No proper dodge button outside lockon

>No proper dodge button outside lockon
What were they thinking? Its 2019, get with the times, Capcom!

Attached: dmc502-800x526.jpg (800x526, 97K)

Attached: bingo.png (925x695, 678K)

shoutout to that one guy that had an autistic argument about how jumping is not a dodge and complaining that you can't block

>actual criticisms
>lol it's just a meme guise

every single character in the game has multiple ways to dodge attacks depending on the scenario. If you're getting hit, you're bad

I agree but at the same time the game is build around the way that mechanic works. The game knows how it's build and doesn't make these extra inputs for a basic function unfair. I'd rather have a dodge button but the game is functional without it. I also don't fault Capcom for not including it. This game is, in many respects, an attempt to make the DMC4 they didn't.

This is a fucking retarded argument and you should be ashamed.

Is it just me or does the game have very very generous iframes on dodge/jump

DMC has always had generous iframes

no it isn't and that why you didn't refute it. The game has multiple ways to dodge at all times. You getting hit because the O button isn't ALWAYS dodge just means you're shit at the game. It's not the game's fault

>you can't dodge

>dodging is too strong

Guy who actually plays DMC here, the latter option is true. People meme out about there being no dodge button but the truth is that you don't have a "dodge" you have a variety of tools that dynamically change their function. If you find yourself in a moment where you can't dodge, your intentionally navigated your control scheme out of those options. Is this an easy mistake to make? Of course, everyone falls for it, even the pros take damage. But that's the game, not locking yourself out of safeties.

there literally is you fucking retard, for everyone but V. It's called Gerbera and Trickster.

Attached: 1549633468553.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

>can cancel your attacks with a side step
>can literally dodge roll
>table hopper

plenty of dodge options in this game

And that's just one of the character's options. Anyone who complains about lack of dodge in DMC is a fucking imbecile

>if you're getting hit you're bad at the game
>that's retarded, shut up
Epic argument, user.

I don't know if it's the lack of dodge specifically but this game seems slow as fuck compared to all the Kamiya games since DMC1.

Just compare an S rank of this to the equivalent of that in Bayonetta on youtube. DMCV looks slow as fuck an unsexy.

>lack of dodge
Absolute state of brainlets.

I didn't play it yet, and i said that whether it's the dodge or not is irrelevant to my point.

Illiterate brainlet.

On PC, is this a Steam exclusive?

Bayonetta is good but 1 is nearly ruined by the QTEs and all the stupid gimmicks. Witch Time is also a shitty mechanic and using it as a crutch completely and utterly ruined Bayo 2's game design. Neither Bayonetta is as good as DMC 3 or 5.

Imagine being this terminally cucked

The main issue I've had is the lock-on seems really picky. I don't use it a lot but sometimes if I want to quickly swap targets to more accurately dodge it doesn't seem to ever swap and just re-lock on

The QTEs aren't even bad in Bayo, they're bonuses to look out for when an enemy is stunned or during a cutscene. This criticism is way overblown. Witch Time is also an offensive award for good dodging.

These are 3D bmups where you pummel enemies stylishly. They are meant to be fast and sexy, not slow and difficult like Dark Souls and other GhostnGoblins successors.


I was shitposting too much about the game, but it's like cocaine and doesn't let go of me I haven't even reached past playing Nero yet can't wait to see how different they are

Does jumping still have iframes?

You know someone is a complete tastelet when they put DMC3 above DMC or Bayo

Can you start a new save file game on Son of Sparda

V takes a bit of getting use to but I enjoy it. I really hope that it's a test for a summoner class in dragons dogma 2, since that seems pretty likely to be on the table after.

>The QTEs aren't even bad in Bayo
Not that user, but those fucking mid-cutscene QTEs where you instantly die for failing pissed me off. Fuck that shit, it better not be in Bayo2.