>my xbox 360 finally died after 10 years
>check online for used ones, gamestop is selling some for used for 40 bucks
>sweet, I'll go in on payday and pick one up
>go to the one closest to my house
>"that'll be 70 dollars"
>for an original, white, 360
>panic and don't tell him about the price listed on the website and leave
I feel I could have haggled a bit and actuallt gotten it. Anyways, how should I send off my 360? I was thinking of building a pyre and giving it a nice viking funeral.
My xbox 360 finally died after 10 years
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Don't destroy it, just in case. The parts could me useful if something happens to your new 360.
If you burn it, make sure it's in a circle for the RRoD.
>panic and don't tell him about the price listed on the website and leave
your autism saved you, you could buy a slim for that price and its way more reliable
Go to a pawn shop, theyre dirt cheap.
I've got the old hard drive though, and a lot of the DLCs I got for my games aren't on the store anymore. Could I transfer the data somehow?
I've got the 3 red lights, so it wouldn't even be a circle lol
yeah, buy the transfer cable
Oh fuck, I still have my white, 10 year old 360 too (It's actually my 4th 360, I went through a couple RRoDs from 2007-2009). I rarely use it now because Xbone BC, but sometimes I go back to it to play something that isn't BC like Ninja Gaiden 2. It's loud as FUCK when reading a disc and I have to turn my TV volume way up to even hear the game. The thing is probably on it's last legs, and I'll be so fucking sad when it finally dies.
>I feel I could have haggled a bit and actuallt gotten it
That's not how GS works.
You can't haggle. There are a bunch of different SKU's for 360 sets. The $40 shit was probably soldout
Mine works just fine, Im just scared to play anything with after it shredded a disc.