Fuck this boss fight with his two little MIA glowniggers...

Fuck this boss fight with his two little MIA glowniggers, how are you supposed to beat them without brute-forcing it with packs of Staminan Royale?
Yakuza Thread too, I guess.

Attached: Jingu_Yakuza.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

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I spammed Staminan and Sumo Slap and i'm not ashamed of doing it!

Also I'm suffering from Yakuza withdrawal right now because no PS4.

Get the Tiger Drop.

I equipped all my best weapons, used up every single one, then finished the fight like this guy

I found out very late that you could tiger drop gunshots even at range.

Is this Kiwami? I remember ps2 Yakuza 1 having a boss like that at the end. Was pretty annoying desu.

Like, 1 tiger drop away from Dead Jingu, that late.

Yes Kiwami and probably the same fight you're thinking of in 1 too.

Tiger Drop. The answer is always Tiger Drop. It breaks the whole game.

Jingu a fucking shit.

Attached: YAKUZA-KIWAMI_20170818203157.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)