Other urls found in this thread:
>loot trades your BiS and shards away
Heh, nothin personnel, kid....
We're going home bros. Everything will be okay.
It's like I'm going to be 12 years old again.
No worries, just being happy all day
It's gonna be so good bros
If they fuck it up I will have reason to go back to XIV I guess.
why dont you just play chinkdale instead
classic isn't gonna be any better, in fact it'll be worse with sharding, updated models etc
Hold in there bros.
you answered your own question
If he can be unjusted so can we bros.
because private servers are full of the assholes that got banned from retail for being too toxic
>unironically using the word toxic
Have you only been on the internet for 2 years?
i've met more shitty people on retail than on private servers by a wide margin, you don't know what you're talking about.
Imagine being desperate enough to be hyped up for a game that came out over 10+ years ago. So fucking sad
Does the games age somehow invalidate everything good about it?
There are no updated models, but an option to use higher rez graphics
the industry is in a sad state, yes
imagine be so deprived of any joy in life you have to shit on other peoples excitement
almost there bros
Fuck chinks, fuck eucucks, and fuck niggers.
based, cant wait to spend my time in a guild with fellow chink haters
Based realist poster.
The server is shit, over populated and receives DDoS attacks everyday
he'll yea we are, human mage rolling through here, fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxing
We will all be based Human Warlocks
>Playing retail after LFG and easy dungeons completely ruined the social dynamics
Cross-realm LFG fucked the social dynamics of the game. If it wasn't for the fact that I had a tank set, doing 5 mans would have been unbearable after it was introduced. So many assholes who got away with being horrifically shitty party members because they would probably never see you again.
You could take that as a sign of how the game industry is complete shit right now. Everyone wants older games instead of the new crap.
but john
you are the retail
Don't you already know this game by heart?
Won't you just realise this after a few hours or maybe days and just leave again?
In fact, weren't you playing this like a year or two ago when the fan servers were still up?
No! Stop! You’re just imagin..NO HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>playing unreliable servers filled with the yellow peril who paid off the owners so they can piss you off without consequence
Imagine not only being obsessed with playing the most shallow and diluted genre ever made but also, on top of that, wanting it to be stale and locked in its most outdated and archaic form.
Face it, MMOs died the moment playing online with other people stopped being a novelty.
Classic is doomed anyway because there's nothing more short lived than an mmo without steady implementation of new content and autistic purists will never allow anything being built on top of their delicious ratatouille.
It's certainly interesting to see an official server where the majority of players experienced the original Naxx but after that it all goes downhill.
here's a factoid about life: no one actually cares about new content or new boss mechanics you have to dodge, it's all the same--all you really want is the loot because you're in a skinner box
classic will be more than fine
Classic will allow you to use the bug repellent if they try bothering you
There's no skinner box if the carrot is already eaten.
People will run out of things to do pretty fast.
In the end classic servers will end up being populated only by a handful of dedicated guilds rushing through the content and rotating waves of curious scrubs who will come and go without hitting cap because leveling in vanilla is not really an interesting thing to do in this day and age.
chinks slavs trannies whitekidney
i would rather suck dog shit off a nigger's balls than play a second on that fucking scamserver
>when twitch celebs and their cult play on pve servers
>when nolife boomers play pvp
It will be stuck in the same limbo as modern day wow. Played only by people who can't let go.
pretty much what I see happening too. everyone wanted runescape classic then when they got it they realized there was nothing to do after a few months and the population nose dived until they started adding in old content and new content eventually
>tfw activating pvp and hovering near streamers until they accidentally click on you
Post your vanilla wow mixtapes. What will you be bangin in winamp while playing?
What I used to do as a Hunter was tame a random low level beast then use Eyes of the Beast while flagged to have it walk around like an NPC and trick low levels into flagging. I imagine it would still work these days if people aren't paying attention.
I know you wanna go back bros, but don't expect it to have the same magic. A lot of what made these games awesome growing up was the community, and unfortunately we'll never really get that back again because too many people have moved on. I never played MMO's growing up as a kid and I got into online gaming relatively late but the CS 1.6, CS: Source, MW1/MW2, and Halo 3 communities are what made those games so magical.
They say that it's best to leave those things in the past so you don't tarnish the memory you have in them. I hope you guys find what you're looking for in the re-releases. But for me, I'm just gonna keep running.
Love you all.
So what happens when you go home? You play this until you die?
>needs on your ironfoe and gives it to his tank buddy
pshh...nothin personell kid
You're wrong. Nostalrius. Fuck off.
Imagine being so assblasted that other people are excited about a game
>get to see the oldfags for one last run before the sun sets forever
>get to see retailfags cry as it saps their numbers
>get to see retailfags cry as they try jumping ship and get hit by the lack of QoL "improvements" that play the game for them
>have the potential for a miracle to occur and see new content that should have been in WoW, like Azjol Nerub or the Emerald Nightmare
I'm content.
Blizzdrones are legitimate addicts, they should be helped.
>have the potential for a miracle to occur and see new content that should have been in WoW, like Azjol Nerub or the Emerald Nightmare
That wouldn't be Classic though user, so you'd have people screeching at Blizzard even if that would be neat.
Keep fighting the good fight based anti-minmax bro, same goes to that nelf priest
>new content
Retard lmao
>see fags screeching at blizzard
I don't see that as a downside. I'm looking forward to the autistic screeching.
The naked desperation of the doomsayers is already delicious as it is.
Most people won’t know it by heart, the private server community is a minority, albeit a vocal one. Plenty of people who never played it will get a fresh experience, whether they played back in the day, started in wrath/cata/mop, or never played wow before at all. This is a very unnecessary concern
But I've been playing on Kronos 3 for the past four months. There's like eight raid guilds even on alliance that regularly clear BWL. ZG just got released a couple months ago and the AQ event is in ongoing.
Plays a lot like the retail that I remember. I met people who asked me 'are you going to play classic?' and I told them, 'why? isn't this what we wanted?'
>private server shit
lmao enjoy your fake and wrong coding
I've been playing on private servers for years, the older the content the more stuff they fix. If you play the newest expansion every other quest is bugged, but if you play vanilla nearly everything works. I haven't had a single problem of note.
Community isn't that welcoming, but I consider that normal for the internet in general. People find any excuse to call you a faggot and no excuse to try to do anything remotely friendly.
Christ, nsotalgiafags are the biggest cucks.
left: SOUL
Is Kronos 3 the best right now?
>No worries, just being happy all day
I want to go back to those days user
Classic will be extremely bad.
Also, daily reminder that shamans > paladins and horde > alliance. That's a fact.
your first statement is wrong, your second is correct. 50% see me after class
>posting on Yea Forums
bro, i got news for you. we're all toxic assholes. just come out of the closet and admit, faggot.
yeah it really did. turned it into a giant instance shit show of a mess.
>paladins and horde > alliance
but paladins are alliance only...
Only thing i want in classic is a huge server cap like in nost and not the wimpy 2.5k cap where everywhere was dead
Is it Summer bros?
have you thought about gasing yourself?
>He invites paladins and dps warriors into his group
f*ck horde, f*ck shamans, f*ck orcs, f*ck forsaken, f*ck trolls, f*ck tauren
t. future dwarf paladin
nice reading comprehension
yeah either june or july
Not only did parties get worse but people stopped giving two shits about running with anything but optimal groups. I was a part of a lot of groups that never would have lasted five minutes if they could que up. Also tanks and healers became even bigger entitled assholes because they could drop instantly into a group at any time.
b-but you forgot your comma, fren...
you didnt use a comma after the and to separate them and make them a different statement so the apu poster is correct
I wasn't OP, but it doesn't take much effort to realize what he was saying. First reply felt like a "gotcha! you aren't a real classic player!"
