What games have characters that look like kids but are actually way older than they appear?
I can only think of Disgaea and that one dragon chick from Fire Emblem.
What games have characters that look like kids but are actually way older than they appear?
I can only think of Disgaea and that one dragon chick from Fire Emblem.
More of the Arby's waifus
Arbys is pretty based
>animated version of yourself instead of an actual picture
Every fucking time, why are twitter people such cowards
Maybe they don't want to put an actual photo of themselves on the internet?
Maybe they just want to put a picture that they think look nice as their profile picture and not supposed to actually be an "animated version of yourself"?
It's really not that complicated.
The great war on anime of 2019 is real and it's fucking hilarious and depressing.
Why aren't you posting a photo of yourself.
post your face
Arby's advertising has never gotten me to eat there, but I like their moxie
based. fuck normalfags.
also, remillia scarlet from touhou.
how the fuck do japanese authors get away with being pedophiles?
If someone found out i was drawing kiddie porn my life would be over
>twitter screencap
>literal who
>literal who
Her name is Arby's
>drawings are considered real people now and anime will be banned in 2020 in america
Also by this logic, everybody in japan is a pedo because they are the makers of lolis
Because the Japanese can recognize two important things.
>Drawings are just drawings
>Someone's weird as fuck sex life doesn't matter as long as they're producing good work and not doing anything to harm anyone else or anything illegal
>including your own tweet
big yikes
>small cute girl Arby's mascot is actually 54
>has huge roast beef lips
I need to see this now.
And you're name is faggot, but that doesn't stop you from being a literal who.
Twitter, the land of blowing up over the most useless shit. Kind of like Yea Forums, but without ironic shitposting and fully sincere with the shit they post.
Because it's Yea Forums, identity doesn't matter here, but i sure as hell can make fun of yours
This is a Japanese mother of five
Because the japaneses understand the concept of pic related.
Also the French are just as lewd as shit when it comes to CP
i dunno man twitters ok, wish i had more followers but i dont get social media
The difference is that people on Yea Forums are retarded on purpose for free (you) while people are 100% for real and actually believe in what they say
>people on Yea Forums are retarded on purpose for free (you)
oh sweat summer child.....
>This company is based because of this ad campaign!
Congrats on being a sheep
Because the Japs, for whatever reason, are largely measured and reasonable people who won't get their panties in a bunch over drawings even if they don't like said drawings. Shame about the censored porn though.
>some tranny with an anime avatar crying about fanservice/loli/japan
why does this happen?
I kinda like the censored porn, somehow imagining the pixelated area makes the sex look better because your imagination fills in the gaps.
>look at thread
>people shut that guy down
>he has no argument, just reposts that image over and over
What's depressing is how shitty modern anime is, there will never be a series as good as Cowboy Bebop ever again.
this is the price you pay for getting popular. It happened to videogames, then it happened to comics, now your foreign cartoons are next.
>there will never be a series as good as Cowboy Bebop ever again
Yeah and Evangelion is the Citizen Kane of anime!
Bebop is WAY overrated
>Unironically following brands on twitter.
>Unironically responding, retweeting, or talking about brands on twitter.
Well, I'm guessing it's more like most Japs, like most Asians, are too busy being salarymen 9am to 10pm and judging each other on how much they earn, how they dress and how they carry themselves in public. They probably don't have as much time or energy to waste too many productive man-hours on stuff like say, writing political thought pieces on videogames and anime.
bebop wasn't that great.
If it's loli specifically very few people would go up to bat for it in courts irl. Maybe if conservatives are told that it's only a stepping stone for muslims to stop people from drawing muhammad they might act.
>psychological impact
This only makes it so explicit content warnings are needed. And guess what? We have those.
We now live in a world where Western fast food chains have loli mascots
why do furries hate loli so much do they think it was distract others from the fact they want to fuck animals
>why do furries hate loli so much
nigger you are aware kemololi is a huge thing right?
Don't listen to them. Bebop was great. However space dandy was too and that shits from 2014.
loli is worse than furry porn
Fuck off shill
They want to be the little girl but the 2d little girl will always be cuter than them
I think you mean "Outlaw Star".
only closeted (or real life abuser) pedophiles get instantly irritable about drawn pictures of children
Literally every girl in that show is better than Aisha and it's actually not very good.
