When you play games, do you pick male, or female?

When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
Why? Justify your choice.
For bonus points: in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I pick female because I play as a character I want to fuck
when given the chance to create characters I almost always make characters I want to fuck

>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
Depends from game to game. Usually I tend to pick male, because I'm identify as male (male)
>Why? Justify your choice.
Every now and then there are games where the male model looks like shit, while the female model looks great. WoW for example, it was much more obvious in vanilla, but even with updated models the females are often better looking. Sometimes in some games I just pick the female just for the heck of it. Rarely though.
>For bonus points: in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?
I either go for the dream version of myself if I pick a male (or dream girl if I create a woman), or I try to create a more realistic look alike, with only slight additions. Sims for example...I mean, if I get the option to create my wife, I'm not going to have an average wife, you know?

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I only pick men because I want to imagine myself in the game world picking female is weird if you are a girl you'll play as a girl and if you are a boy you'll play as a boy

Male cause it's the default
If i have to make a custom i just mash a

I'll take male if there are good dating options, as was the case in Persona 3 Portable.

I'll take female in every other case because I like girls and want to see a cute girl on screen for the most of a videogame experience.

I'm male.

I pick female.

Because I love pussy.

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Depends on my mood

Usually female, because girls look better. I don't see the character as a representation of myself, but rather a totally separate individual the actions of whom I control.

I play as a girl because I look closer to a girl than a boy and I like crossdressing and I like dating guys. Most men in games are big meaty muscular types and I really can't self insert well.

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I play female because I am a girl (female), but if the guy looks good I pick him

Male, because I like immersion, and I'm not a girl unfortunately. I usually make the same character, a literal Chad.

Not this shitty thread again.

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>not posting the real ending

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>not making a rough initial assessment of the game's atmosphere and archetypal influences and choosing the gender that will lend itself best to dramatic harmony within that thematic framework

>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
Whatever I fucking feel like
>Why? Justify your choice
Because I fucking feel like it

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same, but also because most of the times the girls look better

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I play men because I'm a faggot in denial

Depends on if the game offers content exclusive to either gender, and if I'd rather self insert or roleplay as something else.

Usually I pick male but if there's a cute romance exclusive to girls, I'll pick it if there isn't a better one for being a guy.

If only the games actually made it matter

>SP rpg
Always male so i can pathetically self insert
>MP rpg
Always female so i can get free shit from neckbeards. Back in WotLK i had a blood elf with maxed out tailoring for cute clothes dedicated at being a slut. A fucker even proposed to me and actually gifted me a ring

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Depends which I like better. I run Male only in Gen 1-4 of Pokemon but later ones just had better females.

But most other games my character is usually male like Saints Row, Dragon Age, Gears 3 and so on.

I usually go with male because I don't give a fuck and it's usually the default choice.

I'm sorry but whoever is a male but chooses female is clearly disturbed, a virgin nerd or possibly a homo deep inside.

Depends entirely on the look. I'll usually pick up guys.

If i can have a custom character, the first thing i check is abilities. A flying character will earn itself a spot as my number one, and then it will be if i can make a character that can breathe underwater. If they don't, then it will fall back on just how good the abilities are in correlation to the gameplay. If it's purely visual, I'll take whatever i feel like at the moment

I'm a girl by the way

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>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?

I'm trans.

>in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?
I usually go for a young girl and braids. If possible I tend to go for a mori-kei style.

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For me, it's always the gender of the specific character I intend to play as. Whether it's copying Guts or some other badass from a show, or playing as one of my own TTRPG characters, I always pick the most suitable possible options. So gender doesn't really factor in outside of "Is the character a male or a female" for me.
I'm a filthy roleplayer who likes to pretend to be those characters.

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>reverse trap

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how do i get a male who plays a cute female toon in game gf

Typically men as I tend to see them more easily as metaphors for the human spirit rather than an individual
Playing Dark Souls as a male character feels like you're watching human exploration itself while playing DS as a female character feels like I'm just watching someone explore.

Sometimes the latter is better when the story is more individual-focused (like Celeste) but I'm generally more interested in exploring stories through the eyes of what we all have in common rather than what is unique to one individual

If a game is letting you make a character it's usually an rpg so I'll pick whatever I think works best with the archetype I'm going for. For example a slutty witch, a big dude with a shield, a rogue, etc. If the game is just having me pick 2 presets a la pokemon I'll pick a dude because I'm a dude.

