Three Houses is going to be three versio-

>Three Houses is going to be three versio-

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I wonder if the Nips like the cover.

Don't know if they do, but I like it.

Only doomposters/literal retards thought it was going to be three games.

Japs have crazy low standards it makes no sense to me how they come out with good games. I bet the art director at IS is too nice and polite and wouldn't criticize this dog shit cover

When you have one of the worst economic societies in the first world, you take what you can get

M!Byleth is so ugly.
Never played a female self-insert in these games before but I might do it this time just to avoid his stupid face.

It bothers me the one guy is upside down

The japs knows everything about the blacks: they even hang them on videogame covers.

We knew it wasn't going to be three versions ages ago?

They think that Claude being upside down is silly

Shut up Whitu Piggu

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I like his outfit. I wished they let us change his hair design or let us play as one of the 3 royals instead.

He's pretty though. Just needs a different haircut.

Here's the full art before some retards think that yellow man is holding a bent sword.

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Awakening's box art becomes hyper-kino once you realize Kellam has his face covered on purpose.

I get what they were going for but there must have been a way to avoid having to turn Claude upside-down and still have his weapon intersect the others.

What is he holding?

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Going by his looks, probably a huge dildo.

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He's using a bow. Something that only real chads like Holmes, Jamke, Innes, Shinon and Takumi use.

Based Tear Ring Bro.

Fates was just announced as "Fates" initially before the version split was announced in its second showing later so some people kept saying that it could still happen (although the lack of very different model/class styles for the different factions pointed against that).

asking for an edit of Claude like pic related

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So, does Dimitri actually have greasy hair? Those shiny separate strands make me think that way.