Why do you play as a female character user? Do you want to be one or something?
Why do you play as a female character user? Do you want to be one or something?
Because I think girls are cute.
>Do you want to be one or something?
I already am one.
I gather enjoyment from crafting females to my liking. I play as them simply because I cannot craft anyone else.
Because I fucking feel like it. I don't need any more reason to do anything.
>10 reasons
But you only need one: because i want to.
I only play as a female character when I want to roleplay as a tranny and kill myself
>Why do you play as a female character user?
Why do people always try to justify this with tons of mumbo jumbo? I only makes you look worse.
>Why do you play as a female character user?
Coz i like it
the end
Do you want to be one or something? Oh boi, yes i do. But thats another topic
Mmmm grayons
because I am one!
Yes. I was in denial for too long though and now it's too late so I will just live with massive regret and depression until I kill myself. I have never not once enjoyed living.
>not making a rough initial assessment of the game's atmosphere and archetypal influences and choosing the gender that will lend itself best to dramatic harmony within that thematic framework
Because I am a girl(male) and I relate to a girl more!
I don't have anything to gain from lying.
>mfw people think the repression meme works
I do feel bad for you though
Unironically based. I can't play as a female in TES, but i don't have a problem doing so in fallout.
This. I would've rather been born female but I would rather stay a man than become a detestable she-hulk tranny no one could ever love.
Quick, list games best experienced as the female character
>Astral Chain (probably)
>Return of the Obra Dinn
show vagene
I'm going to talk to someone about it but man. I was dealt a very fucking shitty hand. I tried and am still trying to hate the dysphoria away. I really thought I could hold out but late twenties just kills you. I will kill myself before I hit 30.
I would do anything and everything to have been born female. We're mistakes brother. We're afterthoughts. We should not exist in this reality, something fucked up. At least the repression has made us dead inside and stoic.
>We're mistakes brother.
But you're not mistakes. You just didn't go for the help you needed in time. Repression from genuine dysphoria leads to an awful life..
I don't relate with girls, I play male characters in games with good female romances, if the male player character is cool or if all the options suck.
I play the girl character if there are no good romances and the girl character is cute.
I was and still am too scared to admit it out loud. Too late. I will never feel what it's like to be happy. Or look in the mirror and not hate everything about myself. I will never be a real woman so nothing about this life matters. I could end up a homeless drug addict and I wouldn't care.
Because I am one
At least just boy mode HRT. It does a lot for your mental state knowing you won't get anymore masculine. You don't have to socially transition until you're ready.
>mfw all these poor repressed trans girls falling for the Yea Forums and /pol/ memes and nothing I can do to help
Because it's my file and I can do whatever the hell I want with it without having to justify my decisions.
Because I really like girls
First runs I usually pick male. Then I go female because some armor sets don't look quite as well on males like the Fire Witch Set in DaS3. Plus it's always nice to see how the different body makes the armor look.
Although, now that I've gotten some sets that I haven't before, I'm regretting choosing a female character since they don't look that good on her, but it's sadly too late to redo this.
Always funny that it's only in Souls game that I choose female characters after a while.
christ gtao females have tranny proportions
I don't have a girlfriend so creating female characters is the closest thing to it.
Can't be trans if I hate women
I feel for the "holy shit drag queens are disgusting I never want to be that" memes when I was a dumb kid. Then being a fat retard in high school who thought he was too ugly and unworthy to go on HRT hoping the desire would go away. Now I lost a good 5 years of my life to shit out of my control and looking back I was literally never happen and still am not. Like I said if I talk to someone and don't get told it's a stupid fetish or I'm just an undiagnosed aspie or something I will go on HRT. it's probably a telling sign that even the thought of seriously going on HRT makes me feel like a little kid getting told he's going to Disney world.
I'm suppressing it because I know I'll never achieve what I'd like to, at least I have decent looks as a man. Life sucks, deal with it.
>it's the daily stealth /lgbt/ HRT shilling thread
So predictable.
I only play as males in games where the player character is meant to represent me, like MMOs. Otherwise I choose or create a character based on who has the best hairstyle or hat.
You will legit fuck your entire life straight up. Don't do it.
based and lonelypilled
there's so much fucking misery in the world
trans people are just a mess
why are we such a confused and messy species
what the fuck is this society we've all created
ahhhhhh christ why are we all so alone and gross
>If you play as an orc, you must secretly want to be black
I will probably pussy out like I have my entire life and just remain miserable with zero drive or ambition until I kill myself anyways.
>I kill myself anyways.
The sad thing is the concern trolls would rather you do this then go to a therapist, talk about your dysphoria, and possibly consider HRT all just to "stick it to the ess jay double u's"
terrible state of affairs.
I mean I get where they are coming from. I would not be an attractive woman and would probably actively disgust people. I'd rather basically not exist and be an invisible shut in as a man over having a happy life as a monster that everyone actually hates.
> I would not be an attractive woman and would probably actively disgust people
You forgot the part where you don't have to actively live as a woman. HRT stops further masculinazation. People that think that people going on hrt to become "kawaii anime girls" are delusional. You're trying to get help for your mental state.
Taking HRT is retarded, it's like coping with depression by taking drugs. You're just actively destroying your body. Do what I do and cope by watching genderbender anime and pretending to be a girl on the internet. Just stay realistic and don't tell yourself you can become a woman by chopping your dick off and swallowing pills
because I want to be a slut
I already do both those things. They stop helping in your late twenties as you actively age more manly and start to mentally feel disconnected to your own face which drives you insane.
