Whats the Cancer ruining the video game industry and this board?
Whats the Cancer ruining the video game industry and this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
Political Correctness
Anonymity, unironically. People hide behind it knowing they can get away with shitting up any thread.
Kikes, Trannies, Microtransactions, Graphics (Which lead to endless delays), Sequel baiting, QTE's, paid online
Left wing politics
people paying for video games
Battle Royale
Right wing politics
go to resetera you fucking faggot
politics in general
I'd rather be anonymous and deal with some shitposting than have a Yea Forums become indistinguishable from every other board out there.
What the board needs is thread IDs. Anonymity preserved, shitposting ability diminished.
>inb4 "but I'm not anonymous if I can't post as two people in the same thread"
Fuck off with that.
people in publishing companies that have no actual interest in the medium, people who just see them as a product and nothing more.
You must be one of those shitposters who feels threatened by the idea that he can be ousted easily with thread IDs, lol
>this board
I still hold to the fact that Gamergate and the 2016 election completely fucked Yea Forums and all of Yea Forums beyond repair.
Half AAA developers, half players.
name one thing /pol/ has ever ruined
Get fuuuuuucked.
Inflated budgets + diluted game concepts
Prioritization of resolution and graphical fidelity over framerate and gameplay
Game review/critique attempting to mirror the (already flawed) movie critique industry even though the medium requires a completely different approach
Europeans and south americans churning out swaths of money for the same sports games every year
Gamergate is what made me stop visiting this site daily.
Progressive social engineering
Threads like these
Non video game related shit
I just want to talk about video games, why is that such an abstract concept
Did he not just say it ruined both of these things?
unironically this
>What the board needs is thread IDs.
This is what I was thinking. I'm convinced so many of the main shitposting arguments in threads are just the same 3-4 people baiting and pretending to be baited. It's fucking embarrassing
all correct
rigth depending on the situation
As soon as I saw people on Yea Forums trying to create some fucking mascot and donating to a Kickstarter to get it in a game to "TRIGGER SOME PEOPLE XDDD" I realized we were lost or I was getting too old for this shit.
Social media, but more specifically Twitter.
There needs to be a social media containment board for people who feel like posting twitter screencaps all fucking day to stir up shit.
Twitter essentially becoming a tyrannical adviser to most AAA companies despite not being a reliable indicator of most consumers' preferences
Lack of respect for/interest in singular directorial visions
Long-running series limiting themselves to arbitrary series standards and forgoing innovation
this. yesterday a nigger,or a someone pretending to be one, keep shiting on 3 threads i was posting, talking about race,gays,islam and mexicans. it was the same dude writing the same shit and ruining 3 conversations not related to race in anyform.
Idiots have made controversy their identity and think that being anti-SJW makes them somehow above the bullshit when they are the bullshit.
>extreme politics being shoved in instead of expressing them subtly
>unethical business practises
>people who buy any AAA games at all
Thread should of ended here.
the cancer ruining every single media is money
they make products to please the sharehodlers
independent devs are the only hope
>DLC used as a means to lock off game content
>digital distribution
>mobile """gaming"""
>physical copies that are nothing more than a download code on a disc (Spyro Reignited)
>AAA megapublishers like EA, Activision only working with direct subsidiaries
>Gaming "journalists" demanding either overly easy games, or political correctness / "diversity" pandering
This board is unironically the best gaming community on the internet.
It's still shit, but it's the best we can do.
People who genuinely hold the honest creative spirit are far more likely to gravitate towards a more ""serious"" medium
Fact: Not everyone should be allowed to voice their opinion, some people should suffer in silence.
First place is actually the chat during matthewmatosis streams + matt's response to it
/pol/ is the only one calling out the cancer
you're part of the cancer, which is why /pol/ bothers you.
It's impossible to implement that without turning the world into a 1984 esque hell.
So give up the idea or KYS.
Loot crates
Micro transactions
Gay characters injected into everything
Forced diversity injected into everything
AAA games
Western game studios
/pol/ just "call outs the idpol cancer" to recruit people for their own idpol.
It's like avoiding Michael Bay movies by watching Adam Sandler movies instead.
Politucal discussion
I volunteer to choose who gets to speak and who doesn't.
Start nuking resetera, kotaku and vice
discord trannies
/pol/ has never made a video game. Your entire post is retarded, because every other point on it is the kind of shit that /pol/ is against.
>The Industry
>This Board
haha yea better strip em naked and spank em as punishment
/pol/ is cancer. Bye.
>/pol/ is one person
5% are communists
15-25% are libertarian/ancaps
Only half of that board is actually racist/fascist. The rest of us just say kike and nigger to keep you pussies out, you fucking heeb.
You sound like a tranny. "Bye."
/pol/ has never made a video game you fucking tranny freak.
>the discussion was somewhat tolerable
>poltards show up
theres your answer
women and politics
the board:
>political shitflinging (from both left and right)
>weebs becoming furries 2.0
>people desperate for the next tortanic (and failing miserably in creating one)
>twitter threads (also posting screenshots from other forums without adding anything)
>low-tier bait and meme spam
>contrarians judging games by who plays them and not on whether the game is actually good
the industry:
>death of dedicated servers
>death of multiplayer FPS (Overwatch / Fortnite just doesn't scratch that itch)
>lack of innovation, games from 10 years ago are the same as games now
DLC is an issue as well but most of the time it's not really that great and the games with actual cut content are not worth the time to begin with.