>join a vanilla discord
>min/max leveling, fuck adventure
>copy a build posted on said discord
>do dungeons with people on said discord
>never socialize in game
>no realm drama because of sharding
>guilds? i have a discord
It's going to be shit
I'm gonna be the best night elf priest slut your party will meet. Especially you horde boys.
That's like saying Vanilla was shit because people used to hang out in teamspeak or IRC all day.
Why don't you turn warmode on bro lol
>posting an image of something that's clearly a retarded person trying hard to think
Only trannies use discord
who else here /rp-pvp/?
>joins your dungeon group
that's some major gymnastics you've got going on there buddy
Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
Really describes the XIV community to be honest. If youre not in a static don’t expect basic competence at all which sadly has led to a mentality where people just do the minimal effort for most content.
It's a guy, isn't it?
>all the delicious retailfag tears when they can’t even clear deadmines
>all the delicious retailfag tears when they level paladins/druids just to get stuck healing for all of eternity
I can’t wait
>retailkek tank pulls while healer is at 50% mana
>does a 360 and quits life
*duels you in a contested zone then /forfeits so you attack and flag yourself for pvp*
>daily reminder to spawn camp all thots from twitch/youtube
Are you actually retarded?
I'll be honest I haven't followed this for quite a while bros, what's the quick rundown of the situation
thats what they want. they want to be streamsniped because "being streamsniped means you've made it".
i think the iq is low enough to be an actual female
dunno, the guy without basic reading comprehension seems really stuck on this for some reason, maybe it's you who's retarded, user
>mfw the pain and suffering that is leveling a warrior up to 60
I would love for Adult Swim to do more seasons of SuperJail
I'm hyped for mw2remaster :)
they announced classic is due summer 2019
beginner zones may have phasing during launch
>sharding on low lvl zones at launch
>loot trading in dungeons
>maybe Dire Maul at launch
>summer release
>optional graphics settings are a bad thing
No, seriously, do you have some inability to decipher insincerity? Or are you just too new to recognise what Apu represents?
only thing im looking forward to is nolifing to rank 14 t b h
>I was only pretending to be retarded
wish i was a neet sometimes
You are aware that there these things out there called jokes that exist?
I'm frankly staggered I'm having to explain this basic concept to you.
ill make them wish they never made it
Classicfags are the most delusional faggots right now, it's not even nostalgia at this point, just madness
>reminder that shamans > paladins and horde > alliance
>paladins and horde > alliance
but paladins are alliance only...
I-I was only joking, user!
The warden is one of my top fictional characters, hes just so god damn charming
What's the comfiest zone to level in?
My best moment ever in gaming is when the Honor system rolled out and Southshore vs. Tarren Mill became a 24/7 slugfest
If it's for the first month, I don't know if I'd mind or not. I don't want to play "single file line" with 300 other people in order to loot a quest object.
It'll be full of people like this thread, it's going to be shit.
The joke is that there's no comma, which makes a contradictory post when deliberately misread, you idiot. It's not even particularly funny but it's clear.
Are you seriously refusing to back down on an anonymous imageboard because you think a post accompanied by a retarded frog is supposed to be interpreted as being entirely serious?
that's why it's fun to use smarter strategies and not quest
then you're ahead and feel proud
Yeah! Fuck Classic! I can`t wait for Cock of Duty 228: modern vagoon. I REALLY want to buy season passes and invest atleast 1000 dollars into the game. This is some prime modern gaming, not that old shit.
So we're back to...
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>loot trading in dungeons
It's bad that they are trying to cut costs with GMs because they don't see Classic as a really profitable release. But this may refrain them from adding stuff like a cash shop
>do 40 man raid
>everyone has good connection
>everyone moderately knows how to play their class
>The mechanics for all the raids have not changed since release
>clear content before raid resets occur
It is going to be the same shit retail is currently.
Stonetalon was comfy as fuck. After coming out of the Barrens after pushing yourself to finish quests which were just out of your reach only to realise you could of been killing goblins/grimtotem/spiders instead made for a comfy couple of levels that you could steamroll
>duels only
It figures.
So we're back to you not grasping the concept of a joke, and stubbornly pretending the feeble joke you didn't get was an intentional attempt at a gotcha.
My God I hope you're baiting me, well done if that's the case. If you're not, see if you can get some neetbucks, because inability to decipher humour is a sign of genuine autism.
>it's humor because I've been pretending I was retarded!
Get a room pls
Sorry, having too much fun with newfag frogposters
You got lazy and tipped your hand, fren.
Glad to hear it's not the 'tism.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I really loved Ashenvale, Duskwood and Hinterlands desu
I don't know how they pulled off the comfiness of duskwood, but they really nailed the atmosphere.
Here's hoping Tarren Mill is still a blast for wpvp
I'm torn with regards to world pvp. I enjoy it, it can be exhilarating, but at the same time I don't want to inconvenience somebody who has a limited amount of playtime. I made friends with a guy when I was new to wow during TBC and we were best bros throughout WOTLK. We lost contact but reunited to play on a private server. He had gotten married and had kids, so he could only play for an hour or two a night. He would log in, get camped, get frustrated that he couldn't do anything, then log out. He eventually quit playing there. I don't want to be the antagonist that causes somebody in that position to quit.
He just has to accept that the game isn't for him anymore. Trying to cater to all these people is what ruined the game and got us here
Soon there bros.
Just kill without camping.
Corpse camping is frankly boring, really.
All the changes make me really worried. I'm afraid they'll just keep the core vanilla stuff, with everything changed around it.
And when I read the wow forums and youtube comments, at least 90 % of the people interested in playing seem to be defending any changes and be in support of more.
My problem will be the choice of class since PvP is pretty important for me. In this regard Warlock will be out of question since 30% of the playerbase will be Warrior and the other 15% Rogue which both assblast warlock to no end. Other choice would be Paladin, but you cant solo world pvp as a Paladin.
I fucking hate vanilla warriors and rogues and i want to buttfuck both as hard as possible,
Ashenvale was top comfy.
But the funniest ones were contested territories like Stranglehorn, damn playing on a PVP server was so fun at launch, before everybody was min/maxed and everybody knew the game at heart.
The problem is the power creep. You could at least moderately defend yourself in Classic if you were within a specific range of levels of the guy attacking you. As time went on, you'd be dead before you even realized you'd been attacked.
>current gm wants to transfer our guild to the classic realms
>this will split our guild in half and we can't compete in mythic raiding
God I hate that faggot so much fucking classic faggots with their nostalgia goggles your game is shit. You won't get NEW content how can you play 15 year old game again?
>not being the tank, organizing your own groups and using master loot
It's like you want your shit stolen
sounds like a frost mage is in order friend. join me and other mage bros
Mage or Shaman maybe.
So XIV players are claiming WoWfugees are flooding their game and that Vanilla’s archaic design will push them further to their game, is this true?
>can't compete in mythic raiding
You might want to be more subtle user. Most people here don't even do Mythic let alone be in a competing guild for it.
>You might want to be more subtle user
Who care retail cucks will get triggered by my post.
How's shaman in vanilla? Not only pvp, but in raids. I only played Alliance.
