>DOOM: ANNIHILATION follows a group of space marines as they respond to a distress call from a base on a Martian moon, only to discover it’s been overrun by demonic creatures who threaten to create Hell on Earth.
DOOM Movie
You look at those images without context and they look like they could have been made for any other movie.
There's an obvious reason why the new Doom game even brings back the green haired zombies and health bottles.
new doom movie?
>You look at those images without context and they look like they could have been made for any other movie.
yeah like the other Doom movie.
At least they used some of Doom 3's designs, even if they didn't worked out.
Why even make it live action in the first place, when Doom has always been cartoonish as fuck?
Doom 4 has realistic graphics. Not hard to turn that into a live action movie. Though this movie looks nothing like Doom 4.
We already know this will be shit but tell me, how do you make a proper Doom movie?
why sci-fi movies nowaday get so fucking lazy in term of gears and weapons?
Do something like heavy metal
Short stories about demons trying to kill Doomguy?
That's one shitty looking zombie
why are they copying the style of the doom movie?
They'll fix it in postproduction. If anything, I'm surprised about the lack of greenscreens
Please for the love of fucking god let there be a Doomguy cameo. Like just have a room just strewn with demon corpses and bullet holes that leads up to a collapsed path to the demon gate.
cuz the doom movie copied doom 3, which was a copy of doom 1 but edgier.
Unironically just adapt Doom 2016.
Here's your doom"guy" . They already said that they're making the protagonist into a female a while back.
We already knew and we get mad because she's a fucking womanlet
>you know that game about that space marine in his green lego astronaut outfit fighting through a kids' paper scribbles?
>yeah, let's make a movie of that, except, the actual guy isn't in it, all of the characters we do have wear regular black riot police gear, all the sets look beige or grey and they fight zombies the entire time
Looks like an Uwe Boll film, from these stills.
I mean, it's the same plot as the original game.
Hardcore Henry with demons.
Becuase that FPS scene in Doom movie was so great, right?
almost like execution matters more than concept.
Loved this piece of trash as a kid. Watched it as an adult a few years ago and I can confirm that there is only 1 (one) good reason to watch this movie in 2010+10-1.
Pic very related
You really can't, Doom works as a video game because you can make a video game with nonstop action and almost zero story, can't really say the same for movies
I'm pretty sure the director said that Doomguy would be in it
Superior taste.
Doomguy remains unidentified in his suit throughout the whole movie and isn't even the main character. The humane cast of the movie support him in defeating the demons mostly off screen while the scattered survivors get saved by him time and again, from both demons and humans that still want to save the facility. In the end Doomguy enters the hell dimension alone to shut down the portal from the other side while the survivors flee back to earth, sure that he's dead.
Cue in aftercredits years later where a portal opens on Earth and a bloodstained boot limps out.
>can't really say the same for movies
Fury Road
>you can make a video game with nonstop action and almost zero story, can't really say the same for movies
what the fuck kind of bizarro dimension do you come from. that's almost every arnold schwarzenegger movie. go watch this right now you subhuman.
That but in a Doom setting
who should play Doomguy?
unironically Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Bruce Campbell
yeah, she's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "space marine"
Make him CGI. He can't be human.
> Woman
> Shit looking gun
> Gay ass fucking monster
Another movie that doesnt give a fuck about the fan base
The only way a DOOM movie would work is if it was some overthetop bullshit like Army of Darkness with an insane protagonist running around corridors screaming as he tears apart demons and monsters, as the rescue team goes after him trying to keep up.
too old.
>Take a hockey helmet
>Spray paint it black.
Doesn't matter, as long as they're tall and buff enough. You're not going to see his face or hear him talk anyway.
a big guy
>doom GUY (not doom lesbian)
>silent unknown protagonist
>actually use monsters from doom
>lots of senseless gory action
>simple plot based on game without dumb spinoffs or forced "twists"
>one fps scene like in the first doom movie, that was actually pretty good
basically a fun-to-watch brainless action film with doom atmosphere and potentially some spooky moments.