I'm not even mad at the state of the industry anymore, there's enough good games out there for a several lifetimes.
People who act like Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums as well as the cynicism of users here
Why do leftwingers all sound like children?
Anus cancer cause you're being raelly anal about it loel
reminder to insult, opress, humiliate or ignore every tranny post
every single one of them
make sure they understand they're not welcome here
Probably the best post ITT
Demand for more and more advanced graphics results in games becoming more and more safe and same-y. It'll only get worse with the next generation.
Nice boogeyman. Very healthy and logical.
You are fucking /pol/ retards mad that you got called out.
Day one DLC
Political agendas (from either side of the spectrum)
Graphics being valued over gameplay
Console wars
Unfinished games being released
Hours of repetitive grinding as a substitute for actually good content
Journalism and social media
i used to think this,but thesedays people been putin 8 paragraphs about killing people they dont like and the downfall of western civilization
i wish we still just using nigger and kike just to keep reddit away.
>muh graphics
/pol/ is your boogeyman lmao
this how dare people be against my opnion, they should be permabanned like in resetera
This. Yea Forums needs to be a safespace for transpersons.
>Got called out
>By a tranny
>That ends its ostensible BTFOs with "Bye."
>Like a 14 year old girl
I would say kys, but we both know you need to encouragement.
Yea Forums
Both true
I'm not kidding, matthewmatosis is the antidote this board needs
If we can get all the people here who are smart enough to appreciate what he's doing to give him a shot, I swear you'll see positivity, quality of discussion, and general appreciation for video games sky-rocket
I don't mean that we'll all end up agreeing with each other, but his approach to understanding games is seriously useful regardless of what games you like
He's a shining beacon in this shithole of an industry
The brainlets will hate it but they never mattered anyways
For the trannies ITT saying that /pol/ is ruining the videogame industry, where do you base those claims? /pol/ has never made a video game.
Indeed, but the ones that leave /pol/ are not the best and brightest, they're the recruiter crap for this half of the board.
>giving a shit about what trannies say
doing it wrong my fella
Given they're mostly into that due peer pressure, i think it would be more effective to try to redpill em, and show em the truth that their "friends" made him cut his dick off.
Trannies aren't mentally sound, so you shouldn't expect their thought processes to make sense. They just want an excuse to bitch about "/pol/" AKA everyone who isn't a tranny freak
i would be surprised if /pol/ even noticed
i didnt say that,just look at the thread,poltards show up and star to nuke the discussion,the question was "what it is ruining this board?",poltards are,if you are here or not is not to me to decide,but i wont pretend to like the smell of your shit in the room
get your fee-fee hurts and go
So are you mtf or ftm? :^)
While I hate /pol/, they're only half of the equation and would have no power to derail threads if we simply didn't let them.
lol who pissed off the tranny?
Hitler duh.
Everyone is /pol/ if they disagree with me.
original post
do you know what a space is, Narcissa?
Okay Yea Forums, heres a related question.
Is part of the problem that most of the game companies are interested in the profit that the game pulls in over the actual quality of said game? Not to say that games aren't about money, because they pretty much are, but it feels like a lot of games could have a lot more features or content than they currently do but since its not incredibly lucrative, they won't do it.
What do you think?
>Everyone is tranny if they disagree with me.
here you go
"poltards" and your ironic shitposting tranny friends will show up when the first post is literally /pol/,you knew what you were doing faggot
my life
>be me
>start browsing /pol/
>get redpilled as fuck
>start dropping redpills on my classmates
>start pointing out discrepancies in holocaust class
>wooden doors, soap bars, etc. real big time redpills
>teacher says im being disruptive
>call her a kike shill
>get detention and mandatory counseling
/pol/ is unironically ruining the video game industry.
Without them, we could literally have every single character in a video game be LGBT and no one would give a shit.
We could have characters start the game as their birth-assigned biological sex, and have a cutscene or some story even happen, and have them undergo gender-reassignment surgery. No one would give a shit.
We could have made so much progress by now in video games if not for the fucking /pol/tard faggots.
Absolutely dilated.
we're talking about trannies and nazis now, take your vidya crap to /vg/, nerd
>spam /pol/ boogeyman
>get Yea Forums annoyed to side against sjw's
4d chess
>muh /pol/
>first post ITT was literally made by a discord tranny
I would say that the trannies are a bigger cancer than /pol/ at this time
The industry, and game quality as a whole, would vastly improve if we universally cut game budgets and dev team sizes in half across the board.
Microtransactions is the main problem
ITT: Cancer calling each other cancer
i dont own the fucking board i cant control what people post first retard
based and soappilled
capitalism commodifying every artform is to blame. All of you know it deep down inside, it all comes down to maximizing profits by any means you can get away with.
you had it coming
>Whats the Cancer ruining the video game industry
1) C*nsoles
2) Microtransactions
3) Pre-purchases
4) Day 1 DLC
5) Shoehorning current political events into the setting
I guess that's pretty much it.
