shogun

>Why is it so far away??
Only two weeks it'll be here before you know it. Play a backlog game or replay some classics to prepare.

>no pvp
really though I wonder why they made that decision. Is it the netcode issue since parrying is so much more important in this one?

I've been wanting to play it since E3 my dude. This shit looks like it was made for me

okay basedboy

Maybe they just don't care that much for it.

>really though I wonder why they made that decision
Everyone's going to playing as the same character with the same weapon. Realistically how long would PVP last? Less than a week probably.

After the previews I'm pretty excited for this game, it looks good. Didn't have much interest before. Just holding out hope for a decent amount of replayability, even an NG+ system would pretty much do it for me.

Yeah that what happened. Just hoped someone had saved it. Oh well. 14 days.

I'm trudging through AssCreed Odyssey right now, Im sure i'll have that beat before Sekiro, but that grappling arm just looks so sick

Shit that's a long god damn wait. Its how I felt about RE2make when that finally dropped that was a grueling wait



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Circle strafe fags are in for a rude awakening if they try and play it that way.
Sometimes I would invade as a red in Souls games and just hide and observe the player and it's amazing how many people would be in full havels, shield up and just rotating in a circle around the enemy taking a poke every 30 seconds.


I was waiting for RE2 remake since E3 as well. By far my two most anticipated games this year. Gonna have a sigh of relief when Sekiro's finally in my hands.

>Once Sekiro is released Nioh threads will be shitposted to death by Sekirofags
I was sad until I remembered that Nioh threads are already shitposted to death by Soulsbornefsgs

Im almost tempted to go pre-order it for that dorky samurai sword letter opener from Gamestop, but Amazon has a steelbook so now i'm conflicted...

I wonder if this guy will be speaking the same language as Wolf? Or will it be Spanish or English or something like that.

>d-d-don't shit talk my game
imagine being this insecure

>11 bosses
>no multiplayer
>no covenants
It's going to be worse than Bloodborne in terms of replayability
dead within first month

Sekiro's shitposting has been daily for months on end. It's nice to have some threads where people can just discuss the game for once.

That's fine, I don't usually replay these games much anyway because they usually have shitty areas or aspects that drag the whole thing down. Hope Sekiro's more narrow focus leads to a tighter package.

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Why would sekirofags shitpost their own thread? You mean souls pvpniggers and hobby shitposters

Imagine being so insecure that you have no joy talking about your own games and just downtalk everyone else's.
Criticism is fine but trying to compare them to Souls and bitching about things that were never intended to be in the game is just getting old.

Play. The. Other. Games.

it cant be dead if theres no multiplayer, retard. it'll be the same on day one as it will on day 1000 unlike any souls game.

>Their own thread
I'm talking about Nioh threads, not Sekiro threads.
Are you implying that Sekiro fans are Nioh fans or vice-versa? Because there is nothing farther from truth than that

Source on the 11 bosses?

His ass.

leaked trophy list

>pretending the lack of PvP is a good thing
Why do people do this?

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Unironically that's part of the reason why I dropped dark souls 3. It was way to slow for me. I mean the bosses where fun and combat was fun for a bit but I didnt find using a shield worth it and just playing as a pyromaniac was more fun, then I decided to try out pvp because I thought it would be faster but it was nothing but twink builds and ganks, I then decided to let people invade me and all it was, was people shooting me with bows or just using a twink build. Boring.

Trophy list leaked and there were 11 boss related trophies. Take it as you will.

What's the point of buying this game on Day 1?

No multiplayer means I can buy it a year later for 75% off and not miss any content. (same thing with Nioh lol)

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>your in your room
>hear rumbling downstairs
>only accessible weapon is "dorky" letter opener
>sneak up on nigger like Sekiro
>jump on nigger and stab in the back of niggers neck
>jump off nigger and on couch
>watch as niggers flails and streams of blood rockets to the ceiling
>as you positioned on couch waiting for niggers corpse to respond you mutter
>"heh, nothing personnel"

still trying to decide, faggot?

Would be funny without the racism

Nioh has pvp(I hope)
the last one did

Oh sorry I misread.
>Are you implying that Sekiro fans are Nioh fans or vice-versa? Because there is nothing farther from truth than that
I've played souls, Nioh and bloodborne and will get Sekiro day 1. And sekirofags won't be shitposting cause they'll be busy playing the game.

wow it's almost like its a single player game. you're a real genius huh.


asking the real questions here.

>What's the point of buying this game on Day 1?
Apply that to every other game. People who are excited to play it pick it up immediately while others wait until later. How long have you been playing vidya?

3 is also just the worst one

Why are people pretending the lack of weapons is a good thing, this is a huge step backwards no matter how you look at it.
>pure action game
What the fuck does this even mean? there weren't action in the other games?

Why buy any game on day 1? Why watch a movie in cinema? Why listen to an album when it releases? Why watch a new episode of a TV show the night it airs? Why read a new manga chapter the day it releases?


Playing it day one, you glorious retard?

>I've played souls, Nioh and bloodborne and will get Sekiro day 1.
Same. In fact, I already pre-ordered Sekiro and will pre-order Nioh 2 when it becomes available.
That said, I will never discuss Sekiro on Yea Forums, not even months or years after its launch. Yea Forums is just not a good place to discuss some videogames anymore.

>twink builds in dark souls 3
You're talking shite mate

You could've just said from the start that you weren't interested in the game. Now you're just changing your question as a way to complain more. The various prosthetic tools supplementing the katana might be enough to counterbalance the lack of weapon variety.

