>RPG with various fantasy races
>Humans are the "jack of all trades"
RPG with various fantasy races
Just fucking delete /pol/. Make them scared.
i can only assume you dont know WHY it happens.
It's way too much to explain in a Yea Forums post, and im too lazy to explain the psychology and game design/balance reasons.
Unironically believing in a god is a sign of low iq though.
>foreign music
Probably better than the trash the american music industry peddles today.
>kike worshipper
It's all an act. I'm not alone ot awkward.
Why do people feel like they should be proud of what's essentially character sheet information?
This image way predates /pol/, my dear election friend.
Literally minority. Asian is the normal one.
Rock on, my normal friend.
>i'm an insecure generic NPC: the image
>pretend to be a loner
haha yeah
This. Cracked me up.
you can be smart and religious you fucktard. escpecially in the modern day where religion itself has changed to accomodate for society having science and government separate from religion now.
I'm sure you are, Pedro.
>/pol/ created every view of the world that isnt leftist
What does religion offer in the modern world where everything can be explained with science and logic?
inner peace
religion isn't about explaining the natural world retard. science and religion serve completely different roles. all modern academics agree.
Can they explain why your mom is so fat?
You remind me of myself back when I was your age (14).
some common sense moral code that keeps society together. Or at least that's what christcucks like to think
What does it explain then?
Thank you for triggering Yea Forums on this very special day friend OP
But I also think you bring up a good point. Generic humans are too common in fantasy, a good fantasy human race should have a clear identity derived from its history and cultural makeup, as well as a wide variety of internal viewpoints all struggling for the hearts of their public
>you can be smart and religious
No. Morals exist without religion. If you can't follow morals without imaginary creature brainwashing you're legit retarded.
it "explains" morals, what actions to take when based on morals, often establishes societal structures, gives myths to explain the significance of certain rituals and beliefs, the most significant being why you should do good deeds. theres probably more. im by no means an expert on the subject.
It's not too late, user. You can be saved from eternal damnation. All you have to do is accept you are a sinner, believe in the one true God (the Lord) and confess your love for him. I believe in you. It's never too late.
This. Religion is and has always existed as a way to control the populace, a large majority of which is retarded. It will always have a reason to exist, because there will always be retards.
Community, comfort, meaning.
The average person in a western country doesn't to religion for explaining natural phenomena anymore, but they might for more personal searches.
>he thinks religion is just about morals
government exists to control the population. your point? oh thats right, you have none.
thats another thing religion
Religion is about the community, something a self-absorbed twat from the "me, me me" generation is simply too underdeveloped to understand.
t. can't read
Honestly though religion is just the lazy mans philosophy, easier to have some one else tell you ideas and how to think instead of reading about it
Imagine being triggered by that OP
>Average /vpol/ user