Microtransactions, online-focus, using "RPG" as a marketing tag but not making actual RPGs. Buying out studios and destroying their IPs with greed. Putting on a fake friendly image when you are just a soulless publisher with a passion for money only.
I am not saying it's Bethesda but I am saying it's Bethesda.
Not an easily answered question. As a rule of thumb, developers are more interested in quality while publishers are more interested in profit, but I'm sure there's almost always a mix of the two on both sides.
Ostensibly, quality should correlate with profit as well, as people are more willing to pay for games they see as being good. This complicates the question further. Even moreso this brings up questions of public taste, which publishers also have some ability to directly influence
It's just one big nonlinear equation with no clear answer.
>tfw i know this is true but i refuse to ever admit it because i dont want the lefties to win
I think Nintendo does it right. Sakurai works tirelessly to get it right, understanding that if he hires people to do everything he does, not only would the company lose money, what he wants for the game would be lost in translation through more middle men and time would be lost in meetings and report to make sure things are going his way. If more people were harder working and more hands on, games would be better.
then stop getting upset that people disagree and your statement being false
The problem is no one has any standards and there is nothing that can be done because both hero and game companies want as much money as possible
Your favorite video game was only made possible by capitalism lol
these are the people that are crying about /pol/ on Yea Forums
/pol/ making us see transgenders, feminists, and immigrants as threats and not as our Player 2's to game and make new fun gaming memories with.
Why do they always look like freaks?
>5) Shoehorning current political events into the setting
l question this more and more. I don't think that's the problem at all. Games have done that since I can remember. Half of the reason why Modern Warfare and CnC Generals got so popular is because of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
just k ill yourself already, freak
And you know it's Jews calling the shots too. Capitalism is not perfect but it created games, Where is all the games from Communism?
>Player 2's
Now there's a term I haven't heard in a long, long time...
im not upset and you didnt prove anything being false
>capitalism is to blame
>giant megacorps pump out shit for 10 years or so
>already consumers are moving their money out of these bad megacorps and towards indies/AAAs who don't act like dicks
>Capitalism is killing gaming because I'm in my 20s, so a 10 year bubble in a brand new, incredibly-popular industry appears to me to be the eternal end state of gaming for all time because I don't have a concept of history or economics.
>blaming /pol/
>not blaming the SJWs who originally started the entire political bullshit
Until you deal with what is causing /pol/ to be the most popular board you are never going to get rid of /pol/ from Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or the internet in general.
Tux Racer is actually fucking based, not going to lie
my favorite video game was made by a lone programmer
Get fuuuuucked.
The internet
Never heard of her. Does she go by Kelly now?
okay cupcake remember to dilate
Have sex.
It is /pol/ and these posts are proof. The main difference between Yea Forums then and Yea Forums now is Yea Forums used to be an anus for the sole purpose of it being funny. It was impossible to troll Yea Forums users since the majority of them did not get offended at anything whatsoever and would call you a moralfag for even thinking about being offended.
Nu4chan /pol/fags on the other hand, despite calling people snowflakes constantly, are some of the most butthurt, easily offended people on the planet. Vidya has a nigra or wimmin protagonist? Massive shitstorm. Dev said trump is NOT based on twitter? Massive shitstorm, boycott this game now!
The fact that you faggots get offended on being called out on your bullshit proves that you are the problem. Stop being such pussies and start embracing old chan culture and doing things for the lulz.
I love open source and Tux as much as the next /g/entooman but we would be fucked if this was the standard of gaming.
what an unserious person you are.
>never heard of Jeff Vogel
you are fucking fired.
Everyone knows it's left wing political activists.
Didn't read your tranny wall of text, don't really feel like it right now. Maybe if you post it later, I might read it if I'm in the mood
Who did what he did thanks to capitalism. You think capitalism = big business? Capitalism = private property and individual autonomy, both of which enabled whatever shitty game you're referencing.
>it's /pol/ pushing those
two people asking questions? nice reddit spacing
>n-no u
jesus christ lmao
>GDQ used to be full of normal people with cheeky banter
>slowly mentally ill trannies start to leak in
>start sperging out because a group of normal people don't give a shit about their silly mental fantasies
>eventually complain about "bigotry and discrimination"
>all the normal people abandon ship because tranny freaks are everywhere
>mfw these tranny freaks think everyone that hates them is /pol/
Nice buzzword faggot
Yea Forums
/pol/ is ruining the video game industry because /pol/tards are the ones making video games and putting trannies in every video game. Seriously.
Socialism doesn't mean the end of personal property. It just means you can't own the means of production and use that as an excuse to steal people's labor
>tranny calling anyone else a faggot
why would a cupcake dilate faggot
The extent to which left-wing politics is affecting games is really blown out of proportion but the diversity hires at companies who pander to it really is an issue and we've all seen the repercussions on a number of different franchises
what is bullshit about misgendering retarded trannies?
this user remembers, this user speaks the truth. Yea Forums was the place you emigrated from Newgrounds once you you were in your late teenage years.
quest markers and minimaps ruined rpgs
>hey man draw a picture for me and I'll pay you
>sure man sounds good
socialists are fucking retarded faggots who think the government taking over everything magically gives them power.