I had some thoughts on this but I forgot them because I want to look at her panties

the point is multiplayer games incentivize you to buy on day 1. SP games you get the same experience whether you play day 1 or five years after launch

Final boss is founder of Ashina clan revived by the Divine Heir's blood.
Dragonrot is caused by the Divine Dragon that you can kill to cure Dragonrot and get the good ending.

No, there's going to be a good amount of people probably for the first month (or week if there's really as little content as people are shitposting about) but then it's going to fall off as people finish it. Without multiplayer and without weapon variety it doesn't seem like there's really a reason to go through the game besides maybe to challenge yourself. All the shinobi tools use the spirit stuff so it's not like you can say "Well I only want to use the axe for this go round" or something.

So you want every game to have a shoehorned in multiplayer functionality again? Or do you not remember how forced and annoying that shit was?

I will but only after I beat it, to avoid bait. You are very eight about Yea Forums sucking for vidya. After Code Vein comes put I don't think I'll return here.

To clarify, to go through the game multiple times*
I'm sure the game's fun, the half hour I got to try at gamescom was enjoyable enough (even if I was ass), but knowing what I know now, I don't think I'd want to play through it maybe more than twice just to see how upgrades differ, and to try and get another ending with less dragonrot infecting the npcs.

The point he was trying to make is that a game is dead if it doesn't have a player base to sustain it. Single player games don't have this issue. I can play FF7 today and still experience the exact same game that everyone else when it came out.

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Oh, well yeah, obviously. I just mean there definitely won't be people playing it a few months from now and actively talking about it. Much like dragon's dogma, it'll turn into one of those games people bring up every now and then. But I don't foresee the staying power of a souls game, sadly.

I know everyone looks for different things in a product, and that's fine. We're consumers after all. With that being said, I've never had this mindset for a game if it's a decent length (which Sekiro will probably be). If the game was fucking solid, I'm going to be satisfied.

I'm getting it, day 1 I already have it preordered. I just mean I don't think the average consumer is going to look as favorably upon this because of the lack of multiplayer.
I'd love to be proven wrong though, I sure was about god of war being so enjoyable.

>I can't have fun unless I play with others
I hate you fucking zoomers

I dunno. I think if the game is really good it'll stay with people. If it doesn't stay a hot topic of conversation then it doesn't really matter. Talk is talk.

60fps on PS4? If not, PC it is.

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People really don't care that much as long as the game isn't skimpy on content and is enjoyable. As you said, God of War was a huge hit with people, and it's not a game with much replay value at all. Same with Spider-Man. I know they're different demographics, but the point is that people don't necessarily need high replayability to feel good about a game, so long as the game isn't extremely short.

pro was 50-60 according to reports from the recent influencer trip to fromsoft studios. xbonx is 55-60.
no word on pc, other than that's what they've been demoing on. But that doesn't really mean anything. Hopefully it's well optimized.

>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>No bloodstains
>Retarded story
>Only 11 bosses
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)

confirmed on pspro. though i heard from some streamers there might be some drops in some areas but it is otherwise stable

What is this? A kite? This reminds me of a PS2 game (in a good way).

I doubt this will be the case with Sekiro but Dark Souls 1 was quite different day one than it is now even ignoring online.
You only got half as many souls from enemies then as you do now.
Curse stacked.
Probably lots of other things like the fog ring being broken that I can't think of.
There's always fun things that are broken and exploitable before patches change things. That's one incentive to buy day one. To see how much the game changes over time.

>A return to glorious single-player focus
>A modernized and revamped ninja game taking elements from Tenchu, which was used as inspiration for certain things
>Simple story
>Main character is cool, outfit is great
>Gameplay is Bloodborne but faster and with a focus on skill and timing blocks
>Rewards learning attack patterns and their block windows
>Big map
>Enemies are tougher despite their simplistic looks

And people still find time to whine about pvp memes and muh builds, muh 30 greatswords muh r1 mash. Fucking neck yourselves and stop leeching off of Fromsoft. It's not the company's problem you're too retarded and jaded to play anything other than Dark Souls.

ur boring
>So you want every game to have a shoehorned in multiplayer functionality again?
Yeah I would actually. My favorite thing in games is PvP because humans can adapt and improvise. CPU enemies are too easy after u learn their patterns

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is it confirmed to have one continuous map?

Was I wrong to assume that you cant use all the ninja tools at the same time, so you'll have "load outs" of sorts for various occasions? Like the axe arm to break shields, or the shuriken arm to shoot down fliers etc.

It's part of the first couple hours of the game, you crank the device, the kite's sent flying, it signals a gate to be opened which I think lead to the snowy area. Not 100% sure though, i'm sure someone has it as some "WOAH HIDDEN SEKIRO SECRET INFORMATION (NO ONE KNOWS)[100% REAL CLICK NOW]" video on youtube.

Based. This reminds me of a sixth gen game in the sense that it's just a solid single player title.
>My favorite thing in games is PvP because humans can adapt and improvise. CPU enemies are too easy after u learn their patterns
You know you're allowed to play more than one game? You can finish a game and then go on to play something else, not every game has to last for months.

thats awesome however, there are that stimulates your imagination. and sekiro is one of those game.

your a competive player im an imaginative player. sorry to say but this isnt the game for

Attached: sekiro-35.jpg (1920x1080, 437K)

Cheers, I do have a pro, but it seems like most devs are more interested in hitting the 1440p mark than getting decent framerates for some reason.

