Use potion

>use potion

Attached: 1549611188357m.jpg (1024x856, 71K)

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name one(1) game that does this

Not OP, but in Final Fantasy Tactics you could Throw potions and miss.

I guess you always miss

>use healing/buff on teammate
>they parry it and counterattack

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Attached: B737F937-4A60-4C3E-8182-6876734B699A.jpg (639x963, 79K)

not potions but healing spells can miss

Attached: thracia776.original.jpg (2449x1215, 823K)

Any healing item, spell or buff can miss, including Phoenix Downs/Life

Attached: mia.jpg (1080x1349, 100K)

Don't miss use this meme.

Its one of the best memes in the past decade. Don't ruin it.

>This should he-

Attached: giphy.gif (480x360, 1.51M)


Dragon quest 1 i think

>get a crit

Attached: Worried laughter.png (520x678, 301K)

>reloading gun

Attached: 1533742238646.jpg (250x333, 11K)

Attached: tenor[1].gif (220x168, 569K)


>critical miss
>damage myself

Attached: 1541194333301.png (992x940, 174K)

but only if you were stupid enough to target someone behind an obstacle

>use potion/cure on undead enemy
>It hurts them

>Healing is a minigame
>Worst situation is barely healing at all

Nice fake tits, extremely ugly nipples.

>Cast healing spell on undead
>They get healed

Attached: 1491252807873.jpg (823x744, 109K)

>switch weapon

Attached: concerned ora.jpg (960x712, 71K)

>Flee from encounter
>Attempt failed

Attached: 1540040590261.jpg (323x630, 65K)

>roll a perfect shot
>it misses

Attached: 1545525829376.webm (800x800, 2.93M)

>Cast Turn Undead

Attached: 56545745.png (565x699, 747K)

>normal hit for 49% monster hp
>normal hit for 49% monster hp
>critical hit

Attached: 1537502914497.jpg (280x404, 36K)

this happens constantly in VR

Attached: 1517904461102.jpg (360x270, 41K)

Attached: 1517738595561.jpg (1280x1079, 509K)

>95% chance to hit
>15% chance to hit

Attached: 5796468579635775.jpg (576x432, 21K)

>95% chance to hit has a hidden "luck" 15% chance to miss
Thanks XCOM.

>No chance for egress - will this be a massacre?

Attached: ancestor.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

I fucking swear Wyrd reconstruction is 97% 0-2 heal and 3% fucking anything else

they literally look like they're sewn on, it's horrible
>get's called a former pornstar because that's what everyone knows her from
>loses her shit because she wants to "distance" herself
>still sells nudes on patreon

Attached: burburger.png (394x553, 410K)

Also keeps her pornstar name even though she supposedly wants to distance herself from her '3 month career'

Healing spells could miss but items worked every time unless you threw it in a wall between you and your target.

>Fire a hail of bullets in a cone damaging every enemy and all cover within
>miss x2
Well fuck you too game

>level up

>miss level up
>you end up leveling down

Attached: too angry to die.jpg (691x681, 61K)

>level up luck stat
>hits perfectly

Attached: 1545565924401.jpg (477x401, 15K)

>caps at 99% chance to hit
>always that 1% you can miss, and flub your entire plan

Attached: drinking problem.gif (480x278, 2.64M)

That's why I said you couldn't handle my potions, traveller.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)


>shoot a nigger in the head
>miss vitals

>Use potion
>Enemy attacks first and kills the guy you were going to use the potion on

Attached: 3dtomie2.jpg (750x750, 115K)

Brave, Faith and affinity in Final Fantasy Tactics were shitty features that didn't add anything substantial to the games and the dead series is better with their removal.

>potion is randomly used on another party member
>he was at full health

Attached: 1426724942415.png (600x600, 87K)

>use revival consumable
>enemy instantly target the recently revived character within the same turn even though it couldn't possibly target a corpse

Attached: 1531713915763.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

>Water is weak to fire

Attached: 1526076778810.jpg (495x492, 29K)

where is that gif from?

War is chaos.

>use potion
>critical heal

Attached: youwillneverenjoywaterthismuch.webm (960x540, 1020K)

Real Suicide Squad

>Thanks XCOM.
Nu-XCOM actually fudges the dice rolls in FAVOR of the player, i.e. it's more like a hidden 'luck' +15% to hit. In other words, your observations are purely psychological and unreliable.

Attached: 1471285107152 - Copy.png (1080x1080, 1.46M)

>chance to self harm on attack
>kills yourself with it

Attached: [Pained Screaming].jpg (500x309, 38K)

Both enemies AND your soldiers have hidden percentages, very likely based on your performance. Think RE4-5 difficulty adjustement, only done poorly.

>shoot gun
>critical miss
>gun explodes
>takes some health off of you

Attached: vaultdweller.jpg (771x932, 145K)

>load game
>68% chance
>crash to desktop on failure

Attached: 1549380581223.jpg (613x640, 54K)

In Disgaea the ninjas had such high evasion that using items or having an ally heal you could miss.

>That one enemy spell that fucks up your whole party and cant do shit

Attached: kitty.png (362x368, 140K)

One of the ye old PC RPGs does this.
I think it was a Wizardry

>Play VN
>choose love route

Attached: 1534651810504.jpg (322x268, 8K)

>game has crit heals

Attached: smugjak.png (224x225, 5K)

>cast attack
>enemy disintegrates
>Bullshit! Ultra-failed attack!

>use potion
>shows you bashing a full glass bottle into your face

>loading last save has roughly a 50% chance to crash the game
fucking STALKER mods


Attached: 1549064258014.jpg (1200x1200, 276K)

based nujack poster

Attached: 1517693348488.png (1192x1400, 170K)

>get disconnected from online game
>crash to desktop
>still active in task manager
>end task and re-open
>error: this account is already logged in

Attached: 1454757269726.jpg (390x566, 24K)

>Turn based system in which you assign actions before it all plays out
>have party member revive ally before enemy's action
>they attack the revived enemy despite having to have chosen someone else to attack prior to the turn starting, and ohko them

Attached: 1551381687728.gif (640x360, 1.45M)

>Items can miss
Name one game that actually does that

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that is one tiny forehead

>wake up
>still have no gf

Attached: 1515645324429s.jpg (248x250, 7K)

I can only think of items that have a chance to heal a lot or a little depending on the character in Mother 3

>insert disk into console

>use healing on undead
>they die

Name 4 septillion games that do this