Wasn't she a scientist? I'm about 90% sure she was karl urbans sister.
yes to both things
>protagonist DOOMGUY is a woman
Can a meteor or super virus smallpox just fucking destroy us already?
why can't they just make a doom movie about a badass dude kicking demon ass instead of this realistic swat team they also did on the first movie
almost forgot
>non stop metal music
DoomGuy like Judge Dredd should remain faceless, his face does not matter.
I want it to be from the perspective of a lone grunt encountering Doomguy unaware that he's a force for good, terrified that this wrecking ball of a man is the most lethal thing on the entire planet.
Make Doomguy the "monster" of this monster movie.
>Doom plot
>Not convulted
Didn't you read the walltexts?
read the post you just replied to again.
Mad Max Fury Road would like to speak with you.
>dat hockey helmet
>Karl and the urban rock
But that's Doom 4, not Doom 1 which this is an adaptation of.
first dooms plot was pretty simple :)
haven't played doom after 3 desu
>My feet hurt.
>These guns are too loud.
>They're also too heavy.
>The Rock keeps saying mean things to me.
>Karl won't stop shouting.
>All these CGI demons look lame.
>I wish I was at home playing video games.
this looks really really bad. how can one screenshot look so unattractive?
How to make a Doom movie.
>DUUM art style
>Movie follows a number of survivors trying to leave mars
>Every 15 minutes there is a 5 minutes continuous shot of silent Doomguy ripping and tearing demons
>Some drama happens
>Survivors escape mars
Basically a Kaiju movie, Doomguy is a human Godzilla killing demons, not a representation of humanity violent nature.
Stuntman in a suit
sorry didn't know the doom plot was about a team of fearful cops fighting for survival where obviously 2 or 3 will survive by the end my bad
You're unfunny.
Why do people make adaptations that are completely unfaithful to the source material?
It wouldn't even be hard to make a Doom movie. Gratuitous doomguy-on-demon violence and silent protagonist who wears the iconic armor is literally all you need. The CG needed might be a bit on the expensive side, but hollywood is full of studios with the moolah to pay for it.
>Doomguy remains unidentified in his suit
doomguy is only faceless and voiceless in bethesda doom.
is this a joke?
looks like something out of a jap action flick
that is literally the plot of the game, a group of generic grunts get wrecked until there's only one guy left, doomguy.
Doom 3 protagonist is not Doomguy, even then he never spoke.
Doom 1, 2, and 4 are Doomguy. He never speaks and never takes his helmet off.
That's a legit improvement though.
actually looking again I get it now:
>female doom "guy"
>retarded look on her face
>is she wearing makeup??
>paintball helmets.
>actually no, paintball helmets actually look better
>boring weapons
>she's holding her rifle like a retard, half on barrel half on the barrel handle
>colorful lit background like they are at some California gay bar
literally every detail about this screenshot is wrong.
>Why do people make adaptations that are completely unfaithful to the source material?
Why do the tough marine guys look so skinny and weak
>one fps scene like in the first doom movie, that was actually pretty good
Hardcore Henry was all first person and was good, you can make a DOOM movie be like that
>Large squad of trained soldiers have to fight through demons
>Incredible struggle, constanly running low on supplies the entire movie, many die
>Occasionally come across rooms of shredded demons and think some bigger demon must have done it because no human could.
>Near end of movie, have them hear gunfire and screaming and think that a survivor must be in trouble and run to it
>They enter room and see Doom Guy flying around the room effortlessly killing demons that would caused them trouble in the past
>The screaming is coming from the demons
>Doom Guy kills them all and takes of without a word to kill more demons
would make for a good film desu
I kek'd. Nice one user.
UAC's Space Soi Marine detachment.
Plot is not the only thing that makes a coherent product, user. You could take the plot of doom and replace demons with shetland ponies and doomguy with winnie the pooh and you would have a completely unfaithful adaptation.
you saw his face all the time in 1 and 2
in the comic and quake 3 he talks all the time
People shit on science fantasy, they want hard science. So the guns, armour and vehicles all look the same - "realistic"
>and never takes his helmet off
mate you see his face the whole game remember?