Stay butthurt /pol/
1 game.
vs 50,000 from capitalism
Easily white people
It won't last very long, It's already collapsing
/pol/ is the one that ruined this board
o-k retard
>you think capitalism = big business
yes, big business is the enemy, big business is to blame, so yes, capitalism is frequently used as a synonym for exactly that.
>can only respond with buzzwords and ad hominems
How typical.
Sure but Tetris is the best game ever made and the USSR broke up before video games really took off
How so? Remember, /pol/ isn't the ones that hate transsexual basket cases, thats just normal people
yes yes im /pol/ you're /pol/ everyones /pol/ when they dont agree with you
And private ownership of the MOP is the only way standards of living can raise to the point where vidya is even a blip in anyone's consciousness, so no, tranny, your little bullshit non-distinction is irrelevant.
Why do trannies get so pissed off when you call them trannies?
Since most of America's game studios are from California, it's easy to conclude the the cancer is very likely californians.
everytime one of these idiots pipes up i cringe. they ruin every discussion of any game with a woman or black person in it and point to their imaginary sjw boogieman.
Resetera trannies and /pol/ falseflagging as resetera trannies.
meanwhile right-wingers think killing all the niggers and trannies will make it so the ruling vampires decide to stop sucking as much blood from us as they can possibly get
I still have no idea what resetera is. I've never once seen it mentioned outside of Yea Forums.
Is it just another buzzwords for faggots to call eachother when they're losing an argument?
Fun puzzle game? Sure. Best game ever made? Hahaha.
>best game ever made
>(x) doubt
Okay but Tetris almost didn't even get produced BECAUSE of the iron curtain so Communism itself did more to hinder the games progress than help it.
>Is it just another buzzwords for faggots to call eachother when they're losing an argument?
You mean like the way you use /pol/?
Why are you so fixated on trannies? Nobody here is talking about trannies but you. Maybe you have some deep obsession with them that you're hiding in the closet?
Whatever you say, still isn't near as delusional as faggots cutting their cock off and demanding to be called a woman
Leftypol isn't a thing
It's not giving shit to the government it's collectively sharing things as a society, which we already do to an extent. Public education, for example, is socialist
Why does /pol/ get so upset when you point out they're the same as the sjws?
People getting asspained with politics
With you? No thanks.
like your vagina
i'l bite
can you really prove this, not post some blogpost or videos by a who pandering for $ ,realy prove that diversity hires make games worse.
>/pol/ is duh real ess jay dubbleyews
boomer tier
>video game industry
Nothing, it's getting better and better every year since the slump of the PS3/360 gen.
Great new ace combat, dmc and resi games and the year is barely into its 3rd month.
t. been here since 2005
Rent free
thats literally the only thing people cry about /pol/ on this board
>Public education, for example, is socialist
Yeah, that same "public education" that is currently trying to teach kids that they can be the opposite sex if they feel like it
>leftypol isnt a thing
>proceeds to post leftypol crap
It's the purest distillation of the concept of video games and is an experience that can ONLY be done through video games: youtu.be
Jesus Christ.
Fuckin Nazis killing the game industry
>claims /pol/ is the problem
>trannies literally flooding this board to bitch about /pol/ before /pol/ even showed up
Both /pol/ and sjws. Inb4 centrism is bad in all situations because I say so.
yeah and who forces you to collectively share you dishonest rat?
Real answer: video essayists. Hbomberguy is the current worst.
>You mean like the way you use /pol/?
I never said anything about /pol/. But you're retarded if you can't see that almost everytime someone is losing an argument they cry the the other person must be reddit/resetera/discord trannies, or /pol/.
Unassailable fact, if every single homosexual and tranny was killed tomorrow the video game industry would instantly improve.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Great insights, very deep and profound, but what, in your opinions, is ruining the video game industry?
I mean Leftypol is just a made up identity by the right in the same way that the alt-left isn't a thing. You won't find anyone identifying as alt-left or Leftypol but you'll sure find pol and alt-right people
>experience that can ONLY be done through video games
>building a wall
In politics, Maybe. But what has /pol/ got to do with the industry?
No one is forcing you, you can send your kids to an unaccredited rape dungeon if you feel like it.
>I know you are but what am I
I wish this was a troll, but leftists are indeed this stupid.
>It's not giving shit to the government it's collectively sharing things as a society
Sharing things does not require the violent suppression of property rights. And your "sharing things" entails a centrally-planned distribution monopoly. That's called govt.
>Public education, for example, is socialist
And it is funded and managed by govt, which gets said funding by coercively expropriating property and threatening everyone into using their shitty monopoly
This is why you can't meme. You are entirely divorced from reality.
centrists are the biggest cowards on the planet. You are part of the reason pic related exists
Society I suppose
Please don't call me names it hurts my feelings
The thread mentioned not only the video game industry but also this board. /pol/ has obviously had a massive impact on the latter.
Bullshit, this entire thread all you have done is bitch about /pol/ instead of staying on topic.
>a bunch of social rejects crying on the internet about everything they don't like being degenerate
>a bunch of social rejects crying on the internet about how everything they don't like is problematic
Obviously they're not the same politically. But personality wise they're identical.
