Real talk, why do people want an official English release of Mother 3 so badly?

Real talk, why do people want an official English release of Mother 3 so badly?

We've had the fanmade English translation patch for like forever now. What difference would it make having an "official" version? Especially considering that it would likely be altered/censored to hell in order to maintain an E rating in the west.

I honestly don't understand.

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Being able to throw money for something they love, user.

It's just a bunch of kids trying to look cool and retro by advertising how much they love Mother.

i would not buy it since i have already played it but i think most people just want it for their collection or something

Then do what people do with bootleg NES games: Slap the ROM onto a flash cart and stick a custom label on the cartridge.

it would still not bea a real copy

Oh, so it's just autism over wanting a """real""" copy.

people want to give more money to nintendo

yeah, i guess it has more value or something

because you can barely do the rhythm attacks on emulators.

Guessing it's just because they want it to have recognition it deserves.
In reality though it wouldn't do well. Even censored the game is too intense for the switch and it's target audience. The fans would be pissed about the censorship so it would be lose lose

Having it on an official console would be nice, even if I did emulate it on a homebrewed wii and the experience wouldnt be any different its still cool.
But for me? I want others to play it and experience it.

the feeling of completeness, and because i think more people deserve to play it

>target audience
I remember the first switch commercial was aimed at young adults like 20s

Thing is, MOTHER 3 would have to be rated T or even M in the west, in order to not get any censorship/changes. There's a lot of shit in there that Japan doesn't care about, which would send American soccer moms into conniptions.

I want to pay for it so it could POTENTIALLY convince Nintendo to make a Mother 4

To share the love with other people who haven't played it and can't be arsed to set up the hack.

Thats fine with me. I honestly would not recommend M3 to a child of 10, they wouldnt get nearly as much out of it. Eb sure but not M3.

Ehh, now the sjw crowd would find the magypsies progressive and eat it up.

it made sense 10 years ago when digital media was still in the shadows or illegal. i suppose an upside would be that you could play it on the switch without hacking

This is what i mean.
Imagine some dumb kid thinking it'll be like earthbound only to enter a world where you slaughter your brother and your mother dies in front of two kids with the father emotionally breaking.
The effort for the niche audience isn't worth it in Nintendo's eyes

I still don't understand why they even want it when they're more than aware that they'll censore the shit out of it because they see the west audience as autistic kids. Might as well play the translated version for free

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at this point the only way for this franchise to be revived is through the official English release of Mother 3 or they remaster the trilogy. either way it's up to Nintendo

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It's become a bandwagon meme at this point.

Most "le regy mother 3" faggots have never even touched a video game in their lives, let alone a MOTHER game.

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If you want a real copy, buy a Japanese cart for it.
There, problem solved.

THIS i can see a spurge of fan art for them characters if it got released in the west, mother 3 release in the west is just fan service at this point

True Mother fans don't give a shit if it's localized or not. Localizing Mother 3 is a meme.
I do really want some merch, though.

>It's just a bunch of kids pretending they like MOTHER because they saw Vinesauce stream it
fixed it for you

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this Mother 3 never got some real official merch other than Lucas's amiibo.

>I want to pay for it so it could POTENTIALLY convince Nintendo to make a Mother 4
>Nintendo or Itoi
>Ever making another one

lol just be glad Mother 3 came out of its development rut back when it was still a Nintendo 64 project

And don't think I'm trolling, I've experienced the whole thing back when they finally released it translated by Mato and acknowledging the development hell behind it

Bowser is redpilled so it likely wouldn't get censored like it would.

Here's hoping bowser cripples and guts treehouse S:ASH IT SLASH IT

>Bowser is redpilled so it likely wouldn't get censored like it would.
Anyone that's truly "redpilled" would hate this libtard game

>libtard game
ok shlomo

If you actually think that the message of Mother 3 is "technology bad nature good" then you might be clinically retarded

Prove it

There's also the Mother 3+ CD. But that's all, sadly. More 3 stuff would be awesome, but I really want more Mother merch in general- at least, more accessible merch, since I'm not in Japan.

Because ninkiddies love to give money to nintendo for free stuff. Why else do you think they paid $30 plus tip for some nes roms.

what, did he really?

>Anyone that's truly "redpilled" would hate this libtard game
This. Mother 3 is NOT Trumpkino.

The existing experience multiplying cheats that are mandatory for JRPGs don't work with the modified rom.

Keep politics out of my fucking games

Mother 3 doesn't have an anti-Capitalism message. It states that Lucas' village was already shit before the Pigmask invasion. It's about flaws of society in general, not flaws in politics. The message is that no matter what direction we take, something's going to suck about it and not everyone can be happy.

how the FUCK do i combo in this game?

