Male protagonist bingo. The creator said you're guaranteed to win every time. Let's put that to the test...

Male protagonist bingo. The creator said you're guaranteed to win every time. Let's put that to the test. See if your favorite character can get bingo.

Attached: Male-protagonist-bingo.jpg (1000x1100, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dante from the Devil May Cry series

Attached: jcdenton.jpg (1000x1100, 242K)

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the creator's knowledge of video games seems to come solely from overhearing what their 12 year old brother was playing on his 360

>supernatural powers

I think tons and tons of daddy issues counts as psychological problems

>Supernatural powers.
>Criminal, but only sexual assualt allegations.
>No patience for politics.
This seems super biased.

Attached: Akiba_action_shot_2.jpg (1280x720, 406K)

>Not an Anti-Hero
>Not Cold and Aloof
>Not title or designation instead of name
>Not no patience for politics

I know you're trying to be cool and show how wrong the card is but did you even play the game

How much does the hatred dude tick off.

arent augmentations techincally supernatural powers? even then it's not like it gives me a bingo or anything


Attached: raiden.jpg (1500x1100, 285K)

Tidus has severe daddy issues. I think that's enough to count as psychological problems.
At some point he's a criminal. During the story he does make a living through violence. He almost certainly has supernatural powers.

shit's rigged yo

Attached: kirbthing.png (1031x660, 383K)


Attached: TIMETOSPLIT.png (1000x1100, 446K)

I don't think he even gets a bingo.

Attached: Male-protagonist-bingo.png (1000x1100, 389K)

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1620x1144, 392K)

>Not an Anti-Hero
is he really an anti hero?
>Not Cold and Aloof
okay I forgot about that one, sorry
>Not title or designation instead of name
I mean his codename is just his canon name, so I dont know if it should be counted
>Not no patience for politics
he does talk about politics though

Timesplitters guy is white? I thought he was Vin Diesel.

Cortez definitely isn't white.

>Kero Blaster
Makes a living being violent ((Arguable, given that he's a janitor, and his "gun" is really just a cleaning utility.))
Guns, lots of guns
Killing Spree (Aliens/Other)
No bingo.
>Kingdom Hearts
Blasé About Killing ((Arguable, given that nobody ever really fucking dies in KH))
Makes a living being violent
No patience for politics
Supernatural Powers
Killing Spree (Aliens/Other)
No bingo.

Denton often asks details about politics when he could just get going and deal with other stuff.

mario has maybe three

is kirby a male

I'm not american so I don't really know what counts as white or not white.

I tried most of the mercs from TF2 and I haven't got a bingo yet.

Almost everything on the bottom row applies. The lower right might even apply and make a bingo if you replace wife/child/family with shortcake.

Most iconic video game character ever, had to go with kinda-sorta shit to hit 25%. Fuck this thing.

Attached: mario_bingo.jpg (1000x1100, 245K)


Attached: mpbrufus.png (1577x1118, 846K)

you could replace this with female protagonist and almost nothing would change
oh fuck off

Attached: Will.png (1320x1100, 856K)

Peter Parker

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 242K)


Attached: lilith.jpg (1508x1100, 419K)

In certain games, like TP, you could check off supernatural powers.

Attached: Binger.png (1490x1100, 484K)

I guess if you assume the overlord from overlord is brooding and scowls a lot he gets second from left down.
>doesn't get the free space as a literal villain

based radn

Classic Sonic is explicitly supposed to be a loner.

Let's try this.

Attached: 1518075118184.jpg (967x506, 97K)

You should have criminal and vigilante checked for bingo unless you're specifically talking about MGS2 meatbag raiden

He's pretty friendly with Tails.

FEAR's Point Man

Attached: bingo.jpg (1000x1100, 243K)

Knuckles is a loner. Sonic is only a loner because he has no patience for slow people, which is remedied by the fact that every pastel colored biped he meets is able to keep up with him for some reason. He likes Tails after all.

Attached: nopop.jpg (1636x1100, 347K)

Criminal and vigilante next to each other seems like cheating when you really can't be latter without being former.

It depends on if being a cuck is a psychological problem.

Attached: eelidan.jpg (1596x1100, 511K)

Exodus is my first Metro game, did I miss anything?

forgot pic

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 239K)

So how do we contact this person to laugh at them?

How is he white? unless you're talking about shitty fear 3 pointman.

Doomguy doesn't get a bingo.

alma and paxton are white so I'm just taking a guess

Attached: dog.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Mario, you retard.

>not a hardened veteran

Yeah, his friend Adeleine calls him "Ka-kun" in Japan.


Attached: Samus.png (1458x1100, 572K)

You forgot bald/crewcut

He was also originally white

Attached: 1.jpg (416x309, 31K)

Attached: Garrett Bingo.png (1466x1100, 600K)

You can get even more bingos depending on which games you include on there. Fusion would give her no patience for politics and criminal by the end.

You really think Kirby has patience for politics?

>no "biceps as big as your thighs"

Attached: mfjh-3.png (240x415, 67K)

Decided that "nah, not really" was a hard "no" this time.

Attached: big_three_bango.jpg (1500x1650, 408K)

Also didn't Samus actually have a military rank in the Galactic Federation or something?

If you count Other M, yeah. She's also brooding a lot in that one.

Kiryu is only checked for like 3 of these. Shit bingo

Vampires aren't people.

I tried with Reimu instead of a male.

Attached: femaleprotagonistbingo.jpg (1000x1100, 487K)

Reimu is white?

I assume having them and then going mercenary did not count, but if you really want to sure, triple bingo.
No wonder the trannies wanted Samus to be male so much.

hello Discord

Attached: racistfox2.jpg (1200x911, 86K)

Link and Mario have basically none of these qualities. Nintendo wins again.