Most of it is in your head
Your brain will treat a scene differently depending on if it's a man or a woman inhabiting it

I play a delicious brown Amazonian or loli whenever I can because it's cute. Keep projecting your gayness

Female characters because the customization options are usually a lot better/more in depth. Male characters usually.end up looking either too edgy or like twink faggots.

female because why the hell not
if i wanted to self-insert as a male then i'd just be more miserable when i stop playing

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>When the hairstyle you want is locked to the opposite gender

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Mostly play male but will occasionally make a female character. Either way I usually try to make a huge Conan like barbarian.

Always male. Very rarely female. Only play females in fighting games and mobas
Cause I'm a male

>it's cute
100% certified turbo homo

thank god dragon's dogma exists and I can play as both

Picked female in ME because they don't let me play as Garrus. Garrus deserves some love though and he ain't gonna get some if you don't pick femShep.

I'm not the one who pretends to be a girl in a video game, trying to cover your sissy ass saying "I liek puss and looking at ass". You people are disturbed

It depends.
For example I'm currently playing two different runs of Fallout 4, one as the male, one as the female. I have a bunch of mods installed. As the male, I play a 'mad at the world' father avenging his wifes death. When I can, I kill most raiders only leaving one female and then rape her two or three times before putting a bullet in her head. I also play the 'nice guy' around Cait and Piper, but fuck them both behind their backs.

As the female I play a 'dumb pre-war bitch who thinks she can survive in the commonwealth while searching for her son' she made it to diamond city okay, but then attempting to clear out hangman's alley she took out one raider, but then was overcome and raped by the remaining three. She got pregnant by them, and then snuck back in under the cover of night and killed them all. Then she got an abortion a bit later because of the trauma of a rape child. I'm not very far with her yet but I can definitely see some super mutant and more raider rape in her future.

In a game like Dark Souls 3 I play male if I'm going str or dex build, female if I'm going miracle or pyro (usually, there are some exceptions, female dex build or male paladin style healer)

In Skyrim I usually go female, because there are just more mods based around females, but all this rape stuff in FO4 makes me want to re-try sex mods in Skyrim Special Edition, I figure they probably have most of the good mods ported over by now.

I usually make characters that are really good looking but I tend to stick to one specific style: Long black hair, green eyes. A lot of games don't have good long hairstyles for men though so I'll go short black hair for them. Always black hair and green eyes though.

Usually I say mmmm I say mmmm how do I feel, you know? DO I feel good, do I feel like a woman today? I rub myself a little, I test the waters....then I go for it.

I become the woman, I become her.

Female because I have a raging tg fetish that I satisfy whenever possible
Always make a small framed girl or loli with glasses and twintails whenever possible

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>justify your choice
lol no, fuck off.
I will play every character I like, male, female, robots, ayylmao etc.

Watching some scrawny girl brandishing a sword half her weight tends to shatter muh immersion, so in games where that's important, I go male
Otherwise, I'll roll with either

I'm a guy so I choose a guy. Simple as that

i flip a coin then use the default or press the random button if i dislike the default

Female because it's more aesthetically pleasing

I'm a girl so I choose a girl. Simple as that

I always try to pick the option that makes the most sense, or the canon one. Women don't really go around shooting stuff or swinging swords often do they?
I usually end up with the first option base dude, go figure.
Only time I remember being a girl was pokemon, vtm and some western turn based rpg that I didn't even finish.

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>Play Fallout 2 as a man 99% of play through
>Play Fallout 2 as a woman once
>The only interesting thing about being a woman was the gay shit you could do

People that play women are homos or secret trannies

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Yeah women like cute animals so them being pokemon trainers makes sense

>literally skip quests if you put out
At least it's accurate.

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I flip a coin if I can't find a clear "x was a dude" on the internet.

always pick a waifu of course


females because its the safest choice to enjoy a game, with a male its usually a boring generic dark fire/wind cool dude, but with a female even if she is boring you can still enjoy her looks, and porn too.

>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
>Why? Justify your choice.
Because I'm male and if the game's player character does not have their own personality I'll just self-insert instead.
>For bonus points: in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?
I usually just create a decent looking male. I tend to get bored quick when trying to make an over-the-top silly character.

I have an entire set of points that helps me to determine who which one would I pick.

Point one: can I make character model make to look like myself? If not, see point two
Point two: how much does the model available look like me? Generally not at all because I have a beard, self-insertion is utterly out of question.
Point three: is the girl model cute? Does she have a pony tail?

Any of the two in point three are true assuming points 1 and 2 are no go will lead me to picking a girl character.

In games like Fallout New Vegas, and hell, even Fallouts 1 and 2, I'd obviously pick a male because there will be some degree of self-insertion on my part.