>every thread is either 'is vanilla good or bad' or nostalgia posting
>Nobody talking about the actual game
Dire Maul/Elders being available from the start is going to be fucking busted, mage/hunter gold farming being underfed is going to make the economy kinda crazy too.
Do we have a confirm on progressive itemisation yet? Otherwise shit is all kinds of fucked
>Dire Maul/Elders being available from the start is going to be fucking busted
I agree
>Do we have a confirm on progressive itemisation yet
Nothing so far
We can't really discuss details because they haven't shared much
Mage, Paladin or (probably the most demanding) Hunter.
You're my friend, senpai.
most fun healer in raids, great burst damage in pvp but lack of cc makes it easy to get locked down
Me, been on emerald dream since it launched
It's okay user, take the classic pill, and good times will be had
Why they are having 4 content patches is beyond me. Anyone with a fucking brain knows it should be 6+, dire maul at launch and battlegrounds not getting their own patch is retarded
I don't think it will be that good. The community is what made the game. Nobody knew how to play, even the "best" players then were shitters in hindsight after people actually understood the game.
I can't see people chatting away like they did back then. Barrens will be extra bad because it will be forced as fuck. LOL REMEMBER MANKRIK WIFE LOL CHUCK NORRIS REMEMBER?
>private servers
>corrupt gms, admins and staff
>goldsellers everywhere
>drama everywhere between staff and players
>servers can go down at any time due to drama or blizzard copyright strikes
>bugs galore
>b-but sharding!!!4
There won't be sharding, or updated models. The only thing there will be is better shadows and graphical effects, higher res and alike.
This is an unneeded concern imo. Even in private servers, where people with a lot of experience usually play, you can still have a good experience
Do any niggers really trust nublizz? They are defiently going to charge people just to play classic.
It's baked in with the current sub, so you pay $15 a month you get retail and classic.
Out of my way, pleb fucking shits.
The thing is that people already know what to expect. If it doesn't get delivered, Blizzard gets no second chance.
They can't afford to fuck this up. Admittedly incompetence is still a major thing to worry about, but it will be obvious to see coming.
Locks shit on warriors
Pretty much. I remember seeing a few videos on it and MC is already going to be a joke what with player experience and 1.12 talents . Add in future patch itemisation and Tribute buffs and DM gear and it's fucked
Ashenvale is top uncomfy for me, but I only ever played horde.
That forest seems so spooky and hostile
this is how me and my brother leveled back in the day, good times
Classic classes and bosses are boring as fuck.
Slow leveling, world PvP, gimmick items and some zone and dungeon design are the only things classic has going for it.
Gimme TBC or Wrath over vanilla anyday. Wouldn't mind trying pandaland either since I never played that
This is private server footage though and private servers have a broken clearcasting talent that makes this is viable and a progressed playerbase so less competition for mobs
>classic classes
t. Salty ret paladin
>this retarded poster ddidn't have the balls to respond to anyone
Why do this to yourselves and post shit like this? You're essentially turning yourself into a punching bag when you do this.
>he tanks and another warr gets the ironfoe
Thats like having a daughter just for anyone else to fuck her.
Frost grinding was a thing since retail vanilla retard.
Oh yeah I enjoy spamming frostbolt all day everyday
M8 the few weeks after release and the Ulduar patch was the only time Wrath was overall enjoyable.
Don't tell me you forgot about the faceroll heroics, painfully stretched raids, Trial of the crusader and the Icecrown raid so easy they had to gate bits off so it didn't get finished in one day?
You don't need the clearcasting talent to do this in private servers. I did this today on chinkdale
And was not nearly as viable as it's been made out to be for levelling by private server experience.
Don’t act like the retail rotations are that complex. And spam frostbolt in pvp and you’re dead kiddo
Frost grinding was even more viable in vanilla because vanilla servers had player caps, compared to the shitfest of overclogged private server populations. Congratulations on proving your retardation.
>And was not nearly as viable as it's been made out to be for levelling by private server experience.
It was a thing back then
I haven't really played anything other than vanilla, but this was exactly how me and my brother leveled. From crabs in westfall, murlocs, etc onwards
I didn't say it wasn't a thing, once.
I said the footage was from a private server (true) and that the idea of frost levelling being viable is overstated.
If your only argument is willful misunderstanding of the issue
I liked wrath's pvp, I liked class design more than tbc and classic and I think ICC was pretty good.
Wrath also had some nice questing and zones
Just becuse you play 12 year old's character won't make you 12 again
why was Drakedog's spec so shit?
Frost leveling is a thing because it's so good. You level 3x faster than questing/normal grinding and you get amazing gold through vendor trash and rare drops.
because even vurtne was a backpedaller back then and everyone could 3v1 against braindead players
I agree, but not on a fresh server. There's too much competition for mobs and other players trying to do it that it's hard to cut out a niche area to grind.
It's like saying the motorway is the fastest way to drive. It is, in theory, but during rush hour it's often best to stick to the A Roads
zul gurub was my favorite raid and i think most of you will agree it was dope
>but not on a fresh server
I agree as well
zul'aman was better
I just wanna do a full run of BRD with people that care for gear from the place
Vurtne sucked compared to Otherguy
fuck yeah superjail
>people who literally keyboardturn and just afk when they get counterspelled
when can we finally agree that all old wow pvp videos are fucking garbage
it's almost like at the time it was relatively fresh and people were new
*blocks your path*
>not picking "of the tiger" gear for agility infused crits and armor
That video got me into punk rock
Way too many C O P I N G retailbabies itt
Your game is fucking dead as fuck already bros just join in the fun
health regen > crit / armor
>there are people on this planet who unironically hate BRD
I would still pay $15/mo to exclusively run brd
Can't wait for both WoWs to go up in flames.
I'd pay $20 to play troll themed BRD.
And no, sunken temple doesn't count
t. final faggot player
I enjoy them, user.
Seeing the mental gymnastics and retarded scenarios they come up with in their doomsaying attempts is hilarious.
I don't play any MMOs because I'm not a drooling retard.
t. cuck who plays Yea Forums-approved meme games
Like WoW Classic?
SWTOR fags played the same content over and over for gorillion years, only recently they had new "content" released I believe
you'll never know, there's a bunch people willing to engage in retarded things everywhere
not really.
killing an enemy via a crit means you've taken way less damage so less to regen plus it procs so many different effects, meaning that you again, take less damage
Never played warrior and never played Alliance
I thought I'd make an Ally warrior but everytime I think about it I want to go horde again
I'll try to follow your advice for stuff, if you have more tips for a first time warrior I'd be glad to hear them thanks
Nah, like being a cuck who browses a thread he dislikes lmao
I'm considering it, but I'm afraid they'll be low-pop servers.
>Implying kids today will be patient enough to actually get a raid together
>Implying boomers these days have the technical knowledge to even install classic, let alone make it run on their PC from 2004
Literally dead on arrival.