Master Chief can't get bingo

What do I win

Attached: shobelnite.jpg (1476x1100, 289K)

what's the first one my dude

Full disclosure: Did this one more for the filename than anything else.

Attached: miserable_pile_of_bingo.jpg (1500x1100, 350K)

Guys, you are supposed to do this with western male FPS protagonists.

>no millitary rank
>no hardened veteran
Did you even read his books he is one of the most badass/strongest magician in the war of the ancients

Attached: dk.jpg (1000x1100, 202K)

You never played a single game in the series except for DmC, have you?

This is stupidly hard to get

Attached: soldier from the surface.jpg (1480x1100, 293K)

Even fucking Captain Walker from Spec Ops can't get a Bingo

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 248K)

Attached: Gordon Freeman.jpg (1000x1100, 183K)

So Samus is the manliest protagonist of all time?

yep this bingo is retarded

Attached: 1552077056939.png (1000x1100, 451K)

Oops I forgot vigilante

>no patience for politics
Is this just code for calling bullshit on the retarded emotions of the "protected groups?"

It's sad that you can't even get a bingo off master chief.

Is she a female(male)?

>literally scowling in the picture
>scowling not checked off

Ness can’t get bingo

Walker is definitely criminal and vigilante. Same with anti-hero.

Dude, did you play the game?

Holy shit. He turns red the more he kills. Do you think he has a limit break or some shit when he's completely red? Is that when the universe dies?

Fox McCloud couldn't get a bingo.

bass is an anti-villain

Attached: male protag.png (3728x1100, 1.18M)

No, it's just blood

It's interesting just how few of these first movie John McClane checks off

Link is like Arabic or something

Some of these are just age-old masculine traits and some are just inherent to the most popular game mechanics/plots/settings

>hello discord
OP here, I posted this to debunk it not support it
>makes a living being violent
nah, he's a photographer by trade they make this crystal clear. he just gets his hands dirty when he has to.

Lightning from FFXIII

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 220K)

actually who i was thinking about when i clicked on this thread

I thought link was asian, aren't all anime characters supposed to be asian?

>Literally the only games that this can be entirely filled out by are Sony trash and Bioware games

Attached: ncteyvjeq8r01.png (1868x812, 1.48M)

Damn, 47 got a bingo and almost got a triple bingo.
He's still a unique and interesting protagonist despite this though, but I get what this bingo chart is trying to say about character writing in games.

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That's why men love her

Zelda's desert regions tend to be Middle East-inspired, but Hyrule proper is based on generic European fantasy land.

fuck I got Bingo

Attached: nero-devil-may-cry-4-30453242-576-293.jpg (576x293, 85K)

In DR1 no, but in DR2OTR he did.
I suppose i screwed up because OTR is noncanon

Take off hardened veteran, killing spree and dark humor you faggot.

Was just doing him in my head when I saw the thread.

>hardened veteran
He's completed hundreds of contracts though you dummy.
>killing spree
A killing spree is two or more murders in a short time. He's definitely done that more than once.
>dark humor
I see you haven't done any of the mission stories in the new Hitman games.

What would the squares say in a counterpart made for female protagonists? Specifically female protagonists designed by females or generally deemed woke by the masses
>proves equality with men by physically beating them up
>never gets emotionally overwhelmed, always has to be the smartest, most competent, most collected character in the room
>calmly walks over and fixes something while men bicker over how to fix it
>makes sarcastic comments when male character makes mistake or says something stupid

Hardened veteran means someone in the military, killing spree means a shooter where you go around killing constantly, and dark humor is constant quips, not slightly humorous missions.

Nah my nigga Lee don't fit

>game about murdering people as a job as well as the people around them if necessary
stop being retarded

Nigga, if you play like I do no one but the targets are dead, and by accidents too. Even if you add that back on, it's not bingo because hardened veteran is just wrong.

There's always a fuckton of scenes of the character THINKING to herself, alone
wow look how SMART she is, THINKING on her own like that
She must have some BIG IDEAS up there
Shame on me for thinking women don't think!

Veteran is much broader than that, although a comparison is usually being made with the things soldiers get used to. I agree about the humor thing though.

Attached: Sora.jpg (1500x1100, 618K)

>Nigga, if you play like I do no one but the targets are dead, and by accidents too
You're forgetting about the final level of 2 or the first mission of Blood Money.
He also murders a bunch of people for his personal gain in Absolution I think.


Attached: mike dawson male protagonist.png (1192x774, 444K)

Where's my promised bingo?

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Attached: lanbingo.png (1433x1292, 865K)

I’m actually having trouble thinking of any protagonist that would get a bingo outside of western AAA garbage.

same chart works for female characters too
dont even need to modify it

Attached: 1528157017020.png (1000x1100, 475K)

>literally nothing of this applies to phoenix wright

Pick one.

there needs to be a jrpg protag version of this
this one is too western

We might be onto something here

Attached: Sem título.jpg (1390x1100, 365K)

Killing spree (Aliens/other)

>missing the point

Attached: 1551775363987.jpg (433x427, 86K)

Who's that?

Guess the character.

Attached: Screenshot_20190308-220636_Chrome.jpg (1439x1583, 615K)

Even a toxically masculine series like Metal Slug (guns, gore, fanservice) can't get bingo.

Attached: MarcoRossi.jpg (1000x1100, 382K)

what's the senpai?

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Lin from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin



She's white?

The bingo is mocking the same "white male protag" archetype that was in the rise in the 2000s. If you can't understand this you're probably too young to remember that era.

Cao Cao did nothing wrong.

