Blunder of the decade
Blunder of the decade
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even close
still underwhelming
>blunder of the decade
>when Fallout 76 and Anthem exist
Fallout and anthem don't attract the reddit audience like dark souls.
Never played the remaster, what's wrong with it? I was under the impression that it's same as original but better graphics + framerate?
>I was under the impression that it's same as original but better graphics + framerat
I think people were mad that they were charging the full price for it
You must not go to Fallout thread on R*ddit
>One of the most reddit franchises in Fallout
>One of the most reddit genres in loot shooters
>Not reddit like Dark Souls
Get a grip
If it's so bad, why is it included in the Dark Souls Trilogy?
Some of the quality of life improvements (objective improvements, mind you) triggered the autism of people who just wanted the same game exactly the same.
they changed the lighting so everything looks brighter, that's it
also they removed the original PC version from steam so you can only buy the remaster now, which breaks compatibility with mods
>not attracting the reddit audience
I dare say it's now the most reddit franchise in existence.
I didn't mind most of the lighting changes. The bonfires are horrendous though. Also hate that they fucked with online. Unbalanced pvp is better than forcing so many rules and restrictions.
Literally all they had to do was remove enemy attacks clipping through walls and it would have been a great remaster.
Also fix the shitty hit detection and horrendous framerate drops
>Remaster (also digital remastering and digitally remastered) refers to changing the quality of the sound or of the image, or both, of previously created recordings, either audiophonic, cinematic, or videographic.
People were mad because they were expecting a remake, that is, make the same game again but on their more modern and advanced engine that powered both Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. Instead we got exactly what they said they would give us, a remastering of the old game. They literally took the old game and made small improvements in the quality of visual, audio and interface elements, which is exactly what a remaster is supposed to be.
The only valid criticism imho are the changed lighting and possibly the new invasion system with added phantoms and the changed estus flask system for phantoms. Everything else is just dumb people complaining about a remaster because they thought it would be a remake.
The game is perfectly fine btw and better than the original, even if you dislike the new lighting system.
Unironically true.
This piece of garbage killed the PTDE community by forcing the game on every new buyer and removing the original from the libraries of anyone unfortunate enough to fall for the shilling and "upgrade" for $20
>The only valid criticism imho are the changed lighting and possibly the new invasion system with added phantoms and the changed estus flask system for phantoms. Everything else is just dumb people complaining about a remaster because they thought it would be a remake.
you're retarded. the remaster introduced a TON of bugs that the original didn't have, plus it simply has less customization options than dsfix had
the new lighting made the game look like complete shit and the online measures did nothing substantial to stop twink builds. pvp was still bad too
the quality of life stuff was nice at least
>you're retarded. the remaster introduced a TON of bugs that the original didn't have
The original have by far more bugs than the remastered
>plus it simply has less customization options than dsfix had
running the game at 60 fps with dsfix introduces a lot of bugs as well
did the original have infinite pvp backstabbing that you literally can't get out of? no it didnt.
>running the game at 60 fps with dsfix introduces a lot of bugs as well
literally the only bugs were the rat ladder in undead burg throwing you under the map if you slid down it, and making the jump in blighttown to the nikana and the jump to the sens vendor harder. nothing else.
fuck off you uninformed retard
>did the original have infinite pvp backstabbing that you literally can't get out of? no it didnt.
both versions have chain backstabbing, wtf are you talking about?
>literally the only bugs were the rat ladder in undead burg throwing you under the map if you slid down it, and making the jump in blighttown to the nikana and the jump to the sens vendor harder. nothing else.
a shit ton of glitches can only be performed in the original at 60fps, many of those were fixed in the remaster
Had no problem with it all. Just slapped on a decent shader for more dark grit and it looked good to me. Native 60pfs is also nice.
It's completely pointless on PC. All it did was raise the price for people who didn't already own prepare to die edition. It's cool for consoles though. DaS wasn't playable on gen 8 consoles until the remaster.
you're retarded
That's not an argument,
Here's a video from 3 years ago showing how to chain backstab and how to counter it in the original game.
It's literally harder to chain backstab and easier to counter it in the remastered version due to the 60fps.
so mad about that, got a new PC and wanted to buy the old PC version, beacuse fuck the remaster
you're a moron. in the original you can just spam dodge as you get up and you will escape 100% of the time, in the remaster the attacker just has to stand behind you and the backstab happens before the game even allows you to start a dodge
as I've already said, you're an uninformed retard. please refrain from posting on topics you have 0 clue about
>pic related
fuck you
>you're a moron. in the original you can just spam dodge as you get up and you will escape 100% of the time
that's bullshit, go watch the video I just posted.
>fallout after 3
>no reddit
I really need to stop listening to Yea Forums's autism, I held off on buying DSR because of all the bitching about lighting changes, fog doors being "soulless," etc. Then I picked the game up last week for like 5 bucks and it's fucking Dark Souls. Looks fucking great, plays fucking great, feels fucking great. People on this board really need to learn how to appreciate things from a distance.
Not him but he’s right and your wrong. Chain stabbing was always in the game since day 1.
Git gud
Only if it was just port for current consoles, not replacing the the PtD edition on the PC and split the online base. Greedy bamco kikes. But I do agree, it's a competent remaster.
I don't care about PCshit so that's your problem, fag.