I think the bigger cuck is the person who is unironically excited for a re-release of an ancient ass casual MMO that pretty much destroyed the entire genre.
dont listen to him - it's not that good advice. Whilst Spirit is underrated, and STR overrated - the ability to crit is incredibly important on Warriors, because it synergises with a bunch of their abilities. (activating Deep Wounds/Impale for Arms, Flurry for Fury)
Tips for levelling first time warrior are as follows
>Look up a weapon list. Raw weapon damage is the most important thing - you want a slow two hander with high raw damage. Doesnt matter what (even a stave will do if it has a big jump in number) but remember you'll have to grind out the weaponskill to hit reliably
>Fury is theoretically faster but Arms is much, much better if you want to do dungeons whilst levelling and keep you safe in world PvP. Tactical mastery is a godsend for tanking dungeons - just keep a shield/1h in your inventory at all times (make a macro to switch) so you can tank and if you get ganked by a rogue
>learn how to hamstring/rend kite - it is pretty much the best way for you to kill anything, since most things your level will hurt a lot and rares/elites will smash you. A swing timer will help massively with this - and you can move towards your objective (next quest, next mob) whilst autoing the mob down
>if you're Alliance and levelling with the curve, WW Axe is extremely unlikely to be obtainable at 30 (level 40 elite mob for the quest) so do the Scarlet Monastery quest and get Bonebiter at like level 35 or so - amazing weapon
>be sociable - warriors really really benefit from the help of others - whether its buff, mage food, whatever, the more people you can help, the more you will be helped out in the long run. i cant stress this enough.
Other stuff is way too obvious for me to bother with, but i really, really recommend levelling arms
1% crit is 1% more overall damage, and you need tons of agility for that alone. It's almost nothing compared to spirit which cuts the time you eat in less than half, which is like 50% of time spent when grinding mobs
>the cuck still replies
Keep bumping it, bro
at least get your memes right, lad.
Zoomers are completely incapable of setting up anything that doesn't install itself. Boomers are the ones who had to handle the clusterfuck PC games could be.
now you have to manual loot all those ded guys. have fun
>Got destroyed so hard he can only scream cuck now and doesn't know what sage is
Owned. I knew classic fags were low IQ.
>muh flurry
if you level as a fury you're a fucking retard, yes even before 40
>muh impale / deep wounds
it's literally nothing, and when I say literally I mean LITERALLY. With 10% chance to crit each point in impale gives you a whopping 1% damage increase. Fucking awesome
You can keep believing the memes or actually try this shit out yourself
>he thinks boomers are technically more advanced than zoomers
Nigger, zoomers literally grow up in a tech world while boomers grew up with radio and black and white television.
the bleeds are super useful in pvp vs rogues (of which there will be 10000) because it stops them being able to vanish and you can spam hamstrings over and over for no rage and proc them super easily.
and i have tried this out myself, i notice how you havent posted your build :)
I don't even read your autistic replies, cuck
But make sure to reply to this post or you will lose :)
Again, zoomers grew up in a time when tech was as divorced as humanly possible with any effort to set it up. They use it, but they sure as fuck don't understand it.
Meanwhile boomers have to figure out how to play their old games and actually get them to work.
>b-but it's useful against rogues
yeah better stack crit just in case you run into a rogue and can't keep up rend, thank god for that extra 2% crit you get from agility then. Really speeds up your leveling
>I have tried it :)
of course you have you humongous faggot
>post ur build :)
everyone and their mother knows the standard arms build, what the fuck is there to post. We're talking about gear here exclusively
>Flying mounts
>Zero wpvp
>25man raids
>race to 70, 1-69 means nothing
>80% of the zones look awful
>gear vendors
>pvp gear separate from pve gear
>old world is completely invalidated, only a depressing ghost land of its former self
damn this guy is mad af
So you're saying I should play a Troll Warrior for that regen?
25 man raids aren't a problem. It's the lack of 40 man raids to be precise. Vanilla had variety for a variety of players.
Flying mounts are terrible but didn't kill BC because you got them at 70 and were significantly slower than your ground mount until you got Swift flying.
Old world wasn't dead either but alive. Not only that but old content was still relevant, people didn't solo Onyxia at 70, you still needed a raid of c10 people.
Gear vendors and zone looking bad I'll give you.
Resilience was also dumb.
People did solo bosses like Azuregos, though.
>unironically going "u mad" when you make a faggot out of yourself on an anonymous imageboard
we got over this 10 years ago, try to keep up
'e-everyone knows it!'
should be easy to post then buddy! :^)
oh thats right, every single Arms build out there runs Impale and Deep Wounds.
>better stack crit
nice strawman! literally nobody said that, I just said dont listen to your dumbass and stack spirit
>old world invalidated in TBC
Only in the form of endgame vanilla zones and raids. Its one expansion after; the old world and new world are not going to be two, far removed experiences. Especially considering you have a 2 new races, and new class possibilities.
>oh thats right, every single Arms build out there runs Impale and Deep Wounds.
Yeah. What the fuck is your point? What are you arguing here, do you think I'm against deep wounds/impale? Is your reading comprehension that of a 10 years old?
>nice strawman! literally nobody said that, I just said dont listen to your dumbass and stack spirit
You said to stack agility over spirit for crit and armory, mostly crit. So yes, "better stack crit" in this context is indeed what you were saying since this whole time we were talking about spirit vs agility. You absolute fucking retard. Your reading comprehension really is that of a 10 years old
Not only that but some gear from vanilla was better than anything in BC
People still ran BRD for hand of justice because it was always a 2% damage increase. They had to nerf to it scale down after level 60. I still think tanks used Thunderfury at level 60 too. Which also was nerfed to scale down after 60.
I think Blizzard was dumb for this.
Thunderfury's proc had absolutely insane threat generation
I thought % based gear was changed to "rating" in TBC to avoid these shenanigans.
You play a troll for berserking user
it was
>people will try this
You would need an inmense amount of spirit, which is impossible to obtain even with gear 20+ levels higher than you.
I have literally leveled both in retail vanilla and on two private servers stacking spirit, even prioritizing it over strength because the more you have, the better it becomes thanks to the way it scales. It's faster, try it or not makes no difference to me. You can just swap your gear to spirit gear after a mob with a simple addon anyway so you don't even need to use it while killing mobs if you don't want to
Never played Classic, I mainly play PvP, What class should I play anons? In Retail I play mainly Rogue, Demo Lock, Arcane Mage, and Hunter.
Alliance btw, but will have a Shaman alt on Horde
It still takes less time than killing them one by one.
I'm coming home(vanilla)
I'm coming home(vanilla)
Tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday(retail wow)
I know my kingdom awaits(classic wow)and they've forgiven my mistakes(playing on private servers)
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming
Warlock or Hunter
Pets in general are hilariously good in lower levels, both classes are very fun in my opinion, and you won't have too much trouble finding groups.
Does Demo still summon imps in classic at least? Also what kind of professions should I take?
Imagine being dazed while doing this
80 % of zones look awful?
All very good looking zones, Draenei and Belf zones weren't shabby either
That helps if you only do green quests
It summons a single imp. There are cool questline to get the pets, and you also get the warlock mount after a questline for cheaper than the regular mounts!
For professions, there's the classic Enchant/Tailor combo if you play warlock, you could also go Herborist/Alche. Engineering is REALLY good if you plan on doing a lot of PvP. I like taking Skinning on hunter because it farms mobs so quick.
Honestly I think my first character will prob be a hunter, it just looks the most fun to me but I will try Warlock as well, Would Skinning/Engineering be good? How will I get mats to craft engineering stuff then? I imagine buying everying from the AU will be expensive.