Attached: 1478884255700.jpg (1032x616, 140K)

>Yea Forums now literally partakes in outright feminist horse shit
end yourselves

with a name like lin? nothing whiter.

he makes a living being a plumber

isn't he Japanese


Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1557x1100, 274K)

It seems to have failed at doing so.

why is a white male protagonist a bad thing senpai?

Mario literally only fits in "white."
And as a wop, even that's debatable.

you didn't post a frog or a wojak, your poltard buddies are gonna banish you for your blasphemy

Days of Ruin is super westernized. Rubinelle is pigeonholed as america, Lazuria is pigeonholed as russia. Nothing about Lin indicates her as being asian except her eyes, but if you want to sure, go for that.

Attached: Advance-Wars-Character-Shot.png (590x352, 288K)

>was in the rise in the 2000s
i think you mean 07 and later

Tried doing it with Sora from KH, can’t seem to get a bingo. Have we done it boys?

Brooding should be checked twice.

You'll get no sympathy from me!

Attached: Ike Bingo.jpg (1265x1100, 292K)

wops btfo

Have you even played a Zelda game?

>Blase about killing
Mario has never killed a human being in his life. He kills fucking mushrooms and evil turtles.

eating all the time is clearly a psychological problem.
cant imagine kirby to have patience for politics either.
blasé about killing is a no brainer as well.

but is kirby REALLY male?

Attached: virgin bingo.png (600x660, 88K)

>implying the Koopas and Goombas don't just start at the beginning of the level with one less life

kun/chan is no indication of gender, though.
it is an indication of assumed relation.

He kinda was an anti Hero in 3. His whole character arc was an anti Hero to a Hero one

Bingo get!

Attached: BiBo Bingo.png (1320x1100, 493K)

even that's not a given. fucking scorpion from MK, a 90s gritty hero archetype, can't get bingo

Attached: testyourmight.jpg (1000x1100, 361K)

are you surprised people here dont know what it means?

dook nookum, the most shitlordiest toxic masculine protag a lefty could name

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Attached: hellion.jpg (1652x1100, 362K)

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 249K)

no bingo :)

Attached: 1550458583449.png (600x660, 142K)

Here's Tony Soprano

(Sopranos had a vidya so he counts)

Attached: 1c.png (1000x1100, 402K)

>Max Payne
close but no banana. I was going for 1st game.

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 256K)

That one was certainly a stretch. Hell, I think it could be argued he just knocks them out, even. Just wanted to see how many spaces I could fill while being as (un)charitable as possible.

Takes place in Transylvania, right? Hungarians and Rumanians are both white.

I'm surprised that Samus is being classified as an anti-hero.

Lloyd Irving

This is actually a really badly put together BINGO.

They blew their load with the first row and first column.
Those two are cherry-picked to get Master Chief-style FPS/TPS characters.
I mean you can see how fucking hard they were going for those chars, they put Military Rank, Hardened Vet, Guns, and Crew Cut together so that most generic military games will automatically hit all 4 and only need 1 more for BINGO.

But then the rest of it is just kind of thrown together randomly.

Like they have Killing Spree (Aliens/Other) on the same row as Killed family. Those two don't mesh for the most part.


Attached: D3339504-C4FB-4AB8-B45A-7563DF001A1C.png (180x351, 81K)

>Tony Soprano

Attached: 1392620854853.png (500x386, 227K)

lmao fucking Batman doesn't give you bingo, this guy is a retard

TvTropers should be gassed

The whole plot of MGR was his lack of patience for politics.

Who? We can't even get Call of Duty protagonists a bingo.

Vice City, Tommy Vercetti passes

But Rita wasn't his wife/family at all!

Damn even with Coldsteel I almost didn't get it.

Attached: coldsteel.png (1622x1100, 682K)

I will keep posting these with females just to prove a point

Attached: icaria.jpg (1652x1100, 414K)

You forgot when Dark world's mom head explodes.

>No killing spree humans

>The creator said you're guaranteed to win every time.
Did he?

Oh damn it. I was so focused on his legion shit that I forgot about the war of the ancients.

A female would not refer to another female who are around the same age and status as -kun. Look it up.

strongk female characters are 100x more cliched and predictable

Is the Messiah a military rank?

Attached: kane.png (1574x1100, 892K)


Attached: P5.png (2020x1208, 2.54M)

Bingo. ;_;

Attached: AD9ECB21-FC58-450F-8D00-113FD0B8E961.jpg (600x660, 114K)

Yeah but he doesn't scream about it. If I remember right all he says is "I hope mommy is okay." He does totally attack people out of Rita though I suppose.

I think that's all

Attached: Geralt.jpg (1000x1100, 388K)

Not quite family.

Attached: file.png (603x660, 109K)

For fucks sake, Big Boss was being genuinely sentimental for Medic in the ending. Unless that also was an act at the end and that he's just a dirty evil cunt.
Either way, he made Medic his slave because Medic fell for that "being a warmonger named Big Boss, known to the world as a criminal suspect and a possible deadly force of terror is awesome" kool-aid enough that he decided to initiate the Outer Heaven Uprising for him, so, "psychological problems" is probably correct.

Attached: Haha can't bingo me.png (600x660, 92K)

Attached: peacock.jpg (1592x1100, 366K)

well Yea Forums?

Attached: whoisshe.png (1000x1100, 76K)

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 121K)

Geralt is a criminal. Also lots of armor. Also dark humor in the face of danger. Also goes by a title/designation for most characters, who know him by "white wolf" or "witcher"

"Conversely, my experiences with playing female characters on WoW for several years had led me to believe that WoW would come out on top as the MMO with the most sexist imagery. I was quite chagrined to discover that the opposite was true and that most of the other top MMOs were actually more sexist in their imagery "

She tallied up, and charted all kinds of concept art, cover art, and the like then drew the conclusion that because women are featured in more suggestive poses, and attires anywhere from -16% to 27% in MMOs, and gaming magazine advertisements that they were sexist.