>This is why you can't meme. You are entirely divorced from reality.
This, which is why all lefty memes have a novel of text for you to read so you get immersed in their silly fantasies
That's cool as hell, could only happen in the enlightened west. What an ironic name for a literally who.
I do love the diamond because he's salty about not having a checkmark, though.
I don’t understand what that has to do with video games.
You lads are too scared to be open about your beliefs, Even hide your face in fear because someone might know you, Your right to be scared
Stay mad
reddit has more impact here than /pol/ ever did. if you had paid attention in the last 5 years you would know. fuck off.
cut your dick if you want user or dont nobody cares,not everyone is a a tranny in disguise u just paranoid
making fun off disgusting trannies that look like clowns is not "crying." Having them tell you to go back to /pol/ for not labeling their pronouns correctly IS crying.
>thats cool as hell
alright pedophile
What the fuck are you talking about?
I said both /pol/ and sjws have had an impact. By sjws I meant Reddit and resetera really.
nice gaslighting
/pol/ is a cancer that forces itself to call out other cancer's ad infinitum without getting any results.
>even the mere mention of /pol/ gets /pol/niggers so riled up that the thread devolves into a massive political shitstorm
>/pol/ still acts like they arent the problem
Why do gays and drag queens always do their makeup to look like literal demons? It's one thing to do it like a woman because you want to feel more feminine, but I don't get how you go from that to "demonic face paint! Horns! Horns everywhere!" What does any of this have to do with being gay?
How so? The site is anonymous
As an ex-Californian I can confirm
90% of people within 100 km of a major coastal Cali city would be more valuable as fertilizer than a living person
You don't see a correlation with this and all of the retarded trannies that have festered within the gaming industry over the past couple years?
why try to muddy the water over semantics? alt-X refers to being the extreme of a view,if your saying there is no such thing as the far left then im amazed you can lie to yourself everyday and in the same breath claim that such groups would have no interest in going to /pol/ or spreading their propaganda to other boards is laughable
this is why people hate the far left
>making fun off disgusting trannies that look like clowns is not "crying."
Correct, that's just normal. But having a temper tantrum everytime there's a character in a game that isn't white is. Kind of like how the faggots from tumblr cry about there being too many white guys in a game or some shit.
Couldn't you do the exact same thing with discord trannies?
>discord trannies hijack another thread by bitching about /pol/
Are you talking about the right or left here? The right are the ones too scared to state their positions in public. My favorite is how whenever one of them gets called out for being a racist they always backpedal, why not fucking admit it, toughie? Or are you talking about people covering their faces during violent protests which is just like, logical.
Such a stupid picture. I look like the guy on the left minus the jew nose and I'm a complete neet, all my online friends also look like that and they're all losers that play mmos and online games, meanwhile chinless fags from my school drive cars with babes. I think there was some paradigm shift last century.
Like anyone gives a shit about Pepes and wojacks, the two memes of the right
>making fun off disgusting trannies that look like clowns is not "crying."
I don't think even you believe what you're saying, mate. /pol/ SEETHES about lefties and degenerates, and only sometimes tries to mask it as jokes.
im not sure if you realize this yet, but all of the people making fun of trannies ITT aren't from pol
No, i have never seen a single person openly admit to being a tranny on this board. Its literally a boogeyman.
>lefty meme
>funny, aesthetic, relevant
>fascist meme
>ancient, boring, spam from a videogame because that's all they know
I don’t really understand what you mean. The content of posts is enough to tell from where a posters ideology stems from, they don’t need usernames. If there’s threads complaint about the amount of black women in video games it’s clear where that poster is from. Same with threads or posters complaint about the sexualization of women in games, it’s clear the poster is an sjw.
Another thread successfully derailed. Feels good to be king.
>But having a temper tantrum everytime there's a character in a game that isn't white is
This is how I know you're just a limp wristed faggot. Making fun of shoe horned bullshit like pic related is a honest critique
>owen cyclops
didn't he just post a 200+ tweet thread about how DMT grants access to the demon realm and that Baphomet can find you, tempt you, follow you outside of the trip, and lead you to murder or suicide?
I'm not religious, but fags and trannies literally make me believe in demonic possession
Underage dipshits and especially people, who cannot form their own opinions.
prove it and show me how a company with no divesity never made a bad game while yu at it
we can agree on that, hes sticky even for britcommie
>literal demons
there are no literal demons, you fucking idiot
I know it’s fucked up but it still looks pretty bad ass, in a video game final boss sort of way.
the people who won't shut the fuck up about /pol/
How the fuck is this not a total joke?
Diversity does not mean "im good at my job making video games" you delusional twit
>alt-X refers to being the extreme of a view,
What? No it doesn't. We have a word for that, it's called extremist. Alt-right are right wingers who are disillusioned with the mainstream right wing politics, so they call themselves alternative. There are no lefties calling themselves alt-left, but lefties have been very divided since the beginning, like anarchists vs commies, anarchist & commies vs liberals and similar shit. Alt-left doesn't exist.
Or you just look like the guy in left and hit the nerve.
Left: facts and citations
Right: horseshit
Well I'm not denying there's a far left, but it's a broad tent that want a bunch of different, sometimes contradictory things. I'll give the right points for roping their tent into one basic message: "make a world only for straight white people"
Isn't the facts and logic thing a meme AGAINST right wingers, faggot?