You forget about extra rage generation and Flurry that comes from crits
Usually if you chose engineering you went with mining
I will prob go mining then with it, Beastmaster seems the most fun to spec into as well, do you recommend going all the way into Bestial Wrath?(The final talent in beast-master)
nagrand was the only good looking zone in tbc
I'm planning on leveling a holy/prot dwarf paladin, but I'll obviously go holy for raids. I'm leaning towards mining and engineering. Should I level mining and engineering while I'm leveling up, or should I drop engineering for something like skinning and vendor every skin, then go drop skinning for engineering at 60? I would have to save all of my metal bars and stones if that were the case. Or would the lack of a need for a mount (and mount + training money) allow me to level engineering from the beginning?
you can pvp as any class, so depends on what you want to do. nothing plays like they do in retail
Blade's Edge was the only bad looking zone in tbc
I liked the TBC zones, even though they could be summed up as "dude purple, red, blue zones lmao" It's honestly mostly nostaliga though, I can admit that they're not really the best, especially if someone really didn't like the scifi theme.
Truth. I remember pulling a hero-mode arcane power-fuelled final burst on Venoxis when the rest of my scrub guild had all died when he was on just a couple percent HP. Managed to kill him and then jumper cable my priest buddy back up. 15 year old me felt pretty epic.
350 ping, no permanence
Runescapefriend here, I'm happy for you Vanillabros :>
stop voting yes to polls you fucking nigger
It will never be like as before
LMAO what is this gay music
>what is zangarmarsh
As a classicfag I'd welcome it if Blizzard went and revisited Azjol-Nerub and Emerald Nightmare, or finished cliffhanger quest lines like Missing Diplomat, but if and only if they approached it with the same mentality early 2000s Blizzard had.
I'm going to wait to see if what they introduce from modern WoW to fuck it up. If it's to my satisfaction that it won't be a trainwreck then they'll have my sub. I'm not concerned with rushing to max level in the least. Most of the fun I had in vanilla happened before I reached max level.
What made vanilla good was that it was a playground both in gameplay and in the social aspect. That's what made it good. I'm almost afraid that they're going to introduce a bunch of shitty modern stuff just so Blizzard can say "I told you so" when it doesn't work.
That would be magnificent. If they wanted it to really take off, they'd push this as though TBC never happened and push continuous content as if the modern "features" never happened. Unfortunately we're going to get a bunch of cunts that never actually played in vanilla complaining about balance issues. If Blizzard is smart they will completely ignore those people and continue as usual.
How about content that was cut before release?
Also, reminder that they're including dungeon finder in WoW """"classic"""".
i mentioned this in an earlier thread but it'd be cool if blizz started releasing new content patches off of the vanilla model while also keeping a few servers at static vanilla
that way they could release new content for shit that should have been in azeroth and could experiment with the game from a point where it was at its best, and if people don't like it, there's always vanilla servers to fall back on
That's tolerable as long as they don't combine realms. All instancing from pve from pvp MUST be separated by realm. There is zero chance that I'm going along with this shit if I'm running instances and BGing with fucking randoms that aren't even from my realm. Cross-realm play was the knife in the chest of WoW whether people realize it or not.
Certainly not fucking ashenvale. I'd say either redridge for aesthetics, or desolace for some alone time.
Ashenvale is beautiful and hyper comfy but leveling their is awful. I only went there leveling my druid on a private server because other zones were very gank heavy and higher levels tended not to even look for lowbies there.
I only recall doing maybe several quests there in retail vanilla per character.
It just showed how the game was already dying. It signalled clear as day that nobody was playing anymore, and to cover it up, they did this cross-realm and eventually cross-faction trash instead of cutting down the realm list, again.
I remember hating hating HATING ashenvale's terrain.
Yeah it's a pain in the ass to move around there. I really like the atmosphere.
Fuck me I actually forgot about that. I came back for a while to see how the game had progressed and did not like what I saw at all.
it sucks playing there and doing quests but the music and environment are top notch
Why dont you want sharding at low level zones? Do you want the massive lag, crashing/instability and competing with literally thousands of other people for those wolves and kobolds in lights hope? You people would be the first to bitch and spam JUST if the starting zones are a laggy mess
It's reasonable to prevent zone flooding like what happened with that private server but once the populations level out and things get sane, it should be removed.
I never played WoW before but I am eager to try it out for the first time. Better late than never.
I will add however that even on that server, they made it work eventually.
Sharding at low level zones is reasonable imo. Some are just worried, regarding Blizzard's ability to fuck up, that it spreads to the rest of the game
unfortunately i already levelled to 60 3 times in the last 4 years and i dont care about the game anymore, i've seen and done everything
if its just gonna be the same old vanilla (which is objectively a flawed game don't kid yourself) then i'm really not interest until there's a TBC server or they do something new.
You could always take one of the private servers for a test drive. I'm not sure they're still around but a google search should tell you where they are and they're zero risk. They DO have stupid shit like pay-for-loot and crap like that but ironically they're way smarter about it than modern AAA games which is hilarious.
You know classicfags are diablo2fags right?
They now how to enjoy a repetitive game is not anymore about finding new things
It's often more of a social thing. It's hard to describe because you can end up being part of a guild or a group without even talking that much. You just have to be polite and semi-competent and people will probably ask you if you want to come do an instance or something.
I think you're going to see a lot of that in classic. Try to stick to people who know where they're going in places like Wailing Caverns/Deadmines and go from there. If you find people who wipe on Ragefire Chasm as horde stay the fuck away from them because they are clearly retarded.
Should add- especially Wailing Caverns. That instance actually isn't that easy to navigate and people who know where they're going are DEFINITELY veterans of vanilla. I have the unfortunate, and sneaking suspicion that it will have waypoints so that retards can figure out what they're doing in there. I think that's a huge mistake because it's an instance that totally distinguishes somebody as a real vanilla/TBC player.
these have to be shill posts wtf
Wailing Caverns is just a tunnel outside of the eastern section where it's a bunch of paths looping on themselves, but you just go east and you're on the path anyway.
I have a sneaking, horrible fear that this is going to be like visiting a historical park where actors show up to depict the past and fuck with you rather than it being like it really was.
Like, it will have all the shitty bells and whistles of modern WoW with a vanilla skin. If that's the case, it's one of the biggest mistakes blizzard has ever made and it will just about bury them.
are they going to have a beta for this shit? I got invited to like the last 3 wow betas but never bothered playing them because I didn't want to spoil anything.
I'd totally play the beta for classic though just to figure out what class I want to play without resorting to chinkdale
I dealt with a number of private servers with totally fresh players and you'd be amazed how easily people got lost. I just followed along with my rogue once and watched as the tank claimed he knew where he was going and lead us in a circle several times. Well, until I told them to follow me.
I didn't get the blame for fucking with them since the tank claimed to know where he was going. Surprised me since I could have lead them the right way the whole time.
>tfw I try to lead my party to the correct place in Sunken Temple like a good healer but end up making us run in circles for 10 minutes
>tfw the tank actually gets mad at me
I'm going to admit that I don't remember where to go in Sunken Temple any more. I've got UBRS down but I tended to avoid the SHIT out of ST. Ironically, I know BRD better than ST.
I don't think classic can bring it back. What I mean it, even if it was exactly the same, it can never be like it was, and that's fine.
BRD is just 2 tunnels, so that makes sense.
