Why didn't you buy his game, Yea Forums?
Why didn't you buy his game, Yea Forums?
i did and had fun despite it being pretty easy.
Not shota enough
I'm poor
It was really fucking fun.
He's a pretty cute kid.
Wait, that's a dude? Always thought it was a chick.
Because I'm not even close to having finished the first game.
Is he the playable protag or just a side character to the MC?
I don't buy brand new games.
Because I pirated it and in spite of that only retained interest until the pirate part. Doubt I'll launch it again, it'll sit on my hard drive until I need to clear up space.
I did, but I should've waited for the Hard Mode patch first before playing. By the time it came out I had already beaten it.
because i didn't actually like the first ni no kuni that much.
He's the main character but all party members are playable and half of them are adults
disappointed with the game.
>world with multiple races and species
>all the party members are human
Evan still counts as human.
It was really mediocre and shoddily put together compared to the first game. Of had some neat ideas and moments but the cohesion of the project was frankly unprofessional.
I liked the first one, and the second seemed basically nothing like it in the ways I wanted (the combat), so I passed.
>Evan's archrival is a badass rat dude with a fully realized moveset
>Fights with you as a temp party member in one of the main bosses
>Doesn't join your party
But why?
>World with non-human filth
>They get no place in your party
Based. Beastpeople are analogies for niggers.
Does /ss/ happen in this game? Asking for a friend.
I wish the ears matched his hair
It's a very wholesome game. No /ss/.
who's this lisa simpson lookinass motherfucker
I feel like the first game was super polished with barebones mechanics, while the second was a barely-cohesive mess with tons of mechanics. I wonder if they'll get a chance to do a third that marries the two.
I have both Ni No Kuni 1 and 2, but I still need to play 1, which means breaking out my PS3.
Keep going, it gets good again. Pirates is weakest part.
Best character.
I fucking loved him.
How integral is 1 to 2?
He's the MC's royal pet/mcguffin. Basically all kings in that world need a divine animal called a kingmaker that legitimizes their rule and maybe gives them magic powers I guess? But since Evan is a shota he's just this tiny little cockney dude.
But also he has a super duper powered up draconic form too
A barely-cohesive mess with barebones mechanics? That wouldn't be much different from most modern games desu.
Stop being _silly_.
Thanks. My friend is disappointed but still wants to play it.
Where do people get that it's barely cohesive?
>make a kingdom
>become recognized as one
>recruit lots of people and be a good king
That's the plot and everything fits that.
Mechanics isn't super expansive but it has lots. Higgys, spells, weapons, different playables, army fights, so on
it was fun, but i just don't know if the DLC can make it worth another playthrough. there's fun parts to the game, but none of them are really fleshed out enough or really go anywhere. It makes Miyazaki films look mature by comparison which is to say it insults your intelligence in a number of ways. their DLC schedule was fucking retarded. I'm pretty sure I played this game over a year ago. and i think we're still waiting for the final DLC.
Because I wanted to play as a little girl
Ni no kuni 1 was bad, that's why
Well it expanded massively on the first game in terms of sheer stuff to do and narrative subtext, but then doesn't really do anything with it. The game was so easy at launch that you could power through it without doing any of the optional stuff and all of the kingdom plotlines wrap up so formulaically that it makes you wonder why they went to all the trouble to give them these interesting/complex backstories.
It's basically the first game but with a bunch of bits and bobs awkwardly glued-on instead of feeling like it was designed from the ground up to be more structurally complex.
If you buy the game the government puts you into a special file.
Closing in on the end. Its alright. Bit of a drag now.
You can, though?
but i did! And i like the combat. it's a 6/10 game though
Didn't buy it, but played it. It was crap compared to the original game story-wise and in art style, but the combat was a lot better.
Did they ever add the wedding outfits as actual wearable outfits? Was pretty sad that I couldn't use them in-game.