Virtually any book or piece of literature that mentions a demon in its text would disagree with you. Literal demons exist in the sense that they are literary devices written on paper. Fucking retard
>facts and citations
>cnn, thinkprogress, vox, etc.
>facts and citations
Such as? Your feelings don't count for either, sorry.
Don't act coy, Yes it is logical to hide your face from us, Because you know what will happen.
With that logic, nobody on this board would like Bayonetta (or Rodin). The issue of women and blacks is less about themselves and more about the underlying intentions behind their creation.
>making fun of
You keep saying that. I refuse to believe you've never seen the genuine asspain on this board at the mere idea that their might be a black woman character in a game.
There's a difference between making jokes and sitting at your computer positively seething because you don't like minorities being shown in a video game.
>Diversity does not mean "im good at my job making video games" you delusional twit
so how diversity ruins games you delusional twit?
You understand the alt-right isn't the only far right group, right? I'm sure you'd bristle at lumping in tankies and anarchokiddies.
Just fuck off.
Because they're mentally ill, obviously.
Why would anyone take pride over memes anyway? Aren't memes conveyor belt humor, identical factory made molds you can slap your shitty company logo on? Isn't that the lowest of the low when it comes to humor?
Then you haven't been around the late night faggot threads and you're a dumbass.
No, I just think that the chinless guy has more to prove. When you're already attractive you get lazy and complacent, things sort of fall in place for you so you just end up in an extreme of not doing anything and in turn become stupid and thoughtless. That's what happened to me.
A highly sexualized and facile culture with an unconditional and unchecked fixation on excess, hedonism, uprooting of norms, and emulation of the foul and grotesque.
Facts and logic are definitely a way of destroying right wingers, yes.
The meme is about how you guys love screaming about facts until they don't conform with your feelings.
>not MY facts
lmao pottery
They ruined the film industry too.
nice cope.
>cancer ruining video games
Beta males
Male feminist allies
Video game journalists
Social justice
Political correctness
Forced LGBTQ+
Delusional trannies
Forced diversity
Anita $arkee$ian
Zoe Quinn
>cancer ruining this board
NeoGAF (oh wait, they're dead)
SJWs stalking us
Stupid delusional faggots
you're getting older. nothing gets ruined. you're slowly leaving the target audience
Microtransactions and preorders.
>/pol/boy goes trawling on twitter for profile pictures (or copies pictures his fellow basedboys trawled on twitter for) to compile a list of examples of The Enemy
>i-i-it's a joke, guys!
Drag is about exaggeration and excess. It's more of an artistic expression and just putting on a dress and a wig and calling that Drag is considered VERY basic
Women and Feminists. Hiring them and pandering to that audience has become a mistake which has corrupted the soul of mankind and his work on this planet.
Lmao (You) can't do anything
we have many words for the same thing retard,
>Alt-right are right wingers who are disillusioned with the mainstream right wing politics
yeah because they were too tame so =extreme
just because you dont like the term doesent mean it wont fit
alt left exists even if you dont like it
Digital distribution
Because it’s all /pol/ has left to cling on to. They lost the media, the internet, colleges, schools, and so on.
Money and egotism
>thinks eveyone is tranny
maybe just because you are one dont you think?
I think your too sensitive to be on this website when you see things like, "wtf is with this nigger character?" as being problematic.
Same reason why affirmative action is bullshit you delusional faggot. Hiring people to make games simply because they have a vagina (in a mlae saturated market) is fucking stupid, and is not based of merit whats so ever.
The only honest cunt in this thread
The horseshoe theory is real, you could believe this post was made by a right winger by simply replacing one word.
Sure but whatever the flavor the right has it boils down to distaste for non-whiteness
samefag can't meme, proceeds to cope, very sad.
If you weren't a larping faggot you'd know the right hide their faces too lol, but this is just the most pathetic form of posting so I really want to enable it. Keep posting, tough guy.
>facts and logic
>communism is just sharing bro
>public education bro
people who don't like /pol/ don't belong here.
You can say nigger here
Lazy troll response.
The corporate game industry is clearly in it's THIRD great collapse. 1st was in the '80s, 2nd in '07-'09.
it's always been there since the start, but i'd say the lingering hell of gamergate never left and turned everything into /pol/, while the TORtanic means that every major release now has people looking to burn everything to the ground at every possible opportunity
>this board
Console wars. You're not even allowed to have an opinion on a game anymore without console warring faggots reaching peak autism levels. PS4 fanboys who didn't play a game will give it a 10/10 for no other reason than that it's a PS4 exclusive, and Switch/Xbox/PC fanboys who never played it will also give it a 0/10 just for being a PS4 exclusive. Neither will judge the game on its own merits. You shouldn't judge a game because of its platform. You can like Spider-Man and dislike God of War. You can't even say something like "AC Unity was bad" without being called a seething Nintentoddler who's jealous he couldn't play it. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo won't give you a trophy for being a delusional fanboy. Console warriors need their own containment board.
alright lemme come back to you with a bunch of "FACTS" from briebart, RT, and fox, retard
Only 7% of journalists aren't liberals
All you losers saying "/pol/ is ruining video games"
But I don't think /pol/ is the one putting trannies into every video game lmao
You LITERALLY rapped her
thats a country and half of their games a pure shit
You're actually retarded.