"I think it’s gross and shouldn’t have been part of the game is not the same as calling for a boycott of a game."

Sounds like another forgotten journalist woke and broke. The bingo was funny though.

Attached: Screenshot (37).png (1920x1080, 259K)

he doesn't really wear lots of armor, all of his "canon" armor sets are light leather with some mail

Attached: afuckingdoor.png (1598x1100, 661K)

Point being, he's always wearing armor, lots of it. Compare him to Link for example, Geralt is almost never without armor.

I mean sure he's not spess murine tier but I feel it still applies.

Strelok doesn't work here boss


Tried it with Heavy, the main character. No bingo

Attached: CRYSOMEMORE.jpg (1000x1100, 396K)


Attached: rexbingo.png (1500x1100, 775K)

Super Mario

Fuck this chart

Nathan Drake beats it

Attached: 2755629-screen+shot+2014-12-10+at+3.31.58+pm[1].jpg (2489x1398, 220K)

>Carl Johnson from San Andreas doesn't pass

Attached: 1d.png (1000x1100, 401K)

Coldsteel is not an antihero, he's just outright a villain, he was "turned to the darkness" remember?

So no, not even coldsteel gets a bingo.


Attached: Lucas Chart.jpg (1433x1100, 283K)

Why does Lara Croft fit so perfectly then

Fucking rigged, I swear.

Attached: 8951830E-3DC3-4D7C-BFBE-6D3441B06760.jpg (1309x1047, 274K)

Clones rights activists plz go

Even fucking Duke Nukem can't win this bingo xD

Shadow of the tomb raider here

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Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 297K)

lmaooooo xdddd kill yourseld :DDDDD

So women are winning the male bingo?

He's also a vigilante, dealing with jesus. Also a criminal, cop guy lets you get away with carrying weapons around but that doesn't stop it being a crime.

Door is also a title or designation. Fuck you, it counts.

>talks to and says he is in love with inanimate objects
>no psychological problems

Did the person who made this even play any videogames besides Call of Duty? Hell I'm pretty sure the "title or designation instead of name" square was inspired by Halo but I don't know if captain king even gets a bingo.

Attached: bingo.png (1060x654, 495K)

Lara is definitely also cold and aloof
>Whoops caused a flood that killed thousands of people :D
>Oy gotta get going so I can kill more trinity people :D

He kind of becomes a criminal in Week 3 what with the Emergency Call and shit.

His kind of plumbing is what he does in the original Mario Bros.

Attached: bingo.jpg (1610x1096, 362K)

If you include other M
>Military rank
>Title or designation instead of name (ma'am)
>No patience for politics
>Scowls a lot

Just did it before seeing your post. Pretty much confirmed.

Attached: 2019-03-09 02_06_53-Clipboard.png (1488x1100, 1.17M)

xD was here longer than you kiddo

>See if your favorite character can get bingo
But my favourite character is female.

He gets
For doing missions for that secret service dude

>He's definitely a loner
>psychological problems
>Supernatural powers (impossible for him to fucking die already)
>No patience for politics

Did I miss anything?

Attached: tboi bingo.jpg (1346x1100, 255K)

Attached: reimu.jpg (1032x616, 351K)

The betrayer is a titke of designation you dumdum.


Attached: 2019-03-09 02_11_24-Clipboard.png (600x660, 106K)

Attached: fuckhead.jpg (1548x1100, 521K)

Absolutely gets
>Killing spree (humans)

Being a vigilante is a crime, user.

>Instead of name
He has a name though.

He gets a bingo, being a vigilante = being a criminal.

Also absolutely has psychological problems.

Is it still a crime if you're the one making the rules in the first place?

>uses XD unironically
>calls someone kiddo

>the game explicitly makes you work as a team
really both of these are a fucking mess
>wraith isn't even white
>bangalore has no psychological problems
>neither of them are cold or aloof
>wraith isn't part of the military
>wraith isn't a hardened vet
>bangalore isn't brooding
>bandalore doesn't have a crew cut
>wraith isn't a criminal
>almost everything that does actually apply to them is just a product of them being in a shooter
a g e n d a

Hell, even in MGS2 he didn't really have any patience for the Colonel or Rose's intentional vagueness and the political fuckery throughout the game, often showing frustration whenever they told him what to do without revealing anything about what was actually going on.

Nope for Raziel. Didn't work for him.

I think they were more saying that Dante wouldn't get a bingo and hence wins as a result because winning this bingo proves some dumb "toxic masculinity" point

The "lot's of armor" and "dark humor" are actually rather rare.

Yeah but only as a meme. I have thought about it.
>He's definitely a loner
Lots of friends and girlfriends he hang around with all the time.
>psychological problems
Like what?
>Supernatural powers (impossible for him to fucking die already)
It's a video game meta trope. He isn't like that in lore.
>No patience for politics
Maybe, but he's like most peaceful guy in the crew.

It's me Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa!

Attached: barney.jpg (1494x1100, 323K)

Based rufus


So let's say there's a lot predetermined about your character, but a lot of their personality is based on your actions. Would you fill out this sheet based on every action you know of, only on pre-determined things, or a combo of pre-determined stuff and how you played them?

This is how it works in real life lol. In extreme/elite professions there are so many filtering/gatekeeping mechanisms that those who make it through will be remarkably similar because a very specific skillset is required for that life.