With Pokemon I actually prefer to think of characters you play as as, well, their own characters. I am just tagging along.

>have TG fetish
>play as a guy still 80% of the time
more games need to have to option to change your gender at some point like dragon's dogma.

>Normal person picks their gender without second thought
>Mentally ill faggots spout shit like """I don't want to look a guy's ass XD, girls are cuter XD, MUH clothing options!!!""

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Pretty much this.
99% of people pick their own gender.
Yea Forums is literally the only place that will try to justify/make excuses to pick a girl.

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>Imagine being this much of a smooth brain

>spouts stats like he knows shit or even did any actual research
>probably a faggot virgin
>should kill himself

>99% of people pick their own gender.
[Citation needed]

I pick whichever one I like the design of more. Recently in Pokemon, I've picked the girl because they have more customization options. In Fire Emblem, I picked male Robin but female Corrin. I'll probably pick male Byleth. In create a character games I pick girls because it's easier to make a good looking girl than a good looking guy.

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>normal people
Yeah "normal"

>get a choice in a video game
>"durr you don't have a choice you have to choose this or else you're doing mental gymnastics and are mentally ill"

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AC games, REmake 2, ME3, any game that tracks what gender people picked ect.
Please don't act like you're the norm faggots

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>Role-playing is self inserting

>role-playing has to be done as someone similar to yourself
You have no idea what the words you are saying mean.

>All these insecure gay replies

>I'm trans
A transformer? If so that's cool

>Saying I'm not using words correctly
Yes I'm totally the same as Geralt braindead fuck

Stop projecting bro. Girls are pleasing to the eye and I like to jack off to them. Also this

I don't see what your point is. Do you have to play as characters that are the same gender as yourself or not, considering you just said you're not similar to Geralt?

>Do you have to play as characters that are the same gender as yourself or not
I just pick my own without thinking about it.
I empathize better with a male player character if have to give a reason.
There's a reason why the majority of video game protagonists are male.
They reflect the playerbase.

Then why does almost everyone pick male?

~90% of surviving traditional word-of-mouth stories/epics are about men as well
It's something deeper that none of us fully understand but man is he who takes the journey

>all these trannies in this thread
you will NEVER PASS stop fingering your asshole in the shower and hit the gym

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there is something very alluring about a reverse trap

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Depends on the male. If it's a bishie candyass fuckboi I might as well go female.

I create the "same" female character each time. I am not an OC fag I just enjoy it that way.

I try to make my self As cute and ditzy as possible cause i want to be the little girl

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This is why i main bowser in smash

Play as a guy most of the time, but if the girl makes my dick hard or is cute, I'll pick her.
As for custom character, I usually make them buttfuck ugly but not too over exaggerated, and always male as they usually look funnier.
Self inserting is for fags, and only works for either faceless or already defined protagonists.

I write lore and backstory for my characters in most games.
For simulation games i play as me though.

this guy gets it

>I look closer to a girl than a boy
No, you don't.

Whenever I play RPG where character customization is a large aspect, I like to make little short bios and origin stories to build several archetypes that explore as much of the game's playstyle content as possible.
Otherwise if customization is irrelevant I default to male.

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This, there is literally nothing to justify.

The only reason to pick female is if, after playing as male, there's some exclusive content for female characters and you're ok with making an alt/playing the game again.

>t. tall hairy guy with a deep voice with severe mental problems

It's not too late to get help, user.

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Cringe. Let me tell you how much I've come to cringe at you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'cringe' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the cringe I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Cringe. Cringe.

>i'm trans
so these are the types of threads you creatures post in when you're not busy falseflagging

Male usually
Idk it's default.
I just pick the hair style that most closely matches my own and leave everything else default.

I pick whatever strikes me at the time. What is there to justify? It's merely a matter of aesthetics and my current mood.

I pick male if I'm playing a western game. Female if I'm playing a japanese game. Simple as that.

If the characters are actually characters, then male.
If the characters are just random soldiers, then depends on the design.
I fucking love when a multiplayer game has faceless soldiers rather than actual characters. It makes my self-inserting autism perfect.

You may be cringing at me, but everyone is cringing at you when they see you in a dress in public. Get help. You can overcome your issues.

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>do you pick male, or female?
Male first then female.
It's basically morality OCD. Male is good character and Female is bad character. Just been the way I do it for years now.
>what kind of characters do you make?
Just standard in a way. Like for example SR2 I made my male character look like Ryan Reyonds with a beard. Thought he looked good. Then put a face bandanna and aviators on him. I'm a sucker for masks or making masks out of shit. And Female Character is basically based on well beautiful but not slutty. Like smart casual in a way. Like if you met a Brunette, zero piercings or tattoos had an amazing personality but listened to Thy Art Is Murder. That type of surprise really.