>Hardcore Henry
don't know that movie but actually I wouldn't mind watching full pov / fps Doom movie. have great horror / action balance potential
Well yeah on the UI hud but he never takes his helmet off ingame.
Plot twist: Doomguy is long dead, and his armor is inhabited by Lucifer himself, attempting to escape Hell.
>Plot is not the only thing that makes a coherent product, user
that's the only thing we know about it though.
>a group of generic grunts get wrecked
But those guys were already at phobos and they sent no one.
Checkmate faglord. And who wants to watch a bunch of mongoloids die one by one when we can be watching a green angry man tearing through monsters?
Ask yourself, which words come up in your mind when thinking of Doom?
1) Heavy Metal
2) Satanic images
3) Blood and gore
4) Heavy weapons
5) Relentless action from someone who does not operate in a tactical, slow way, but goes full schwarzenegger
6) Solo
7) 1 man army
8) Industrial sci-fi but colorful enough with a third act of brown and red hell
9) Monstrous, scary, angry demons
10) Some dumbass scientists who thought they knew better.
Something give it to Guillermo del Toro.
I rewatched it not long ago (hated it at the release) and it's surprisingly quite good in many aspects
Granted it's not a great adaptation
We have the screenshots OP provided, which look like it isn't even a B-movie.
ending scene doesn't count as in-game how? and what's the point of saying it when what matters is that we see his face?
Hahahaha a voiceless focused character in a film? Good luck.
>he never takes his helmet off ingame
are you blind?
Doom can work just fine as a near-plotless action romp, but for some reason Hollywood thinks it needs to have character drama and focus a lot less on the action. For christ sake just make it Hardcore Henry with demons.
I Am Legend but with a faceless actor, no other characters, heavy metal, and non stop action. Make it a 48 fps 3D, with well designed real sets and demons (just mannequins) for reference, and then blow the entire budget doing well designed CGI, Avatar or Interstellar levels of effort.
>martian moon
>two small potato looking rocks
>one of which is bound to crash into mars
>don't know that movie
Give it a watch, its cheesy fun action like the Crank films
>Terminator 1 and 2
Just slap a useless, mewling marine recruit on him as a sidekick that he begrudgingly allows to tag along. He can do the expositional talking.
desu this would be a good choice except for the fact that if they hired the Rock, there's no way they wouldn't give him dialogue
best choice is just a fucking ripped stuntman, would be a lot cheaper too and he wouldn't throw a hissy fit about playing a silent character
What? It's fucking horrible. Go watch a real movie lmfao
hardcore harry was the best video game movie ever made, and it wasn't about a video game
how do you know the movie doesn't focus on one character? if you read the original game's plot you'd think you'd interact with the other characters before they die.
look at Predator, that one also ended with just one guy.
That'd be a good premise; the rescue team has to try and retrieve doomguy alive but he's gone completely berserk and is intent on fighting his way to hell
sounds good, I loved the absurdity of crank
Oh god I want to bury my face in those tits, and suckle them until they become dripping wet and sensitive, lick her all over and ravish her.
Is she married?
I don't get your bait, but have a (you)
She's got the jaw for Doomguy at least.
it absolutely looks like a B movie due to how cheap it looks, you're blind.
You're funny.
Is it even fucking possible to have an action flick where 70% of the leads aren't dyke fantasy? Who the fuck would be interested in a DOOM movie and see that 14 year old boy looking bitch and be excited? God, I can't fucking wait for everyone in Hollywood to swing.
Good stuff.
I think you misunderstood that user. He is saying that it looks SO cheap that it doesn't even qualify for the title of B-movie.
no bait, schwarzenigger only had a handful of sentences, all of them were completely irrelevant to the plot. he might as well be completely mute.