According to Miyazaki there's a hub and you set out from there and then about midways through the game it opens up and branch out from there. There's also at least one section that takes place in the past as a memory.
I doubt it's going to be quite as glorious as Dark Souls 1 was but probably as close to that as they've gotten since.

I know a lot of people are shitting on the main characters design, but I kind of love how it's just this basic ass dude taking on these elites with nothing more than a simple katana and a prosthetic arm. They're definitely going for the underdog vibe and it's working for me.

>No levels
>No builds
Why are these memes keep going when every single preview video shows level ups and skill trees?

Why the fuck are you even here?

I'm hoping there's tons of hitbox porn in this game. This game looks to be really focused and polished so I'm expecting it to be great in that regard.

>No PvP
Ok. Pvp in souls has always been poorly balanced, meta-gaming, lagfest garbo

>No levels
No player levels maybe, but you level skill trees up which is basically identical.

>No builds
Different loadouts of prostetics and skills say otherwise.

>No shield

>No weapons
Thats demonstrably untrue.

>No messages

>No newgame+
We have no idea if thats true or not.

>No multiplayer
Ie no one to carry you though the game.

>Retarded story
You have no idea what the story is.

>No heavy attacks
Skills and prostetics take their place.

>Published by activision

>No stamina management
Yeah, you have to manage a different thing instead.

>No character customization
No appearance customization sure, but no character customization is a lie.

>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
Only for unblockable attacks.

>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
Every dark souls game just let you sprint to the boss too.

>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)
first, thats not true. Second, we've only seen a very small amount of the game. People bitched about how BB was all dudes and wolves before the game came out.

Because idiots like you reply to them.

My one fear is that Sekiro will also start getting unnecesary sequels and create another divided fanbase within From games.

I wish you could make a thread discussing builds and bosses without people instantly beginning to jump on which game was worse or better.

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>gigantic fucking yeti
Finally, a boss that doesn't look dull as dishwater.

I haven't seen anyone shitting on him, it's a great character design. People are only salty because they can't create their own

DeS, DaS, and BB were always single player focused. Multiplayer has always been a unique side aspect of the games but not the main course.

Because dumb faggots love shitting up Sekiro threads as if From are contracted to make the same game until the end of eternity. In retrospect I'm glad I never fell for the PVP meme. Could've ended up turning into a real dickhead.

>“As I breathe, you will not pass.”
I'm liking the dialogue, gives these bossfights some character, instead of them being mute brutes.

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This is one of the reasons I'm glad they're not making a Bloodborne 2 (at least not yet anyway).
I've seen people saying he's boring, etc, but as you said those same people are also crying because they have to create their own character for some autistic reason.

Hah he can at least afford pants

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you can only have two tools kitted at once. Gamescom/TGS demo last year gave you axe and fire dust, the 3 hour demo got you 4 tools, axe/fire/shuriken/spear that you could use as you pleased.

fire is fucking incredibly OP for everything we've seen so far, you can set enemies ablaze and it'll tick down their HP and prevent their posture from dipping down for around 15 seconds.

I'm interested to see what comes of the old lady calling Wolf "Son of Owl". I haven't looked into much preview gameplay because I've seen enough by this point, so I'm not sure if it's addressed in any of those videos, but I hope the boss dialogue adds a substantial amount more to the game.

DS2 vs DS3 shittery ruined the Dark Souls community. You can't enter a single Souls thread without someone making a ranking post which starts a massive amount of shitposting. Sekiro, if it remains an one-off game (and I suspect it will be this unless the game really blows up in popularity) may end up being like Bloodborne which still gets nice discussion to this day.

>Code Vein
Man, that game will be shitposted even more than Bloodborne or Sekiro


It absolutely has no chance.

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You can thank television/movie media for forcing the resolution bump with 4k everything. Resolution first, framerate second is the standard for gaming because of it.

zero hype for this game anywhere, fuck it looks so bland and boring




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To be fair, Code Vein couldn't look more like an effortless cash in. It's Bandai Namco as well which is never reassuring.

I may be wrong but I think that's one of the main reasons they dropped Bamco. They pretty much forced them to make sequels to Souls cause they know it will bring in the dough. Of course new games can too if it's good but that Souls brand is much more guaranteed than a new IP.
Miyazaki has stated he doesn't like making sequels and it shows.
Demon's, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are just so much more creative. 2 and 3 aren't necessarily bad but it's just obvious that they're just thrown together with assets that were dropped from previous titles and just a mishmash of ideas to make a game that will sell.
FromSoft excels when there's new, fresh ideas being brought to the table.

>DS2 vs DS3 shittery
This is what hurts me the most being that I enjoyed both games.
I'm condemned to not be able to fucking discuss them because everyone has some massive vitriol against them.

Oh, well, at least the future looks bright with Sekiro.

>From makes this soulless pile of poopoo game instead of making glorious Bloodborne 2

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It will never end. Until the end of time, Yea Forums will always screech over which souls game is the best one. The least you can do is not participate in these cancerous spreg outs.

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Right, but this game still doesn't look very good, so...

Not really.
If that were true it would be out now; they're doing their hardest to make a decent game.

I would be surprised if more than a dozen people on Yea Forums played the Otogi games.


having a set face and stuff is fine, but at the very least, can we change his weapons and armor?