If I was on the right i'd be sputtering about how my enemies are pedophiles and posting artifacted jpgs of statistics from fictional entities with names like 'national crime survey'.
or ya know, just searched GDQ trannies on google
listen, I'll make it simple.
Not all alt-right people are extremist, so no, the alt-x doesn't mean extreme-x. The alt-right gave itself that name. Once again, there is no self identifying alt-left, but there are extremist left wing people. I can't believe you actually made me defend the alt-right in a sense trying to explain this shit.
Why would you purposefully listen to a retarded minority?
furfags, trannies, traps and cucks
You know I find it funny that this website came up with the NPC meme when at the same time they worship regurgitation of memes and have the same three comebacks
>C O P E
>third collapse
The industry is undergoing a schism, not complete collapse. Microsoft have almost completely JUSTed themselves, Sony needs to move quickly to avoid being left in the dust, and Nintendo is thriving more than they have in a decade
>Facts and logic
>from a group known for public meltdowns that they coined a term
lol holy shit do you really think they're on your side? most useful idiot i've ever seen
>muh console wars
This is the most irrelevant complaint on here. You sound like you haven't been on this board since 2007 and are just now coming back to complain about something that hasn't been a problem for a while.
Any problems you have with "console wars" are most likely just shitposts that you don't understand.
>been here since 2005
Me too. Remember when Yea Forums was proud of being the social outcasts and didn't care what normalfags did or cared about?
This site has been overrun with normalfaggotry for years now. It's depressing.
I think you are a tranny. You are not everyone. Thank fuck.
Centism is ok, the problem comes when centrists start trying to play both sides on everything and it just does nothing.
Please don't call me names it hurts my feelings
>2nd in '07-'09.
nothing collapsed
Industry? Greed. Yea Forums? Weebs.
Are you fags going to start your shitty revolution any time soon?
Don't reply to yourself.
This is sad, stop it.
>this website
What the fuck are you even doing here? Are you admitting to participating in a raid of this board?
No dumbass, no one complained about 2b or gtav, if they complain it's because devs make their entire marketing campaing in "look a nigra! a powerful wamen! you must buy or you are racist/sexist!", and no one complains any game that stays neutral in politics, saying "fuck blumpf, buy it goyim or you are an incel!" to market your game it's so fucking annoying and why /pol/ criticizes them.
RT repeatedly dogs on liberals, moron
I agree that minorities are retarded and shouldn't be listened to.
Yep, you're still proving my point.
T. tranny
Chinas economic growth enticing the industry to swap towards accesability to china when their culture makes their gamers more often than not much much more likely to cheat and ruin it for others.
/pol/fags dont actually play games and they just follow gaming news media looking for "leftist propaganda" to complain about.
If you ever visit /pol/ there's a huge conspiracy there that vidya is heing used to indoctrinate people
Thats why /pol/ stays out of threads for older or more niche series. The majority of them are literally fucking Jack Thompson.
You know what it feels like these days being a furry is probably far from the worst thing you can be
How things have changed
shitskins, underage, and phone posters
no, THIS is sad
There's a video on their channel about an antifa faggot being wiped out, they play the game against both sides.
Yeah, I miss when this site was just dumb internet shit and nothing else. It was still shit, but not this shit.
>crt+f normal
>only one recent post saying normalfags
the answer is always normalfags, normalfags buy shit in droves no matter the quality, they enable jewish business practices, they ruin games because devs pander to the lowest common denominator to sell more, they instantly and heavily degrade any community they join
absolutely SEETHING cope :^)
dont reply to subhumans to cry about pol
they are raiding and trying to pose as Yea Forums users
unironically capitalism
you must be young,just because they dont self identify doesent mean its not true? remember calling people racists and nazi's? :^)
alt-x means extreme in comparison to the mainstream but i wonder why you are so sensitive about it? perhaps hitting a bit too close to home
>It was impossible to troll anons before /po/
How I know you're a newfag trying to rewrite history. Or just a troll.
I bet you don't even know what a tripcode is.
Exactly, whites.
Unregulated Capitalism creating consumer leeches like Lootboxes and pre orders
you have your own board, this is videogames, not fucking grindr
SA is my favorite game, Nigger
lmao this is the kind of lefty boomer shit you see in huffpo comments
I'm just here for the Smash DLC speculation threads. those are fun but I don't see one up right now
wrong, i play cs:go which is one of the last remaining games that is vastly right wing. Keep crying about /pol/ though faggot
RT is trying to undermine western democracy so obviously they would attack the people who actually have any power. Still waiting on those facts.
The irony in this post is that the "stupid delusional faggots" are the ones afraid of "the cancer ruining this board" section. More boogeyman buzzwords. You're not that fucking important, why does this place have a hard time understanding that?
Also, all of us were newfags at one point. Don't spoonfeed them and it works out in the end
Why is it sad exactly?