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 106K)

>Takes more common tropes in aventure/action stories oh bingo!!!

yeah but otherwise he's perfectly stable and reasonable as long as you don't fuck with him. and the comics imply talking to Sasha is a coping mechanism

Now Soldier, he's a legit maniac
but he still don't get bingo

Attached: ifgodhadwantedyoutolive.jpg (1000x1100, 397K)

biceps as big as your thighs should be half-counted since you can pick up The Body, Steroids, etc. Also supernatural powers since typically satan doesn't offer blood lasers to just anybody.

I couldn't get a bingo with a male protagonist, only female.

Attached: Zero.png (1000x1100, 403K)

Attached: 2d2accd94a569cd5499a4843a7fa24e7.jpg (650x1100, 63K)

Yeah, I was considering putting those down but I figured I would just go with the stock standard otherwise you could potentially add quite a bit

actually scratch the vigilante one since she just doesn't care about law.

Vigilantes either

Every political belief is reactionary, faggot.

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 111K)

Attached: no bingo.jpg (1520x660, 136K)

The scum of the Earth.

No win, even if you count the stuff I wasn't entirely sure about.

Didn't count cold and aloof because it only happens once near the end of the game and he gets over it pretty quickly

Attached: ZidaneTribal.png (1000x1100, 387K)

I'm a bit unsure as to whether both Sub Zero's are asian based on their model vs their names. Though I'd definitley be more leaning towards being Asian

Attached: MK Mythologies.jpg (1494x1100, 318K)

A shit male character bingo.
May imply lots of women are written badly with male traits

title or designation also works for Bioware and Bethesda games

Pretty close

Attached: rico rodriguez.jpg (1000x1300, 278K)

Pretty sure that Vagos dude is easily the most peaceful. Hell even Woozie isn't particularly violent.

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1267x1100, 304K)

>Does not have a rank
Every soldier has a rank, user.

>List main characters don't get bingo
>Even disney princesses win bingo

Not even close with this one.

Attached: blindprince.jpg (1291x1100, 281K)

Damn, no bingo. This sucks

Attached: anon i.png (600x660, 121K)

Do you really not know anything about TF2?

>No anti hero, psych problems or brooding

William Joseph Blazkowicz

Nope, not a damn clue. I know the heavy has a gun called Sascha and he loves sandvich, but I really don't have the time for trash like arena shooters.

I don't think he counts as a loner because he's relatively friendly to Zia, Rucks, and Zulf. Plus he actively seeks out survivors.

Attached: kid.png (1706x1100, 1.12M)

Well, alright then.
Soldier is not an actual soldier, he never served in any army. He's just a LARPing psychopath with a rocket launcher.

Basically he calls himself a solider, but was never actually in the military.

By jove.

Attached: 2C727932-D141-4330-8EFD-8852A0A74105.jpg (1400x1024, 250K)

Sora, white and super natural powers

And killed by Makto.

Attached: bingo.png (1196x1096, 477K)

>Peter Parker

Attached: jjj.png (625x360, 370K)

Isn't a Vigilante technically a Criminal by default in most situations?

Capitan marvel

Close one.

Attached: 077FB2C5-75FB-4546-BC45-580FBDE6A8C1.jpg (600x660, 128K)

Being a vigilante = criminal, user. But also; Breaking and entering, theft, destruction of public property, littering, trespassing, assault, attempted murder. The full list is pretty fucking long.

You're dumb as a fucking rock. The guy is literally a serial killer.

Attached: Makoto.png (1000x1100, 413K)

>Cold and Aloof

Attached: 1507702665465.png (456x510, 237K)

Yes but a criminal isn't always a vigilante you see.

I did it with Phoenix Wright and I got two, with one of them being debatable.
I did it a second time with yabuki Joe just to be sure and I got like 4 squares so I can confirm this is bullshit

Attached: Kid Icarus.png (1000x1100, 383K)

Yeah, this really doesn't works with eastern characters at all.
Are holy powers considered "supernatural"? If no, then he literally fills only "white".

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1366x1100, 291K)

>psychological problems


>You were always the best, no one ever came close
>You defined the art, and it defines you
Yeah, I'd say 47 has some experience under his belt

Attached: unknown.png (1291x1081, 670K)

>hat kid
>supernatural power
>tittle or designation instead of name
>Killing spree aliens

To you. You can form a political belief through policy analysis and historical context. Reactionary political beliefs are when you take something at face value and immediately come up with a staunch position thats usually based on identity or culture war nonsense.

Considering angels invade the world rather than normally inhabiting it, I'm going to go with holy powers being supernatural.

Also he gets a complimentary "they killed my wife/child/family!!! I'll make them pay!!!" for the scene where his ring breaks.

Dubious but I would also attribute "dark humor in the face of danger" for touch fully tail.

He's also a criminal, definitely breaks Illias' laws on the regular.

Every nintendo character "loses" (wins?) this.

The "creator" doesnt knows shit.

Attached: doom guy.jpg (1440x1100, 426K)

They're not my favorite but I don't think the Danganronpa protags check off any of these. At best Shuichi is brooding because of chapter 1 and having little confidence in himself

Need to make a "Female Lead/Love Interest" Bingo.

As a history major, I have never, EVER seen anyone form a political opinion from "historical analysis". Even the smartest academics absolutely form their opinions based on their feelings, and try to prove it through one-sided investigation. It's the nature of humanity.

Every politician in every single country is reactionary. Left-wingers are reactionary, right-wingers are reactionary.