I dunno man, it feels like it was clearly made to pander to certain demographics

>Miyazaki has stated he doesn't like making sequels and it shows.
And dropping Bamco for Activision is kind of redundant. We all saw pretty well what happened with CoD or with the sequel to Prototype for which I'm still fucking mad

>11 bosses
tell me which you'd prefer
17 bosses
or 11 bosses and 4+ minibosses per area?

>From software made Tenchu
Never knew that. Explains everything.

Bloodborne was commissioned by Shu Yoshida specifically to get Soulsfags to buy a PS4 and also to patch up Sony's relationship with FromSoft after how he bungled the DeS deal. A sequel would be a PS5 title, since it again, would get Soulsfags into the PS5 ecosystem but also gives Miyazaki time to do other stuff and not get burned out on one type of game, thus theoretically handing in a better product. Funding expermental vanity games like Deracine is "keeping him warm", so to speak.

I'd be surprised if more than a dozen people on Yea Forums have played any From game aside from Souls/BB and MAYBE those shit latter-day Armored Core games. The average Yea Forums poster is 15-17, afterall.

>consumables have relatively low limits to how much they can stack
This is great, since the limited stacking plus (what looks like) fairly common drops will encourage frequent item use, instead of just letting them sit there unused.

Tenchu was shit and Otogi was the superior nipponese based Fromsoft series

fucking debate me

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There's no indication of any Activision fuckery so far and I don't think Miyazaki would have said yes to them if they weren't guaranteed full creative power and decisions, otherwise they'd just have stuck with Bamco. That Dark Souls 3 release was an absolute clusterfuck though which probably factored in quite a bit.

Only the post-Wrath of Heaven games, which is basically when the series was past its prime. Acquire were behind the good ones.

Is that a Nippon Abyss Watcher?

Anybody else really turned off by the combat? Seems like you just have to perfect parry every single time an enemy attacks and then do a critical attack.

Attached: Sekiro_28.jpg (1920x1080, 2M)

So now I know where they got the inspiration from.

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Attached: Sekiro_31.jpg (1920x1080, 1.99M)

So? The same can be said of Dark Souls, that it panders to dark fantasy fans that like shit like The Witcher or Dragon's Age.
A game can have anime artstyle and still be good and Bandai Namco isn't pullying a Senran Kagura: they want (they NEED) something as successful as Dark Souls and are trying to get it.

is that a fuckin fetus?

The combat looks interesting imo.

What are you even asking? If you REALLY want to play Sekiro, you will buy Sekiro. That's how every product works. It's not a used car dealership.

No because certain attacks can't be parried and clashing swords is alpha as fuck

Guess I'm masocore to my bones.

Attached: Sekiro_30.jpg (1920x1080, 2.24M)

>just have to perfect parry

Just like how you have to parry every attack in dark souls right?

If that were true they wouldn't have delayed it to polish it.

You can play through every dark souls game without parrying a single time though.


It's much more complex than Souls is where you just press L2 at a certain point and then riposte. Now that would get boring and old quick. Combat looks amazing imo. Hopefully it feels as good as it looks.

Thoughts on the OST so far? I think the ambiance when you're exploring sounds fitting.

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Miyazaki games have some of the best visual designs in the entire industry. Even more commendable due to the fact that the graphics themselves aren't as good as other games. It's all aesthetics. Sekino.

The only time you can't parry attacks, a big red kanji appears to let you know to tap the dodge button.

Now you just press L1 at the perfect time and death blow. Wonderful. Such a dramatic shift.

>debate me
Fuck off back to high school if you want a debate nerd.

I like it as of right now but I wonder how I'll feel about it near the end of the game

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How is it different? Now you can't even riposte

We don't even know all we can do yet.

It's funny that people here have been bitching about the feudal Japan setting being overdone in action games considering that we basically had a generation-long drought of them. Suddenly we get about 3-4 over the course of a couple years for the first time in a decade and they start complaining.

Acquire's president made some interesting comments last year about samurai games suddenly being viable again.

>“Ghost of Tsushima. In the past, we noticed that our “feudal Japanese” titles were beginning to sell poorly, and as it slowly became the age of social games, we decided to withdraw from making “feudal Japanese” games. However, when I see Ghost of Tsushima, I see the possibility that “feudal Japanese” titles could work even in the current age if you give enough budget and make a solid game, and I admire them for that. Because they may realize what we couldn’t, what we wanted to do, and what we couldn’t bear. It’s regrettable for us, but I give my support to them.”

Attached: 457686-genji-dawn-of-the-samurai-screenshot.jpg (640x480, 126K)

Do we not? The poise meter implies that you will have to parry/block constantly

Was Genji good? I remember enjoying the demo well enough.

No brain


honestly as much as ghost of tsushima seems like a semi-walking simulator i'll be god-fucking-damned if it doesn't look like a fun to watch game
i'm excited for it

The first one was, yeah, though it was super short (as in like, 5-6 hours on your first playthrough) and a bit easy. The sequel was crap, though it had really good visuals for the time.

Attacking normally also increases their posture bar. They just tried to address the most core complaint about Souls/BB combat which is that it all just boils down to dodging the attack at the right moment and whacking them a few times then dodging again. In Sekiro they made it so you can stay your ground and work towards the defeat of the enemy even when you're avoiding their attacks. ENB said that if you attack the regular enemies too many times they'll deflect your attack and counter, then you can perfect block their counter and fill their posture bar further. I don't know if this new system will end up being better or not because I have not played the game but I can see why they switched to. Oh and you still have dodges with iframes, and you can jump over attacks and such. They tried to make it a bit more complex so it's not all just dodge, r1, dodge, r1.