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Everyone was happy when they were an isolated community. They had empty pasts because they lacked traditions and folklore that most cultures have, but they woukd have developed that over the centuries had Porky not arrived. Porky does not represent capitalism though.

yup yup
now i gotta wait for joel to stream it

Sure, they were happy, but they were ignorant. Nobody knew what to do when tragedy struck them. Bronson didn't even know how to explain what happened. The villagers were so wrapped up in positivity they didn't know how to process negativity. Flint is the perfect character to reference for this; unable to cope with the feeling of losing his family, he's stuck searching for Claus forever because of the optimism that he'll show up again, and the optimism that Lucas is doing fine, because everything's always been fine.


Nobody wants to admit that an official localization would probably be a lot worse than what we already got with the fan translation.
I can already see them censoring all the heavy, emotional moments that made the game good, butchering character dialogue and personality, changing the mushroom trip in some dumb way, removing the animal abuse that's already meant to be seen in a negative light, shit like that.

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>Nobody knew what to do when tragedy struck them.
Their community was young. They figured it out.

>Princess Kumatora
>Initials of P.K.
>She's the primary PK user of the party
Blew my mind.

I'm just going to say it as someone who absolutely adored the game. Music, story, characters, I loved all of it, but Mother 3 is never going to come to the west. I don't think they'd alter it, but the controversy the game would bring for only a pittance of sales wouldn't balance. Shit like the magypsies, animal abuse, the drug use, it's all key components to advance the story and I feel that even Nintendo would know better to alter or change what many many people consider a beloved series.

That said I think Nintendo giving the Mother series a ton of love in Smash Bros, and having actual temporary releases of the soundtrack in english markets shows that they care enough to throw the fans an occasional bone. Also Mother 3+ is an amazing soundtrack. Love the rendition of Pollyanna on it.

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>they figured it out
How? By totally ignoring Flint and Lucas because they were sad, and the rest of them were happy?

>Claus went to sleep. Don't worry, he'll wake up.

You know that's not what happened.

That guy doesn't get it, don't bother arguing.

He will though. Didn't you get to the credits? Lucas wished that everyone would make it to the next world, and they did.

Explain, then. I'm here to discuss. From my perspective, the villagers ignored the bad things because they couldn't process them, due to the erasure of their memories. I get this from Leder's explanation and even what Porky says to you. Once things started to seem okay again for the villagers, they didn't make an effort to talk to Lucas or Flint, who were still coping.

What baffles me is Mother 2 was K/A in '95 but T in 2015. The content box had some shit I never even seen before.
>Violent References
What? I can't imagine what rating M3 would get.

i want more people to play it

So its easier to play
So that more people play it
So that kids(intended audience)can finally play it before adulthood
So its legal
So i can support the original devs

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Did you even talk to the village? Flint and Lucas were not shunned. Everyone showed concern, and everyone was there for Flint and Lucas if they needes them. They recognized how devastated and sad they were, and they themselves were very sad to lose Hinawa. They ALL loved Hinawa. They ALL loved Claus. The point of the village was to show an idyllic, small community where everyone is a neighbor, everyone can cooperate. They were naive and innocent people, but that didn't hurt their community. Their community was very strong. Their naivity only allowed them to be easily manipulated and corrupted by things like escapism and materialism.

I thought the message was in general sticking together and not being superfical and that power shouldn’t get into the hands of the wicked

Although new pork city is alot like north korea
>military focused
>propaganda and brainwashing
>only the government has power
>everyone is poor but are made to look rich

Or maybe it has no morals and its just supposed to be a good story,most likely imo.

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Not the other guy, but we'll spoken. As someone who manages a small store in a small town, that theme is part of the reason the game really resonated with me.

I meant to say well spoken. Think I just outed myself as a mobile poster.

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At this point it would be better with a 3D remake. It's an ancient game at this point, and GBA games look like shit. Give us a 3D remake alongside earthbound, and Mother 3D should re-implement removed story from Mother 64.

They had a collectors edition which i bought. But it's probaly the closest thing to a decent mother match

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All three games should be remastered,imagine the enemies,locations and backgrounds in 3d.

I'd rather have remakes of Golden Sun for 3D, giving it a bit of an OoT/BotW treatment. Weyard is such a beautiful land, Golden Sun is gorgeous, it would be awesome to see that in HD with more detail. There's a lot of atmosphere that can be improved just with better resolution and sound quality, it would be cool seeing the characters in 3D, and the gameplay could be easily improved if it went the 3D adventure route. There could be so much to add, including sidequests. They may even be able to combine both games into one big remake, where you can explore the whole world of Weyard.