Go innawoods for a year and become hermits.
>start to mentally feel disconnected to your own face which drives you insane
Not even him, just reading the thread for a friend out of curiosity ha ha but holy shit that sounds like soe existential nightmare shit.
Not as insane as taking HRT and crippling yourself.
absolutely based
I play as a female character for AGP related reasons.
It is a terrible disorder I would not wish on my worst enemy. There is a reason why so many of us are suicidal and depressed. Repressing or not. It's a big reason why I have shut myself off from the world and have never been intimate with another human. I have always felt like a mistake.
Trannies: cut it out (literally)
Aspiring Trannies: Mend your ways. You're sick and need help. I want to see you get better.
>decide to create a girl character
>make her cute and 100% to your tastes
>dress her up in slutty outfits just for the hell of it
>have to stop playing and go jack off because you keep staring at her.
Good times.
Well considering you're pouring your heart out on Yea Forumsagina games of all places, I'd say you've got some issues bro/ma'am.
What's your favorite vidya for playing dressup girly shit?
Gender Dysphoria is a method of keeping people weak and submitting to their political overlords. For millenia, men worked the fields, and women took care of the household. Over time, male dominance became excessive, and it led to abuse towards women, and taking complete control over their lives. But in the modern age, women stood together and changed the dominance that men held over all aspects of living.
But it didn't stop there. Once women had the right to vote, the right to jobs, the right to scientific respect in research, and many other equalities, they decided it still wasn't enough. Claims that wage gaps were unjust (even though studies proved women were less likely to seek advancement in the workplace) led to further ways to get the easy way in society. Now, women are given easier treatment in the military, have more judicial rights, and the list goes on. But what does this have to do with Gender Dysphoria? Because while women are taking the male place in society, males who are weak-willed take the female role in order to gain some social survival. But in the end, you'll have a society of people too medicated with hormones, too indecisive to know what their place in society is and get a job, and too distracted with these petty differences to make real changes in the state of the world.
TLDR: Stop being such a faggot.
It's anonymous who fucking cares. I'm surprised mods haven't deleted this thread yet. I just like venting whenever I can as of late because I feel like I'm going crazy.
Lol I've wanted to be female since I was 7. 20 years ago. Explain that.
>implying they're going to explain anything
Lassie, /pol/ literally tells them all they know about GD. They unironically believe their opinion holds more merit than the medical community because they're not on the side of "SJW's".
Don't expect an honest reply.
I could never understand why people care so much about body image. I always saw it as a more of vehicle used to interface with life. If I woke up in a completely different body, unless I was fat or goblino-tier ugly (which has practical drawbacks), I really wouldn't care outside the brief period of acclimation.
Imagine you were born female but treated and socialized like a man your entire life against your will.
The desire to be involved in young girls secretive lives is a normal part of psychosexual development. I guess you didn't understand the fact that childhood curiosity doesn't necessarily dictate your adult life. Would you play with dangerous tools as an adult? No, unless you're being stupid or mentally ill.
One can be a women's rights activist without being an SJW. Third-Wave Feminism is not the same as how Feminism started.
I didn't want to be involved in their secretive lives. I wanted to be turned into a girl physically. I would pray to wake up as a girl.
I have flat affect and deadened emotions, so putting up facades has always been second nature to me because my real self is basically a zombie. Apparently, my psychiatrist thinks I have schizoid personality disorder.
No I want to fuck her. I want her to leg lock me.
Outsiders tend to make the assumption that people transition purely in a social context, which while it is partially true, is a very shortsighted view.
I dislike male expectations. But I also dislike being tall, broad, and hairy. I find my dick uncomfortable. It's just as physical as it is social.
Yeah I thought I had that too since I have always hated every single part of being a man and having a man's body. I've never felt a connection with anyone or ever felt comfortable anywhere.
>Do you want to be one or something?
Enjoy your period.
It would be worth it.
>B-But your belly hurts and you bleed once a month!
Who the fuck cares? I'd chop my hand off with a rusty knife if it would magically turn me into a woman
Fuck off
If you hate your dick so much, insert it into a metal fan.
Language bobby
I bet you dont feel so straight now my fellow male character players LUL XD
I don't hate my dick, I actually like him since he's pretty big and handsome. I'd just much rather have a vagina, but since that isn't possible I'll just keep my dick. Is that so difficult to understand?
unironically based video and I feel bad for the guy
Good post to be honest, makes me rethink my decision to play a girl 100% of the time that I can
>Implying that with all that onions, you'd have a big penis
Nice cope, dicklet. I don't just have a big, I'm easily more muscular than (You) and the other faggots in this thread.
>He's roleplaying now
>haha look at me /pol/ I said it!
>Still coping and projecting
>not playing as the cute femboy or beef cake
I'm really, really short so me being a male is straight up a waste of space. I wish I could've been a cute girl. Or at least taller.
>fat tranny skinny fat manlet in the thread says he has a big penis
Is there a point playing VR Chat and not being a girl?
>Dicklet so triggered by the fact that I have a big dick that he starts projecting about his insecurities like being a skinnyfat manlet
Keep the salt coming
>frog poster
my dick is 7 inches long and 6 inches thick btw
i like girls
>tfw had a big penis and balls but going on hrt shrunk them and going off it didn't make them go back to their old size, only made me lose the good parts of hrt that I liked
You have no idea how much I want to kill myself. I just wanted to be a cute girl with a big penis.
Mine unironically is 7 inches, no idea about thickness though. Keep coping :)