As a Sonic fan, I have to ask: how is the franchise still alive?

As a Sonic fan, I have to ask: how is the franchise still alive?
Any other franchise with as much failures under their belt would have gone under a long time ago, but Sonic's still standing

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SEGA has a tendency to occasionally toss a game out that's good enough to make people think the franchise is on the road to recovery, before open palm slamming it back down into sewage.

Strong autism.

Brand power.

Sonic games are "good enough" and usually launch in windows when there isn't competition and usually at budget prices.

Because just like the fanbase, sega refuses to let the franchise die

The fanbase has gotten so split that they'll buy damn near anything involving the character if it's their preferred style of gameplay

parents buy them for kids
its even more common now since its basically the only option that isn't some rape simulator or multiplayer racism trainer

>Sonic games are "good enough
no they aren't

"Too big to fail" mentality. Sega embraced the fact that the brand is so strong that no matter what is cranked out, they'll get sales.

They actually let their newest game designers/programmers work on Sonic games, which says to me their veterans are sick of the franchise and there's no risk if mistakes happen.

Depends on the game, a good amount are passable or good. It's just that when the game is bad it's bad

Good enough for autists, children and Brazilians.

I love sonic. But the fan base is so beyond autistic they'll buy whatever comes out. Can't wait to see how many people drool over the atrocity the film will be.

Sonic is the mascot for Sega.

this. they just release a good game every 4-6 years with a bunch of garbage in between and it makes them just enough money.

Why do they keep making these game movies. How did the ratchet and clank movie do? All I know is they neutered their characters to be fluffy and cute for kids

most are at least okay.


It was a box office bomb but it also got little to no advertising

>how is the franchise still alive?
I was asking myself this question back in 2015

Having played basically every Sonic game since Sonic 1 minus a few of the arcane ones like Sega Sonic the Hedgehog, I can say the only three I actually regret were Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic and the Black Knight. Even Sonic 06 was an interesting experience; given I played it for the purpose of seeing just how bad it could be, not for fun. Maybe I have low, simple standards, but a game where you run fast, and jump on stuff is good enough for me.

>which says to me their veterans are sick of the franchise
this. Something tells me that Sega binds their Sonic crew to only make Sonic and nothing else. It's why Naka left Sega in the first place, as if he stayed he would just be stuck making only Sonic. And IIRC, an anonymous Sega employee came out and basically said that the guys making Sonic are bored of it

I feel like the only person that actually cares anymore is Iizuka but the problem is that he is incredibly naive and doesn't understand Sonic at all.

>how is the franchise still alive?

It's all because of Kayona Kim.

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Hey, Secret Rings was okay for me

*most are at most okay.

For me it’s Chao garden

It's more about people still having too high expectations because it's sonic.