I understand that the villagers were kindhearted people, but that they weren't always sure how to act on it when something was off. I should've been more clear there. I found that, playing as Lucas, as more and more distractions came up in Tazmily, the more isolated it felt, but I feel like if these people weren't as ignorant as they were they would've done more when things started getting that way. As if, if they'd known how to deal with negative things before, they would've been able to stop Flint from falling apart at such a rate.

>kids(intended audience)

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Nintendo marketed the first 2 as kids games.The main character is supposed to be realtable for a kid.Kids would enjoy this game,they liked undertale for alot of reasons that apply to this game.Kids would like this game and it was made for kids but was also adults

I agree there. They didn't know how to deal with all these new things being pushed on them, mainly escapism. I think that's the real meat of Mother 3's meaning.

It’ll put it on the mainstream

you didn't notice the sudden spike of mother 3 threads? that was literally because vinny streamed mother 3

Why did they make it look worn out on purpose?

Kids can already play it. When I was a kid, I was already emulating shit on ZSNES.

To match the title logo and the game. Did you even play Mother 3?

That's what I meant to convey this whole time, sorry for not being more clear. Admittedly it's been about 10 years since I played the game, though, so I should really brush up on it. Thanks for discussing.

But there’s wood under the logo...
It just looks ugly like that.
The logo has a deeper meaning than worn out

I forgot about that. It's super cool, but way too expensive for me. I really like the Franklin Badge.

The logo of the game is suppose to feel unnatural with it's combination of wood and metal, two things that clash. The micro's design is suppose to appear "rusted" to make it appear aged and forgotten, which relates to the game. Also probably references the Franklin Badge you receive in Mother 3.

so how does the microbrelate to the logo?

For me, I just want the franchise to be recognized even for just a second. They haven't mentioned the series at all in years so maybe something in me just wants to see them say 'hey, we know mother exists still'.

Smash Ultimate is full of Mother love.

just reminding you guys that mother 1 is the only game in the series that should be remastered because it deserves more love

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I suppose kids would like the cute art style and music, but the game's really not going out of its way to appeal to them. The first one was a kids' game, the second one was a kids' game that adults could enjoy. Kids 8-11 would outright miss most of the story and themes the game is going for. Any older than that and they'd be too busy pretending to be adults to relate to the weak, childish main character. Mother 3 demands maturity to some extent.

***story and themes Mother 3 is going for.

This, but for the entire series. I really think Itoi made something special. There's a reason everyone tried to emulate/copy Earthbound. .

They need to fix random encounters to match more mother 2 and 3

Games with that sort of 2D art style never translate well to 3D. I always thought that the best medium for a Mother 3 remake would be hand-drawn animation, something like the Wonder Boy 3 remake or thereabouts.

Official English release means that, hopefully, there will be similar games if it sells well. Games only exist because publishers pour money into them and the development of Mother is a special case. Imagine more games written by actual writers.

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Honestly I wish someone would make a game that isnt necessarily an earthbound clone but it does a lot like its mother predecessors, and im not talking about an undertale type of game. I think in this day and age of people respecting artstyle it could do very well if they could get a talented team behind a project.

what's going to happen:

It would expose the game to a wider audience and feel meaningful that NoA finally acknowledged MOTHER 3. Objectively it would be best if it were localized because timed hits are much more difficult to pull off on an emulator; people who don't have an actual copy of the game have to miss out on one of M3's biggest features. It is really not unreasonable that people want it brought overseas


Reminder that this is the first thing you see when booting up the fan translation

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>Real talk, why do people want an official English release of Mother 3 so badly?
Because it has a lot of positive messages about the LGBTQ+ community and I think everyone needs to see them.
We must cleanse the minds of people from hateful, incel games like Golden Sun.

Quick reminder

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>Translation came out 10+ years ago

At this point it was reasonable to assume it could get a re-release, now it's been so long everybody who might give a shit about it has already played it. There's literally no way a 2019 re-release has money going to the original devs except maybe Itoi.

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Year of the pig doesn't really mean jack shit but the rest seems a bit fishy to me.

>p--y-r started praying

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Fuck that wasn't meant to be quoting anyone

Yeah. I can hardly wait for Hinawa to just be "missing" and for the Masked Man to be someone else entirely who just looks like Claus, or how Fassad (Or whatever they'll call him) will just sharply scold Salsa and hold his beloved Luxury Banana hostage instead of his Girlfriend.

i'm surprised this thread is still alive. do you think we will get any mother content at all this year?

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Reminder that another Earthbound game is sadly incredibly unlikely.

At absolute best we'll get remake of EB. Ninty doesn't really care about the Mother series too much unfortunately.

>do you think we will get any Mother content this year?
It's possible, but really unlikely. Don't expect it. If you don't expect it, you'll be happier if it happens.

It's probably for the better. The series went out with a real bang.