>impact on viewers
It is not the duty of the artist to control what other people do after art is seen. That's how freedom of expression should work.
There's a Discord furry mod that goes around servers doing just that, tries to get thone people shut down while posting cubfurs on their own.
There are plenty of good modern anime and it's more that you refuse to look for it.
Because their fetish is legitimately more disgusting(along with futa) than loli. They want to redirect the disgust.
based and redpilled.
sauce please.
this sir right here is my boomer
based arbys
Western furries dislike kemono user
Kill yourself
it's not that huge. furry scene isn't even that big in japan.
kemono is furry, nigga.
Bebop < Champloo
shit > k-on! > champloo
No, kemono has good art
>A 25 years old is being paid 300$/weekly to shitpost memes on twitter
>This company is so based lmao
>he hasn't seen furries get upset about it
Trade lives with me
I envy your peace
I haven't, since it is furry.
There is no distinction.
Why did you bring the subject of furry suddenly? Nobody was talking about this until you came here.
Probably because they're mad jealous that Kemono looks better.
Furries should be massacred
>there is no distinction
You are a fucking idiot.
every time
my favorite OST with hokuto no ken
Absolute fucking morons.
>The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.
Japan even has it's own fursuit shit.
t. furry
Just like there's no difference between anime and western cartoons right?
everything about this post is so retarded i just can't even why the fuck are you friends with furries so petty, how the fuck did they become your friends, why cant you ditch them, how their their lives come this point where they bitch about this variation of furry not being furry enough fuck man it's like when mlpfim got big i could understand furries getting mad about it but kemono isn't even that big, you'd have to be actively searching for it to find it
anime is mistake in 2000 + 19.
they did the math.
based brand twitter
i will buy your sandwiches now
t. retard
Both grouped under the term "animation" and both influence each other and CAN resemble each other.
Just like furries.
>(small & cute)
I think they meant (cute & funny)
rachel alucard from blazblue is like 300 years old or something
My brother.
That's actually a really great point.
Only going to eat at Arbys now until the other fast food brands learn.
technically older than that if you count all the multitude of time loops she had to endure
>OH SHIT! Calling people Nazi's an Racists isn't working anymore.
>How are we gonna control society now?
>Call everyone we don't like pedophiles.
>BRILLIANT! People will never adapt to this buzz word.
Today, I will remind them. This is the future that grayon-munching crunchyroll subscribers chose, and they now vastly outnumber the people that never gave a shit about this kind of stuff in the first place.
>People replying to that tweet are actually getting mad
Bruh what the fuck? How do you get heated over a drawing?
I'm seeing a lot of F/GO whales and Touhou be trannies who hate but love RPing as a 15 year old girl-king and massive boobed shrine maiden, all while their favorites include fucking a cat loli and Cirno and Flandre sexuality given the thumbs up by ZUN.
Anyone who subscribes to CR is literally a subhuman schlock viewing ape
it's problematic
funny how SJWs are getting all hung up over it when its liberals that are promoting child sexuality
did you miss the manufactured controversy about people drawing r34 of the new pokemon trainers
GOD arbys is so fucking based
this is probably the best submission so far
They lack the ability to separate fiction from reality it’s that simple
>you can't be against the sexualization of children if you don't have children yourself
The left can never agree on anything. Feminists think femininity and sexual attraction are learned social constructs. Gays think those things are hardwired from birth. They'll all kill each other off eventually
Don't listen to , , . They simply don't get away with it. Sure as an author it's something you make some money of but it's not something those people will scream out everywhere, especially NOT if they have a partner/family. Most lolis author are barely making a living to begin with.
Japanese people are keeping these things hidden from their social circle and far away from the workplace. So even if an author would has a "normal" daytime job, it's extremely unlikely for them to share that he's a loli author. Loli isn't accepted by mainstream audience in Japan, you're just as much as an outcast as loli lovers here, the only difference is that it's completely lawful in Japan with no ambiguity possible (unlike some Western countries). Hell you're even an outcast among otakus for being really into lolis.
The above applies also to people being into lolis in general or just anything that could be considered extreme. Nobody cares if you watch anime or play games, but that's as far as it goes. You're not going to discuss the latest loli H-game with your colleagues.
Dude its 2019, everything is offensive
What's with people looking for any chance to scream PEDO!!1!