Attached: kenshi.png (1000x1100, 335K)


Attached: ocarinaoftime.png (1000x1100, 336K)

>he gets a complimentary "they killed my wife/child/family!!! I'll make them pay!!!"
His family is already dead before the game even begins (sans uncle Micaela and his grandma, of course), and he holds no grudge to those that WERE responsible for it, so not sure if it counts.

>"dark humor in the face of danger"
Facing Tamamo when she specifically says she won't fight him isn't exactly "danger" IMO

>He's also a criminal
Eh, debatable. Breaking religious dogma isn't exactly same as "crime"

cold and aloof
blase about killing
lots of armor
bald/crew cut

still no bingo though

It's him thinking his aunt and other townsfolk got killed by the angels that make him so angry his ring breaks, user. It counts.


Attached: gared.png (1632x1100, 767K)

leather armor is still armor

also you forgot bald/crew cut

The first two are unknowns, since he doesn't say or emote at all
Fair, the HEV Suit is pretty heavily plated
That's not a crew cut

Attached: xenoprotags.jpg (1056x2500, 652K)

Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank.

Commander Shepherd isn't a title instead of a name. It fulfills "military rank", but not the one next to it, because he still has a name. Same goes for most games where you name your protagonist but they're called something else because they're fully voiced - your character has a name, so it's not just the rank. You just aren't called by that name in voiced dialogue.

Shepard isn't a particularly contradictory example for the bingo anyway because I think he'll double or triple bingo.

He gets one bingo, but only if you're assuming his default male appearance (which isn't even canon since female shepherd appears on a cover too).

Kirby doesn't get bingo.

Forgot my image. Blue lines are ones that apply only to default male shep
I didn't play the dumpster fire third game though so maybe I missed something

Attached: shepherd.png (1000x1100, 395K)

Can 47 really be considered white? He's a fucking nightmare of multiple people's genes from different ethnical groups being spliced together.

Making a female lead/love interest bingo. What does it need?

Attached: ae97fafe96c6f348e3733cb5f34114e4.png (855x837, 103K)

At least the Skies of Arcadia version completely fails. Though I suspect even the Valkyria Chronicles version would fail as well even though he'd come close on the top row.

Attached: vyse.png (1715x1100, 1.05M)

little to no plot relevance

wew lads

Attached: Brad from LISA.jpg (1000x1100, 215K)

>eating all the time is a psychological problem
For humans. Nothing suggests the same applies to Kirby

I could have gone full retard and made a bingo sheet for every alignment, and there are a couple tiles you could take or leave our of sheer technicality, but even as-is he didn't get near as many bingos as I thought.

Attached: TheNamelessOne.png (3836x1256, 855K)

Willing to sacrifice herself for the protagonist.

For magic/caster/healer, change it to just "primarily uses magic and/or a bow"

This seems to just be "Anyone that isn't a beta male" bingo.

Attached: 1543687473398.jpg (640x412, 23K)

"Childhood friend" is a very obvious one.

"Victim of tragedy" is basically a free space

"Has never been in a relationship"



Doesn't even tick a single square

Attached: Makoto_Naegi_Illustration.jpg (946x946, 123K)

Damn, if Shulk was bald or had a crew cut he could get a bingo on the bottom row.
>has magic sword
>kills lots of robots
>angry for Fiora
>lucious head of hair

Attached: 1453265859784.png (1117x715, 587K)

I'm not so sure about tragedy victim, rich, and royalty, but the other two are pretty common.

Nah, gotta get more vague and catch-all than that to begin to compare to OP's. Instead of those try
>History with the MC
>sad backstory
>Never been in a relationship (in addition to the "still a virgin square" and in the same line as it of course just like OP's having vigilante and criminal separated)
>rich or influential
>high rank in nobility/religion/government


she's so perfect, easily the best thing gearbox ever invented

I gave him bottom right for wanting monokuma/junko for pay for what they did

Dante passes

Attached: Dante.png (1000x1100, 393K)


Attached: file.png (600x660, 86K)

Yep, see


Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 123K)

>not title
>not making a living being violent
>not supernatural powers
do you think he was born all cybered up or did his cyberware grow during puberty

Jesus fucking Christ, even Caim from Drakengard can't pass this. Whoever made it and the statement about being "guaranteed to win" is on crack.

Attached: bingoraz.png (1922x1150, 1.17M)

He tries convince Junko to not go through with the punishment though. And he tries to "cure" the rest of the ultimate despair, so I assume he would have tried the same on Junko given the chance.


Attached: i'msolonely.png (605x674, 167K)

s-shut up

Attached: welp.png (600x660, 105K)

little to no chemistry with the main character

im too cool to be here desu

Attached: d9055e3b50.png (575x655, 91K)

Almost two.

Alan Wake didn't get a bingo, but always appear in "white male protagonist bad!" pics, uh-huh.

Attached: IMG_20190309_094412.jpg (931x1024, 216K)

Attached: actually doing okay rn.png (1152x660, 130K)

Only if they're wanted by the government.
Superman is a vigilante but not a criminal.

47 isn't white and also Absolution was a gritty reboot


wealth and glory to the winner

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1699x1077, 433K)

He is implying he is pleased with the selection, as the character depicted, JJ Jameson, hates Spider-man.

Depends on the type of vigilante. Dante is like a vigilante in that he doesn't answer to any law and is essentially judge jury and executioner, but he doesn't have the government looking for him

Attached: winnar.png (942x958, 137K)

Reactionary is also used as a term for many conservative political beliefs that are now long gone from the mainstream, like monarchism.
It's only an insult if you consider as such.
Any real, say, monarchist, would be proud of his position.