Well, it's more of why I have so much serious interest in Classic. There were ways to exploit it in the past. There is no fucking way that modern blizzard would allow that, but that they know about all of it. What would a BRD look like where blizzard has all the hindsight that they do? How many people do they have on staff that actually remember any of it, from any instance? What will they do about it when they find it? It was a much different game then.
tfw didn't get to play WoW when it was a pop culture phenomenon and now I have a chance to play it again but it will just be secret club people freaking out if you don't understand a raid or skill interaction
I was in a casual raiding guild that made it to the four horseman (tough battle in the final 40 man released, broke up tons of guilds) and got fucked because we could never piece together the tanks for it. When we did, we never had the support groups that could handle it.
I hope the sort of people we had then come back, but if not you're fucked. This is a hard, confusing sell because most of the people even capable of this content now lead much more serious lives. Or else I don't even want to know what happened to half of them.
Hopefully we're all jaded enough just to treat it like the fun it is and just fuck around with lowbies. We're going to get the usual speedrunners, speed to be first to clear etc. and FUCK them.
>played orc warrior in vanilla
>wanna do alliance healer this time around
>remember that the alliance had the shit end of the stick when it came to getting to good dungeons like SFK and SM to name a few
>instead they get to do Stockades and Gnomer
So horde hunter it it
alliance actually have better quests for those so they have more incentive to do the dunegons.
Yeah but unless you log out outside the dungeons running them again after completing those quests is gonna be a bitch and a half.
>tfw never played vanilla before
>tfw almost everyone in classic is going into it knowing all the fights/mechanics/optimal routes/quest chains/etc.
>tfw no group of friends with unparalleled personal integrity and restraint to level with, with no addons, wiki usage, or prior knowledge of the quests/dungeons/raids
It's too bad. I have fond memories of learning Naxx and Ulduar with a casual raiding group in Wrath.
I played Alliance and did those horde dungeons plenty of time. The only one you really can't do is Ragefire Chasm. You take the flight path to Southshore and run over to SFK and SM. Plenty of people did it.
>Implying anyone has 3 hours of free time to dedicate to this
I'm so scared of not having a good guild and having people quit after 1 hour of a dungeon
crit chance is so low even when stacking it that these benefits are negligible
Don't worry about it. I've forgotten way more than you realize. Somebody mentioned razorgore in Blackwing Lair and all I thought was "ugh, fuck" because I don't remember at all how that fight went.
I think he's the first or second boss there? I know MC really well but dude, nobody is going to care. Half the time were were welcoming new people in that had never done the fight because it took so long to reach 60. You, will be fucking, fine.
i agree. That zone was ass and i only liked the part where i could farm fire elementals.
i actually did this on a rogue by accident. had all agility/spirit gear. It did help a lot. I guess low stamina + high spirit meant spirit seemed even more powerful. basically i would regen all my hp back up in between pulls if i fought things 1v1 but took a lot more damage relative to my hp % when fighting multiple mobs especially.
>Playing WOW in 2019
>Quoting Superjail
>Hopefully we're all jaded enough just to treat it like the fun it is and just fuck around with lowbies
Considering people on private servers will sperg out if you dare suggest you want to raid as a "non viable" space like dps druid, ret pally, and such, I don't think it's likely. I never understood why people wanted to minmax raids on private servers for content that's old enough to be sold off as a prostitute in a third world shit hole.
Razorgore was first boss, he had the mechanic where you needed to mind control him to break all the eggs before the adds killed him.
Are we getting actual nights back?
God I hope so. If casuals were complaining it was too dark, they should've just made day/night a graphics option.
>now you have to manual loot all those ded guys. have fun
oh no!! i truly hate vanilla now!!!!
ironic that the thumbnail looks like sheep
Post your face when they use the current opt out feature for PvP servers to stop ganking
Was really hoping the youtube link was for the original log-in screen song.
I'm kinda hoping the'll balances classes a bit over time, make Prot Pallys a bit more raid viable(Or anything that doesn't restrict them to the healer role in raids, hate healing)., maybe make Balance Druids not undesirable, but I'm not holding my breath.
lol, no wonder the frustration
We used to have a priest who was the officer's wife that insisted on doing it. She was not very good at all but hell she tried. Eventually we just made her use her rogue alt or just sit out. She would not do it correctly and we wiped every goddamn time. The first time we cleared it her husband just took over her computer, eugh...
>make Prot Pallys a bit more raid viable(Or anything that doesn't restrict them to the healer role in raids, hate healing)
You can play Ret perfectly fine, retard
>not making three characters so that you're always making progress no matter what the gank is even as a lowbie
How dare you, scrub.
zoom zoom
We've got a lot of TBC fags that think you can't clear MC with off-spec.
Bitch please. With the right timing you're still a great healer.
I remember getting complimented in vanilla by a hardcore raider (priest) as a ret pally in gnomer keeping the group together when she ran out of mana). You adapt, that's what you do as a hybrid class in a five man. At least in the lowbie instances.
You do whatever you have to to keep the group together and pallies are fucking amazing at it. You're the glue and sometimes, it's just cool.
This is all going to end in tears.
I'm afraid so. Blizzard is not known for happy endings. Not any more.
it's ok friend. youre just excited to go home. we all are.
Classic uses the legion engine, so no.
nd gld?
Boomer here, the more you chase it the further away it gets
>tfw almost everyone in classic is going into it knowing all the fights/mechanics/optimal routes/quest chains/etc.
you're retarded, this will be miles from the truth
When is it releasing so I can put in like 2 weeks of vacation.
Haha no
Who cares about doing anything in regards to bfa progression. The way they have it set up no one can get ahead of each others and if you ever did it would just be obsolete in 1 week because of the retarded catch up system.
I left retail forever because of the global pvp damage scaling. No matter how hard I try my character will never be stronger. There is no longer anything to strive for besides gay ass mounts and titles.
just like rape
maybe you should play the tank class if you want to tank, nigger.
They already said they aren't touching class balance, which is a good thing. Then again, I would expect a braindead prot paladinfag to be able to read.
>Horde players making raid groups to camp flightpaths
Around blacks never relax
Alliance has been getting shit on in every single form of PVP bar AV since vanilla well into retail. Horde is the PVP faction regardless of your shit opinion.
If you play on a PVP server and complain about getting corpse camped you're a moron. Just roll PVE. I feel for your friend because I imagine private servers are PVP-only, but if not he's a moron.
>no experimental builds
>everything has been discovered
>every line of code has been turned inside out
>everyone will run the same boring build
I want to go back
>Alliance players too scared to take back their flightpaths
No, it's just a ritual at this point.
I have yet to see anyone mention the build I had for PVPing in vanilla and I was shitting on most players. Not every build is out there. All of these "optimal builds" you see online are actually all the "good obvious builds".
You're still on the same server, everyone will know you're a filthy ninja and won't group with you.
It runs like shit if you don't live in Europe. Also, constant whispers from gold sellers.
Ya values of private servers who use #s based off old screenshots, videos and guessing. Certain metas will change with the real 1.12 database being used instead of emulation.
Even if you know it by heart, if you're going to seriously raid or pvp then it requires an insane amount of grinding to get anywhere. Remember that a boss in a 40 man raid drops only around 3 pieces of gear, in some cases 4-5. Even shit that your faction can't use (shammy gear dropping for alliance and pally gear for horde). 3-5 pieces with 40 members. And in the case of pvp, you only really get anywhere by account sharing.
So even if you know everything you're supposed to do, actually getting the stuff you want takes forever.
>where the majority of players experienced the original Naxx
That's still not gonna happen. Naxx's requires are batshit, even having the BiS gear before Naxx isn't good enough for Naxx, you need heavy flask acquisition too.