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unless a downgrade comes the graphics in it are pretty great
really liked the scene at the end of the gameplay demo with the leaves on the ground

it's so close bros.

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cheap sounding synthetic orchestra along with one of the lesser Souls composers; who personally stated Sekiro's OST was 'extremely hard to make' due to the limitation of the setting

it'll be forgettable trash, expect something similar to the quality of DaS2's

What's the points of health bars on bosses if you just need to deliver the killing blow to push them into their next phases? This is something that I've been curious about over the past couple of days.

Dodges seem to be safer with iframes though, and now they're much less viable. Like now instead of creating distance and figuring out their moves (and then being able to rely on dodging once you go in) it seems like your only option is to parry seven attacks in a row perfectly or die. Which seems pretty frustrating.

I hope I'm wrong though, I do want to enjoy this game badly.

Depends on the attack. If you just dodge a sweep it will still hit you. Got the jump button too. Also you can still parry the red kanji attacks. Just have to time it perfectly.

pretty sure you can reduce health in other ways, like with prosthetics and probably some movesets

that reminds me are there any sites with the game for sale yet?

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Health determines the rate at which their posture recovers naturally (if you stop attacking for an extended period, they'll start to recover posture), so ideally you want to either bash them to posturebreak in a very short period, or do a posture attack, pepper in some regular attacks to chip away at HP to slow the recovery rate, back up, assess their move, repeat.

Seems like you can't knock them down to next phases unless you use killing blows, even if you empty their health bars

to make autists be able to say

>March 14
Is that the Japan release cause it's the 22nd everywhere else

Lower health means their posture bar is more easily built.

Attached: FrenchDelightfulAlaskajingle-size_restricted.webm (444x250, 1.79M)

Also to note, most bosses (All bosses we've seen on video thus far) have some form of posture recovery technique if you stay away from them for too long as well, so it's trying to force you to remain aggressive.

Ahh, that's smart

Blame the forced sequels.

Bosses this is true. On common enemies depleting their health kills them without the need of a finishing blow.

WW release is 22nd
It used to be 14th but they delayed it 1 week for some autistic reason

Well this just strengthens my original point then I think. user I was responding to said there are attacks that can't be parried.

But yeah, I consider the jump a dodge as well.

the people were complaining about the lack thereof aent the same people complaing about overabundance. only commonality is the medium.

if anything youre complaining about complainers now, user

people are overlooking a major benefit of the game being single player only which is that when the game inevitably gets dlc it will be 100% focused on story and gameplay and not on online balancing

It really seems they've thought of pretty much everything to keep the combat engaging. That happens when you actually have time focus and develop a game instead of making a sequel to meet a deadline.

Same here. Its just not as effective. You still have an I-frame dodge.

I am so tired of soulsborne but on the other hand there is no other game that pique my interest.

Does it though? It still doesn't seem fun to me to have to parry so much

Division 2 release submission

Fuck you cunt For Answer and Verdict Day were good

Seems fun to me. Having this dude smashing his sword against bigger weapons is sick

You will get absolutely fucked without deflecting in this one

i can't wait to get good at this game, i love when games make you use reflexes

>armored guy with a sword in a medieval setting
I sleep
>armored guy with a sword in a japanese setting
real shit

I don't know why

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No, you absolutely can't get through Sekiro without parrying. You have to in order to build enemies posture meter up.

Activision sure are fucking dumb thinking people who buy that garbage are gonna be interested in a game like Sekiro

The less this looks like souls the more interested I become

Seems like a huge upgrade over the wonky boring roll spam of the Souls games

Also if the enemy has a thrust attack if you have the Mikiri skill you can dodge straight into the thrust and step on it. This builds the enemies posture.

Attached: sekiro-parry-step-on-blade-shadows-die-twice.jpg (1920x1080, 314K)

You literally can't beat plenty of enemies without deflecting from what I can tell. Especially bosses.

There's an intrigue to it. Why is this guy here? Why is he in a different attire?

based and footpilled

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This game seems like you just have to parry somebody 20 times in a row perfectly or else you're fucked.

Sekiro's set in the late 1500s, right?

Probably those sneaky Jesuits up to their old tricks!

Not sure about that since blocking is strong too, if you can't time it properly you either dash out to get out of reach or just block

I just realized
that one faggot complaining about how there's no shields
we literally saw a shield arm gadget during the e3 trailer

Also an upgrade that enables you to do attack combos while airborn. Game’s gonna be fun as fuck

Yeah it should be a good fight. He's basically the white version of Sekiro. He's fighting for his son/ward just like we are. His has to die for our's to live.

Shitposters aren't actually interested in the truth

Enemy posture builds via hitting them as well. Watch some gameplay; people who never parry beat minibosses and bosses, it just takes longer because you have to deal posture damage via regular damage.

So no, you do not have to parry. It would benefit you to do so, but you can go the entire game without doing so.

what platform are you guys buying on and why

i will buy for pc since i prefer mouse+keyboard and i like having top graphics with good fps

>complaining about how there's no shields
>complaining about how there's no shields
>complaining about how there's no shields
>complaining about how there's no shields

Attached: 1523755940096.png (750x550, 530K)

ps4 might pick up the pc version later but I am only getting it on ps4 first because I can play it 3-4 days earlier

on console because I'm a poor nigger

PS4 since I'm housesitting for a month onwards from the 17th. Might get the PC version later down the line depending on how good the port is.

