How many good official cartoon games were there? not anime games but actual cartoon games?

how many good official cartoon games were there? not anime games but actual cartoon games?

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Do comics count aswell?

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I suppose, was XIII good? I always got it confused with killer7

Yeah it was pretty fun.
There were somre really cool effects like sounds being displayed like in comics and cut in panels.
The cel shading was also well done.
The only drawback are the forced stealth sections with very limited saves.

neat, maybe I'll try it out since I'm pretty sure I've had a copy for a few years but never played it

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>that grim
they even had an anime grim to go by in the show

what is this
>no dexter's mom

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Is that an actual game?

yeah, fusionfall

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FusionFall was an offical Cartoonnetwork MMO, it was shut down in 2011 and brought back by a group of freelance college students last year

Who is the middle girl in the last row?

Boomer coming through

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Be honest with me, how bad is it? And how many Bleedman fags play it?

Buttercup's alter ego

I think it's supposed to be a different version of buttercup
no idea, never played it

Its legitmately alot of fun, the only problem is the world is so big and unless you use fast travels it takes forever to get around

The orginal game had a fucking paywall after level 4, the level cap is 36

Thanks bros, I want to fuck that.

>thinly veiled Ed edd n eddy thread

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Probably a lot you've never heard of and wouldn't think to search for.

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I had the ahhh real monsters game, it was alright
decent platformer I guess

Bart's Nightmare was like a lot of different games rolled into one, can't say I ever finished it myself because I was pretty young at the time but I remember having a lot of fun with it. I'm sure it wouldn't hold up to nostalgia, but that's pretty much everything right?

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I think they based all the models off that one guys CN universe comics to fuck with him or something

This is more of a /vr/ thread really

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I mean, there were plenty of post-99 official cartoon games

OP asked for good games

That one and the VR one were pretty awesome as kids, but are straight bullshit these days. I dont know how the fuck anyone ever beats them.

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holy shit it looks like Ainz

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