If I'm going to play with an eceleb, I'd rather play with Esfand on whatever pvp server he goes on. He's right, Vanilla isn't Vanilla without the threat of pvp, and honestly anyone that's dedicated enough to try and make ret viable is a bro to me.
If they did it as a separate server, I'd be totally cool with it.
>I've been playing on private servers for years, the older the content the more stuff they fix. If you play the newest expansion every other quest is bugged, but if you play vanilla nearly everything works. I haven't had a single problem of note.
It's not bugs, it's things working as intended. As it stands no one 100% knows what the proper tuning for Naxx is because we have so little data for it from back in the day.
warriors do crazy high dps once they have gear so why not bring one?
Maybe they'll go the OSRS route having people vote for what gets to be implemented, with anything less than 90% approval being refused? Could be 95% approval if you want to be more selective
>Alliance has been getting shit on in every single form of PVP bar AV since vanilla well into retail.
Except for that period where Every Man For Himself worked as a second pvp trinket, then literally everyone jumped ship to Humans until they changed that.
>If it's for the first month
They said they only wanted it to be the first week. Who knows if they'll keep to that though.
I'm gonna get a group together to do ragefire chasm at 15.
On alliance
>but at the same time I don't want to inconvenience somebody who has a limited amount of playtime
You could always just...not gank them. Like, just /wave at them and keep moving.
>can't be warrior
Yeah if you're terrible. Warriors are shit at fighting casters.
Enhancement is a complete slot machine. As much as people love the old Windfury pvp videos back in the day, understand that windfury proccing off of itself was pretty rare.
Name a better tier than Warrior T3
You cant
Threadly reminder WRATH was fucking terrible.
Warlock T1
Druid T1
Priest T1
Mage T1
Hunter T1
Paladin T2
Priest T2 (the best set)
Rogue T2
Paladin T3
Priest T3
Rogue T3
Shaman T3
Most people these days just do the lava run and finish BRD in a half hour because they skip 90% of the content.
Warrior T3 is literally just DK gear
I get that that's the point, but still
probably second best after a power gap
you forgot hellfire
It's gonna be shit.
Servers will be popular for the first few months because of nostalgia then the gimmick will die off and be dead.
I remember healing a group through ZF on my balance druid back in vanilla when the healer left after he didn't get the staff off Zumrah.
>magic dampening
>not enhance magic
There's going to be an entire new generation that has no idea what vanilla is like. You're not going to be alone.
I remember people said the exact same shit about Patreon.
I already have
More importantly what's the least comfy zone to level in?
My votes for Stanglethorn Vale because that shit was my first taste of PVP shenanigans.
Ah.... WoW Classic... Now THAT was a game...
Excluding shaman, what class would you say is the most support-y? Not necessarily in heals but just in overall spending a lot of time helping other people do their job better? My first assumption was paladin, but I feel like that just ends up being tossing out a blessings and then mostly healing--and that something like shadow might actually be a more actively support role.
Can't wait to destroy the new casuals that have never played vanilla!
my girlfriend wants us to play classic when it comes out. i played in vanilla but she didn't start until wrath so she wants to see what it is like. i get really depressed when i think about playing vanilla again. it was so good but i know it will never be the same going back to it now.
we'll probably play for a month then quit, like we have with the last 4 expansions. then i'll kill myself.
Damn that sounds amazing
Wrong. Even shitty private servers have lived on for years, and this will be the culmination of most of those people from ever server out there.
The feeling of getting the best gear after putting work in IS amazing... unlike current WoW where you can get a BiS from one 5 minute world quest. What a joke. Not sure who could defend that other than zoomers.
Do you mean for pve or pvp?
It must suck to think the feeling of getting any loot at all ever is amazing. I'm so sorry for you.
I already completed the game on the last server.
that was just the demo..............
Too much time to be wasted for me. Have fun guys, but Im gonna pass. Id much rather have a fun single player rpg. Also, mmos are only fun because they trick you into thinking you are having fun grinding by showing you how you need just a few more exp to level up. The actual gameplay is boring, but I did like the social aspect.
PvE was what I meant when I asked but both I suppose.
>that was just the demo
No to both of these things.
wow so toxic
But how can your game be good when you don't have 10 pages of cosmetics? Can't just be good at the game if you look like shit.
>no bots
>no chinks
>no slavs
>no goldsellers
>no corrupt GMs
It will be amazing.
why the fuck would you want the same game with less content?
what the fuck is this the pokemon fanbase?
There are gameplay elements that were removed that people like, or something.
This. If you don't let everyone know during group creation that you're master looting on important bosses, you're asking to get robbed.
yep, the demo was on a reworked legion client that was rushed for blizzcon
To a non WoW player, why exactly is nu-Wow worse? Isn't it just the old one with much more content? Also have guys tried FF XIV?
>tfw used to spend 6+ hours a day after school corpse camping people in stv
It's not even really comparable to the classic or the first few expansions. While I only played as late as WOTLK and only skimmed at that. There's pretty much no social aspect to wow now. Last time I played, they made it so crowd control effects weren't even needed in instances so you didn't even have to communicate. And they don't really have more content because everything that comes before the latest expansion tends to be completely ignored or made irrelevant. In fact, they tend to allow you to boost a character to high levels so you can skip most of the dead content.
UD rogue or NE hunter?
UD rogue
Big brain strat is sneaking into stormwind/ironforge and ganking marked lowbies.
> Last time I played, they made it so crowd control effects weren't even needed in instances so you didn't even have to communicate
God this just sounds like FFXIV when it went from the ARR reboot into Heavensward. Why bother with CC and having teams communicate when you can just DPS everything. I can understand the desire for an older style game that isn't fully streamlined, personally wish FFXI got its own visual revamp just to get people playing it again.
>And they don't really have more content because everything that comes before the latest expansion tends to be completely ignored or made irrelevant
Is this like XIV in the sense that content isn't relevant 1-3 runs after you've done it?
I wouldn't know, never played the final fantasy mmo. It's just a problem that "themepark" mmos have. How do you keep old content relevant if players are going to out level them?
Classic itself is being built on the Legion client, not just the demo.
It isn't worse, it's changed. Many old school RPG time consumption elements (needing to stop and drink/eat, needing to pause before pulls in dungeons to crowd control targets, needing a specific item or gear set for a boss) were removed. Classes that used to be about a bunch of niche and flavor spells with few in combat spells are now built more like ARPG characters, with more in combat spells and few out of combat/niche/flavor ones. A matchmaking system was added so you can queue for dungeons instead of having to sit in a city and spam chat channels for a half an hour trying to find people to go do that instance. etc.
No, it's because with each expansion you gain levels and the power of gear increases, so something from previous expansions is effectively made low level gear and so there's no reason to go do it at max level, except to farm mounts/item appearances/pets and the like.
Biggest brain strat is sneaking into IF and ganking mages/people exiting portals.
That's the funny thing about alliance cities. They have so many empty buildings and areas that horde can hide in and rogues can use to avoid the elite stealth detectors.
I used to hide in cutthroat alley on my shadowpriest and mind vision alliance all the way in the trade district. They always freak out and get paranoid.
Imagine being this obsessed with dopamine hits that you water down your own enjoyment so thoroughly
NuWoW utterly castrated all social requirements, which turned an MMO into a loot treadmill.