Well then they delayed it because One Piece: World Seeker comes out then


It does but a lot of enemies past the starting ones don't allow you to just wail on them to max their posture bar. They punish you for doing that.

You are required to parry probably every boss and seemingly plenty of other enemies.

fromsoft games typically don't require expensive systems to run max graphics with good fps

>you can go the entire game without doing so.
Cool, thanks for the insight Miyazaki-san

I'm actually glad they delayed Sekiro until the 22nd. I have finals on the 18th, theres no way I would be getting proper study in if they did release a week sooner than that.

There are gameplay of players being decent at the game and you’ll see them weave in attacks and prosthetic weapons between all the deflecting while also junping and grappling around.
To me it seems like there is a big learning curve to use all tools available. The shuriken is good to quickly stagger some of the fast enemies and also break their combos.

PC so I can mod in infinite health when the game gets too tough and be able alt-tab to my Blacked videos.

There's a difference between "Have to parry" and "Can't just R1 spam"

Was there any point in any of the previous games that REQUIRED you to parry?

Xbone because I don't PC game and it's the system I play all multiplats on

There haven't been any previous Sekiro games.

Not so sure if you can keep the posture damage up by only attacking. Saw some of the bosses depleting their posture meters if you take too long(not deflecting)

Art thou for real nigger?
Don't play and play something else.
Jesus Christ.

No seriously are you serious? Are you 10 years old?

You're the one saying you can just R1 spam if you want though

PC so my game doesn't look like shit

only on Yea Forums do people get this butthurt over obvious bait

You definitely cannot. This guy is talking out of his ass.

PS4. Abandoned upgrading my PC as I don’t spend that much time gaming anymore.
Also comfy couch and big screen.

any keen pc gamers here think a 1060 will comfortably run this game?

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Is Sekiro keeping the Souls trope where (mostly) every area has 1 boss? Or are there bossless areas?

It doesn't seem to be much more weighty than Dark Souls 3, which is in the same engine so there's lots of hope it'll be neatly optimised.

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Attached: Sekiro_29.jpg (1000x562, 250K)

Skill trees isn’t what makes a build
In souls it would be builds like
>UGS twink
>mage focus
>great shield focus
>heavy armor

The stats, spells, different armors and weapons are what make builds

Having a skill tree with 3 different paths is western tier. Hell even Skyrim has more build variety than sekiro

The banner behind him says “better to die with honour than live in shame”

No, I'm not and never have. There is a difference between "You don't have to parry" and 'You can r1 spam"

You CANNOT just spam r1. But you CAN use dodging and normal attacks to break their posture. Seriously, go watch some journos play or something. They never parry and they get through. It just takes longer because they have to dodge and strike, which doesn't deal as much posture damage as parrying.

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-3840x2160-19289.jpg (3840x2160, 1.75M)

Dark souls builds are bullshit. You act like any weapon plays significantly differently or that magic is varied.

They're not. Press r1 till the enemy dies.

Yeah recently started a pyromancer in DS3 and it’s just L1 spam instead of R1 spam. Really slow and boring.

There isn’t any footage of someone killing a boss without parrying because it can’t be done. Their posture bar will deplete if you try to attack and dodge only.

Every area has a boss so far, there's usually one boss and a handful of midbosses that have 2 'death points' rather than the bosses 3-6, but otherwise share the same mechanics (hp can be dropped to nil but the point will remain until deathblown)

I just watched someone beat a miniboss without parrying. You want the link?

the point of HP on bosses is that the bar depletes much more slowly they less HP they have, which even lets retards get deathblows and beat bosses, just takes ten times as long as parrying. You can down the drunkard from full to 0 points in under 4 minutes if you know how to parry.


For example in DS3, a UGS would give you more stun lock when you attack (but takes more stamina). It also gives you more range with r2.

Not to mention the weapon art will be different depending on the weapon. Some arts give you sharp buff, others do an attack with lots of poise, and others even launch a ranged wind attack.

Then there are buffed faith spells. Lighting spear or lighting/dark buff your weapon.

I didn’t say minibosses lmao

>B-team is working on sekiro
Nice, means we will get a bloodborne sequel

So can we expect only ~13 areas?

>trust me, this is totally true even though I’ve never played the game

Its literally no different. You hit the guy and dodge his attacks until his posture breaks. Thats it.

Tell you what, when the game comes out I'll beat the first boss without parrying and post it here and you can whine about how it doesn't count.

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No, you have to beat the whole game without parrying because you’re the one saying that’s possible


To this day I'm still playing Bloodborne son.

Attached: eh...gif (230x230, 1.54M)

>Why did Fromsoft decide not to add their garbage PvP that devolved into a shitshow of ganks and disconnects from their newest IP?
Gee I fucking wonder.

Bosses posture doesn’t break if you’re dodging. It depletes from what I can tell, and I believe I’ve even seen bosses who have moves that A. you can parry, or B. hit you

Well since this entire thing started because you complained of being too shit to parry, why don't you give it a shot?

You get different endings based on the route you go and how you die apparently.

Their posture restores when you are too slow

Regular ps4 because It's all I've got. 30 fps isn't a deal breaker for me.

Will you be getting /ourguy/, Yea Forums?

Can't wait to see how much better it looks than the statue that comes in the Collector's Edition

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So don't be fucking slow? It restores a bit at a time or in a large chunk if you let them back off and do a little "catch their breath" thing. Just keep the pressure up.

