He is gonna take you back into past
Based James Thread
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>photoshopping boomer glasses when he actually wears them IRL
He is such a real life boomer. Even in the videos he usually mention old ass movies and games when discussing something relevant.
He's hardly anyone I would consider someone who "plays video games" in the modern day. More of a video game historian over anything else. Barely plays anything modern at all. Doesn't really watch any sort of TV shows as revealed in his most recent video. Just watches stuff that came out on VHS or only plays stuff that came out pre Gamecube/PS2/Xbox era.
He was really fun to watch for a while but the schtick becomes a little old after a while if even a little frustrating. The movie videos he does with all the fat fucks can get really grating as he seems to wear his lack of movie/TV knowledge with pride. Seems like a genuine guy but it's clear he deeply regrets focusing on video games for his channel despite it being the only reason he got popular to begin with.
>this is a man in his late 30's
daily reminder that the nigger gets to fuck his crush in the movie
To let you fuck his wife in the ass?
What drives a man to do this to himself?
He'd rather have a buffalo
James has been uncucked for several years now
Take a sneed and feed in his ear.
Those are his regular eyeglasses.
ya jelly
>and let you fuck his wife in the ass
>dick shape always visible in every photo
Holy shit
Mike is Yea Forums
to play the shitty games that suck ass
Where did the hair go?
Makes sense, I doubt kids would care about old comics like that
He's the epitome of an autistic Chad. His charisma overpowers all of the cringe shit he has done like the minecraft video. youtu.be
Because its a funny gag
Who the fuck did this?
Being already married?
>mfw I literally can't see anything related to Inspector Gadget without reminding of Mike now
some drawfag user
Good to see he's getting some quality OC.
I really liked his Resident Evil review.
Funny how he unintentionally triggered a lot of SJWs with that video.
havent they broken up though
Which games can I scare people just by looking at them?
You could tell that he's more of a Nintendofag and didn't play the games back then otherwise he'd know that inventory management is an important aspect in the classic RE games.
His Ghostbusters video came out nearly 10 years before the feminist "Ghostbusters". In that episode he clearly said he wants the original cast to play the movie even if it's shit. I can totally understand his disappointment.
Mike himself probably
>that face
>that posture
>those clothes
is that a tranny
Why does he flinch like that?
vietnam flashbacks
those comics are less manchild than x-mens or batman and shit like that
those are comics for literal children, you can't get more manchild than that
You're spending too much time on the internet. Thats def a girl Just a little advice.The biggest redflag to detect a tranny are the hands
maybe he's seen Mike do something pretty dark, he does have a bit of a psycho look on him
I wouldn't doubt it, how does the guy even make a living anyway?
Would you believe that this isn't even the lowest point he has been at? Watch the elmo video