Tumblr drove off most of its userbase with the porn ban, so a lot of them moved over to Twitter.
Woman here I just don't get it. Why do you guys like women who look like children but are actually 10000years old? You know you're not fooling anyone right?
Because fiction = reality now, just like internet = reality. There's no escaping anymore. Expect thought crimes to become a reality eventually.
now I am curious, can you give me some examples?
people care about children because, well, it's their children, and they are their parents
it's really sad having cartoon pictures as surrogate children you want to protect
its just a measure to get moralfags to shut up
biology has no age of consent and it'll never change as that shit is hardwired into DNA
>If someone found out i was drawing kiddie porn my life would be over
Maybe you're just a pussy lmao
Oh shit that's cute
>Woman here
Bye, follow the rules, next time
cute, funny, meaty
this dude
I want to fuck that 54 year old.
>Gays think those things are hardwired from birth.
Holy fucking shit, I've seen this so much since I became a public commission artist.
For trying to be progressive, a lot of the LGBT community is like the most thought-realism reliant people in the world.
Naoto and Kanji can't be conflicted teenagers, they must be gay and trans. Queer as much as they love the word means "Bi/Gay/Trans but feels like crossdressing/identity every so often." You can't be different AND heterosexual.
If that silly ass RuPaul show didn't show up, they'd probably get on drag queens' case too.
eat shit roastie, you have been replaced
Loli’s shit-tier but damn if this push to demonize tyles of art isn’t spooky. Like they’reliterally up there going “This makes people have bad thoughts so it must be regulated!” with all honesty.
I will always go to bat for freedom of expression. Of all types, on all sides. In my youth this pit me against conservatism, but somehow censorship changed sides. It’s downright horrible.
You're an idiot because loli is legal in the US, unless you live in a European nation in which case you deserve everything your nanny state gives you
Why not?
Who made this image, because I think even ResetEra likes that shitty dragon loli anime.
Don't fool me nigger.
Yall liked Sora when he had the face of a 12 year old and the brain of a 8 year old.
>mfw these kind of people who try to push the latest no-no label usually end up being that no-no label themselves for reals
This thread is full of the kind of retards that would argue that drawn sexual content involving a child doesn't count as child porn since it's 2d and that makes it ok.
99% of men are pedophiles, so yes fapping to loli makes you a pedo.
When it comes to lolis, it hasn't changed sides, it's just that the left is doing it as well now. To them, it's just a knife with which they can kill their opponents. Claim they're pedos and you can instantly destroy someone's life. That's where we're at, if you disagree with someone on twitter, a mob will attack you and stop at nothing to ruin your life. From calling your employer to swatting you, hoping you get shot in the process.
shad doesnt even do controversial stuff most of the time he's just a slight tad out of the comfortable zone for most normalfags
maybe in his earlier days he did
Any with a story like Master Keaton?
I hate Japanese high school moe anime.
>drawing imaginary things should carry the same sentence as trafficking and abusing real children
I bet you think you're waifu is real too.
That's actually exactly what it is you retard
imagine intentionally bringing this kind of thing on your brand.
My opinion on that kind of thing changes depending on the style, but it's hard to imagine people who like toddlercon don't also desire to fuck actual children. I'm not saying they'll do it, it's just they're not fooling anyone.
>that one dragon chick from Fire Emblem
>Slight tad
>Sexualizes the autistic, multiple real life children, and even his mother
Shadman isn't even that good of an artist, why do people defend his "lol, just bantz haha" pics.
arby's was kinda becoming a dated boomer brand
but now they are controversial and hip again
all publicity is good publicity
ok this is yikes
That's the funny thing, Japan actually considers it pedophilia, but they don't gave a shit, the absolute mad men.
They call real little girls lolis all the time.
>but it's hard to imagine people who like toddlercon don't also desire to fuck actual children.
You can make the same argument for the people who jack it to anatomically correct lolis.
Ultimately, it doesn't hurt anybody.
Man here I just don't get it. Why do you roasties feel so threatened by drawings that you have to resort to but think of the rights of fictional children? You know you're not fooling anyone, right future cat lady?
I guess that's true, Nike profited massively on their Colin Kaepernick meme so why not.
>I never thought I'd live to see brands invent a loli
1980's called, BITCH