Legitimately don't understand the appeal of this game. You're wrestling against annoying player controls...

Legitimately don't understand the appeal of this game. You're wrestling against annoying player controls, annoying horse controls, annoying camera controls, and easy but slow boss fights. The only thing this game has going for it is music and visuals, which I will admit is top notch. Am I missing something? Was this maybe more impressive when it first came out?
Playing the PS4 remake if it matters

ITT: games you don't get, no shitposting edition

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The remake is soulless, maybe that's what your issue is.

Sonyfags wanted to pretend they could play something as good as Zelda games, so they pretend SotC was some kind of groundbreaking, fun, and deep experience. That's the truth.

I'd imagine the gameplay is almost exactly the same, which is what my main issue is. I actually briefly played the original and it feels not that different

Well if its the remake it's a different game.

Playing RE2 2019 while a fantastic game isnt playing the louded PS1 classic.

Well you seem to be shit at video games so that's probably your issue.

dude, I'm pretty sure there's exponentially less differences between SotC iterations than there was between RE2 and Remake 2.
The core gameplay stayed exactly the same in SotC..

It has good atmosphere, good music, and some cool moments during the boss fights. I borrowed the remake from a friend and played it for the first time in 2018 and really enjoyed it. The only part I disliked was the final boss. I'll probably buy it myself and replay it, if it ever hits $10 or less for digital.

Fuck off. I never said the game was hard, just really clunky. You spend more time fighting the horse and the camera then you do fighting the Colossi

Lmao, the word is lauded you dumbass

You're just too young to have good taste.

>horse actually controls like a horse and not a four legged car
oh no how horrible for you, you have to 'fight' it, oh no, this is awful, this isn't 'difficult' despite you saying you have a hard time with it, it can't be that you're just bad at it, no way, it can't possibly be

Consider it's not clunky, the horse controls perfectly, and the camera works really well implies you're just really shit. The gameplay has always been good. Coupled with the interesting world design and story stuff makes it one of the greats.

Is it mainly the atmosphere then? I guess I just don't value that as much as most people then
It's not that it's difficult, it's that it's just not very fun. Like I said, I'm gonna assume most of the appeal is in the atmosphere, and I'm more of a gameplay-oriented person.

It's mainly the gameplay. Looking at 10/10 animations of you climbing unique as fuck bosses is awesome. The other stuff can be writtten off as boring if you are some kind of an NPC.

You're either bad like you were implying or you just don't appreciate unique gameplay.

the game is carried by its presentation and narrative. the fact that it has such a tragic ending involving gameplay elements blew peoples mind at the time (even if they are trite like temporarily controlling dormin to be able to do... nothing, and getting succ'd trying to run at your girlfriend)
Admittedly, it's showing signs of its age. Everyone had their issues with the game whether it be the frame rate, the smaller colossi kind of killing the scale of things especially since they're later in the game, the camera, the horse (the horse is a pretty shitty complaint- agro is the best feeling horse i've ever played with in a game and you can even do stunts and shit with her which hasn't been replicated nearly enough), but it's still evident what it's strengths are.
I hope you learn to appreciate the smaller details in games, OP.

Its just nostalgiafags. Everything about the game except the art design is utter trash by modern gaming standards. The 30 year old boomers ago associate the games original release with their childhood, the time when they weren't depressed and jaded and cynical, will never admit that to be the case.

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Its a sony movie game what did you expect?

I'm not trying to start an argument and I'd appreciate it you stopped calling me "shit" and an NPC because it's not very constructive

I appreciate unique gameplay, this just doesn't feel very rewarding. Idk, a long list of other games I like would indicate that this is something I should like but I'm not sure why I can't get into it. I think the issue is how many games have done basically every small element slightly better, apart from the actual monster fighting. Again, the atmosphere is gorgeous, but that's just not enough to draw me in alone. I guess it's really just personal preference.

Maybe I still have to learn how to control Agro then. I've been weird about hard but rewarding controls in games before (for example, I'm a huge fan of GTAIV's car handling). I'm only at the 6th collossi so I'll admit I'm not very far in the game. Maybe I'll learn to love it, who knows.

What other game lets you do this?

Attached: water.webm (925x495, 2.26M)

back in the day everything huge was considered cool, monsters, worlds, quests etc etc

Shitty NPC :^)

But yeah it's evident either the remake sucks or you're just bad because you did point out some bullshit about you fighting with the controls(which is something only autists do). That must be why it's not rewarding. I always felt great beating a boss. It was pretty fun even finding them.