Can't wait to enthusiastically level to 40 or so and then get bored of the grind..
go get your pills you sped
gaming has become way too popular with women and it's not like I hate women or anything, it has just created such a terrible climate and you can't even blame them, SEX SELLS, IT'S EVOLUTION
I remember back in vanilla it was so fucking rare to have an actual woman play so it was like the entire server of 2k people knew who the 3 girls on the server were
and there wasn't really any drama because these girls were mostly actual non-attentionwhores
there was a 80% she was the gf of someone or some unattractive metal listener
today on private servers the situation is FUCKING HORRIBLE like actual FUCKING TERRIBLE WE ARE IN HELL
90% of all raiding guilds on private servers have AT LEAST one woman in them and the thirsting OH MY GOD THE THIRSTING
majority playing are no longer these shut in I listen to metal types, it's the attentionwhore's turn, they stream on twitch, they flirt on discord 24/7, they sit in voice 24/7
if there's more than 1 girl they will usually fight each other FOR EVEN MORE DRAMA
and if there's no girl in a guild for a change then it will have at least 1 tranny with some prison gays that lust after the abomination
Is it a good time to get into WoW for someone that has never played it before?
i cant wait to camp noobs in stv and then kill their shitty mains/friends
You do realise this has been an issue since MMOs first began, right?
Why do you think there's been
>girl joins the guild
threads for over a fucking decade? Just excise the cancer if you can, and bail if you can't.
mmos have unironically always been for girls and disabled people
yes but the problem is how fucking prevalent it has become
you can not fucking hide from it anymore
there are TOO MANY
It is pretty sad. I'm just here to watch the dumpster fire.
Stop pretending you were there.
Guilds got demolished repeatedly by attention whores and the thirsty white knights that enabled them back in the day. This is nothing new.
Hellfire had that grandeur, with the xbox hueg dark portal, fel reaver, citadel etc. and it looked like you were on Mars.
Blade's Edge is just a bunch of sharp brown turds and Ogre mudhuts
The idea is you built up points within your guild for doing well in the raid, then when something you wanted dropped, you cashed in those points for being guaranteed given it. Therefore effort was directly tied to reward.
>Stop pretending you were there.
fuck off, faggot
not everyone on Yea Forums is 17yo
Also, it doesn't apply to all gear. The absolute BiS helm for fury warriors for all of vanilla is the Lionheart Helm. It isn't dropped, it's crafted and is BoE. So if you have around 300 gold, you can go to the AH and get literally your best helmet in the game.
Making a Warrior on Horde
What race?
>frog posting
Go back to your depressing basement.
Then you're either Alzheimer's riddled or are being a drama whore yourself and hoping nobody actually played vanilla.
Orc, so you can dab on rogues with your broken stun resist
you literally don't get it do you? are you ESL? learn to read
the problem is that this shit is no longer the case in just 3 guilds on the server but 90% of all guilds
too many gurl gamers
too many thirsty virgins (well that amount probably stayed the same since 2005)
actual fucking retard
I know what you're saying.
I'm just calling you either a liar or an attention whore.
PvP? Orc
PvE? Troll
>the absolute state of obsessed seething incel betacucks
Etc., but seriously: r9k go and stay go, maybe someone will pay mind your bullshit there.
Can't wait.
> a liar or attentionwhore
I've raided in vanilla on a populated EU server up to twin emps
I've cleared all of vanilla very recently on Light's Hope, having raided on vanilla private servers since early Nost
I think I've got more experience with the situation of WoW 13 years ago and the state of current private servers than you do, you little zoomer shit
I dont give a fuck about wow and never did (chad here)
But do you think it can be as succesfull as original runescape, killing off its zoomer son?
Maybe they'd get more fps if they had less addons. Just a thought.
Attention whore it is.
Literally everyone who has ever played an MMO has dealt with this shit. You're not some special snowflake voice of reason howling in the wind, you're just an attention whoring faggot. Just like those who destroyed guilds back in the day.
Enhancement is a complicated spec man
>Literally everyone who has ever played an MMO has dealt with this shit.
fps is secondary on wow
>But do you think it can be as succesfull as original runescape, killing off its zoomer son?
This will happen to some extent. Live will only retain demonhunter/dk/monk/draenei/bloodelves/pandas/etc mains and others who are too invested in it.
nigger are you for real.
This shitis clearly hyperbolic bullshit for woe is me faggotry. Just stop and find somewhere else to get asspats.
is this shit out yet
>it was like the entire server of 2k people knew who the 3 girls on the server were
You must've been on a weird server, because just my guild had more girls than that, and it was on horde. The situation on alliance was probably worse, at least based on the realm forums where attention whores ran rampant. Seeing women in the post a picture of yourself threads wasn't very uncommon.
There were some playerbase surveys during vanilla that I remember putting the female number at like 10-15%. You'd find them more commonly on pve/rp servers than pvp servers, in more casual guilds than hardcore guilds, and on alliance than on horde. So with specific choices, you may have limited your exposure to them by quite a bit.
Unfortunately I don't have any data about the gender distribution on private servers, and the big >reddit survey about classic wow didn't include a question about your actual gender. The amount of """girls""" (trannies) definitely has increased though, and since a ton of them are attention whores, I'm not surprised if that was the main cause.
Guild drama was the best. Cant wait for a fresh round of shit to go down. This was ages ago but I got into a guild, the members say it used to be good(Don't they all?). "The guardian" on jubi' thos, long since dead I assume. Anyway their drama had already happened and I was just hanging around with the fallout who were rebuilding. But they told me the guild leader was paying to fly his misses (who played at the time as well) to another state to fuck another guild member. The best part is that all the ranked up fuckers knew and everyone knew about it except him haha. Cucked in wow and paying for it.
That guy got fucked over so hard hahah.
I wonder what they'll do about the population, leveling on northdale recently, from 1-35ish(before you enter mixed zones) was great, just enough people, never camped, people to group with etc
When you get to the mixed zones every fucking quest area is camped by AT LEAST 5 people, makes it nigh impossible to quest(especailly if it's a low drop rate)
There's a sweet spot to server pop, not sure what it is myself though
i've lost all motivation honestly
>girl starts drama
>kick her from guild
>she makes ticket
>I get banned for being sexist
>same with tranny
>banned for transphobia
can't wait!
Spotted the angry noob. What's wrong, can't handle the game? Haha
Ever hear the term, "less is more"?
Why do people use this retarded arguement?
Everything is not being released at the start, it's being released in 4 cycles which is atleast 1 and a half/2 years of content.
Then they can just move on to TBC for another 2 years.
truly god tier
Biggerest brain strat is camping BRM and kill PvErs and fuck up their raid
Found the kids that missed out on the best gaming experience of all time. Poor babies
>Can't decide between a brand new character or a recreation of my old main
>we can't compete in mythic raiding
lol you aren't in a real guild don't act like you are competing for anything
is it possible to do open world pvp with an lvl 60 palading at this point, i mean retail how it is right now with the lvl scaling
Gated old content is not new content.
Bitch, please. Everyone does that.
Will you need a subscription for both regular WoW and Classic WoW to play it?
>unironically paying to play 15 year old game that you already played
the game had so much shitty design choices and bugs back then stop nostalgiagin over it
I like my lolis better. It's like raising the daughter I never had.
As much as i love rdf system it fucked the game up pretty bad. You can just press button to get to dungeon and pretty much do whatever you want there since there are no penalties on being asshole.
Compared to tbc you actually had to do something in the party or you would be branded as a fucking retard server wide quite quick
It's included in the regular sub
Nice adams apple hazel