Lads, I haven't been this excited for a FROM game since DS2(that didn't turn out well).

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>this is totally true even though I've never played the game
I mean, I played it at TGS and gamescom last year, and there's about 80 hours of footage that came out a few days ago from a number of influencers and publications that will ALL corroborate it. Go ahead and look it up.

>keep the pressure up while they are wailing on your ass without you deflecting
Might be doable but I doubt it

Does From usually use Denuvo? I want to pirate this just to make sure it's good.

People are only spouting this shit to make pvpfags seeth. It plays exactly like a Souls game, but with new mechanics to keep it new and fresh.

What could this mean?

Attached: master of the arts.png (542x88, 8K)

their last game was released before denuvo was really a common addition to games. It's not common but it was likely added at the behest of actiblizz.

>plays exactly

Not really. The people who have played the game have literally said that when they tried to play it like a souls game they got fucked.

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>your argument

Get destroyed

If they add denuvo I will pirate it on principle

"you put skill points into one tree! Hope you enjoy only being able to put one skill on at a time!

it really seems you're oversimplifying it, hit and run may not seem viable as the posture depletes
not to mention juggling different with maneuvers like perfectly timed deflects, blocks, and doges (with added versatility too) to adapt bosses and their flurry of attacks
and there seems to be an end to circle strafing now, which was such a tried and true exploit in so many humanoid bosses across the souls' roster

probably just filling up any skill tree

Probably an unlockable technique at the end of a skill tree when you've bought everything else; like the Mystic Arts in Nioh.

This boy ain't right.

Dang it, boy.

Which preview to watch? Any with bosses and shit?

>Spoiling yourself
Nigger wtf

then witcher 3 is a souls game
fallout 3-4 too
every thirdperson game is a souls game go eat a fuckign cock

Vaati’s is alright just ignore his annoying soý voice

That's fine

>it's a souls game
>it has new mechanics
Which is it, faggot.

/ourtaiwaneseweabooautist/ was already doing speedruns through the demo at tradeshows

What are people like OnlyTranny gonna do for views now there's no pvp?

>huge ass rooster
Wtf is that thing? What happens if it spots you?

I'll play it in 2021 if I'm still alive and have hands.

What's wrong user?

Complete cancer video.

Why? Besides the music

Here's a no commentary one.

Attached: 1481557434971.png (500x497, 196K)

everyone concerned with pvp in soulsborne games is an autistic faggot so I am thrilled that they do not want to play this game AND have no way to ruin my fun with it via a clunky online matchmaking system

fuck off you little turds

Answer seems obvious but is there a character creator

>What happens if it spots you?

Thankfully no

I feel like this question is bait at this point but if not, no there is not. Set character. Been confirmed for a while now.

No, it's a set character. The story is more cut and dry as opposed to the Souls/BB ambiguity thing.

fixed character with dialogue

I wouldn't say "answer seems obvious" if it was bait user, lay off the paranoia.
Thanks for the answers anyway, I didn't follow the game dev at all, but seeing always the same guy was a giveaway

Man it looks good.
Is there only footage of the snowy and temple area?

Who is the composer? If it's Yukia then I'm kind of worried. She's done some good tracks, but overall not a big fan of her stuff.

Attached: ebrietas_.png (1280x720, 890K)

It's Yuka.

Just seems like it gets asked in every thread shortly followed by, "wtf why would they do this??!??!"
And "answer seems obvious" could have referred to, "well it's been in all their recent games so why change now?"
Understandable if you haven't followed the game like some have, the shitposting is just getting really old.

ill fucking refund this game if I hear another of her
LADY GOES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA throughout the entire fucking track shit

better than the guy who did the DS1 and 2 soundtracks tbqh
all sounds the same

>gets dragonrot
>Everyone else dies
>Punching bag that wants to die doesn't

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miyazaki is just self inserting his sadism

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Thanks all of you for two great Sekiro threads in a row.

Attached: friday.jpg (785x780, 138K)

no worries
just ignore the shitposters and life will yield sweet fruits
enjoy your Friday/Weekends user

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sekiro will be total fucking trash

the fact you can only equip 1 martial art and 3 tools at a time but can switch out in the pause menu anytime you want so you can just equip whatever you want to hardcounter any situation is tedious, breaks the flow of the game, and you don't need to be creative and work with the tools you got to overcome encounters its just rock, paper, scissors where 1 tool hard counters the enemy and any other strategy is just a waste of time

the control scheme is fucking stupid, why is square dedicated to a pointless action like interact/pick up when its typically a good button for important shit like attacks, theres no reason that loot shouldn't just automatically gravitate towards you anyway

never have to worry about encounter threats since you can just skip every enemy and target mini-bosses for "exp" where you only do a stealth takedowns with i-frames so you never have to worry about multiple enemies and then just autograpple away with a press of a button to safety, drop aggro, and repeat

grapple in itself is just busted and brainless so you never need to learn how to traverse through the level when you can just mindlessly spam L2 and zip around everywhere instead of figuring out how to actually negotiate the terrain, its a shame because its just a spit in the face to the level designers to make an interesting map but ruin it with dumb meme shit like zip line grapples from the very start of the game

gonna have to be a hard pass, fromsoft is dead, and we're just going to have to wait for nioh 2 to save the genre

You guys think that there'll be allies other than your npc's? Like normal enemies fighting on your side when you reach a certain point in the story.

haha mad

Ps4, I'm not a graphics whore.