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i normally pick male (i pick female in games that have stat changes depending of gender, for example db Xenoverse)

in character creator i normally make a regular dude, short slicked back black hair, pale skin, brown eyes & a scruffy beard

Female if the female is super cute like Dawn or fem Hawk from DA2.

Depends. Usually I play as females because I like to rp as one and armour/clothing designa are better for females. They also look cooler when fighting. But sometimes I pick males if I’m horny because I’m a faggot. About the character creation, I tend to make shy, small girls or bara men

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user, no one thinks you look feminine. The five o'clock shadow makes sure of that.

I play female, unless the game has a romance option, in which case I play male so I can romance a female, though if there's a lesbian option I will oftentimes still play female. I play female because I don't self insert when I play games, I want a cute/attractive player character to look at, rather than some musclebound guy I don't relate to.

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Ah yes!

The feminine vs flamboyant argument...

If the game has a nice character customization, I'll go straight to female to make a cool beauty to smite my enemies, just because girls are beautiful and I like them, plus I get to make my own characterfu based on my tastes in women.

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In pokemon emerald I picked a girl because there was already a character with my name, brendan

I pick boy because I'm a boy, simple as.

Male because I'm one and not low test. I also tend to dislike female animations.


Depends on the game really, sometimes I like either the voice or look of one of them better, same thing if it's a game where I can make them look and sound different and I like one better than the other.

Male if the game has good armor design.
Female if it doesn't.

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If she's hot I'll pick female otherwise male.

what if you choose male but feel like a female partway in? more games should be like Dark Souls 2 and allow you to change gender when you want.

>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
>Why? Justify your choice.
>For bonus points: in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?
Brunette with a ponytail if possible

Girl. Escapism. It's nice to feel attractive.

Only 2 let you change gender. 3 had a ring that made you move like a male/female.

I like fantasy. I play mages and healers. A lot of males in these sort of games tend to be built like a brick shithouse. This makes no sense for a character that spends a great deal of time just reading books to study magic. Even in a world in which manual labour is very commonplace you gotta wonder why a mage wouldn't just use magic to move things. If a game enables me to make weak or average looking males then I'll make one. Otherwise it's only logical to pick a Female for me. It's a matter of bad character customization in some games more than anything.

>more games should be like Dark Souls 2 and allow you to change gender when you want.
Didn't use Saints Row 2 as an example. Pathetic.

>Usually male in single player
>Always male first if RPG
>Female character as a second run
>May pick female first if it has a good character creator and is not an RPG
>Typically female in multiplayer because males usually have worse options for outfits, hairstyles etc
>If characters are totally premade(Pokemon), I pick whichever one I think is cooler

Depends on the design of the characters for the most part.
Like with Pokemon I'm usually the male characters since the female characters have terrible outfits.
When it comes to a custom character engine I just go on a whim. Sometimes its a male character, sometimes its female. Sometimes I recreate myself, sometimes I recreate a favorite character from something else. Sometimes I make something serious, sometimes I make something as hilariously stupid looking as possible.

Female if the male looks like a fag, cause I'd rather be a woman than a homo desu

>Implying buff healers don't make the most sense
I'll give you mages but who'd you rather have watching your back some fucking treetrunk looking motherfucker that could carry the entire party on his shoulders or a twig girl holding some faggot-ass tree twig she calls a staff.

The thing that bothers me the most is why the fuck can't make a loli character wthout mods? I just want want to make a smol loli with a BIG ass weapong crushing everything that comes in my way. Is that too much to ask for?

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Am not the only who ONLY catches female Pokemon right?

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When will these threads fucking end? Don't you get tired of posting the same shit every day?

>Is that too much to ask for?
According to the U.N. and everywhere that isn't Japan. That is too much to ask for apparently.

Depends on the game, really.
I don't feel the need to project myself onto every character, so I make males and females about equally.
If it's a strong melee character, male.
If it's a sniper/sneaky type, female

I pick whatever character seems more "canon" to me/looks better. For example in pokemon I always picks boys in gen 1-2, and usually in gen 3. But after that the boy designs started to suck ass and I almost always pick girls, with the exception of calum in X/y.

For customs I make whatever, usually arbitrarily have some of my features like blonde hair and blue eyes.

i like looking at cute girls on my screen
i only pick male if he's cool


As if Japan gives a shit about the (((UN)) who openly supports Saudi Arabian and Israeli mass murderers, but oh boi those drawing are pure evil!.

