Defend this

Defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that the Nintendo smell-o-vision?

fucking kek.

and I own switch

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It's fun


Based as fuck

it's not for anyone here

now put a fleshlight in that and LOL

Why would it need to be defended? It a cool little arts and crafts thing for kids. Does pic-related need defending?

>N-N-Nintendo shill! Literally defending cardboard! REEEEEEEEEEEE!

Fucking Christ.

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I still don't understand why they dedicated time for Wonderbook

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It's for children. Retard.


Why would I need to defend a childrens toy? You're a grown ass adult talk about something more interesting.

says the adult man playing with it

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unironically looking forward to using with this

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I don't even own a switch.

It's funny that Nintendies keep mocking this when it turned out way better than anything Labo's done so far.

Imagine being assmad, seething and jealous because the Switch is a massive success. Poor you.

>anything associated with Jew K. Rowling
Big yikes!

Nobody mocks it except to point out the double standard, snoyboy

Why is learning what noises animals make a bad thing? Do you fear knowledge?

There is no defending whatever the hell this retarded thing is. There is no defending Labo. I feel bad for whatever poor kids who end up with this shit as a gift and my soul cringes at all the soibeards on this board who will buy it because of their brainless devotion to Nintendo.

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Can someone tell me what this is? I have literally no idea what this is and I've owned a PS3 for ages. Have no interest in Pottershit though, so that could be why.

This is Kirbyfags in a nutshell

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I could not help but to think of this.

And Yoshifags. Just look at all the sad fucks here planning to buy Yoshi's Crafted World despite it being made for literal 4 year olds.

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Why do you keep responding to your own posts?

You. Name one game not designed to interest children. Now. And don't be a smartass.

Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Story are legit games. And Yoshi's Island in particular is a masterpiece.
No idea why they decided that Yoshi should all of a sudden be baby tier shit.


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This is funny because The Great Gatsby is an overrated piece of shit book

shut up

>stinky steve was written and drawn by literal autists
This shit writes itself.

Victoria 2.

Ok, just don't buy it. You and I are clearly not the target demographic.

you got a source for that inkling

God that doujin is so fucking hot Jesus fucking Christ

>thread didn't devolve into a sniff thread
You disappoint me Yea Forums

3D is disgusting.

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dwarf fortress

It’s for kids

>throatfucking her upsidedown while she gropes her ass

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>unkempt nails

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>for pete's sake

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cropped image provides no results


t. newfag who doesn't remember Quentin

I played textMUDs all the time when I was 10 and I would've definitely gave dwarf fortress a try if it existed back then.

Imagine actually spending videogame time making this crap comic against them, what dod they ever do to you?

It worries me that people think that that book is on a different level, when is basically in the children level

Nintendies are embarrassing.
Imagine associating with someone in their 20s who plays games for children and thinks it's acceptable. Just imagine that for one minute.

What is the target demographic?

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Yoshi isn't made to interest children, it's made FOR children exclusively. Big difference you pathetic sperg. If you are over 8 years old, that game isn't for you.

It's Sniper Scope but for a hand held console. I see zero problems with this.

Why should one care? Other people dress up in silly leather suits and slap each other with sticks. Whatever grinds your gears man, stop caring what other people think and live your life

>thinking screencap proves anything
what an absolute retard.

Mentally ill spergs who buy anything Nintendo shits out like half this board and moms who don't know any better than just "my kid likes video games" when making purchases.

It's a zelda doujin

People who want to play elephant physics sims. Sounds like Goat Sim but better.

I see one
>kid goes outside with Nintendo Sniper Scope Cardboard Edition
>gets shot by police officer because he "appeared to be armed"

Imagine having to associate with brainfart republicans defending the orange man, I’ll have LABO any day

Why shouldn't I care? I have to deal with your existence. I have to be reminded you exist every time I have a nightmare. It's sickening. It's painful. How do you live with yourself?

can i smell yoshi's eggs with it

You really don't want to do that.

Maybe if the kid doesn't have white privilege.

Fuck of back to /Pol/.
Why bring politics into this shit? You fucking Incel.

I haven’t bought LABO so I wouldn’t know but I really enjoy Animal Crossing which looks like a kids game, it’s relaxing and I’m not hurting anyone, being annoyed is your problem not mine

At least post the original.

Why not? Nobody gives a shit about the content of these boards

Not that guy, but anyone can live with themselves as long as they don't give a flying acrobatic flaming fuck about what everyone else thinks about them
And if you have nightmares about people having fun being themselves, well tough shit bricks for you, schlomo

Why though? I think it would be pretty funny haha

try this one.