Kate McKinnon
>how do you know the movie doesn't focus on one character?
Because there's a cast of billed actors in there. And even in the Predator it took to the end of the film to trickle it down to Dutch.
And even then the movie wasn't just about him, it him and the Predator, a character in of itself duking it out.
not interested
looks like ass
Nigger those one-lines gave off more character than most hollywood garbage today. Making the terminator mute would have made an entirely different film.
which ass tho?
I don't think you know what a B movie is. hint: Syfy original movies are B movies, and they're 100 times cheaper than the OP screenshots.
they're also some of the most quotable lines ever made and do far more for his character than if he never shut up or didn't talk at all.
look out, it's a feral slav
You don't.
Stop making fucking videogames movies you stupid faggots, videogames and movies have different strengths.
keith urban
Not to mention the Terminator films don't focus on just one character so even if the terminator was mute it wouldn't fit what the post was talking about.
ops his name was karl
that's pretty much how godzilla movies work
I couldn't fucking bear the boredom and turned it off soon at least twice
Aliens with demons instead of aliens. And instead of "action movie with horror elements" make it "pants-shitting horror that is actually frightening to watch and makes you think 'that's what hell would actually be like' and then throw in HEAVY action and a Mick Gordon soundtrack".
>If you think a movie about demons and space marines featuring a 100lb female as the lead soldier looks retarded, you are a pissbabby incel troll and we are totally not gaslighting you right now.
That chick looks like the guy who got bullied in high school, ffs. Why the fuck do these suits think shoehorning women into blatantly male spaces is good for business?
It's funnier this way though.
>DoomGuy like Judge Dredd should remain faceless
Being "faceless" has never been an important part of the character.
>Because there's a cast of billed actors in there.
as opposed to? you're saying movies that focus on a character cannot have other characters at all? also it's not the "end", it's like the last 1/3rd of the movie.
>And even then the movie wasn't just about him, it him and the Predator
and doom is about doomguy and the monsters, what's your point? if the cyberdemon or spider mastermind was the movie's rival nobody would fucking complain.
>cyka who drank vodka?
That's CGI right there. We haven't seen CGI from this new Doom movie yet. It might be at that level.
it is for the zoomer children that are the majority on this board.
why do they do things that they know will hurt us :-(
user you're fucking batshit, Universal is not on Syfy's level. Syfy does CG whenever it can, so if Syfy had done Doom the zombies would have been cg if not at least James Rolfe-tier. Syfy brags about looking as cheap as possible, the zombies in the OP look better than anything Syfy's ever done.
dredd has a very distinct personality and a very emotive face even if you can't see half of it.
Based antisonyfag, you have my full support
>Universal is not on Syfy's level
Not him, but this movie is being done by Univeral's direct-to-dvd division. I wouldn't expect the cg to be that impressive.
Motherfucker you were saying that the movie would only focus on one character.
The mere fact that they have multiple named characters defuses you statement.
>and doom is about doomguy and the monsters
That's just it those are monsters, nameless and just exist to be killed and are barely an obstacle even in narrative.
Characters like the Predator on the other hand are adversaries, they are characters something that needs to be surmounted, they are built up in the story along with the other characters.
They stand as representations of the opposite or a grotesque caricature of what the hero stands for, not just threats that pop-out and dealt with as fast as they appear.
All in all, just shut the fuck up you retard, you don't know shit about what your talking about.
It should be on Netflix pretty much everywhere.
LITERALLY just make pic related but with 200% more CGI+Practical effect Demon mangling.
End it with a huge Icon of sin showdown and then he sacrifices himself to save the world but gets teleported to hell just like in the games armed with nothing but a shotgun have it end like that Jet Li "the One" film youtu.be
anything beyond that is overthinking it.
Not to disagree with you, but Dredd's face has one setting and that's "scowl expressing maximum dissatisfaction"
That branch did the last 2 Chucky movies and they look better than anything's Syfy's ever done. I repeat, Syfy brags about their movies looking worse than student films, it's one of their own selling points that they openly advertise hence why their CG looks PS1 FMV-tier.
now imagine dredd with a full face helmet where you never see his scowl
now imagine dredd with no helmet and a face of maximum stallone
>Motherfucker you were saying that the movie would only focus on one character.