Ezio Auditore

Attached: Ezio Auditore.png (962x1094, 397K)


Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 150K)

I do enjoy some thinly veiled off-topic threads ( namely the cunny ones ) but not many so not sure if that counts

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 106K)

It says WHITE, not American """white"""

>supernatural powers

Alan wake doesn't win, though

Wonder Red aka Will Wedgewood scratches off only 4 of them, none of which are the middle. Actively subverts several.

Mario has blue eyes, so he's not a southern wop.

I think he doesn't pass, actually. Almost gets far left column through some technicalities but
>hardened veteran
Can't spin that one.

Attached: Sir_Daniel_Render_MediEvil.jpg (300x408, 33K)



Attached: FemTag Bingo.png (2000x2250, 1.18M)

You should change "Pewdiepie" to "ecelebs" in general

Attached: v-card.png (600x660, 124K)

Attached: lancer dab.gif (210x147, 34K)

Reminder: made for BBC :)

I did this long ago.

I did attribute some aspects of his giant robot into the chart

Attached: Bingo.png (1317x1100, 508K)

made for women

according to your shadow Pointman is bald

Only cockroaches are happy with their life tbqhwyf
They'll live in anything, they'll eat anything, they'll do anything.

Zoomer begone.

What wrong with it?

>Biceps big as your thighs
>arguably supernatural powers/strength

Attached: 1541406340143.jpg (607x643, 95K)

>literally named "Sora"

Attached: char giggle.png (480x480, 223K)

I don't think even Joel from the last of us gets bingo, and he was kind of the Sony face for a bit. Huh.

Ignore him, user. He doesn't like it because it's an action game instead of stealth, even if stealth wouldn't have fit for post-MGS4 Raiden.

t. faggot

Attached: edgy raiden.jpg (640x360, 73K)

Geralt of Rivia. (Blue)
Trevor Philips.(Red)
Max Payne. (Green)

Uh.... turns out I don’t play many single player games that don’t have custom characters.

Attached: 81F2C5D9-1D9F-4EC1-A726-0E083157712B.jpg (931x1024, 147K)

Summon the Elector Counts! I did not win!

Attached: Emperor_Karl_Franz.jpg (451x538, 76K)

>Guns. Lots of guns.

Attached: CjAJrlDWgAEqTbJ.jpg (640x480, 36K)

Balaclava IIRC

Wow, you sure showed me you aren't zoomer retards.

Psychological problems should be the freebie

Based Phoenix Wright has zero of these.
(He's asian not white fuck you)


Attached: 1385163400838.jpg (529x374, 30K)

A (you)

Attached: 1552077056939_protag_bingo_spyro.png (1280x1100, 462K)


Attached: joel.jpg (1000x1100, 250K)

Attached: soclose.png (600x660, 94K)


Crono doesnt fit the bill.
You lose.

Attached: te secabo.jpg (1000x1100, 221K)

Attached: xenofemales.jpg (1041x2500, 584K)


Attached: borizon.jpg (1000x1100, 159K)

Just for shits n' giggles I did a chick

Attached: samus_aran.png (1000x1100, 412K)

Forgot to put a mark on the "THEY KILLED MY FAMILY" box. Oops.

I don't think anyone fits the bill outside of maybe Doomguy and Master Chief.

He makes a living being violent, although I guess there's mini games.
Hes a knight in some.
Killing spree for sure.
Loner at the begining of most every game.
Triforce of courage and magic could count as supernatural powers.
Wolf form lets him see the dead.
White maybe.
Majora and twilight could count as gritty reboots.
Vigilante for sure.
Scowls a lot
Hardened veteran in breath of the wild, technically.

Attached: RagnaTheBloodedge.jpg (1200x660, 189K)

>He makes a living being violent
Hey, Link has honest grass cutting and pottery recycling jobs.

I don't think Sora fills even a single space except Killing Spree.

Attached: Kairi.png (2500x2250, 1.23M)

Despite how Ramza is/does all of these rather tropey things over the course of the story, it never seems hackneyed or contrived. In retrospect, more of these would apply to Delita.

Attached: Ramza.png (1534x1100, 1013K)

>female protag bingo
>breasts size of a pea
>emulating men from rival series

Attached: 1551832004564.png (1236x700, 1.08M)

Included explanations/rationalizations for the stretchier ones.

Attached: ness_tried_psi_shitty_bingo.jpg (1500x1100, 372K)

How many characters actually get bingo on this?
I don't even think Captain King, one of the most cliche vidya heroes of all time, actually gets a bingo unless you really push it.

if thats the case then vigilante and criminal shouldnt be right next to each other

Duke Nukem fails this soooooo

Attached: 8C8DF5B1-93FB-4FEE-8EEA-5E01132A6C0B.gif (320x240, 1.63M)

A vast majority of "strong female characters" are just women that are written as men with tits, because everyone just assumes strong = masculine despite the fact that what people really want are strong (well written and compelling) female characters rather than strong (literal) female characters.

Does that really count if the mayor gave him the key?

Probably not. But the police still yelled at him for ignoring the "Do Not Enter" sign, so maybe? Just being as loose as possible to show that even THEN, the card is full of it.

Arthur Morgan doesnt make a bingo
what now faggot

are you literally retarded?

I make 6 figures

Attached: qOFyEW.png (600x660, 140K)

For the three people out there who played Kingpin: Life Of Crime, here's the protag

Attached: Thug.png (1537x1100, 718K)

Micaiah from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Attached: 1552093064445.png (1185x1050, 520K)

Got scared for a sec

Attached: -v- bingo.jpg (600x660, 134K)

Nathan Drake. He's only a bit of a sociopath but otherwise doesn't fit.

monster hunter, literally any game

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1000x1100, 201K)

No bingo for Dante

Well I at least hope the sex wasn't childhood abuse.