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Oh shit it wasn't meant for you. My bad.

>I have to deal with your existence
You could always kill yourself, I don't see anyone begging for you to live.


Why? I ain't buying it.

It's only funny for the first few sniffs. After that it is an addiction. Don't be like me. Don't smell Yoshi eggs. Now they are all I have left.

Crafty ~8 years old

Is this the labo that comes with Bayo3? hopefully.

Did you smell them when you used your into games machine?

Shut up. Did I say losers like you can post in my thread?

>uuhh children should have no entertainment!
so sad

I just want a few sniffs, just for laughs haha what do they smell like? haha

B-bing bing w-wahoo?

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>paying for unassembled cardboard

Us. Nintendo is trying to connect with us

Because no one bites his bait anymore so he's resorted to bumping his own thread.

The fuck is that supposed to be? A sniper scope?

Thanks for this. I don't even have anything against Labo I just love the memes

>Being this assblasted
My sides

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Is Nintendo aware of the hordes of unwashed manchildren their products attract?

Lol you’re obviously triggered. Cope.

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Why suck cock when you can just suck your joy con?

>strawmanning this hard

is this a fellatian

Because that would be gay

The one I stole? Yes. Be happy you don't have one. It has completely taken over my life.
It is the greatest thing you can imagine, yet also rancid, disgusting,and funny. It is a unique smell unlike anything on our earth. Please don't do this to yourself. There are so many things you have yet to sniff. Don't ruin it all for some wonderful eggs.

Labo: black cock edition

feels like yet another version of Nintendo's old "look our portable has a gyroscope" shooting game, a la Steel Diver, a la some Wii U demos, it just goes on.

You could think of it as their version of VR

>being THIS mad

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just looked it up, looks like it is literally Nintendo VR.

Might actually buy it desu, I don't have any labo stuff but I am curious to see how they handle the no-doubt intense limitations of the switch for VR gaming.

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So I'm like, Unf, that shit is hot.

Imagine the smell

Imagine not killing your self after making this pic.

Thet wanted the Harry Potter audience. But couldn't get the licenses needed but went along with it anyway. So it flopped.

>implying you need your self to continue living

Here’s your player base bro

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I miss Laboposting. There was so much great OC that month.

ITT: guaranteed replies

Tfw you’re a nincel that owns a shitch

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Labo: A gift from Nintendo for Sony fans.

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I mean moreso the Laboman edits.

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those weren't funny because they seemed to be pro-labo

It's nice of Nintnedo to actually provide entertainment for Sony fans. They wouldn't have much otherwise.

is this the holy trinity of snoy nigger shitposting?

shut up

Does the xbone fit in this conversation?

I have what you are looking for

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>wojak edits
>wojak edits

I wonder how mad the person who drew this was

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How switch owners will ever recover?

It was just editting Lobo man into different stuff. It happened pretty organically and a lot of great shit came out of it. pro or anti Labo/Nintendo didnt have all that much to do with it.

I mean the cardboard cutout guy from the Labo advertisements. Where are you getting wojack from?

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imagine having that shit on your phone lol

I wish that stupid goldface didn't make me laugh so easily

I'm sure if the Vtech games were as polished and fun to play as nintendo games they would have actually have a following of some sort, until then this is just a poor comparison.


Kids game?

Why should I? It's not like I'm gonna buy it, so I'm not worse off in any way by its existence.

They made Splatoon 2 didn't they, Of course they knew.

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jay gatsby did a bunch of shit for a girl who ignored him.

>They are easy and simple
I can describe most "gameplay" in PS4 exclusives like this.
Mash buttons and win
>Watch cutscenes and win
Roll around like a retard and win

Hey guys look at me I can make low effort strawmans too!

I always loved the irony in this image because Sonyfriends enjoy a super srs rpg with fucking Mickey Mouse and Goofy. Keep up the good work.

This is funny considering most of Yea Forums can't even beat a game designed for literal toddlers let alone kill a Lynel on Botw.

>t. has never actually played those games but shitposts about them anyways

This is my first one lmao. Seen it used a few times so far

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god i wish that were me

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More like this writing shits itself

Why are focusing on the one that appears to be some kind of shooting game and not the one that’s an elephant. That one makes much more sense for sniff memes

>has never actually played those games but shitposts about them anyways
woah so just like everyone else in the thread huh?