Fuck off fags if you were right the shit tier remake wouldn't have gotten all those 10/10 reviews.

What other game lets me hold a button to stay attached to a monster while it moves around?

Dont' forget.


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It was a neat idea for a game but holy shit what a clunky broken piece of shit. Do it right or don't do it at all. Also how the fuck is this like 20fps, absolutely pathetic in this day and age when the visuals aren't very impressive either. Feels cheap and random on harder difficulties where you're getting flung about holding on to things. Big fucking meh from me. Fuck you they already got my money

I would just suggest you try to trudge through it since it is a remarkably short game on top of all the other shortcomings that have been listed before complaining about it too much. I'm kind of mad that I just spoiled the fucking end of the game because you came on here to bitch about it instead of just beating the game in the 6 hours it takes blind.
Honestly, if you weren't impressed by the bird colossus I don't think the game has much else to impress you with, that's easily the most memorable moment for me.
You are an idiot.

I mean, clearly the game was popular when it came out and was good enough to be remembered to this day + get two remakes
It looks cool, but like it's just a moment in the game that is mostly walking around or watching a monster shake you around
Maybe I just find it hard to be rewarded by a story like that.

Also, the game feels very linear. Explorations seems to be "Hold R1 and follow the light". Not very exciting.

Who do you think have the game those 10/10s lmao

And shit camera+shit controls is one of the most frequent criticisms of the game in reviews, even when the game first released.

I'm still gonna finish it, just felt the need to shitpost here while I'm at work

Funny enough, I liked Ico and I absolutely loved The Last Guardian

>Maybe I just find it hard to be rewarded by a story like that.
It was the gameplay that is rewarding. A feeling of accomplishmenet. There are only like 4 cutscenes in the game.

>people are shit at games
And what do you mean? Every critic praised it heavily. It hasn't aged a bit, it's not nostalgia that brings people to enjoy the game it's the gameplay.

Dragon's Dogma

>against annoying player controls, annoying horse controls, annoying camera controls,
This is actually part of the game. Ueda is an artuer, the cluncky controls are meant to be part of the art to link the characters and players struggle of tackling the colossi. It's the same with all his games

There's a cutscene every time you find a colossus and one every time you beat one, maybe more

Thanks guys, maybe I'll clear the rest of the game tonight with some really good headphones and I'll finally get to see what all the hype is about

You don't have to hold a button.

Like all games Yea Forums hypes up, it was good for its time but the remake is soulless trash

I only played the original and it's exactly as you described it in the OP
the game is THE amateur clunky jank any other game would be crucified for
just look at that absolutely empty map

>its SUPPOSED to be shit!

Okay but they aren't shit or clunky.

Attached: mashed.webm (925x495, 2.36M)

What the fuck is this supposed to prove?

Legitimate question, what exactly do those numbers mean? Variations from a standard color code or something?

air control is pretty fucked up but that's mostly just for trick stuff that a blind playthrough wouldn't even imagine trying, the controls really aren't a great argument against either, it feels fine, pretty crisp honestly with really smooth animations.

Disgaea. I try it annually. I desperately want to like it, but I just can't.

I haven't even tried it but I feel this way.

I don't understand why people call this an "art" or "movie" game. It has very little in the way of cutscenes, dialogue, or cinematic aspects, and what is there can be completely skipped in a way that wouldn't affect the experience (while in other games skipping it would leave out key pieces of information pertaining to the gameplay). It's pure, barebones gameplay for the most part.

Because the camera frames the entire game in a cinematic light and the world design really makes you think.

Super Mario 64 could fit that description yet you don't hear people calling it cinematic or an "art" game.

That is bullshit.

i played only the remake and i loved it, i bought the ps3 collection for ico and will eventually try the "remaster"


I'm not seriously replying to a lying faggot like you, sorry.

this applies to all nintendo games
the games arent good, but nostalgiafags pretend that they are because they played nintendo games as kids

How am I lying? Both of those games have:
>camera that zooms in and out during boss fights to show sense of scale
>short cutscene that plays after boss is defeated
>has some cutscenes and dialogue but can be skipped in a way that doesn't affect the experience
>has a mysterious world design
You haven't refuted anything by being dismissive.