"Hardened veteran" is debatable, but even then.

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1890x1100, 422K)

I think he qualifies for supernatural powers, user.

Well, Not being an anti-hero pretty much saves Wily's butt.

Attached: docta waiwai.jpg (1000x1100, 213K)

My thighs are pretty damn big

His most common occupation after you finish the games is probably becoming a Royal Knight.
That's only making a living violently if you say cops would also fit that bill.

You are so wrong. Kun is make and change Is female

wouldn't it be wild if there was a tomboy version of pyra/mythra

Was he really blasé about killing? He wasn't too broken up about people dying, but I don't remember him killing anyone except the monster at the end of 2.

post ass

Aw man. I'm even bad at bingo.

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 104K)

There's no evidence Coldsteel is a loner.

Attached: 1536294466692.jpg (1370x1100, 291K)

What do I win?

Attached: IMG_8127.jpg (750x728, 133K)

Doesn't work for Donkey Kong, GG

I assumed this was for FPS games like the original chart. I think I fucked up.

Attached: alyxvance.png (3200x2250, 1.05M)


I'm not sure whether to call her romantic inexperience inexplicable because she has a lot of years on Shepard but she's also a turbonerd so that would seem to explicate it in my mind.

Attached: liara.png (3200x2250, 2.25M)

Based Drake

Attached: based drake.jpg (1738x1100, 324K)

>Max Payne
>technically a criminal
>absolutely a vigilante
>killing spree that's even directly referenced in MP2
>will off the first Cleaner in MP2 with just a one-liner
>loner(not by choice though)
>cold and aloof
>dark dark dark humor
>biceps(in MP3 at least)
>has no job as far as I can tell
>guns guns guns
>"psychological problems" only scratches the surface
>only armor is leather jacket
>bald in MP3
>rarely smiles
>supernatural reflexes
>dead family


Somehow didn't get bingo

Attached: virgin bingo.png (600x660, 110K)

Not quite.

Attached: 126.png (1930x994, 1.95M)

Lin's asian though.

what do i win

Attached: 1552077056939.jpg (1366x1019, 331K)

Attached: hey presto.png (1226x1100, 585K)

Don't starve. Not one male protagonist gets a bingo.

is this the power of kojima sama?

a wop is a wop

when did big boss get a gritty reboot

How is big boss a loner or a "gritty" reboot?

He has armor and inhuman strength in peace walker for some reason

Attached: d9b0c42056bcc82ee95ef920a77e5a87.jpg (700x1300, 82K)

Attached: PRINCE AND EMPEROR.png (1000x1500, 853K)

Yeah, BB isn't really the loner, that's SS.

Should add "They killed my ride!!! I'll make them pay!!!"

Link is a hylian you dumbfuck


Are you using "The One Free Man" as his title?

Attached: cool.jpg (1288x1100, 638K)

Snake doesn't win

>Far from no patience for politics he's actually a political guru.
>The reboot is anti-gritty

Bless the count of elector-counts.

he likes to be alone.

Gordon Freeman
>killing spree (humans)
>cold and aloof(?)
>lots of armor
>killing spree (aliens)
shit chart

Maybe I should have marked "Cold and Aloof" since Trigger never says a single word.

Attached: <<If it isn't Harling's killer>>.png (1500x1100, 606K)

>killing spree
He went on killing sprees in C47 and a few times in later games.
>dark humor
Nu-Hitman 2 made him talk more than ever and it's all dark humor undertones.

I think you missed a few

>list a shitload of good belivable traits you'd need to make an interesting, serious action game character
>present it in a way that it looks like some kind of bad, cliché thing
I bet that faggot just wants some kind of wacky nigger clown in a nonviolent farming game

I mean, I guess?

Attached: giphy.gif (270x279, 723K)

Pick one.

Muddy Mole doesn't even fit any of these
I guess the man who made this was completely wrong then

fuck for some reason my image didn't get posted
>"Hardened veteran" is debatable
he killed entire squads of marines in the first game, including tanks and helicopters. Then did the same on the second game, not to mention everyone acknowledges him as a veteran

holy shit again

Attached: GORDAN BIGNO.png (1806x1024, 1.12M)

>Implying Superman has patience for politics

Knight is a military rank

>no TF2 class gets Bingo
This card was poorly made but I'd expect nothing better from somebody calling herself "wundergeek", self-proclaimed geeks are usually casual, like how self-proclaimed badasses are pussies.

Attached: TF2 Classes Bingo.jpg (1536x1536, 599K)

The reason for the green is if you eat too much it is bad for you and can cause shit like breast cancer and whatnot. But that's everything. Moderation in all things.

Attached: 1552083404323.png (600x660, 107K)

All of them should have "Killing spree (aliens/others)" marked because of MvM.

Robot drones don't count, they can't be killed as they were never alive
The idea wundergeek is selling is that "disregard for sentient life is toxic masculinity

Proud of myself

Attached: 3FE5902E-02FD-4220-A4DE-D897A0BD25FC.png (2484x2733, 2.31M)

Attached: file.png (1380x1100, 671K)

>Not from a gritty reboot of WWI
>Not lots of guns
>Doesn't scowl a lot
>No dark humor in the face of danger
The fuck kind of Hitler did you play as?

What about captain toad?

>Spyro the dragon

Attached: 8769CDF7-5B1E-4772-8A6B-83BD8B6634EB.jpg (931x1024, 133K)

Twinsen from LBA2
none of them

Yea Forums represent, he has his own dynasty warriors so it's ok

Attached: someone had to do it.jpg (1502x1100, 304K)

I was thinking specifically of the Vortigaunts calling him "the free man", but yeah.

Dedede makes a perfect line