>The mere fact that they have multiple named characters defuses you statement.
No it doesn't, what the fuck? American Psycho focuses on one character yet it has lots of other, named characters. Your definition of focus seems to be "literally one actor in the whole movie".
>That's just it those are monsters, nameless and just exist to be killed and are barely an obstacle even in narrative.
Not true, hence the existence of things like the Cyberdemon, Spiderdemon and Icon of Sin who are far above regular mooks and the latter 2 are even mentioned in the plot.
>Characters like the Predator on the other hand are adversaries, they are characters something that needs to be surmounted, they are built up in the story along with the other characters.
Not really, part of the charm of the movie was how enigmatic the Predator was, we didn't know jack shit about it until the sequels. Also it was a movie, if it were a game like Doom you bet your ass we would know somehow even less about the predator.
So many literal who's working on this and in this, and their portfolio contains trash films. Jesus christ
Great quotable and easy to remember lines.
Also >one liners
Pick one.
Terminator films are among my favorite films you really have no idea what you're talking about.
Micheal Cera
This movie is gonna be trash, but I don't think its because the MC isn't Doomguy, its because theres no Doomguy at all. If the MC was just a competent survivor that spent most of the movie killing Possessed and Imps and running from bigger demons, maybe the "final boss" being a Hell Knight, killing it, only to see Barons of Hell and Cacodemons and Summoners and shit pouring out of a portal in her way to the escape pods or something and ultimately has to either wake up Doomguy or do something to 'aim' Doomguy at the horde in order to run through the chaos he causes to escape.
>wake up Doomguy
user this isn't Doom 4, it's Doom 1. There's no legendary ultra badass yet. And they said they're making the protagonist into a girl so by all means and purposes that blonde bitch up there is most certainly your "doomguy".
Looks like early racist depictions of black people that enemy gooks (japs, both Koreans, communist viets) would make about black American soldiers
Let’s be offended so that black people in our country target actual racists this time
Make it a revenge movie. John Wick Doomguy. Shit, even their pet names are the same.
Looks like an amerimutt.
But that's Doom 2.
yeah, make that into a movie then.
>which was a copy of doom 1 but edgier.
fuck off the designs in doom 3 and the movie were shit and the movie forgot doom is about demons not genetically enhanced humans gone wrong
it IS the best scene in the movie
>fuck off the designs in doom 3 and the movie were shit
your tone seems to be disagreeing with the post you're replying to even though nothing you said is against what it said. "edgier" and "shit" are not mutually exclusive.
Nah leave that for the sequel.
An arcade game with a gory aesthetic and the most barebones story you could come up with; Not something I'd want to experience in movie form.
More of a horror style film initially then action, group of laborers/scientists trying to survive shit hitting the fan at the UAC mars facility
Action comes from the appearance of doom guy, silent character who serves more as a deus ex machina than a character, inadvertently saving the stories protagonists multiple times throughout the film through his rippin and tearing of demons
This looks like the most generic cheap trash I've ever seen.
>Why do people make adaptations that are completely unfaithful to the source material?
Enough with the movie adaptions
Enough with 'realistic' monsters
Enough with the military shit
Enough with the 'powerful' women
To his credit, Uwe boll has great gun play in his movies
No one, the movie would be in first person like the 90s version was
And they couldn't even cast it properly
Yeah why can't they just do a full length blur cutscene of doomguy just doing his thing. Why is this so hard?
Make it a mix of ZYGOTE and hardcore henry and make doomguy/girl/whatever 220lbs and look like someone who eats demons for breakfast
This isn't hard at all
Is that Cybil from the Silent Hill movie?
spoiler: they discover doomguy's asleep on the base so they go to wake him up as a twist on doom 4's intro.