Based, Tetris was made by a commie.
leave this post where you find it! :^)
i didnt say anything on AC,the topic is a diverse group of people making a game, you are the one pretending that merit can only be found at a white bro, maybe you just mad that AC goes to other people than dumb whiteboiz
Yes, We need to regulate the Jews.
so wrong
Whatever nig, you are free to misuse words in an ignorant way all you want, I at least tried to help you out a bit. Don't get surprised if more people correct you in the future though.
You have /pol/ and should stay there.
People thing it's microtransaction dlc and anti-consumer practices but in reality it was G4 that really tipped everything off.
I'm sorry, bud, I'll be nice. You're wrong about all right wing ideologies being pro-white because even in terms of pro-one race right wing ideologies, they're all over the world.
>autist loves sonic adventure
what a surprise
>seething tranny starts coping
>complains about being called a seething coper
can't make this shit up lol
not really, the moment everyone took their eyes off of them they started creating pedophile and zoophilia groups. they are as worse as anyone else because they are let to roam free and be more degenerate as they were a decade ago
Not just normalfaggotry, teen normalfaggotry. That is why there is so much angst political shit. Most of /pol/ Users are probably below 20.
name 10 imbecile
What did G4 do?
There are people out there who unironically think gender and representation is what makes a game good
Nintendo fans.
Not yet, Shlomo, not yet.
videogames wouldn't exist under communism
you didnt help anything you just wanted to do the same crap you people always do and try to invent new meanings for a established term,go cry faggot
dont be surprised if no one listens to you
if you don't stay in your boards then i won't stay in mine, stay mad
I don't get how a character's gender status makes a game better or worse, please explain.
Also, once again, videogames are fine, it's the videogame community that's utter trash.
Whatever is causing the siphoning of good out of vidya must be regulated, if that somehow happened to be "THE JEWS" then so be it, but in reality its just the rich investors.
burden of proof is on you for saying "muh /pol/ boogeyman"
name 10 games that /pol/ made
>stupid delusional faggots
Like faggots acting like delusional faggots acting like they worship Jim Sterling's fat blubbery cuckoldry ass with pimples on top.
>videogames are fine
And he wasn't paid and allowed to live comfortably until the USSR collapsed :^)
ultra yikes, we would had to eat video games if communism would have ruled.
I think you are little young to be here
The number of people that will sincerely reply to this obvious false flag post are a perfect example of the cancer that's somehow still alive in this site's corpse.
i think you are tranny, but i dont hate you if you want to stay please do. just dont shit to much everywhere.
"communist" isn't a nationality you retard
RT is an off-shoot of Putin's government, which is explicitly influenced by the Russian Orthodox Church, dipshit. Also the only reason why Tetris even got popular is because of how much MONEY it made.
>Hmm we have hired this group of devs to make this game but theyre all white or male, lets start hiring black chicks and transsexuals to help balance this. This will not change the quality at all
You're putting words in my mouth user. People complaining about niggers doesn't bother me much, but unlike most people I don't purposely go into shit threads to find an excuse to be upset. I'm sorry that you're so terrible at discussing these issues. There's nothing wrong with not liking something btw, the problem lies in kicking and screaming for censorship of everything you don't like. Just like those sjws you're apparently nothing like.
Wow I can't believe /pol/ got upset at Nier
Oh wait
>(((rich investors)))
I guess I was talking about just the US because that's what I'm most familiar with. Because outside of the US the terms left and right don't apply as neatly as I understand it
you have garbage taste in games lol, it would have been better if it was sonic
i bet you didn't even mod cj to be white, race traitor
you can always quit playing
go suck a dick you worthless excuse of a man
i like you
>Implying they know about burden of proof.
In their world, it's guilty until proven innocent.
Serious answer: Normies, and the Mainstream.
These are shortsighted answers linked to the Mainstream.
Even in the US, you have far right libertarian ideologies, many of which are actually okay with open borders and such. I know you're going to go hurr durr fasc adjacent or whatever, though.
again, no one is calling from censorship other than lefty fags. Making fun of shoe horned diversity shouldn't upset you, but it does because your a fag
you can sense the passive-aggressive estrogen in this post
The Japanese
That's an unfair characterization.
I reckon many /pol/tards DO play games, it's just that they are - to put it diplomatically - casual babbys.
They play them, they just don't find intrinsic meaning in games. Video games are just their pop culture conduit of choice around which they construct both their individual and group identity. To be a "gamer" for them is the middle class nerdy male incel gen Y ubermensch defender of the white race first, and someone who plays/enjoys video games second.
I know you retard, Alexey Pajitnov was a commie except when he started selling Tetirs in the west and had to play the game to compete with the capitalists, but hey no shame in playing the system while you have to use it, but once it changes shame comes from refusing the change.
Yeah. This whole thread is case in point.
This is so applicable to Yea Forums now it hurts.
This guy gets it
your hobby is literally being killed by the profit motive
nonono dont use words yu dont understand, the burden is on you that claim trannies in everygame. do it now,you have another try, go.
Just from looking at this thread, I can say it's definitely idpol, on both sides.
why is it always soy_boys who like donte?
thats a lot of assumptions with no proof
Talk to any American Libertarian and ask them how they feel about Open Borders
You can tell if they are actual Libertarian or just a retard in 3 seconds depending on their answer.