>le wall of ragepost
We don't really care what you think. This is a thread for those who are excited for it.

Most likely alerts other enemies in the area. Probably best to stealth kill them immediately

Really gonna hate not getting that big nig sword but I'll cope with all the other goodies.

*farts in your mouth*

I love this gif.

Nah, I'll buy any art book that comes out though. I live in a dustbowl hellhole so and knicknacks like that are dust magnets.

I was gonna ask From, Kadokawa and Udon/Dark Horse if it's getting one or not, but I guess they wouldn't say anything at this point considering they'd want to shill the mini one that comes with the CE.

Vaati's voice is sweet nougat wrapped in dark chocolate fuck you.

He sounds like a tryhard cringy nu-male you cuck

I'm thankful my weapons won't become shit because some faggot keeps getting shrekt in nightclubs and cries for nerfs and completely fucking up my PvE.

His monotone voice is what bugs me.

>all those buzzwords

It can be, I'll admit that. Others would say soothing.


He lulls you with his voice to join patreon. That's why everyone falls for him.

Attached: Join.jpg (445x518, 112K)

You telling me you like Oro's nasal voice?

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He's also not bad looking. Wonder how many him is follow just for his looks.

So it's story is being partially told in a similar way to the Amrita memories in Nioh?

Oh shit Miya's using the memory phantom system in Deracine. Now that's fucking interesting.

>tfw excited to play the game
>all these people who are getting upset are just upset for the sake of being upset
who else /ready to play in 2 weeks/

I will miss phantoms honestly. Messages tho?
>try tongue but hole hee hee times 8000
Fuck all of you.

For years (when I followed his shit before knowing he was a plaigurizer) I had no idea what he looked like. It was more his voice, delivery, and presentation of lore that attracted crowds.

*wonder how many homos follow him for his looks
That was embarrassing.

I am.

Attached: frustrated maria.jpg (800x567, 87K)

What's that game about? And what does it play like?

Weird point and click style VR game where you play as a time travelling fairy solving puzzles in a school
It's alright

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You can count on me.

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>you play as a time travelling fairy solving puzzles in a school
Bewildered skeleton.jpg

What do you think of this one?

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I wonder if they'll go "shinobi are semi supernatural" or just niggas who trained a lot.

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Fuck item limits.

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>monk's quest for undeath

git gud

Niggas with semi supernatural gear

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Use it when you need it. Get more.

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Looks tasty irl

I completely forgot about Sekiro. Already blew my money on DMC5.

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Now this is really not ok. There's a item for increasing item drops, which means we'll have to farm for shit. Only able to carry 5 "transient curses" before having to warp back to the hub to get more. Fuck off with this, loading screens remind me of one thing, my life slipping away as I sit there like a twat.

Attached: 1552068741954.jpg (615x768, 98K)


i dont mean watching porn on twitch or whatever. i mean him filming his boyhole getting stuffed for views.

>yfw alchemic enhancements or some shit

Attached: 1552070186099.jpg (726x675, 97K)

Git gud you sperg

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gonna get both, it's a good month

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Sekiro comes out on the 22nd. Surely you'll get a paycheck before then?

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I don't take orders from a fag who spouts memes created by a literal tranny. Fuck off back to your general.


>Can be used repeatedly
Unlimited uses to warp back home? Nice enough tradeoff for there being no bloodstain I suppose


Attached: RIGHT FUCKING NOW.jpg (1300x1101, 490K)

From almost never sexualize woman outside of that one god in DS1, its probably why Americucks love them so much.

Great, hasn't noticed that.

So where are the leaks coming from? Did they break street date early in Dubai again?

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Memeazaki is still at the helm, so it's almost guaranteed

>its probably why Americucks love them so much.
our media is fucking drenched in degeneracy. pedo acceptance is a real thing in SF, LA, NYC, and some college campuses. and it doesn't even feel like people are just having fun and being free. it's like things are being pushed by degenerates and soulless people that sap others of their humanity to make them just as soulless. trust me, the problem here isn't prudishness.

And wtf are you on about, bloodborne is chock full of waifus. even the fucking snail bitches are sexualized. or do you need giant body horror tier tna to get you going?

This the dynamic theme you get with pre-order?

Nah, that one's way cooler. Shame it's exclusively just a digital pre-order bonus so Sony can get around refund laws in Europe and Australia.

I really like the dynamic themes. The BB one that costs a dollar is just maximum comfy.

Attached: Emma.png (2840x1598, 3.89M)

I use that theme too! It's a shame that the one Sony'd send you for platinum'ing BB sucked, I would've preferred that be the one.

Why doesn't she have a ching chong name?

>RE2 last month
>DMC5 yesterday
>Sekiro in two weeks

based NIPS saving video games

Her parents were obsessed with western culture

So are ya Chinese or Japanese

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

I was so fucking disappointed with that one. It's just the generic hunter.

>check specs
>i meet the recommended with my half-salvaged pc
oh boy oh boy oh boy

Attached: 1552075631779.png (720x753, 679K)

Any decent view of her yet?

Anybody else feel like this game might just be an experiment of new ideas that may be put into Dark Souls 4 or bloodborne? The jumping and grappling mechanic specifically. They are experimenting on map design for players with that much more mobility. Lets face it the next dark souls or main soulsborne style game has to be modernized.

They aren't going to just stop making soulsborne games there is no way. Froms next game whatever it is will for sure have invasions and build variety etc.