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I pick whoever has the better design.
I usually make a serious character who looks like they would fit in with the world of the game.

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I tend to play whatever sex's sprite/model looks better. Typically that leads me to play females over males, but not always (and if I replay the game I'll probably try to mix it up a bit). I also prioritize making my character look physically distinct, rather than a bombshell babe. Sometimes they just look odd, but other times they're outright hideous freaks.

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That's why I said everywhere *that isn't* Japan. In japan they got Lol-i mobile games. And people are cool with it. But again anywhere that isn't Japan and you are automatically dead.

I pick female because it's the superior gender

>I pick female because it's the superior gender

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Actually, he gets with Tali in late ME3, if they're both alive and single.

I play both, depends on many factors
>Justify your choice
Fuck off

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Why this shit gets discussed so often?

I pick girls in Pokemon because the girls look unique and cute while the guys look generic as fuck. Basically background-NPC tier

I can't remember any quests you can skip by putting out. I think there's a couple times you can use sex to avoid paying for stuff, but nothing that lets you wholesale jump to the end.

In bethesda/bioware/etc games I’m always a dude because I role play as the main character. In Pokémon I always plays as a girl because they’re cute and it’s not as much about role playing but just having fun in the Pokémon world. And it’s fun seeing a cutie on screen all the time

I choose male or female on a whim. I typically pick male because I'm a dude, but I pick females too if they look cool.

Because identity politics are the only things anybody seems to want to talk about these days. Take me back, boys. I can't take it anymore. Fuck every one of you obsessed faggots.

It's a stealth "your're gay/trans with you play as a chick" thread. Or they're fishing for "yes I play girls because I am a sissy fag that wants your cock please ERP with me" responses

In Pokemon, I usually alternate with each version.

It's only dead because its illegal/shunned on. I spend more on loli games than on other games. Not counting my retro collection.

ive joined normie guilds in wow (normie but still nerdling betas) and they all played females

The coolest looking one.

It's actually a test to see how many people respond seriously and how many people shitpost or provide half-hearted and unoriginal responses.
The key indicator that someone actually wants to discuss the topic is if they answered the bonus question or not, which most people didn't.

whoever has the more pleasant voice in games with voiced protagonists

Discord trannies. If you talk shit about them they start using reverse psychology too thinking it will work to make them look better.

Male, and on rare occasions female.
I generally base all my characters looks off party members from Dungeon Crawlers. Anime games I try and base them off Etrian Odyssey characters, and then games that have a more normal look to their characters I base off western dungeon crawlers. The only exception to this is my, kind of sort of, self insert character, who really isn't much of a self insert because I always treat them like someone else rather then me.
Another factor for picking what gender I play is if the game is a sequel or set in the same universe, but the MC's of the games aren't meant to be the same. Then I choose somebody else from the old parties to base a character off of. Usually they're male.

Unless there's stat bonuses for it, I don't customize beyond the default design.

I don't need to justify personal preference.

for something with 1 character/save like pokemon I'll pick a guy otherwise I always roll dice to determine class/race/sex

>It's only dead because its illegal/shunned on. I spend more on loli games than on other games.
Well that is your business explaining what looks like an 8 year old with big eyes and a cute expression as being actually 500 years old in anime terms.

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>This delusional
>Picking your gender is self inserting
Chad always picks the dude lmao.
Guys who always pick girls are weebcels/trannies

Imagine still using the virgin vs chad meme in 2019

Mage character = female
Warrior character = male

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>Do you pick male or female?
Usually female.
I like trying to create something as visually appealing to my tastes as possible to puppet around in a fake world.
>What do you make?
Usually the cool and collected dark-haired type with great curves. It's a type that I like, and seeing more of them is never a bad thing.

In Saint's Row games I tend to make hideous oompa loompas though.

Male, I am not an inferior emocional human being

>When you play games, do you pick male, or female?
>Why? Justify your choice.
i just like girls. that's about it
>For bonus points: in games that allow custom characters, what kind of characters do you make? Hideous freaks, bombshell babes, maybe even a consistent character?

Unless I'm making my character based on an OC or some stupid shit like a circlejerk joke I just pick male.

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Male if I have a choice, makes self-insertion easier, but I don't mind forced female characters as long as they give me a boner.

Varies. And if there are multiple save files, I end up having both because variety.

You're doing God's work, user.

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it goes in this order
>cute loli
>handsome shota
>muscular tomboy
>toned tomboy
>Glasses girl