If you unironically play any fire emblem character, jigglypuff, peach/daisy, pichu, any form of link, olimar...

If you unironically play any fire emblem character, jigglypuff, peach/daisy, pichu, any form of link, olimar, the belmonts, wolf, greninja, cloud, inkling or any mii fighter kill yourself now.

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I would complain & tell you to git gud or fight but i BSOD'd my Switch recently. I had 2 digital games on it too.

i play snake :^)

>its hard to play as heavies even though the average skill level cant do shit against them and every hit does 10-20 percent

and when i said pichu I meant pichu and pikachu

If you play Super Smell Bros unironically kill yourself now.

Never played the game, but isnt that like half the fucking roster? Git gud

its a struggle having an honest main but I keep trucking along, been hovering around 3.5-3.8 for a while now

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If you play port 4.5 kill yourself now

>3 stock
>7 minutes
>Omega only
>against a projectile character

I hate all you fags

let me give you some advice regarding unga bunga swordies: R.O.B.'s side b absolutely fucks them over, so just pick him and spam projectiles until they get close. Then side b them into oblivion, If they go offstage, snipe them with the laser or gyro. If it's Chrom/Ike, use the gyro and place it right at the edge they'll never touch the ground again.

You're welcome my based heavybro

go back and watch gameplay of 4 and tell me it looks like a port.

It does. and I tend to travel often so...
I main then ALL

What's wrong with frogbro? Too much skill for you?

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I only play joker

I main Snake, Sonic, and Ryu how cancerous am I

no its just annoying to play against when the fight consists of

>the belmonts
Why you gotta be a faggot, OP?

sonic brings you down pretty far in terms of the faggot meter but at least youre not a tier whore

I main Ness, is there a problem?

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because there is nothing fun about dodging projectiles for an entire game. In fact I feel sorry for you because the second they go off stage its little mac tier

Are you still doing this? Nobody rational thinks it's a port.

But sonic is honest

Sounds like you just came across a shitter in quickplay.

yeah youre a faggot
never said sonic wasnt honest

i was gonna say that's bullshit but holy shit this move
>priority out the ass
>can be comboed into from fair
>kills easily at the ends of the stage

Why are all heavyfags like this? They pretend they're "honest" and "based" but all they do is get outplayed for half the match and sneak in a few hits and DORYAHS and suddenly they're tied with their opponent.

Newsflash, playing slow characters doesnt make you based. It makes you a tryhard.

I only main the purple schoolgirl inkling, what now?

Look man, I just like Richter. Yeah, there's some projectile spam, but he has more tech that that and I personally tone it down a bit.

>if you unironically play Smash Ultimate as literally any character
kill yourself

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Dededefaggots are especially guilty of this and should all be shot

Feels good to main the most honest character(s) in Smash.

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>Having a problem with any of the Mii Fighters
Abso-lute scrubbery, they're all horrible

what if wario is my favorite

The only characters worth complaining about are Ness and Lucas.

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>want to be a meme and play fast characters
>get bodied by a faggot spamming Incineroar side B
>pick Dedede
>spam Gordos and F-tilt and start winning
I'm a scrub but I'm content with my scrubbery.

>luigi is safe
Hell yeah

I dont have a problem with Dedede players as a whole, just faggots who think they're based because they crouch taunt with le ebin smug fat penguin man


Throw braindead DKs on the pile and you have a deal.

The worst is when someone makes a team battle arena with team attack on, but has it omega stages only.

I can't say I don't enjoy crouchtaunting after a kill or charging down-B if I get a shieldbreak just to see Dedede give a "here we go boi" glance at the screen but basedness is about skill, not character choice.

>3 stock
>7 minutes


>hides under battlefield platform
>spams pk fire

Yep, you’re a faget.

>le f-tilts you for just as much knock back as a heavy with zero frames of vulnerability

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How can this happend and how do I avoid it?

>Gets hit twice by any character and is in kill percentage

If you unironically think you're "based" simply for using any character, seek help. I say this as a contrarian doctor Mario user.

jokes on you i already wanna kill myself

Tell that to Dededefaggots and most other super heavyweight mains, not me


Don't be an angry fuck like me and you should be fine. Earliest Switch models could BSOD on BOTW in some instances, but it was rare.

But he’s also sonic

>Anyone who plays characters I’m to retarded to counter should kill themselves

>not maining brown inkling wielding the power of the n word

I fail to see the problem