Help me decide between the Dawnguard and Vampires

It's my first time playing skyrim's dlcs and I have dilemma. I can't seem to decide if I should accept the gift of blood or not.
Here are my pros and cons for Danwguard as I see it at the start of the quest chain:
+ amazing fort
+ organisation seems based af
+ proper motives
+ not bad asthetics
+ I have an archer/sneak build (yeah I know)
+ I fucking love crossbows but I also have mods for it so I can chose no matter my decision
- is lead by a nigger
- doesn't seem to fit my character's race and concept
+ Cool style of armours, theme etc
+ Is lead by a nord with a strong will
+ qt vampire gf
+ has a fucking snow elf
+ fits my character - succubus but I haven't been using hers skills and transformation for half of the game
- little too edgy
- vampire's doesn't seem that interesting as a whole to me
- the vampire lord transformation seems clunky just like werewolf and doesn't look appealing
Yea Forums help me decide, if I was playing a proper nord then ofc I'd join Dawnguard without thinking but my character is morally evil or at least does bard thing when it suits her and their a profit in it.

Attached: dawnguardfort.jpg (1920x1080, 733K)

also brb for few minutes, I'll read all of suggestions in 20 or so minutes

I would say just pick the choice that fits your characters morals. Both sides have pretty good Boni for both Stealth and archery. As a Vampire you get a 20% Bonus to Stealth and Illusion and only members of the dawnguard can craft bolts and get the best crossbow in the game. You can get both armor sets no matter the faction you choose.

If you're spec toward magic Vamps get some good accessories and rewards but otherwise just go with Dawnguard. By the end you can choose whether you want to turn and you can go back and forth at will. Thought I was done with Skyrim but you've got me thinking about that questline, which is easily the best in the game, and now I want to play again.

Also in case you didn’t know, you get qt vampire gf no matter what side you pick

I tried to find pictures of both my dawnguard and Vampire Lord character but couldn't find any. Must have died with my harddrive RIP. Well, to add to my post, as a dawnguard member you can have Combat Trolls as a Party member, but I don't know if that fits your char.

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Restart with a character that's not trash and deus vult on the abominations.

At the end of the day you can still be a good guy and vampire at the same time, and girl will be with you on either sides all the time. She also friend-zones you really hard.
I myself while playing forst time sided with hunters, but eventually accepted her offer to take gift before soul cairn and finished plot as vampire.

Vampire Lords are extremly strong, but in practice I rarely transformed myself outside of a few bossfights, because you can't pick up loot in your beast form. The Vampire Benefits are still huge, tough.

crossbolts are the closest thing to guns in skyrim, so dawnguard anyday, anytime

choose male argonians every time

The dragonborn has the soul of a dragon, a dragon wants to dominate, molag bal is the god of domination, volkihar vampires were meant to be icy nord vampires - play a nord dragonborn who's inborn lust for power and domination lead him or her to molag bal, become immortal like a dragon or some shit.

>- is lead by a nigger
Redguards are nothing like irl niggers apart from the shit skin and Isran is based as fuck
>+Is lead by a nord with a strong will
If you knew anything about vampire lore, you'd know he's a cuckold to the ultimate degree. And I mean literal cuckold, not the Yea Forums definition.

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excellent taste

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Even if you play dawnguard you have to play the vampires.

thanks bro

I'm back, I had replies to everyone but it got deleted for some bs reason so I'll have to do it again
Oh I see, thanks. I probably have a better weapon at this point since I've been using many mods related to archery and so on
Nah, I'm a typical scrub archer/sneak guy with his playthrough.
That's great to hear man! Last time I've played skyrim was in 2011/12 right after the release. There are so many amazing mods with additional content it's unreal. I didn't know modding had such high quality. I was expecting something on the similar level of old Gothic 1 and 2 mods so you know how big of a surprise it was to see mods like AHO, Bruma etc
oh nice. thanks mate
That's pretty cool but I have to share my unpopular opinion here - i fucking hate followers in skyrim. I've tried playing with few modded companions but it was a pain in the ass. I can't deal with getting blocked, them pulling mobs when it's inconvenient for me, managing their equipment or stuff like that in general
lol, I wanna finish all the content from skyrim, dlcs and mods first then I'll go full reking nord who doesn't stop to pick up every shit but rushes just to fuck some niggas up

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No homo but I want to drink lizard cum.

Pragmatist user here.
It depends, radiant quests in Skyrim and Fallout 4 can be loads of fun with proper mods.
Do you like hunting vampires down and doing Dawnguard shit?
Go with Dawnguard.
Do you like being edgy and sucking people\killing\totally not dark brotherhood 2.0 tier quests?
Then go for the Vampires.
Really the writing is bad and the gameplay is even worse, go for the choice you think you'll have the most fun with based on what you're given to play with.
I went with Dawnguard because i liked playing Van Helsing-esque character.

I usually pick based on roleplay and if it looks cool, I think even if you go a morally good character there are a few ways you can spin a vampire side, the Volikhar clan is quite morally grey imo

I see, good to know. ty
Yeah, I don't like gimmicky forms like werewolfs, vampire lords or anything that changes my playstyle without combat customisation
Hell yeah brother
Idk but there are only few rule34 worth checking out related to skyrim. Only stuff published is in-game and it doesn't make my dick diamonds
I hope you are joking with that cuck bs. I fucking despise cucks irl so much.
i see
fuck off with this furry or scally shit? I think that's how it is called
Same for me, vampire hunting seems like more fun as a concept but i don't know if it makes sense for my kinda bad character. I always fuck it up, at the start i chose some concepts and then just do what I'd do myself even if I'm suppose to act like differently


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>I hope you are joking with that cuck bs. I fucking despise cucks irl so much.
Unfortunately not. Real spoiler: His family became pure-blooded vampires by allowing his wife and daughter to become Daughters of Coldharbour, which means that he let Molag Bal rape them both. That much is clearly stated in the lore, but it's ambiguous how Harkon himself became a vampire. I'd say there's a 50/50 shot he took Molag Bal's "mace" up the ass. Either he's a cuck, or a cuck that got ass-raped.

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lmfao it doesn't really fucking matter, the story is the same on the both sides and it leads to the same ending, just different NPCs are alive at the end walking around that's it
what were you expecting from of bethesda

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you end up amassing way more as a vampire because of all the dawnguard you can farm for crossbows and bolts

I mean that was rpg games are, just a lot of cringy pretending - it's still fun in my mind
well, I think I have to side up with the nigger then. No bad option it seems

Vanilla vampires are absolute ass without an overhaul. Dawn guard all the way.

Even without the vampire lord transofrmation you get some nice abilities but it really is good or evil basically.

Ok Obsidiot. Don't you have to play either a rehash or some absolute crap tier game completely made by SJWidian?

Hey, anything Bethesda made can't come even close to being as good as Alpha Protocol of New Vegas.